The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 373 Twilight Wolf Looking for Hometown

Mu Lang finished the cigarette and took two deep puffs. There was an expression of enjoyment on his face, "In the era when I came, those who could afford to smoke this kind of cigarette must be rich and wealthy people. I really still miss this taste. Stop beating around the bush, you and I are old friends, I know what you are thinking, if you have anything to ask, just ask it quickly, I still have a long list of people to kill."

Twilight Wolf rolled up his sleeves. On his arms, there were a series of names. The top ones were Master of Illusion, Butcher, Southern Star, and King of Mexico. There were also some names below. The most eye-catching ones were Magneto, Red Skull, and Bruce Banner's name, I don't know why he put Dr. Banner's name together with Magneto and Red Skull, the big bosses at the level of the devil.

After looking carefully, Li Kang discovered his name, and he felt a chill on his neck.

"What is going on? Why is the Hulk on your list, and why have I become your target?" Li Kang asked in a voiceless voice.

Du Lang put down his sleeves and said sadly, "In the time and space where I came, you were all bastards who deserved to be killed. I don't know who organized it. In one night, villains from all over the world united together. Kill all the superheroes in the world... almost all of them, and then they take over the world."

Li Kang had guessed all the possibilities, but he had never thought about this possibility... This is so crazy.

"Are you telling the truth?" Li Kang asked in disbelief, "Why are Hulk and I both on this death list? What have we done to make you hate us so much?"

Mu Lang looked at Li Kang carefully and said, "In that time and space, among all the villains put together, Banner and you did not do the most evil. You were already dead at that time, and later you fell into hell and were captured by the whole hell." The demon tortured you into human form. This is of course a legend... No one knows the specific details, but I don’t know how it happened. You actually ousted Mephisto and became the king of hell. Then you became one of those evil people. On that night, you killed Thor, Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and her children alone, and Banner was even worse. He was crazy and no one knew. Why is he crazy, but he killed half of the superheroes by himself, and after the villain won, he took the entire state of Texas as his own territory, damn...I will live in seclusion in Texas.”

There was a sad look in Mu Lang's eyes.

Li Kang didn't know what to say. It was obvious that Twilight Wolf had suffered some great misfortune, but he had to ask, "Since Banner is so bad and crazy, why do you still live in his territory?"

"Because he was bad enough and strong enough. At that time, nuclear war broke out all over the world. Venom absorbed enough energy and began to reproduce in large numbers. Ordinary humans were not allowed to enter the area ruled by Magneto. Only Mutants are qualified to live there, and because Banner wanted Texas, those evil monsters did not have the courage to enter Texas, let alone use nuclear bombs to attack, so Texas became the most suitable place to live. At least it's safe, as long as Banner doesn't do anything, it will be safe there." Twilight Wolf mentioned Dr. Banner's name, and he couldn't help but poke out the Adamant metal claws between his hand bones.

"Isn't that good? At least you are a survivor. No matter how evil Banner is, he is just a human being," Li Kang said. "I am trying to escape from hell now, but you say that I will go to hell sooner or later." , and even killed my wife and children with his own hands, what do you want me to do?"

"What else can you do? Don't go to hell, otherwise it will be your fate sooner or later," Dulang said angrily, "Also, Banner is not alone. I never thought in my wildest dreams that that guy was so capable of giving birth. There is a big litter of cubs, and new green cubs are born every year. Although these guys don't have Banner's power, ordinary people are like paper in front of them, and can be torn into pieces at will. For many years in the United States, Banner has made a big The family is coming,

He named his family the Hulk Gang, and they did whatever they wanted in Texas.... I endured it year after year. "

"Then why don't you resist?" Li Kang said in a voiceless voice, "You are Wolverine."

"Hell, yes, but Wolverine has a family, I also have my own wife, Jack and Xiaoyu, and I have children." Mu Lang suddenly stood up and pointed at Li Kang's nose, "Don't think that anyone can As ruthless as you are, you can even kill your own family members. I have to protect them. Hulk has helped too many people. I..."

Li Kang asked calmly, "What happened next? Why was Banner on the death list on your arm again? What happened?"

Twilight Wolf's strength seemed to have suddenly disappeared, "It was a bad year, the damn nuclear winter, which made all the crops unable to grow. I owed Hulk a lot of rent, and they came here and hit me hard." He repaired me and forced me into a corner. It happened that the old blind man Hawkeye found me. He made another good deal. He could earn five hundred US dollars in just one month. I had no choice but to follow him. We encountered all kinds of risks on the way. I saw the terrible consequences of that war. The world was in chaos. Magneto was assassinated by his men. The Mandarin became a gambler. Doctor Doom and the White Queen Emma After getting married, their territory is full of venomous dinosaurs... Red Skull has become the nominal head of state, and Hawkeye's mission is to set a trap for Red Skull's men."

Li Kang nodded. Although he didn't know much about the Red Skull, he was too impressed by the Red Skull's foresight through the Happy Hill incident.

"Hawkeye was killed, and I used Captain America's shield to kill that damn bastard Red Skull. Do you know that pervert wears Captain America's uniform and Captain America's hood every day? He's simply a psychopath. , I snatched his collection of Iron Man armors and a large box of greenbacks from him. How happy was I at that time? You can never imagine that with this money, not only this year, but also in the next few decades, The Hulk Gang’s rent has been secured.”

"Then what? What happened next?" Li Kang knew that something must have happened, just by looking at Mu Lang's sad expression.

"The damn bastard Hulk Gang, there are still seven days until the day to pay the rent! When I went home, my wife Mary, my son Jack and Xiaoyu, my entire family was killed, the Hulk Gang You don't even know the method of killing, and you can't even think of it!" Mu Lang's eyes turned red.

Of course Li Kang can think of it. Just look at the current Hulk and you will know that his method is to smash! tear! There's even a bite!

What happened to Mu Lang's family must have been so tragic. Li Kang couldn't imagine how he would react if such a thing happened to him. He might go crazy on the spot.

"I have endured it for so many years, but in exchange my family members were killed and torn apart like a few rag dolls..." Mu Lang said painfully, "What about the law of heaven? If someone kills my whole family, I will do it." I killed their whole family without sparing anyone. I found the Hulk gang that night and killed them all. I killed all the stubborn Hulks and their whole family. I only didn’t kill one baby, and the rest were all Don't let it go. Originally, I couldn't beat the old Hulk, but he is old and his brain is no longer working. He actually swallowed me in one gulp. Hehehe... I tore open his chubby body and put him It was cut into pieces, but at this moment, I was suddenly sucked away by a green light. I saw the confrontation between Doctor Strange and Dormammu, and then I was teleported away. I don’t know what happened. , came here.”

Li Kang nodded, this is not surprising.

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