The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 56 Tony’s dangerous situation

Who is so bold as to dare to knock on the door? This is too bullying.

"Logan! How did you get bullied last night? People are chasing you here. Get ready guys, we must find this place today." Li Kang was the first to jump out of the car, followed by Logan and three others. They each prepared their weapons and rushed out fiercely.

At the back of the car, stood a middle-aged man who looked very loyal. He wore a white hat and decent clothes. He looked like a well-educated man. When he saw several people rushing towards him with murderous intent, When he came out, he was startled. He quickly took off his hat and put it on his chest, bowing gently.

"Dear gentlemen, I am the steward of Hamena, the chief of the Tak tribe. I am here to invite you on behalf of the chief. Today, his daughter came back from abroad to see him. Unexpectedly, the carriage fell into a deep pit. Thank you very much. With the help, she can come back smoothly. To express his gratitude, the chief gave a sumptuous banquet to entertain the two...four distinguished guests." The information the housekeeper received said that there were two people, one was an Oriental, and the other was an adult. The bearded Westerner was in this huge car with a very unique appearance, but he did not receive any information about the other two people.

The butler was a very smart man. He turned around and winked at the little servant waiting on the other side of the road. He gestured with four fingers behind his back with one hand. That was the butler's personal servant and a distant relative of his. She was clever, cute, and very discerning. At a young age, she was already his right-hand man. The servant nodded and understood what the butler meant. He turned around and ran to the master's house, informing the family that the guests were actually four people, not two. indivual.

"It's just a simple effort, you don't have to be so polite." Li Kang planned to decline politely. After calculating that the mastermind behind Tony's kidnapping was probably the Mandarin, he felt less confident about this rescue mission.

He guessed that Tony's physical condition was probably not very good now, and he probably couldn't bear the long journey, so the Mandarin sent people over to prevent fires everywhere, muddying the water and making everyone in the water muddy. Tired of coping, he likes to fish in troubled waters. From this point of view, it can be seen that the Mandarin is a master of strategizing and strategizing. There is a huge difference from the opponents he encountered before. Therefore, time is precious now and he does not want to waste it on anything.

"Dear sir, our chief has good intentions... He knows that when you come here, you must be shouldering a major mission. After the banquet, we are willing to provide you with some help. We are all friends, and our chief cherishes it very much. Please be sure to appreciate your friendship." The butler said very politely.

When the conversation has reached this point, if he continues to refuse to be honored, Chief Hamena will feel disgraced. If this person is narrow-minded, he may hold a grudge and may even look for opportunities to retaliate. No matter how worried Li Kang is, , you should also take time to deal with it at this time.

Haste makes waste, so Li Kang had no choice but to agree.

Logan drove the car;

The group of people followed the housekeeper and headed towards a huge mansion not far away, but Li Kang's guess was not very accurate.

The reason why Tony Stark has not been transported to the Mandarin Island is not because his body is still very weak. In fact, under the careful care of Dr. Jason, Tony has recovered most of his strength. However, in order to protect Tony, Jason The doctor deliberately exaggerated Tony's injuries to delay the departure.

While Li Kang and others were visiting the home of Chief Tucker Tribe, Tony was nervously carrying out secret work. In the huge cave, which was covered with exposed wires, Tony and Dr. Jason were laboriously putting together a steel plate. Piece it together.

Who would have thought that in such a wilderness cave, there would not only be stable voltage, but also a lot of sophisticated scientific research equipment and sophisticated electronic instruments, which would allow Tony to conduct any experiment he wanted to do. Tony's previous state was always Unstable, after working in the laboratory for a period of time, his mood will become irritable, and he will plunge into the colorful world outside. But now, for his own life, he must work hard day and night.

Suddenly, a pair of small iron pieces hanging at the door made a crisp sound. This was a small warning device made by Tony. As long as someone came and touched the mechanism, it would sound an alarm. Tony hurriedly put down his work and got a He smeared ash on his face and lay on the hospital bed pretending to be weak.

Dr. Jason nervously inserted the anti-inflammatory spot on the back of his hand, and the two of them waited nervously.

"Can this guy get up and work? Lazy pig! Get up and work!" Muhahan strode in with two of his men. As soon as he saw Tony still lying on the bed, he yelled crazily.

He had just received a piece of bad news. Muhar, the brother he had longed for, was accidentally killed by a water warrior in a previous attack. The four warriors found him together and expressed their "sincere apologies" to him. , this was not an apology at all, but a group of people watching his joke. Muhahan knew that he had successfully kidnapped Tony and became a celebrity in front of the Mandarin, which made the four dogs very dissatisfied, but he did not expect that these four dogs The mad dog dared to attack poor Muhar. He really wanted to break up with him immediately, but in the final analysis, he didn't dare to attack, at least not yet.

The four warriors concocted by the Mandarin himself are biochemical people with superpowers. Conventional weapons are useless to them, so Muhahan needs weapons with extremely powerful firepower. These days, he has been forcing Tony to make such weapons for him. , but Tony's body is weak, and the progress of the project is very slow. Until now, several months have passed, and the shell of the weapon has just been completed.

"Huh?" Tony responded weakly. He pretended to get up, but couldn't.

"There was a problem with the power system yesterday. The energy of the magnetic energy source in his chest was still unstable. I could only use drug-assisted treatment to stabilize his condition. His heart was injured and he should not be too tired." Dr. Jason stood Get up and say "justice" for Tony.

"Then cure him quickly! Jew pig! Otherwise, I will roast you, sprinkle with cumin and eat you, you old loser!" Muhahan was in a bad mood, and when he saw Tony looking very sick, Finally, he became even more irritable, "What have you done these days? Come up with some decent results that can make my eyes shine!"

"I promise... I will definitely produce results that will make your eyes shine." Tony said weakly.

"Then get up and work!" Muhahan roared, and he rushed over.

Dr. Jason quickly stood up and stopped in front of Muhahan, "He is still too weak now. He is a seriously ill patient and cannot be treated roughly."

"Okay, you are protecting him, but you are right, he is a weak patient, but you are not sick, and you are not weak, so I can get by with you." Muhahan came today just to vent his bad mood , whoever hits the muzzle will do.

He grabbed Dr. Jason's hair and banged Dr. Jason's head against the edge of the bed. Blood flowed down the doctor's forehead. Muhahan punched Dr. Jason's face one after another, hitting his fist. It's all blood.

"Stop! Stop!" Tony shouted. He grabbed a wrench and tried to fight Muhan. Two of Muhan's men aimed their guns at Tony's head.

"Huh huh huh... You guys get along well. Well, I'll give you another week. If you can't achieve anything within this time, I will kill this Jewish pig." Muhahan said happily.

After letting go of Dr. Jason, Dr. Jason's head tilted and he fainted.

Tony clutched the wrench, his eyes bursting with anger, and he stared at Muhahan with hatred.

"Yes, be angry. It's okay to be angry. Remember the energy you have now and use it at work. I look forward to your results." Muhahan wiped his hands proudly, rubbed his head and left.

Tony quickly pulled out the static point, jumped out of bed and helped Dr. Jason up. Dr. Jason's head and face were covered with blood, and he was lying dying. Tony inserted the static point on the back of Dr. Jason's hand and found a piece full of blood. It was a greasy rag, dipped in some water and used to wipe Dr. Jason's face. He had been taken care of by others all his life and had no experience in taking care of people. He could only do his best.

"Hurry... develop your weapons quickly. We only have this one chance... Don't... mind me..." Dr. Jason opened his eyes weakly and struggled to finish this sentence. , tilted his head, and passed out again.

With tears in Tony's eyes, he nodded and devoted himself to the heavy project again with a determined expression.

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