The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 62 The Army’s Two Aces

"Hmph! Can having superpowers make you lawless? Anyone who dares to touch our US military must disappear from the earth. My two generals, General Ross and General Stryker, can take on this mission. General Ross will command His ability is unrivaled in the Pentagon. General Stryker is resourceful and has many weapons. If the two of them join forces, there will be no problem. These two people are not easy to deal with. To deal with them, I need you to give me something. , I can suppress them." General John knows these two subordinates very well. He has no problem dealing with one alone. But if they are brought together, he will be the one who is dealt with, so he needs the strong support of the Minister of Defense.

"Okay! No matter what you want, I will give it to you. I have also increased military expenditures for you. Is there anything more cruel?" The Minister of Defense took the opportunity to vomit bitterness.

"I have two retirement orders, one from General Ross and one from General Stryker, as well as a detailed list of their military expenditures. I can give you a satisfactory answer within an hour." John The general wants to play a big game this time and show the Ministry of National Defense that our army is the future. This military operation will be turned into a show to show off the special weapons developed by the army over the years!

Don't let these bastards who eat people's food and do nothing to do anything for others, let's see who is the real guardian of the United States. These short-sighted bastards may really think that with a few broken aircraft carriers like living coffins on the sea, they can Can really protect the peace of the universe!

The Minister of Defense said nothing, General John, you are the boss now. As long as you don’t want my position, I can give you anything, just two retirement orders? It's too simple. I'll open one more for you. The Tucker tribe can't be solved today. You can retire yourself by the way!

Without saying a word, he signed the order with his own hand, and then let the president take a look. The president also agreed with him and the order could take effect at any time. General John returned to the office with three retirement orders, and he immediately made a phone call.

"Hey, I'm looking for Ross." After the call was connected, General John spoke first.

"General Ross is busy. Who are you? Do you have anything to do with him? When he comes back, I can convey it to you." Obviously, the person who answered the phone was General Ross's orderly. This old guy is not here. Staying peacefully in the office, I don’t know where I’m going to cause trouble again.

"I'm General John, don't tell me you don't even know me."

"...I know...I know..." The hand on the other end of the phone trembled, "Hello, General, what can I do for you?"

"What's going on with me, do you deserve to know? If I ask you to go to the pigsty to feed the pigs, tell Ross, I will give him thirty minutes. No matter where he is, he will come to the Pentagon immediately. My Come meet me in the office.”

"Yes, yes General!"

General John hung up the phone with a bang.

He immediately called General Stryker again.

"Dudu... is this General John? Our General Stryker went to the laboratory and is not in the office now."

"Damn it, why am I looking for someone, but no one is here? Tell you, General Stryker, come see me within half an hour, otherwise, you will go to the Caribbean to play The Old Man and the Sea for the rest of your life!"

"Yes, it is..."

"It's... you're a goat-fucking son-of-a-bitch! Find someone for me immediately!!"

General John rubbed his throbbing temples. Why can’t any of these subordinates make people feel at ease? Damn it, my heart is not going well if this goes on. He gave these two bastards a death order. They squatted in the office for half a year and were not allowed to cause any more trouble. As a result, neither of them listened and turned a deaf ear to his words. .

The orderly heard General John's voice becoming very irritable. He said cautiously, "General, my wife asked you to measure your heart rate and blood pressure. She said your blood sugar is too high and is not good for your health."

"Bastards! They are all bastards!" General John suddenly roared, "Where is my blood pressure monitor? Why can't I find it?"

"It should be in the drawer on your left. Madam said you are left-handed, so she asked me to put it there..."

"You fucking bastard, how dare you play tricks on me?" General John became angrier as he thought about it. He searched angrily in the drawer and finally found a blood pressure measuring device. This thing looked like a nail clip.

"How do you use this thing?" he asked.

"Just put it on the index finger of your left hand." The orderly knew his temper very well, so he said it more carefully.

"Damn, it's so troublesome." General John put the blood pressure measuring device on his finger, and a reading appeared immediately. According to the instructions, it was indeed high blood pressure. If this continued, he would definitely have a heart attack. General John suddenly felt sweet in his heart. , "Oh, by the way, you call my wife later and tell her that I am using this thing and I am very grateful to her. Order a bouquet of roses and send it to her."

"Yes, General." The orderly said slightly. General John is a good man, but his temper is too bad. Only his wife can subdue him.

Suddenly the phone rang, and General John was startled. Answered the call.

"John? I'm Stryker. I'm testing the Sentinel robot's combat capabilities against mutants. This is a critical moment. Why is it so urgent? Do I have to go over now?" General Stryker said cautiously. asked.

"It's okay if you don't come. I'll cut off all your research expenses now, disband your laboratory, and send all your subordinates back home. You can go to a nursing home and grow moldy. What do you think? You You still have twenty-five minutes to get here, and I won't allow you to be late! Do you understand?!" General John roared angrily. He dared to bargain with the order I personally gave him. This is outrageous! The blood pressure monitor on his finger made a "bang!" sound, and there was an electric spark. It was completely useless. He took it off angrily and put it in the drawer.

"I understand, I'll be right over." General Stryker has guessed that something urgent must have happened. He can face the most terrifying mutants and still talk and laugh, but facing this old superior, what will he do? There is no temper at all, only a wry smile.

About twenty minutes later, two armed helicopters parked on the Pentagon's helipad. General Ross, a muscular man with gray hair and a gray mustache who looked like an old cowboy, jumped out of the helicopter. Holding a cigar in his mouth and wearing sunglasses, he watched his old rival, General Stryker, get off another helicopter.

General Stryker is the same age as General Ross, but his skills are different. General Stryker needed the help of two soldiers before he successfully got off the plane. Since his wife committed suicide, his health has been getting worse day by day. He looks very gentle in appearance, looks older than General Ross, and is a bit short, fat and stout. He doesn't look like a general, but like a university professor.

"You old guy, why aren't you dead yet?" General Stryker felt very happy when he saw his old rival. The competition in the early years had already turned into a deep friendship under the baptism of time. Although The two still maintain a competitive relationship, but there are not many people of their generation who can be contacted because they are dead and missing. Seeing General Ross, he seemed to have returned to his youthful self. There is a burst of energy in the body.

"I will definitely die behind you, little one." This is the nickname General Ross gave to General Stryker. It has been for decades. There were rumors that General Stryker died, and General Ross was still sad. After a while, General Ross was in a good mood now that he saw him alive and kicking.

"You call me this nickname when we meet. The old guy still has such a bad mouth. How about Betty?"

"It's okay, I just can't forget that bastard Bruce Banner."

"Speaking of Dr. Banner, you bastard has created an amazing monster. Let's not talk about that. Do you know why that bastard John came to us in such a hurry this time and found you and me at the same time? I'm afraid there is something wrong with this. Please be troublesome."

"That's for sure, but that old guy John is smart, much smarter than you. He must have something very important. Let's not guess. Let's go take a look first. But I'll say something ugly first. You If you dare to hold me back, I won't spoil you." General Ross exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Ahem...that's what I want to say to you too. Your fighting style is too traditional and you don't care about the consequences. If you cause any trouble, don't expect me to wipe your ass!" General Stryker did not show weakness. .

The two met and chatted for less than a few words before they started competing again.

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