The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 533 Escape from Hell (Part 1)

Those who have some respectability in the universe all know that Thanos is a super idiot. He can do whatever he wants to please the goddess of death. As long as the goddess of death nods a little, he can destroy a galaxy without blinking an eye. He is a man who even Mephisto is afraid of. big shot. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

This universe is not afraid of idiots, but idiots who can destroy the world are another matter. The goddess of death uses Thanos' love for herself to try her best to pull the balance of the universe to the side of death. Mephisto appreciates this very much. Yes, but as a god of chaos, of course it is best to maintain a balance between life and death.

Balance gives birth to peace, peace promotes pride, and pride breeds laziness, laziness brings sin, and sin is the greatest chaos, so yes, Mephisto completely disagrees with things like war and massacre, then It is something that the God of War likes. An extreme state like war will make all living beings more rational. After that, the incidence of evil will drop significantly.

So Mephisto is actually afraid of Thanos.

Because if all life in the universe disappears, that is to say, death does not exist, and the universe becomes silent, hell will also disappear. Hunters hope to get as many prey as possible, but at the same time, they also hope that the prey can multiply and the race will prosper. Only in this way can we obtain more prey more easily, and in this way can it last longer. The goddess of death also understands this truth, and the great gods in the universe understand it, but the problem is that Thanos does not understand it.

What is the scarier second grade than thinking that the whole world is wrong? Of course, I think the whole universe is wrong.

Now that the matter involves Thanos, it is a completely different matter. Revenge and fun are important, but survival is the first priority. Since Li Kang even knows about the cancerous universe, it means that the situation is not simple.

The cancerous universe is no longer a simple situation. Mephisto will definitely not be able to cope with it, because in the cancerous universe, there will also be Mephisto, and the same five gods, gods, etc. will also exist. It's just that it must have been contaminated and turned into a more evil existence than the current Mephisto, but he was still unwilling to let Li Kang go.

"You said Thanos recruited you, is there any evidence?" Mephisto had better confirm it. Although he really wants to deal with Li Kang here, there is one thing he still has to admit. That is, Li Kang is indeed useful and can be used.

Li Kang was well prepared. He raised the crystal ring on his finger, "This thing is proof. Thanos said that when he figured out the movement of the cancerous universe, he would use this ring to summon me. You should believe me this time." Alright."

Mephisto was silent for a moment. He was calculating the gains and losses. Normally, the Chaos Demon would not make such quiet calculations, but the Demon King was of course different. This time it was not just Mephisto Hell, but all of them. Hell all suffered great losses,

As the master of the dimension, he has undoubtedly failed in his duties.

The next summit meeting of the major hell lords is inevitable. It can be imagined that he will face a cruel and inhumane forced palace. If he can't come up with a decent trophy, I'm afraid it will be really difficult to pass this time. It can be said that this time it is a losing streak. The battle that has been planned for many years to capture Doctor Doom's soul has failed!

The battle to capture the Supreme Master failed!

At the center of power, Mephisto's throne was severely damaged. If Li Kang could not be used to calm the situation, the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Kang had been dealing with Mephisto for too long. One look at Mephisto's face and you knew what he was thinking. It seemed that he had to give a strong dose of medicine now. "But we are all friends, or Let me tell you another good thing. If I come to hell, it will be a very bad thing for you."

Mephisto was upset. He asked impatiently, "In order to save your life, you really worked hard. What other bad things are there? Tell me all at once. Don't be like a squeeze." The toothpaste comes bit by bit."

Li Kang cast a psychic magic, and he intercepted the future described by Mu Lang from his memory, specifically about the future when Li Kang became the king of hell, and gave this memory to Mephisto.

Sure enough, Mephisto's face became extremely ugly when he saw this memory of the future in the wasteland. In principle, the new generation of gods or demons replaces the old generation. This is the general trend of the universe. Mephisto once split into a man named The son of the Black Heart Demon, according to the prophecy, this son will definitely replace Mephisto as the master of hell in the future, but it is incredible to be replaced by a mortal, but this memory is definitely not forged, that is to say, if Li Kang enters hell After that, it will replace itself within a hundred years, which is unacceptable.

"Hmm, funny," Mephisto couldn't help but sneered, "So, I have to thank you, otherwise I would drag you into hell rashly, and you would replace me in the future. Do you think I don't know? Would you do this? You are the kind of bastard who doesn't care about the throne, but doesn't care about others being king. In any era, you will be a rebel sooner or later, and thanks to your reminder, When you come to hell again, I will be more careful with you."

Listening to the audio, although Mephisto said so much, Li Kang noticed the most critical one. In fact, there was only one sentence, "Come to hell again." In other words, Mephisto planned to let him go this time. .

"Then let me go back this time. I am willing to contribute to saving the people of the universe. When the time comes to fight against foreign enemies, we will still be comrades-in-arms. Hehehe, we are all friends. Isn't it right to help each other? Don't worry. After I go back, I will never forget your benefits, Brother Mo. If you ask me for anything in the future, I will handle it for you without any hesitation. Let me be an outsider like you. It's all beneficial and harmless. If nothing else, I know you have a terrible son. The black-hearted devil is disobedient and unfilial. He always entangles some external forces and tries to overthrow you. I will let you know about this. It’s done properly, as long as I see that kid once, I will teach him a lesson in your name, do you think this will work?”

Mephisto picked his ears with his little finger, and said lazily, "I really don't expect anything from you. As long as you don't just come out of the gate of hell when you go out, you will scold my eighteenth generation ancestor when you turn around. It’s great to burn incense, but I do have one more trouble, I hope you can give me some advice.”

"I will tell you everything I know, and I will say whatever I say. I will never bully an old man or give him money. Please don't worry. From now on, you will be the big one and I will be the small one. We two brothers will live together for the rest of our lives. We will never ask for anything." I was born on the same day of the same year, the same month, but I hope to die on the same year, the same month and the same day." Li Kang knew that he had saved at least 80% of his life, and felt ecstatic in his heart.

Mephisto frowned unhappily, "You are a mortal and your lifespan is only a hundred years. I will die on the same year, the same month and the same day as you. Are you cursing me to have a short life?"

"Bah, bang, bang." Li Kang waved his hand and slapped himself in the face more than a dozen times. The corners of his mouth were bleeding and his face was swollen. "Brother, it was my mistake. I deserve death. Brother, how can I calm down?" , even the small one will serve you with a mountain of knives and a frying pan of oil, and there will be absolutely no complaints."

Facing such shameless scoundrels, Mephisto was like a lion biting a tortoise. He really had no choice but to say, "Forget it, you know how I am. I am the most tolerant. I will not follow him." You care about these little things, but you have to help me find a way to solve my problem. If I let you go this time, the demon kings of hell will definitely come to force my palace. I can deal with one or two. Even three would be fine, but if they come together, I definitely can’t handle it.”

This is indeed a huge problem, because the entire dimension of hell has been damaged. Not only the Demon King's Hell, but also the Mythical Hell has also suffered a huge impact. Mephisto, the master of the dimension, cannot escape the blame and will inevitably suffer successive attacks. censure, there is a risk of being ousted from power by a coalition of opponents.

However, this did not trouble Li Kang. He had been thinking of a way to escape. The answer was already available. He just waited for Mephisto to ask, "It's actually very simple. We only need to take two steps to resolve this problem easily." .”

Mephisto's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked, "Tell me which two steps."

Li Kang said, "The first thing is to frame someone up."

Mephisto asked, "Who should I blame? Should I blame Samael? That guy has been fighting with me for hundreds of years, and I have long been tired of him. Or should I blame Lucifer? This guy is fighting Due to his high birth, he has a large number of fallen angels who are good at fighting. Recently, they have been doing whatever they want, even my Ghost Rider dares to think of them, so why not put the blame on them."

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