The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 465 The fish is dead and the net is broken (1)

"It's become a little special. Although it's not as good-looking as before, I won't mind. Can you date the beauty?" Gao Er suddenly said with a bit of lust.

Li Kang couldn't help but turn around and look at Gao Er, "Your taste is a bit strong. You've turned into an eight-clawed monster. Can you bear it?"

Goyle said disapprovingly, "At least it looks better than the female bear in the forest."

"Brother, it's not easy for you either." Li Kang almost shed tears. "You have lived a hard life before. Compared with you, I really don't know how to be blessed even though I am blessed. I am guilty."

"That's right, you finally realized this. You are so ignorant. Aren't you guilty of guarding something as good as alcohol and not drinking it?" Gao Er looked upright. In fact, he and Li Kang It's completely different.

"Brother, it's not that I don't drink. I really can't enjoy it. Alcohol will burn a big hole in a normal person's stomach after drinking it," Li Kang explained speechlessly, otherwise Gao Er could talk about this topic. In the last life, "Even if my stomach can hold it, my body can't bear it. You will get alcohol poisoning. You are born with a different nature. There are more ordinary people like me in this world. I still keep the she-bear and alcohol." Enjoy it yourself.”

"I really don't know how to enjoy it," Gore grinned. "Let's leave the small talk after the victory. I'll go test the water first!"

Before Li Kang could speak, Gao Er rushed to Chloe in a few steps. He suddenly lowered his body and turned into a huge brown bear. His speed also increased suddenly and he slammed into Chloe. "Bang!" A huge sound broke out between the two of them, surging back and forth in the circular valley, causing the snow to avalanche, falling like a flood down the mountain. The roaring sounds came one after another. This terrifying power of nature was very terrifying.

The three of them were shaken and staggered, unable to stand at all. However, Goyle was now in the form of a giant bear, which was naturally more stable than ordinary human forms. He took advantage of the situation and pounced, pushing Chloe back repeatedly.

However, Chloe was difficult enough to deal with before, and now it has become ten times more difficult to deal with. A blazing ring of fire rose up from around her body. What Samael rules is the wrathful hell. In hell, In the hierarchy, it is second only to Lucifer's arrogant Ice Lake Hell and Mephisto's Universal Hell, the source of all evil.

So Chloe's former magic was coated with a layer of hellfire, making it even more difficult to deal with.

Goyle's body was ignited, and his brown fur immediately turned black. He had no choice but to slap Chloe away, and rolled on the ground several times. However, this magical fire was so powerful that it would spontaneously ignite when it encountered air. It was not extinguished at all. He turned into a giant python and burrowed into the snow, leaving a huge snow hole behind him. A wisp of steam came out of the snow hole, and the demonic fire was extinguished.

Chloe opened her six arms, and a ball of green flame ignited on each arm. She aimed at the place where Goyle disappeared, and fired fireballs in succession, blasting deep pits on the ground, but Goyle fell into the snow. It was like a fish swimming into the sea, wandering unsteadily under the snow, dodging most of the attacks. Even if it was occasionally scraped, the impact was absorbed by the snow and thick scales, so the trauma was not serious.

However, such a one-sided attack is not an option. Sooner or later, the ship will capsize.

In fact, Li Kang was not idle. He continuously released magic lightning to harass, but Chloe's defense was too strong. After the lightning hit the ring of fire, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing any ripples. Now Chloe has It is conceivable that with the power of the Hell Princess, if she can get Li Kang's head, enter hell and come to Samael, then there is no doubt that the Angry Demon King Samael will marry this good wife home no matter what. This is much better than his useless generals, and it is worthy of giving her a formal position as concubine.

After a round of small spell tests, Li Kang felt the strength of Chloe's spell, and he was confident. The problem was that Gower's situation was very critical now, and strong fire support must be provided immediately.

Li Kang summoned a parasitic shadow demon from the shadows. This kind of creature lives in the cracks of dimensions. They can exist in the material world for a very short time. Without the support of a powerful energy source, they will soon lose their physical form.

The Parasitic Dark Demon itself has no other sensory abilities and can only sense the reaction of energy. Li Kang put a magic beacon on Chloe, and the Parasitic Dark Demon rushed directly towards her. This creature was like a tumor. It is a piece of meat with several thick tentacles below and a bloody mouth. It is nearly three meters tall. This monster is a huge scourge to creatures in all dimensions, especially demons. Creatures that frequently travel between dimensions are often ambushed by parasitic dark demons.

Unless the creature is killed immediately, it can reproduce asexually indefinitely until all energy is drained from it.

Chloe didn't take care of it at a glance, and was pounced on by the parasitic dark demon. The circle of hellfire around her body was sucked dry almost instantly. The parasitic dark demon that absorbed enough energy immediately split into two, and they were even more powerful. Excitedly, he pounced on Chloe, intending to suck her dry from the inside out.

Chloe grabbed a parasitic dark demon with her bare hands and tore the parasitic dark demon in half regardless of the other's frantic biting. She threw the dead body to the ground, and the body automatically disappeared in mid-air. The flames condensed into six flaming swords, turned around and slashed a few times, splitting the parasitic dark demon into several pieces, then jumped up high and rushed straight towards Li Kang.

Six swords were fired in unison, hitting Li Kang's head. It seemed that he was frightened by Chloe's momentum. However, it was only after Chloe stabbed the sword in his hand that he discovered that it was just an phantom. Under the phantom, there was a The huge fireball, six flaming swords hit the fireball, and with a loud noise, Chloe flew out covered in fire. Even though her body was covered with dragon scales, she still felt a searing pain.

Li Kang has already calculated the position, which is actually not difficult. Based on his understanding of Chloe, as long as he calculates her attack method, it is very easy to calculate the exact landing point. For those with rich combat experience, Battle Mage, this is just the foundation of the foundation.

As soon as Chloe landed, Li Kang had already prepared the one-eyed alien eye in his hand. The petrification ray had already hit Chloe in mid-air. She quickly raised her arms to defend herself, and they were immediately petrified. But this tactic of abandoning the car to save the handsome man still worked. Before the ray further petrified her body, she had already fallen to the ground. The powerful impact shook her two petrified arms into several pieces of rubble.

The pain of a broken arm is as piercing as the pain of any creature. The reason why demons have extraordinary tolerance for pain is because they have lived in hell all year round and are already familiar with this feeling. However, Roy was recently transformed into a demon. She was not a native demon from hell. The severe pain from the broken arm almost made her faint.

"Ah!!!" Chloe let out an earth-shattering scream.

On the other side of the valley, Jack had long heard the sounds of fighting in the valley. He eagerly wanted to break the rocks, but as the magic blasted on the rocks, more snow was attracted, and another avalanche rolled in. More than twenty people left. Although this reduced Jack's mental pressure a lot, the firepower dropped by a quarter.

"Chloe! You must hold on, I'm here to save you!" Jack ordered the manipulative magician to use fire magic to clear a path. He personally rushed to the boulder and used the evil magician who controlled the magician to clear a path. The bundle of spiritual hair transformed into a drill-like form. He aimed at the boulder and drilled it. In less than a minute, he had already drilled into a depth of more than a foot. According to this progress, he could drill the boulder into the ground in less than forty minutes. wear.

Everything was going very smoothly. Suddenly, a beam of light a thousand times more powerful than the sun came from a distance, hitting Jack in the back of the heart. He felt a sweet sensation on his back and spit out a mouthful of blood. The hot blood spurted on the boulder, risking his life. White steam.

He was attacked by a sneak attack, and this person's magic was much better than Jack's. He immediately turned around to check, and saw three people walking from a distance. Two of them he knew, one was Li Kang's companion, and the other was a strange one. The name is Doctor Strange. The other one is a popular figure in the dark magic circle recently and is also the target of Hydra's key investigation. This person is none other than Mordo. The third old man is Roland. Although Roland himself is very famous, because He was relatively low-key and left almost no portraits. The most recent photos were taken more than thirty years ago, so Hydra didn't know what the elderly Roland looked like, so he was the most famous, and Jack didn't know him.

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