The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 500 Who is the betrayer?

"I didn't expect you to be like this. I guess you may think it makes sense after hearing what you said, but you actually colluded with a terrorist organization. The Red Skull was one of the culprits in World War II. If he was half as good as the legendary It's scary. The best way is to get rid of him, but you have become a team with him. And what kind of organization is the Dark Dynasty? Do they want to rule the world?" Doctor Strange is humorous and smooth on the surface. However, there will never be any compromise on issues of principle. At this juncture, the previous positions between him and Baron Mordo seem to have been switched. X

Baron Mordo said very displeasedly, "It's really pedantic. He's almost as stupid as I was back then. But it doesn't matter. This is all temporary. It was only after I left the Holy of Holies that I discovered that the world works like this." , I always thought that stupid and evil people like Li Kang were wrong, but in fact it was me who was wrong. It turns out that Li Kang was right. The world is really a dark quagmire. What we have to do is to master it and then drain it. Useless wastewater sludge, let the most beautiful parts of this world see the light again, this is the purpose of our dark dynasty, this is what the king said to me personally!"

Doctor Strange has not been hanging out in vain these years. He has heard too many comments like Baron Mordo's. Combined with the consistent style of the Hydra organization, he can easily draw a conclusion. Once these people If you take power, then a world-scale purge must be inevitable. He responded categorically, "I will not let you conquer this world!"

"Hahahaha..." Baron Mordo suddenly held his belly and laughed until tears burst out. After a long time, he wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I'm sorry, I lost my temper, but what you said is true. ...I can’t describe, why are you so stupid? From you, I can see what a stupid idiot I was back then, don’t you understand?”

"What do I understand?" Doctor Strange asked.

"I gave you all the answers just now," Baron Mordo said with a mocking look. "What you don't know yet is that this world already belongs to us, that guy over there wearing the iron mask."

Doctor Strange frowned, and looked back, only to see Doctor Doom talking to Queen Duba. Now, there were only four of them left in the huge temple lobby, and they were chatting in pairs. But this was just a moment of calm before the storm.

"You mean Doctor Doom, is he one of yours too?" Doctor Strange asked calmly on the surface, but his heart was already in turmoil. Doctor Doom is no small matter.

In this world, except for the five permanent members, the American imperialists basically get rid of whoever they want. Unless other five permanent members intervene, they rarely fail. But in order to deal with this Doctor of Destruction, the American emperors have tried their best. They tried their best, CIA and even S.H.I.E.L.D. took action. Not long after the invasion of Dormammu, the master of the dark dimension, Doctor Strange witnessed it with his own eyes at the third anniversary celebration of the Kingdom of Latvinia. To Captain Werewolf from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Shamelessly launched a suicide assassination attack on Doctor Doom (actually the werewolf captain was teleported by Li Kang).

The Western world launched a classic public attack on Doctor Doom, comparing Doctor Doom to the Red Skull in World War II and spreading rumors that since Doctor Doom came to power, Latvinia fell into serious regression and starved to death in just three years. Three million citizens...the number is not certain, but it is not enough. In short, more than three million people starved to death.

Doctor Strange later checked and found that the entire population of Latvinia was eleven million.

In other words, almost one out of every three people in Latvinia starved to death. Doctor Strange was still very angry at that time. Since Doctor Doom is such a cruel tyrant, why does the international community allow such people to exist? Until recently, for some reason, Doctor Doom suddenly reconciled with the Western world. He began to frequently visit major Western countries for state visits. This incident once caused a sensation among the public. Some people compared this incident with the Nixon administration. Comparable to reconciliation with the Celestial Empire.

Since then, all the rumors about Doctor Doom have been disproven.

But the most interesting thing among them is that the person who guides the arrogant Doctor Doom to reconcile with the Western world is none other than Norman Osborn, who has become very popular in the past two years. Could it be... Norman Osborn? Ben, the new director of SHIELD, is actually the leader of a huge dark organization? Is he the king of the dark dynasty?

Doctor Strange asked coldly, "Is it possible that the king you are talking about is actually Norman Osborn?"

Before he finished speaking, a sound of wind buzzed in the air. Doctor Strange quickly jumped sideways, and a strange wind pressure brushed him over, tearing a huge crack in the ground.

"You know too much!" Baron Mordo knew that he had said too much and told everything that should not be revealed. "Hurry up and join us. Let me be your guide. This is the only thing I can do for you. You've done it, don't be ignorant!" He said viciously.

"You want me to join you? No way! And I was not as obsessed with the position of the Supreme Mage before, but it is different now. I will never let the Holy of Holies, the highest place in the magic world, fall into your hands!" Doctor Strange said The sound is loud and clear.

Now that the negotiation has collapsed, there is only one battle. Doctor Strange holds a light shield in each hand and deflects two magic bullets shining with black light. This is the magic that Baron Mordo learned from Dormammu. Mamu Yuanshen is a mortal magician and a master of magic. He can teach Baron Mordo a lot of strength by teaching him just one or two magics.

Baron Mordo was wielding dark magic. In this holy land of white magic, his ability to absorb energy from the dark dimension was compromised. However, facing Doctor Strange, he was still very confident, "Hahaha... . Even if you want to be a mantis, what can you do with your ability? Don't be embarrassed. For the sake of old friends, I will give you one last chance. If you are willing to join us obediently, I will spare you. A small life, otherwise even if you run away to the ends of the world, you will not be able to save your small life."

Deadly dark rays shot at Doctor Strange, but he still didn't want to break with Baron Mordo now, "Mordo, this is the last time I call you by this name. Think about it carefully, it's wrong for you to be like this now." Yes, if Master Gu Yi was still alive, would she want you to be like this? Are you worthy of her?"

"Shut up! Don't mention that hypocrite in front of me!" Baron Mordo suddenly became angry, and the speed of the original dark ray suddenly increased, "What do you know? You said I was sorry for her? In fact, she was the one who was sorry for me! She has been with us all day long Talking about some big truths, saying that Dormammu is a huge threat to us, and that only by uniting together can we fight against this huge threat, etc... are all lies!"

The mention of Master Ancient One did not make Baron Mordo calm down. Not to mention feeling guilty, his previous calmness was all disguised. Ever since he learned that Master Ancient One had actually been drawing energy from the dark dimension, Baron Mordo first felt There are endless doubts. The Supreme Mage is the supreme leader of the White Magic World and commands the Holy of Holies. What is going on? This kind of thing was something he could never understand at the time, so he felt that Master Gu Yi had betrayed him, or at least deceived him. rw

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