The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 421: Mandarin Duck Girl Supports Her Sun's Mansion

Two days later, June 15th.

Because it was a decent day of Shangxiang Chizhai, the heads of Jia's mother's courtyard were neatly packed. Needless to say, Mrs. Xing, Mrs. Wang, Wang Xifeng, Li Yun and others, even Jia Baoyu, Xue Baochai, and Lin Daiyu were also present.

The elders told some Buddhism stories in the main hall, and the younger ones all got into the blue dressing cupboard, chatting about poems and songs.

But they said that everyone was chatting. Suddenly, the maidservant Amber came in from outside to report: "Old ancestor, Sister Ping'er is in the courtyard, saying that she wants to report something to the eldest wife and mistress."

If Ping'er only asked Wang Xifeng to report it, it would not be considered a rare matter, but it would be counted as well with the elder wife Xing, but it made Jia's mother a little puzzled, so she asked, "What's the matter so solemnly," I have to ask their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to report back together.

Amber hurriedly said, "I heard that it was my grandmother who came and wanted to exchange some powerful maids and servants in our house."

These words sounded fresh again. Since Jia Yingchun's natal family was in the Rongguo Mansion, it was reasonable for her to ask for a maid or two.

But what do these "change" a few mean?

Jia's mother felt more curious in her heart. She was about the granddaughter, and there was no outsider present, so she ordered: "Go and call Ping'er in. I want to listen. What is the second girl's change? 'Far.'

Amber led the way out, and soon led Ping'er in.

After Ping'er saw the salute, Jia's mother curiously asked: "The second girl told me something to come back, and why did she still say that she was going to'change' with the family?"

"Back to the words of our ancestors."

Ping'er said respectfully: "Listen to Grandma, because the Sun family had no serious mistresses, so there were not many maids and women who were usable. However, when the floods last year, I bought a batch of twelve or thirteen-year-old maids who came back. ."

"Recently, because my uncle was looking for a profitable business, he sent more than a dozen family members to the south to stare at it. As a result, even the servants and the strong men in the house were a little stretched."

"Catch up with the Shuntian Mansion, and are checking the origins of the domestic slaves. The second master of the Sun family is working as an errand in the mansion again, so it is even harder to hire someone to fill it indiscriminately."

"Therefore, my grandmother discussed with my uncle and wanted to use those newly bought little maids from our house for a few worthy family members to return."

After hearing these words, everyone suddenly realized.

"This is really a good deal!"

Wang Xifeng immediately clapped his hands and laughed: "Last year the second brother-in-law was ordered to guard the refugee camp outside the city. His little maids were chosen by thousands of people, and they were all tender and innocent. Although it's still unhelpful at the moment, as long as you have a good life. After two years of training, the appointments are all in our house!"

Mrs. Wang also nodded and said: "At the moment, there are many maids in our mansion. They are almost at the age of being released to marry, and they have caught up with the strict inspections now. It is not good to re-purchase from the people if they can buy some from the uncle's mansion. Coming here in a heart-warming manner can save you a lot of trouble."

Seeing that the two generations of housekeepers in this mansion have already approved this matter, other people naturally will not have any objections.

Jia's mother groaned for a moment on the kang, and nodded, "It doesn't matter how our house is down. The second girl has just gotten pregnant, and there is no serious mother-in-law at home to look after. It is indeed time to find a few right arms to help her. Sharing the housework will prevent you from overwork and hurt your body."

After a pause, he instructed Wang Xifeng to say: "Since it is a good combination of two good things, you who are sister-in-law should worry about it. Find a few for her who are steady and steadfast, and are willing to go to that house to do work."

Just as Wang Xifeng was about to nod his head to respond, suddenly a person flashed out from Jia's mother, fell to his knees with a puff, and said crisply: "Old ancestors, slaves and maids are willing to go and wait for grandma!"

When it became clear that this person was actually a mandarin duck, there was an uproar in the hall.

Because other people went to Sun's Mansion, they had to take a step forward, but Yuanyang is now a leader among the servants of the Rongguo Mansion. Even in front of his wife and grandma, he is also a face-to-face character.

And when she came to Jia Yingchun, even if she was trusted again, how could she be the chief maid of the Rongguo Mansion?

Jia's mother couldn't help changing the color on it. She took the tortoiseshell glasses in disbelief, and stared at the mandarin duck for a long while, then suddenly raised her voice and ordered: "I'm a little tired, you all get back."

Everyone knew that she had something in private and wanted to talk to the mandarin ducks, so they all bowed and retired. Even Jia Baoyu and others were notified and left Jia's mother's yard in a hurry.

After only two people, Jia Mu and Yuanyang, were left in that room, the old lady got down from the kang, gave the mandarin duck a hand, and said kindly: "Get up first, what's wrong with me? Having said that, how come you have to be such a fool?"

Hearing her words, it was like an old grandmother coaxing her disobedient children and grandchildren. The eyes of a pair of mandarin ducks suddenly became red, and she looked up at the old lady reluctantly, almost changed her mind.

However, thinking of staying in the Rongguo Mansion, he would most likely fall into the hands of Jia's mother, while Sun Shaozong promised to allow him to slowly search for the wishful man. Yuanyang turned his heart back and choked: "Don't dare to deceive the old man. Madam, the eldest master intercepted me a few times to make fun of him, and he even let out a word two days ago, wanting to gather me to be the concubine in the seventh room."

"I also said that if I am not happy, I will call my Lao Tzu from Jinling and force me to marry him too!"

As she said, she knocked her head on the ground and said decisively: "This matter is absolutely unwilling to comply with the slave and maidservant, but I don't want to cause you to have trouble with the old man because of this matter. When you are in a dilemma. , But it's a coincidence that I came and please be kind to the old lady, and allow me to wait in my aunt's house!"

After hearing this, Jia's mother trembled with anger and uttered: "I have such a reliable person, so the unfilial son has to come to the calculation!"

Then he pulled the mandarin duck and said: "Wait, get up, I'll take charge of this matter for you, how can I hide in Eryatou's house?"

The Mandarin Duck refused to get up, and only kept kowtow, saying that he did not dare to break the mother-child relationship between God and the elder.

Jia's mother looked at her with a strong heart, and she thought that she would go to Jia Yingchun's place on the left and right, and when Jia She went to that dirty mind in the future, she might not be able to ask her back.

Therefore, he sighed and shook his head: "No matter, since you are determined to serve the second girl, then Haosheng will help her take care of the house. Don't lose the face of our Rongguo Mansion."

Hearing Jia's mother's permission, the mandarin duck was surprised and reluctant to give up. He banged his head a few times and said in tears, "The slave and maid would thank the old lady for her grace. I have to wait with the old lady again!"

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