The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 525 Doctor Strange’s Jedi Counterattack

Coincidentally, not long after the little black girl left, there were several knocks on the door, and a trembling voice asked, "Excuse me, is this Dr. Strange's office?"

Doctor Strange had no choice but to drink up the wine in the glass, stuffed the bottle into the drawer, and shouted rudely, "Come in!"

The person who opened the door was a trembling white uncle. The uncle looked quite gentleman, but he was using a cane and it was difficult to walk. The suit he was wearing was quite elegant, but it looked very old at first glance. The white uncle should have had a relatively glorious time, but now he is old and frail, and the costs of his dissolute life in his youth are all coming to him now. It seems that he has no relatives.

"Hello Doctor Strange, I was introduced by Professor Robert." The white man took off his hat and put it on his chest very politely. "He strongly recommended you to me and said that your surgical skills are the best he has ever seen. "

"Of course I am the best. That guy Robert is quite discerning, but my fees are also very high. Can you afford it?" Dr. Strange said coldly. A man is equipped with clothes, a horse and a saddle. Only the white uncle The way he dressed showed that he didn't have much money, so Doctor Strange was not polite at all.

"Well...I have medical insurance..." The white man knew what Doctor Strange was thinking, but he still said it bravely.

"Damn, that means no money!" Dr. Strange shouted loudly, "I've warned that bastard Robert not to introduce me to those poor people who have medical insurance, damn useless idiots, I won't take the job from medical insurance. !Understand?"

"You! How can you be such a bastard? I can't accept your insult!" The white uncle was shaking with anger. "May Almighty God teach you a lesson, shameless bastard!"

"Oh, if it's really there, I really want to see him. He will not be covered by the damn medical insurance for surgery!" Dr. Strange walked out of his desk and closed the office door vigorously, causing people in the corridor to look at him. This way.

The white uncle wanted to say a few more words, but in the end he just sighed. He turned around and walked away alone. Not long after, someone found that the white uncle died alone in his apartment. The cause of death was heart disease. At that time, medicine for heart disease was not available. In front of him, but because he suffered from neurological atrophy, he still couldn't get the medicine in time.

Doctor Strange only found out about these things later, but at the time he didn't care about them at all. But trapped in this memory scene, Doctor Strange's own soul couldn't help but scream, there must be something wrong here.

But he couldn't see any problem.

Suddenly the scene changed, this time he arrived just when he had been in a car accident.

The cause of this car accident was Dr. Strange's drunk driving. He seemed to see a white cat on the road in a trance. After subconsciously turning the steering wheel, he and the car rushed off the road. This car accident was extremely serious. He has been lying in the hospital for two full months.

The injuries to other parts of the body have basically recovered, but his hands have been shattered and cannot be repaired as before. There is no problem in eating and living with these hands, but returning to the operating table to continue performing precise operations, I'm sorry, that is impossible.

(There is something wrong here...I have to think of it...) A voice suddenly appeared deep in Dr. Strange's heart. His heart moved, and a light seemed to flash in his heart, but at this time the attending physician left. He came in, checked his body, and unfortunately told him about his hand.

Dr. Strange tore the doctor's case into pieces. He cursed the attending physician as an incompetent quack who couldn't even treat such a minor injury. What kind of doctor is he? Then he left the hospital to find other neurosurgeons for help. In the next six months, Doctor Strange spent almost all his savings on treatment, but despite spending astronomical treatment fees, his hand still could not be cured.

In despair, Doctor Strange gave up on himself and found a small bar.

He ordered a bottle of low-quality whiskey and drank half of it in one gulp. If the injury to his hand could never be cured, then there would be no point in living. In the past, he always thought that he was on the operating table because of money. Performing surgeries on people is just a way to make money.

But now, when his hand is gone and he can no longer go to the operating table, Doctor Strange realizes that what he likes is not money, but the feeling of treating diseases and saving people.

But it was already too late, he told himself with tears.

(It's still too late, even if I can't have surgery, I can still cheer up...) Doctor Strange's spirit is shouting.

At this moment, six or seven gangsters walked in from the outside. They were all from nearby gangs. They came here to collect the money for this quarter. They walked to the front of the bar and suddenly saw Doctor Strange lying on the bar, blocking them. The way.

The leader of the gangster raised his watch suspiciously and looked at it. It was just half past ten, and this unshaven guy was so drunk that he said disdainfully, "What a damn drunkard, you are already a drunk cat at this hour, come on." Come on...Old man, get out of here!"

Dr. Strange had not cleaned himself up for many days, and his clothes were greasy and tattered. His beard, which he used to spend half an hour combing every day, was now unkempt. There was already a white beard on it because he was worried and angry. At this time, he looked like a He was a drunkard in his fifties, so the gangsters called him old man.

In fact, Doctor Strange was just thirty years old at that time.

Doctor Strange looked up. He was lying on the bar in a daze again, "What the hell, they turned out to be a group of parasites... Who are they? Ask me to get out of the way? Get out of here!"

The gangsters looked at each other. The leader of the gang picked up an empty wine bottle and smashed it on Doctor Strange's head. A big hole was opened immediately. The bottle was shattered and blood flowed out. He then kicked Doctor Strange off the chair. Kicked to the ground, other gangsters surrounded him and kicked and punched him.

It was the smell of blood that suddenly reminded Doctor Strange of his identity. He blasted a gangster away with magic. After the gangster flew out, his true form was revealed. He was a terror, specializing in fear and chaos. He is a very common low-level demon, "Is this Mephisto's trick? Can you make me fall by reminding me of my bad days? Go tell your master that he is wrong! I I have never forgotten the past. In order to correct that wrong past, after I became a magician, I was also engaged in the work of curing diseases and saving people. I fought sleeplessly against you, a group of demons that harmed living beings. You thought you were letting me recall the past? , will I become confused and depraved? You are wrong! I have already reached a peaceful state when I helped others! Your little tricks are of no use! Mephisto, come out!"


Dr. Destruction was blown away to a wasteland full of magma mountains. When a few flame imps saw it, they immediately rushed up and hit him on the head with a big stick. These useless little things could not survive at all. If you can't touch his body, he will solve it in a few or two blows.

This is the gap in strength. After sending away the enemies, Doctor Doom took out the positioning system. Of course he installed one on Doctor Strange, but the one placed on Li Kang had malfunctioned. I don’t know if Li Kang is dead or has another hidden secret. , this operation to save the mother has been completely out of control from the moment they entered hell.

After all the calculations, there is only one possibility, and that is that everything is Li Kang's conspiracy. Only in this way can everything be explained. But what is Li Kang's intention in doing this? Everyone knows that Li Kang is the public enemy of hell. As long as Mephisto knows that he is in hell, he will definitely try his best to kill him... and so on...

A thought suddenly flashed through Doctor Doom's mind, why did Mephisto say "two mortals" from the beginning... Why two mortals, not three mortals? This is definitely not a slip of the tongue, but Li Kang doesn't know what method he used to hide it from Mephisto's eyes, but how is this possible? What can be hidden from a dimensional master.

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