The Face Changing Warrior

Chapter 215: Hatred

Chapter 215 Hatred

Duck was stunned. Seeing that Roddy was pulling the light moon dance with one hand, the two slowly walked out of the lake. In the squally wind, the two of them fluttered and their hair was flying. When the two of them walked on the shore, the surrounding air seemed to suddenly Shook for a while, and when I saw that power dissipated, the lake water merged together again, the wave gradually subsided, and the wind stopped...

", what's the matter?" Dark looked at Roddy in surprise.

Roddy and Danyuewu were covered with drops of water and mud on their faces, but they laughed very happily, especially Danyuewu, holding Roddy's hand tightly, and smiling very sweetly on their faces .

Dark saw the expressions of the two at a glance, and he understood. His gaze fell on the tightly held hands of the two of them, and then turned to Tan Yuewu's face, and then Duck smiled: "What happened underneath? How did you make such a big movement?"

Roddy smiled and said, "Go back and talk slowly. Today we are fortune-telling and we almost can't get up!"

Duck looked at the stick in Roddy's hand and said in a deep voice, "You found this thing under the lake?" He pondered for a moment, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but said loudly: "Could it be that this is ..."

Roddy nodded: "Yes! You guessed it, this is the ‘Scepter of Moses’!"

Dark's face changed a few times, and the expression on his face was a little complicated. After thinking about it for a while, he whispered: "The Moses' Scepter is here...this thing is complicated! Let's get out of here soon! You put this stuff away. , This artifact appears, I am afraid there will be trouble in the gods!"

The three of them discussed it and headed out of the forest with two monsters.

The sky was already bright at this moment. Hundreds of soldiers surrounded the hunting ground. They all felt the earthquake, but due to Roddy’s strict orders, they didn’t rush into the hunting grounds. They were all uneasy waiting outside. . I was relieved when I saw the three people come out.

Roddy ordered them to stay there. There were naturally prepared cages in the hunting ground. After the two monsters were installed, a carriage was prepared, a team of cavalry led the way, and the three went to Xiqiu City.

All the way to the outskirts of the road not far from Xiqiu City, Dak suddenly stopped the team and whispered to Roddy and the two: "You take the monsters and go back first, I have something to do!"

Dan Yuewu frowned: "What's the matter? Don't you go back with us?"

Duck shook his head, his eyes a little deep: "Very important!"

Roddy looked at Duck and slowly said: "It's important? I'll go with you, maybe I can help you."

Dark also seemed to hesitate, but then he shook his head and said in a low voice: "No, don't interfere with this matter. I will handle it myself."

Having said that, he stopped talking, jumped out of the carriage and asked a cavalryman to give up a horse. After getting on the horse, he waved to the two of them and ran away from the fork in the road!

Watching Duck leave, Danyuewu and Roddy glanced at each other, Danyuewu first said: "What's wrong with him? Why suddenly become mysterious?"

Roddy pondered for a moment, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "I think it may be related to the blood family."

Under the morning sun, Duck rode on the road leading to the north of Xiqiu City. The expression on his face was a little anxious, and he rushed to the outside of Xiqiu City without stopping for a while. Because of the army token given by Roddy, the defenders of the city gate did not stop him. Duck ran directly to a big tavern next to the central square in Xiqiu City, ignored the gazes of others, jumped off his horse and rushed in.

The tavern was as big as three stories, and Duck rushed in and pulled a waiter in, and said loudly, "Where is Miss Nedis!"

The waiter obviously knew Duck, although he was taken aback, he smiled immediately: "Mr. Duck. Miss, she went out, not long after she left, went to the workshop outside the city."

Duck let go of him, turned around and rushed out, jumped on his horse and ran south again. He dashed on the road like this, regardless of the surprised glances of people around him.

Nedith's tavern workshop is in a village outside the south gate of Xiqiu City. It is a little remote here. There is a small river next to the workshop, and the air is full of rich wine fragrance all the year round.

When Duck arrived at the workshop, his sweat had soaked his clothes, and he saw Nedith’s carriage parked outside the workshop from a distance. It seemed that the surroundings were calm, and it seemed that nothing happened. He breathed a sigh of relief.

But when he got closer, he gradually realized that something was wrong!

It's so quiet around!

The busy sound of the workers in the workshop in the past, and the sound of the rolling waterwheel seemed to have stopped. Only the cold wind blows through, picking up the branches in front of the workshop, and the river next to it is rushing.

There seemed to be a strange breath in the air.

Duck subconsciously held the sword in his hand, jumped off the horse and ran into the workshop.

"Damn it!" Duck looked at it and exclaimed.

Seven or eight corpses lay in the workshop. It seems that they are the workers in the workshop. Duck didn't have time to look at their wounds, so he turned around and ran out, looking at the carriage parked at the door, it was also empty.

Dark's face was gloomy, and he couldn't help shouting: "Nidis!!"

He ran back and forth around the workshop a few times, only to find traces of footsteps on the ground, and followed the footsteps to chase...

Traces of footsteps on the ground lead to a barren forest behind the workshop. It was late autumn, and the fallen leaves on the ground made Dak's tracking extremely difficult. Fortunately, he was indeed an excellent hunter, following the footprints on the ground, the traces on the trees, and the faint smell of blood in the air.

After walking less than tens of meters, I saw a corpse lying down on the side of the road. Duck looked at it and saw that it was a coachman of Nedith. The man was terrifying death, his face was gray and gray, and his face was full of Horrified to the extreme distortion, a small tooth mark on the neck!

"Vampire!" Duck yelled angrily, and the cat dashed off.

The more you run down, the denser the trees and the dense jungle, making people nowhere to get in. Duck's face was injured twice by the branches, and he had no time to take care of it. He was rushing, and suddenly heard a movement of "Sandsha" from the left. He suddenly stopped and turned around, but only saw the branches not far away shaking slightly.

Dark's heart is tight: There is no wind here, how can the branches be blown?

As soon as his thoughts turned, he heard another rustle from the right side. Duck bit the sword on his mouth, took the bow down with his backhand, grabbed four sharp arrows and placed it on the bow with one hand, staring at the surroundings. .

He heard a rustle coming from behind again in his ears, Duck suddenly turned around, sneered in his mouth, and shot out four arrows in a row!

After four muffled noises, Duck rushed over with a bow in one hand and a sword in the other, but he saw his arrows sticking into the trunk. He took a closer look, and one of the arrows had a trace of blood on it. , Obviously it has already shot something.

"Huh, it really is a vampire!" Duck sneered, bit one of his own fingers, and dropped a drop of blood on the blade. The drop of blood melted quickly on the blade. Duck He muttered a curse silently, his whole body burst out with a faint red light, and the blade in his hand showed a strange red color.

A burst of strange laughter broke the silence, and the laughter seemed to be coming from all directions. Then a voice came from the laughter: "Unexpectedly, an exorcist hunter ran up unexpectedly, and the traitor Nidis dare to collude with an exorcist hunter!"

Duck said boldly: "Vampire bats, come out if you have the ability! Are your kinsmen only hiding in the dark and pretending to be ghosts!"

In the dark, the voice gradually became softer, and with a slightly soft voice, it became unspeakably seductive: "Hey, you human, it seems to be interesting... you are so nervous, Nidis that bitch, you Who is she?"

Duck's face was pale, and he coldly shouted: "Come out!"

"Oh! You want to see me, isn't it easy? You look up..."

Duck suddenly raised her head and saw a coquettish face above the tree trunk above her head with a weird smile, and with that smile, two sharp teeth appeared in her mouth.

Duck waved his hand as a sword, but his body quickly retreated. I saw that the figure above his head suddenly jumped out a long way, and his body landed firmly on the ground, blocking Duck's retreat.

This blood family is obviously a woman. She is naked, her attractive body is so naked in the air, her face is alluring and human, she stretches out a pink tongue and licks her lips lightly, giggling and saying: "You Don’t you want to see me, now I’m here."

Behind her, a pair of black wings spread out, trembling slightly, and then slowly walked towards Dark.

Duck's complexion remained unchanged, but he whispered: "Whoever!" Holding the sword in one hand, he chopped it down!

The female blood smirked and raised his hand to block. But when Dak’s sword approached, she faintly looked at the crimson light above the blade. She changed her color slightly, and hurriedly took two steps back, whispering: "'Blood to break the blood'! You still have such a trick! what."

Dark didn't stop, and he shouted: "Just to kill you!" Two steps were taken under his feet, and another sword slashed down.

The female blood race moved quickly like a ghost, and dodged right and left under Dak’s sword, and then floated out far away. She kept smiling and said: "Oh, why are you so cruel? I am a woman. Shouldn't you humans be merciful to women?"

"Huh!" Duck snorted coldly, and suddenly he drew a few arrows backhand and clasped them in his hands. He acted like lightning, shooting arrows with a bow, and several "Blood-Breaking Arrows" shot out.

This series of arrows were like lightning, and the female blood race was immediately rushed. Dak's archery skills were really good. Only when she suddenly screamed, she shot out a long way, and an arrow was inserted on her left arm. .

The seductiveness on this female blood race's face disappeared, showing a bit of stern expression: "Asshole guy, I am funny with you, you actually hurt me!"

As she screamed, her body suddenly swelled up a bit, a pair of claws stretched out, exposing ten sharp, blade-like fingers, and her body shot at Duck like lightning!

Duck twisted his body and greeted him. Duck's sword was blocked by the opponent's claws a few times, but he couldn't hurt the blood. Seeing a trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the blood, he grabbed Duck’s neck with one hand, and Duck rolled on the spot and rolled under her feet, but he slashed her leg with a backhand in his hand. With a cry, his body suddenly jumped up.

There was a wound on her leg. The blood race was full of anger and screamed. The wound on her leg healed instantly. As she screamed, her figure grew bigger and bigger, finally revealing long hairs. , A mouth on his face also protruded sharply, opened his mouth with sharp fangs, and his voice became hoarse: "Asshole, you actually hurt my noble body!"

With a bow of her body, she suddenly rushed down. With a wave of her huge palm, Duck felt a violent shock in her hand. Although half of her body was numb, even the man flew out with a sword and hit a heavy blow. On a tree, and then planted on the ground.

"Roar!!" The blood clan let out a roar, strode over again.

Suddenly, there was a bit of pain in her roar, her body suddenly turned back, and her huge paw was also swung out. Duck lay on the ground, and saw her behind him, and didn't know when a deep bloodstain was cut out by someone!

Then I heard a voice in my ear: "Go!"

Duck immediately recognized that this was Nedith's voice. Although he couldn't see the other party, he could feel that he was being lifted up, and the two of them rushed into the dense bushes.

"Run? Can you run!" A loud roar came from behind, and the blood clan suddenly grabbed a boulder on the ground and threw it out, smashing it beside Duck! Duck heard a painful cry from Nidis beside her, and her body suddenly appeared. Then she opened her mouth and spewed blood, and the two fell to the ground again.

Nedith’s clothes were messy and her hair was scattered on both sides. She gritted her teeth and was about to stand up, but heard the footsteps behind her. The kinsman had already stood in front of the two of them, with a condescending smile and said: "Nidis, you finally showed up. !"

Nedith sighed and said coldly, "Humph."

Duck suddenly took out a bottle from his arms, squeezed it in his hand, and threw it at the kin, while pulling Nedith to roll on the spot.

The bottle hit the blood clan, and the liquid in the bottle was contaminated on the blood clan's body, and a sneer black smoke immediately appeared! The blood clan suddenly let out a huge roar, struggling violently. Then he suddenly grabbed Duck!

Dark felt a sharp pain in his back, and his body was caught in the air by the opponent. Nedith still took Duck's hand, but she didn't guard against the blood clan raising her leg and kicking her into the air.

The blood clan's roar gradually subsided, and he gasped: "Do you think you can just bring a bottle of holy water? Holy water can't kill a high blood race like me!"

She threw Duck to the ground fiercely. Duck fell to the ground, his body was shaken, only a few dark clicks were heard, and he didn't know how many bones were broken.

The Kindred took a deep breath, and the wound on her body healed instantly, and then her body slowly shrank and became the appearance of the naked beauty just now, inciting a pair of wings on her back, facing the struggling one lying on the ground. Nedith smiled and said, "How's it going? Nedith, do you still want to escape?"

Nedith snorted and said coldly, "What if you caught me? Ruth, you bitch, you are just jealous of me!"

The blood family let out a coquettish laugh, and said softly: "Nidis, you guessed it really! I am really jealous of you, I am so jealous to die!" She stepped heavily on Da Da Ke’s chest, his tone became softer and softer: "Do you know? You are so cruel in my heart. Every day I think that one day you will fall into my hands, and then I can torture you in various ways. What..."

Her tone became softer and softer, but the strength under her feet became stronger and stronger. Duck tried to pretend to grab the opponent's leg and lift up, but the opponent's strength became stronger and stronger, and that huge force stepped on her chest. Falling, the bones made a clicking sound, and Duck couldn't help humming in a low voice.

Ruth stretched out her tongue and licked her lips, and said with a sweet smile: "How about? Nedith, this human being is your friend, she is about to die, won't you come to save him? Come on... Come on. what!"

Nedith sighed, and slowly struggled to get herself to stand up. Instead of looking at Ruth, she looked at Dark on the ground, and said solemnly: "Why are you here too, oh... Dark, today We won’t be able to live anymore."

Ruth smiled softly, stretched out a finger to hook Nedith back and forth, and whispered: "Come here!"

Nedith had no choice but to walk over slowly, but just walked in front of Ruth, and the other party raised his hand and waved, Nedith's whole person who had been beaten flew out, showing a blood stain with five fingers on her face.

Ruth smiled sweetly: "Oh, I'm sorry, am I getting a little stronger... But how can the genius Miss Nedith of our blood clan become so useless? Haha..."

Nedith shook her head without wiping the blood on her face, struggling to stand up, and smiled bitterly: "It's not heavy, it's not heavy. It's not heavy at all. Compared to when I pinched your brother to death, I killed your father. Your strength is too light, not heavy at all!"

Ruth's face sank instantly, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Bitch, you dare to speak to me in this tone!!" She stretched out her hand and grabbed it, but the movement stopped halfway and her face was revealed again. Smiled that sweet smile: "Oh, I almost forgot, Nedith, you guy is the most cunning! Do you want to provoke me and let me kill you quickly? Don’t worry, I won’t just Killed you. I finally found you and caught you. I must enjoy it! I want you to enjoy my methods slowly, and I promise to let you scream and die for ten days , There will be no less one day! You can rest assured..."

The sweeter she smiled and the softer her voice, but the sharp chill in her tone made Nedith shiver. Her face changed color, and she suddenly cursed: "Ruth, you bitch! What are you capable of! It's just because of the old scumbag Kathika! I can't even watch Kathika's stupid pig. I look down on it, only you..."

"Swear, swear! You curse slowly." Ruth smiled: "The harder you swear, the more scared you are! I am so happy to see our Miss Nedis finally scared. Very good!"

Duck at his feet has changed from a painful groan to a low moan. Nedith's face was pale, knowing that there is no hope today, and she sighed: "Mr. Duck, why did you come here... Oh. "

Ruth chuckled: "I want to thank this human being. If it weren't for him to come, how could you show up? You are the only genius in our clan who has practiced'Blood Escape Dafa', Ni Miss Dis, I am so jealous of you!"

Suddenly she lifted her leg and kicked hard, kicking Duck in front of Nedith, and said with a smile: "Well, now you two slowly understand my methods. Don't take this opportunity to say goodbye. !"

Ruth smiled even more proudly, and said: "Nidis, don't think about anything, pay attention. I brought more than a dozen men around this forest and kept them outside. You will definitely not be able to escape! Just now I deliberately released this human Come in, just to show you! You wait to slowly **** revenge!"

Nedith smiled bitterly, helped Duck up, and whispered: "Mr. Duck, how on earth did you get here?"

Dak shook his head and whispered: "I only discovered today that Xiqiu actually has a blood clan. I will notify you immediately after the matter is processed. I want you to leave quickly, but I didn't expect them to find you first. It seems that I am late. No, Miss Nedith, I'm really sorry."

Nedith smiled and said, "You don’t have to apologize. You saved my life before. If you didn’t save me in the northwest, I would have died. It’s me who should apologize, and you died here today. ."

Dark's face suddenly darkened, and when Nidis said that she was angry with "Northwest," she seemed to have thought of something, and shook her head without speaking.

Ruth watched the two struggling to stand up, and smiled: "What's the matter? The farewell is over so soon? My subordinates outside are waiting very anxiously! This human looks very good, his blood must be It's delicious! My men haven't had fresh human blood for a long time!"

Her laughter became more and more complacent, and her body couldn't help shaking slightly under her pride.

At this moment, a cold voice came from the side: "Your man? Are you talking about this guy?"

Ruth's smile stopped abruptly, and saw a young man slowly coming from the woods!

He was slender, with a sneer on his angular face, and a long blue hair casually draped behind him, with one hand behind his back, and the other holding a vampire's neck. Just like that, the guy in his hand came slowly.

His steps are not hurried or slow, but every step he takes is with the gloomy sneer on his face. But that footstep seemed to slam in Ruth's heart!

He slowly raised the vampire in his hand, and then squeezed his hand firmly, and with a click, the vampire's neck was twisted. He threw the corpse to the ground casually, and then slowly wiped the blood on the corner of his clothes. Then he raised his head, looked at Ruth, smiled and said: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid your subordinates can't come in. Because I happen to hate vampires the most. I will kill one when I see one..."

"Who are you!" Ruth's face changed color, with a surprised expression, and looked at each other fiercely: "What happened to my men!"

He smiled with white teeth, and said lightly: "Introduce yourself first, my name is Roddy... I hate you flying bats."

Ignoring Ruth’s expression immediately, Roddy looked at Duck and Nedith next to him and smiled: “I’m sorry I’m a little late. It’s really annoying to those guys outside the road.”

His eyes shot at Ruth like a sharp arrow, and he sneered: "You are also a vampire... so great!"

Roddy walked towards Ruth slowly with this smirk. I don't know why, seeing the other person approaching step by step, Ruth felt a trace of coldness in her heart, as if a kind of natural fear rose from her heart, and instinctively felt a dangerous approach!

She couldn't help but stepped back two steps, and suddenly let out a scream. In the scream, she quickly transformed into a vampire state, her body soared a lot, and she screamed at Roddy with her teeth and dancing claws, but her feet still fell back. A few steps.

Roddy stood there with the same smile on his face, but suddenly frowned, as if saying to himself: "How can I kill you? Well, using a sword seems too simple." He suddenly seemed to remember something. , Smiled and said: "Ah, yes! I just got an interesting toy today, just to try the effect on you, an advanced blood race!"

He stretched out a palm, followed by a holy white light, and turned into a wooden staff in his hand.

Roddy lifted the "Scepter of Moses" lightly and smiled: "Come on, the game has begun!"

Looking at Roddy and the vampire who were facing each other, Nedith suddenly sighed and whispered as if talking to herself: "I'm not mistaken, he is really not a simple guy." Then she faced her Duck next to him smiled and said, "It seems we can't die today, right."

Dark smiled and sighed, but did not speak.

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