The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 566 Danger Surrounded

"Oops..." Storm didn't even have a chance to blush. The red dots on the screen suddenly flashed together, and a dozen F22s suddenly flew over with exhaust fumes. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

"Warning! Stealth aircraft ahead, quickly reveal themselves and land! Otherwise, the US Air Force will shoot you down! This is the last warning!!"

The experienced agents immediately analyzed that there was an invisible aircraft in the sky. At first, they thought it was turbulence and did not notice it. Now after careful investigation, it was easy to see that the size and shape were unusual, and they immediately dispatched F22 fighter jets to intercept it. .

It is impossible to surrender in person. Now that you have been discovered, there is only one way to go, and that is to break in.

Storm turned the fighter's motor to the maximum. The Quinjet was known for its multi-functional stealth capabilities. For this reason, it had to sacrifice its fire control system and part of its maneuverability. It had no chance to face so many F22s in the air, let alone the flying aircraft carrier. Above the head, the big bosses of the Skyhammer team were still watching eagerly. Storm couldn't help but shudder when she thought that a superhero of Sentinel's level was still overhead.

Seeing that the opponent refused to surrender, the F22 behind him immediately began to launch missiles. Dozens of missiles were launched together and flew straight towards the Quinjet. These precision-guided missiles were purchased from the Stark Group, although Tony had already told the outside world. announced that he would no longer develop weapons and equipment, but Osborn insisted that Tony design such missiles for superpowers, otherwise he would launch an endless investigation of the Stark Group, during which all Tony's assets would be destroyed Freeze, the company will also be subject to antitrust investigations, and Osborne vows to tear the Stark Group in half...

If you have money, you can do whatever you want, but power is the most powerful force in the world. If money is a glorious empire building that has stood for a hundred years, then power is a pyramid that stands forever. There is a qualitative difference between the two.

The missiles are catching up at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, and more F22 fighter jets are joining the battle. If this continues, it will be a matter of time before the Sky Hammer team is dispatched. They must escape from here before everything becomes uncontrollable.

Storm's eyes suddenly turned completely white, milky white light flashing in her eyes, the Quinjet had entered intelligent control, her spirit was connected to the air, the mutants' powerful energy was calling the sky, and the atmosphere was also Responding to this call, the originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy, as if it had suddenly come to night.

But it was just thick thunderclouds gathering. Suddenly a white chain-shaped lightning hit an F22 fighter jet. The fighter's engine immediately failed. The pilot took emergency control, but the fighter jet was completely disabled. He had to activate the ejection device. The F22 fighter jet The sky burned into a ball of fire and crashed into the sea below.

The storm was mixed with lightning and launched a fierce attack on the incoming missiles, but these missiles were not as easy to deal with as the F22 fighter jets.

The industrial level of the Stark Group far exceeds those of ordinary military technology. Dozens of missiles were struck by lightning, but only three missiles sprayed fire from their tails and self-destructed in the air. Several more missiles were affected by the storm and fell into pieces in the air. It self-destructed, but more missiles roared towards it.

"Xiaoqin, help!" Storm knew that she had failed, and she quickly called Xiaoqin, who was more capable, for help.

Xiaoqin stretched out her hands nervously. She sensed the position of the missiles and used her ability to deflect the missiles one by one. However, this process consumed her huge energy because there was a layer of coating on the missiles. Xiaoqin's ability encountered this problem. After layers of coating, her abilities were consumed a lot, and the power she used was ten times higher than usual. Although most of the missiles were destroyed, nearly one-third of the missiles still broke through her energy field.

At this time, in the thunder clouds, a high-speed flying figure was approaching quickly. He ignored all the lightning and storms, and the energy emanating from him was amazing.

"Damn, that's not the damn Sentinel!" Although Xiaoqin doesn't remember much about what happened after she transformed into the Dark Phoenix, she also knows that she is no match for the Sentinel.

"I have good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear?" Li Kang frowned and looked at the figure approaching rapidly.

"Good news, I need good news now!" Xiaoqin tried her best to use the energy field to slow down the missile. The Quinjet was already flying at full speed, but it still couldn't get rid of the missile, let alone the figure.

"Good news the people who are chasing us are not damn Sentinels," Li Kang said.

"Thank God, what about the bad news?" Xiaoqin breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Kang sighed and said, "The bad news is that the person chasing us is the damn God of War Ares. Although he is not as strong as the Sentinel, he is a god after all, a man who can fight the Hulk hand-to-hand without losing, and he can also fly."

"I'll deal with him!" Storm controlled the storm to block Ares with all her strength.

"Witch! I don't care who you are! But your witchcraft has no effect on the God of War! Go to hell!!" Ares's voice resounded throughout the world. He struck hard with the ax in his hand and blocked the incoming lightning. It was slashed back, and at the same time, a crimson energy wave split open a crack in the thunder clouds in the sky.

Storm was linked to Thundercumulus, and this blow caused her to receive a considerable shock. She clutched her chest in pain, and her face became very ugly.

Although Xiaoqin's ability is powerful, her ability is not stable. Seeing Storm being injured, her spirit was shaken, and the missiles immediately broke away from the energy field and attacked at a higher speed.

Li Kang knew that something bad was going on and that he had to take action. He raised his hand and used dark space transfer to create a black hole to absorb all the missiles. Then he opened the black hole behind Ares and took these missiles away. Together they were transferred to Ares.

Ares was too arrogant and did not guard against this move. He was immediately blown up by the missile and rolled in the air. Taking this opportunity, Xiaoqin pushed the Quinjet and got rid of Ares in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Ares did not chase after them, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaoqin murmured to herself strangely, "It's really weird, why don't they line up the sentries?"

Li Kang chuckled twice and said, "Of course this is because we are not qualified yet, but more importantly, the Sentinel's current situation is not stable. According to reliable information, something happened between him and Namor recently. Some friction.”

Xiaoqin and Storm immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Recently, a terrible thing has been widely spread in the intelligence circles. In Namor's kingdom, there is a city where people have an extremely hatred attitude towards the land people. They launched an attack on Manhattan, New York without asking Namor for instructions. A sudden attack, resulting in considerable casualties.

This is one of the reasons why the national border has been so tightly defended recently. Later, Osborn sent the Moonstone to negotiate with Namor. After Namor slept with the Moonstone for nothing, he ruthlessly refused to admit his guilt the next day and refused to punish him. residents of a city.

This incident made Osborne extremely angry. He took the risk of using the sentries whose mental state had not yet completely stabilized, massacred all the residents of the city, and threw the entire city into the trench.

Namor dared not say anything about this. He had seen the Sentinel and knew the terror of this man. If the Sentinel was angered, the entire Atlantis would be annihilated.

As a qualified ruler, Namor knew that fairness and justice were nonsense. Since he could not defeat such a powerful enemy, he might as well join them. Namor then issued a statement that he was willing to coexist peacefully with the land people, and secretly Joined the Dark Dynasty. In the Dark Dynasty, his status is second only to Doctor Doom. However, recently the Red Skull has successfully defeated other snake heads, and his status has soared.

The Mandarin had previously been involved in a fierce battle with SHIELD and the Spear Bureau at the same time. He himself was severely damaged. The Mandarin Island was destroyed, and nearly half of the drug network in Asia was destroyed by the Spear Bureau. If it were not for the human rights organizations funded by Kingpin Continuously spreading rumors to attack the Spear Bureau, and even the SHIELD led by Osborn intervened. The Mandarin actually had no chance to stand up, but the centipede did not freeze, because after taking this breath, Mandarin was still alive. The Lord's power is also slowly recovering, and his strength is constantly increasing.

Although Red Cloak is unknown, he is Kingpin's spokesperson and his status is somewhat transcendent, so Namor's actual status is constantly declining.

It's just that Osborn needs Namor's reconciliation statement very much, and among the dark dynasties, Namor is still the one with the best relationship with Doctor Doom. Others, such as the Red Skull and Doctor Doom, have ethnic conflicts, and the two are apparently calm. , in fact, they have created many obstacles for each other secretly, but they have not yet reached the level of openness.

Namor's undersea passage is also a very convenient hidden channel for the bosses of the Dark Dynasty. Although Namor hates it, he still chooses to endure it.

There is a lot of dissatisfaction within Atlantis with the way Namor is handled. Recently, there have been many conspiracies against Namor in progress, but they have all been resolved by Namor one by one.

Namor himself is very capable. The Atlanteans are inherently powerful. In terms of pure strength, the power of the Atlanteans is about 90% of that of the people of the Divine Realm. Plus Namor Mo has powerful mutant abilities and is protected by the powerful Holy Trident of Neptune, so his abilities are still first-rate, otherwise he would not be Doctor Doom's friend, even though he is often played around by Doctor Doom. But those were matters between kingdoms, and the two had a pretty good personal relationship. At least every time Namor came to Doomfortress, Doctor Doom would personally have dinner with him to talk about the governance of the country, the situation of the world, etc.

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