But magicians are all creatures who care about face. For magicians, reputation is more important than life. If you want them to take the initiative to ask for food from Li Yu, you might as well kill them, but just watch Li Yu jerk off. Drinking wine and eating bean cakes, but you can only drink the northwest wind from the holy mountain. This feeling is not pleasant, it is simply worse than death.

At the critical moment, the old man still saved his face, and an old magician with white hair and beard walked out of the crowd. He was a relatively old-school magician, wearing the robe of a traditional Western magician and a magic hat on his head. He also held a magic wand in his hand, and he looked like a street performer. However, those who knew him took a breath of air. This was Roland, a legendary figure in the Western magic world.

Roland is a great magician as famous as the Magic Prince Monaco. There is a legend that he is a descendant of King Arthur. Another legend is that he is actually a descendant of Merlin. In any case, Roland's magical ability is very famous. The Magic Prince Mona Gram, the Indian divine master Dashil, the British magician Roland, and the blood moon god King Duba. These four people are recognized as the four most powerful magicians besides the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

The magic prince Monaco saw through the world and had no interest in the title of Supreme Mage, so he did not come. The other three were already on the holy mountain.

Roland has always been a loner, and he is worthy of the title of descendant of King Arthur's Round Table. He has been a chivalrous and righteous man throughout his life, specializing in standing up for the oppressed and bullied people. Therefore, although he is a lone ranger, his image is that of the four great magicians. , the least mysterious one, even in some areas, Roland's portrait is hung in homes to ward off evil spirits and ensure peace.

Although there are many dangers on the Holy Mountain, they are nothing to Roland, who has experienced hundreds of battles. However, he also has another unknown identity. Roland is also a gourmet.

There is actually nothing wrong with this. After all, the dark cuisine of the Great Rotten Country is famous all over the world. When Roland was young, he had been resisting the attacks of the Third Reich, and then he helped the people of Britain rebuild their homes. He finally left Britain and went to The world, his stomach that had been tortured by the dark cuisine of the Great Roof Country for half a lifetime, was finally liberated. Roland's gourmet soul was awakened by the delicious food from all over the world. He traveled and ate all over the world, from his hair to his beard. The young man, who was sleek and shiny, had grown into an old man with hair as white as snow, and he was not even married.

It shows how much Roland loves to eat.

Roland's reason for participating in this conference was actually different from others. He wanted to go up the mountain to find a successor. After all, he was old and his eyesight was a little blurred. Now he needs to wear reading glasses to read newspapers. Even if he doesn't want to, But he has reached the age where he has to serve his old age, and he hopes to find someone who can take care of him.

Unexpectedly, he did not find a successor, but he found delicious food. Roland had never been to China before, and he had only heard of the name of China-style meat skewers and had never tasted it himself.

Just by smelling it today, Roland felt like a glutton in his stomach. He stretched out a small palm from his stomach and wanted to grab a few strings from Li Yu's hand to satisfy his craving.

However, no matter how much you love to eat, you must also pay attention to your face. Gentlemen from the Great Fu Country are most particular about this. Roland came to Li Yu and said politely, "This kid, how do you sell your meat skewers?"

Li Yuzheng was enjoying the meal. He knew that these people were not here to cause trouble, so he didn't think much about it. After all, he was still young. He raised his head impatiently and saw Roland's face. He was amazed in his heart, "This old man's appearance It's not bad. He looks like a powerful character at first glance. I have to be a little more careful. The meat skewers are actually easy to grill and I can't eat them anyway. If I sell some, I can make some extra money, but... ..This is not a vegetable market. Those who can appear here are not ordinary people. If you just sell it for a little money, wouldn’t it be a loss? It is better to do something unique, the opportunity is rare. "

Thinking of this, Li Yu chuckled. He picked up a handful of dinosaur meat skewers, stood up and put it in Roland's hands. He also thoughtfully gave two large pancakes as a gift, "Grandpa, you really love to joke. How old are you? If you want to eat meat skewers, just ask for it and don’t talk about buying it. No matter how poor I am, Li Yu, I still don’t need this little money, so you can just eat it.”

This time, Roland was startled. He thought it was interesting, so he took the meat skewers and ate them without any hurry, "Li Yu? Don't you know who I am?"

Li Yu thought, maybe this old man is some kind of big shot. He doesn't know much about the Western magic world, so he told the truth, "I'm sorry, the place where I live is quite special. The people there are not as good as magic." , they prefer to make money, spend money, do some big health care, etc., they don’t care much about people and things in the magic world. I am... I am still young, so I don’t even know, you are... ..”

"Hahaha... Forget it if I don't know, just call me grandpa." Roland suddenly felt better. He picked out a few skewers in a row and was immediately attracted by the taste of the heavenly skewers. "This taste is simply amazing." Absolutely, I can be considered as someone who has traveled around the world and tasted delicious food from all over the world, but this is the first time in my life that I have eaten such delicious meat skewers. The meat is grilled at the right heat, and the outside is brushed with a layer of oil. The charcoal fire locks in the juices in the meat, making it brown on the outside but juicy on the inside. Sprinkled with pepper, cumin and other spices, it has a perfect chemical reaction with the meat skewers. It is not only delicious, but also fragrant and tender. , perfect! So perfect! The meat is compact and marinated in a special way. If I guessed correctly, the meat has been rubbed."

"You really know your stuff," Li Yu raised his thumb in admiration, "To tell you the truth, because this is dinosaur meat, I have never processed its meat quality, but according to my observation, this meat is somewhat similar to old beef. The meat is too compact and will be very tough when grilled, so I used ancestral techniques to rub it vigorously. This not only makes the marinade easier to absorb, but also shatters the fascia in it, allowing you to eat it. It tastes better.”

"At such a young age, he knows how to use magic in cooking. What a genius boy he is." Roland praised loudly.

Li Yu was a little embarrassed to be praised like this by an old man. He poured fruit wine for the whole night and brought it to Roland. "Sit down and eat slowly. I have plenty of meat here. I don't care if you eat and drink enough."

Roland said jokingly, "I have a huge appetite!"

Li Yu laughed loudly, took out a large handful of meat skewers and shook them in the air, "Isn't this enough?"

Roland laughed.

The old man and the young man ate happily, which made the people next to them even more intolerable. However, with Roland here, no one dared to make a mistake, but it was really uncomfortable to watch people eat when they were hungry. Besides, what kind of identity was Roland? , If others can spare this face, what else do I need? So the other magicians also came to beg for food and drink, but they were not old people and couldn't eat and drink for free, so they all took out some money or small magic weapons in exchange.

Li Yu didn't care about this. He had magic to help him anyway, and it didn't take much effort to grill these meat skewers. He was so generous, which made the magicians who were still a little reserved even more embarrassed, so they returned to the camp one after another and put their own Supplies were also brought over to share.

These magicians were surprised to find that their unpalatable and cold supplies turned into rare delicacies in Li Yu's hands in the blink of an eye. Coupled with unlimited fruit wine, the atmosphere of this grand banquet quickly reached a climax.

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