The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 51 The Stubborn Corporal

Coulson was so tired that he fell into a deep sleep. The two sounds of mines did not wake him up.

Logan put the seat down, lay on the chair, and fell asleep.

It wasn't until the next morning that a huge vulture landed on the car. Because many terrorists had been crushed to death before, there was still flesh and blood left on them, which attracted this big and vicious-looking bird.

In recent years, Afghanistan has been plagued by wars and everything has withered away. Only scavenging birds such as vultures have become more prosperous, and their populations are getting larger and larger. Crows and vultures are the animals that love war the most.

Logan opened his eyes, and it was already bright outside. The morning sun shone on the earth, and the surrounding green grass was green. Everything looked so peaceful. The fierce battle last night seemed like just a dream. Logan stretched and He opened the car door and was about to jump out of the car when he suddenly saw the traces left by the landmine explosion last night. He hesitated. He was not afraid of landmines, but he liked the pants and shoes he wore very much.

Shrugging, Logan picked up a can box and threw it to the ground. After confirming that it was okay, he stepped out of the car and briefly moved his muscles.

At this time, the guard who was lucky enough to survive being knocked down by Logan's elbow staggered out of the car.

"Don't move, there may be landmines nearby." Logan warned quickly.

"It's you... Where am I? What is this place? What time is it now? I should be doing morning exercises." The guard said with his mind still in confusion.

Logan regretted that he took too heavy a blow last night. It seemed that he might leave some bad sequelae to this young man. He hoped it wouldn't be the case.

"Boy, what's your name?" Logan asked.

"I'm Corporal Smith. Sir, you... look familiar." Corporal Smith covered his head in confusion, but couldn't remember.

"My name is Logan, not sir. You accidentally hit our car door last night and hit it hard. What happened? You can't remember anything?" Logan asked.

"Yes, first...Logan, my mind is like a big bowl of cereal, everything is messed up. How did we get here? What happened?" Corporal Smith looked at Logan. On his strong chest, he thought, this is a strong guy. If he is a kidnapper or a terrorist, whether he can subdue him is a question.

Logan didn't care what he thought, he wanted to tell Corporal Smith the whole story, except of course the part where Logan knocked him out.

Sure enough, after Corporal Smith listened,

Some are unacceptable.

"Wait, you mean, everyone in our base is dead? Shit~! Our garrison base is impregnable and has withstood many sudden attacks. It can't be destroyed so easily, and you said no one survived Come down, do you know how many people there are in our base?" Corporal Smith suddenly became very emotional, and he loudly accused Logan.

"Boy, I rescued you, so your life is mine, but if you don't want to believe it, just walk back to the base and see the real situation." Logan didn't want to waste more time. He checked the car body. After a night of recovery, some of the bullet marks on the car body had recovered, but there were still a lot of craters.

Corporal Smith looked at the dense craters on the car. His reason was that he already believed Logan, but he just didn't want to believe it.

"Are these all traces of the battle last night?" Corporal Smith asked in a gentle tone.

"Uh-huh!" Logan carefully checked around. This combat-ready vehicle was well-made. If it were an ordinary off-road combat-ready vehicle, it would have been sieved long ago. However, this combat-ready vehicle seemed to be fine. The craters on it were all in one place. I'm recovering bit by bit, and it shouldn't take long for me to be fully recovered.

"I want to ask you to send me back to the base. Even if it is destroyed, I want to go back and have a look." Corporal Smith said.

"You have your own legs. I can be merciful and give you a bottle of water. You can go back by yourself. It's not too far anyway. If you work hard, you can get there in an hour or two." Logan said without looking back.

Corporal Smith hesitated for a moment. He followed Logan, wanting to say something more, but Logan's attitude of refusing to talk to people thousands of miles away made him awkwardly follow behind him.

After Logan finished checking, he returned to the car.

Colson has woken up. After a night of recovery, his body and spirit have recovered to 70% to 80%. Li Kang's condition has also eased. However, Li Kang is physically exhausted and still a little dehydrated, so he needs more rest.

Corporal Smith followed him into the car, still stubbornly refusing to believe what Logan said.

Coulson frowned. He had no choice but to reveal his identity as a SHIELD agent, and solemnly told Corporal Smith what happened last night. With his identity as a SHIELD agent, Corporal Smith could only choose Believe it, he put his hands in his hair and thought painfully.

"Are there really no survivors? There are my comrades there. They are my friends and brothers. I can't just abandon them." Corporal Smith wiped the corners of his eyes and his eyes became firm again. He was a very stubborn young man.

This kind of young man is the kind of good soldier who can be relied on in battle, but in daily situations, he is very annoying.

"They are all dead. I say it again, if you want to go back, go back by yourself. I don't have that time." Logan connected to Jarvis, hoping that Jarvis would help scan to see if there are any landmines nearby. .

Coulson chatted with Corporal Smith for a while. He could understand Corporal Smith. Military camp culture is different for ordinary people. The relationship between comrades is closer than that of real brothers. They usually train together and experience life and death. They are brothers in life and death. If Corporal Smith gave up so easily, so Coulson would look down on him.

"Logan, if that doesn't work, let's just send him there and let him see it with his own eyes. If we don't get close, there should be no problem." Coulson proposed a compromise.

Logan glanced at Corporal Smith, who also felt heavy.

"Okay, just take a look from a distance." Logan shook his head and said.

"No!" Li Kang suddenly opened his eyes. He sat up weakly and felt dizzy. "Damn it, I feel like I've been tricked. The atmosphere in this ghost place is getting weirder and weirder. We can't take risks. Just Go to Tucker Town first. If the soldier wants to return to the base, just find someone in Tucker Town to help him. We have no obligation to help him."

Li Kang actually woke up long ago, but he was very dizzy, so he could only listen quietly. When he heard that Logan was persuaded to go back and take risks, he stopped him in time.

"But..." Corporal Smith was still unwilling.

"Shut up, I don't want to hear you talk anymore. If you say one more word, I will throw you out." Li Kang said decisively.

Corporal Smith wanted to speak, but Coulson stopped him with a look, and he wisely kept his mouth shut.

"I listened to what you said. What are those four weirdos? I seem to have heard something. I hope it's just a coincidence. Otherwise, the Tony Stark matter will be very troublesome. Damn it, I haven't felt so uncomfortable in a long, long time. After all, it's all your fault, Coulson! If you dare to say anything nonsense again, we won't need you in our mission, do you understand?" Li Kang asked.

"Understood." Coulson nodded.

After Li Kang woke up, he stabilized the morale of the army as quickly as possible. He sighed and thought about how he was attacked. He clearly felt that he was infected with white magic that enhanced vitality, so how could he become the bear he is now? Well, it seems that my experience is still insufficient. My years as a magician are too short and my experience is not enough. I really learned something this time.

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