The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 39 Mohan Khan’s anger

Most of Si Languo's income, except for a small amount of oil exports, is the most inhumane drug business. With these drugs, Muhahan can not only buy guns and cannons, but also control his subordinates. Chassis, even a child will take a few puffs.

The drug market in the West has tended to be saturated. Although the Russian market is large, the gangsters of the Russian fighting nation have always taken the bulk of the money. It is too difficult to do business with them. These guys have to scratch a few bones even on their bones. Only the knife is willing.

Then the most reliable market is in the hands of the Mandarin. Around the mysterious ancient east, the Mandarin has weaved a drug network, which deeply troubles everyone in the Divine Spear Secret Service.

So Muha Khan took refuge with the Mandarin. Because of the Mandarin's protection, the warlords of Silan State, big and small, did not dare to attack Muhahan. He got a rare chance to breathe. The Mandarin was very fair in doing business, and rewards and punishments were given. Obviously, but there is only one thing that makes Muhan unbearable. Every time he sees the Mandarin, he must perform three kowtows and nine bows, saying long live the Mandarin!

Otherwise, it would be disrespectful. Muhahan saw with his own eyes that a chief was burned to ashes by the Mandarin, and the entire village was wiped out. This man is a devil, Muhahan is a great evil person, but the Mandarin has gone beyond that. In the stage of evil, he has now reached the state of doing whatever he wants, and he is evil himself.

"Brother, let me advise you. Don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. Before your strength reaches a certain level, don't break up with Lord Manchu. He is not someone you can deal with. We are brothers, so I will treat you. Saying this, if the Mandarin wants to kill you, it will be easier than killing an ant. You have to take advantage of this stage to force Tony and use as powerful a weapon as possible. Only by relying on Tony can you make it possible. On an equal footing with the Mandarins." Muhar's IQ is very high and his analysis of problems is always to the point. Muhar Khan cares very much about his opinions.

"Well...! You are right. I am indeed no match for the Mandarin now, but this old guy will eventually get too old. I am still so young, so I will definitely have a chance. Sooner or later, I will swallow his territory. , hum... As long as I endure it now, this day will come sooner or later." Muhahan said with a laugh.

Aren’t the Mandarins immortal? Muhar was thinking in his heart, but he was smart enough not to say this out loud. Now Muhar is under a lot of pressure. Tony will have to hand it over sooner or later. During this period, how many technological weapon blueprints can he get is the most important thing for him. Concerned, this matter has to be done under the eyes of the Mandarin. If he is discovered, he will die without a burial place.

The Mandarins had little patience with their loyal subordinates, let alone those who betrayed them.

Muharhan cut off the contact, and the call time should not be too long, otherwise Muhar's location would be exposed.

After cutting off the radio, Muhahan tidied up his appearance and walked through the cave.

Arriving at the room of the Earth Warrior, the Earth Warrior is the leader of the four great warriors and is qualified to directly contact the Mandarin. In the Mandarin's organization, the hierarchy is very strict.

Peripheral elements like Muhahan are not qualified to contact the Mandarin directly unless they have the approval of the Mandarin.

A strict organizational hierarchy can make the cadres under you more loyal and increase the stability of the organization, but its weakness is rampant bureaucracy. Yes, it is bureaucracy. When you encounter something, you have to report it to each level. If you report beyond the level, it will be yours. No matter how good the reason is, you will still be punished.

"Mohan Khan? At this time, shouldn't you be supervising Tony Stark? Why did you come to me?" the Earth Warrior asked doubtfully.

The appearance of the Earth Warrior looks like a terracotta warrior. The body is completely made of rocks, and there is a crack on the face. It looks a little unstable and dull, but Muhahan is in front of the Earth Warrior. He didn't dare to take a breath. He once saw with his own eyes that with a stamp of his feet, the Earth Warrior pulled dozens of people into the ground and buried them alive. This was a terrifying guy.

"Respected Lord Earth Warrior, I received a reliable tip that another group of people have come to Afghanistan. Their goal must be to rescue Tony Stark. I think this matter should be reported to the Mandarin. "Muhahan said with a sigh of relief. Ever since he was a child, he had always been so low-key. He felt disgusted with himself.

"Hahahaha... That's nonsense! After what happened last time, who else dares to come here because they don't know how to live or die?" the Earth Warrior said angrily.

Muhahan's heart skipped a beat. If the gun hadn't been useless to this guy, he would have really wanted to blow his head off right now, this idiot!

The brains of the four great warriors are not very easy to use. It is probably because during the biochemical transformation, the Mandarin only focused on increasing their abilities and did not take into account the impact on the brain. Sometimes, their behavior was very childish.

Without a brain, no matter how strong the ability is, what's the use? Muhahan suddenly realized such a truth, and the earth warrior forced Muhahan to become a philosopher.

"Lord Earth Warrior, my report is absolutely accurate. There are not many people coming this time, only three people. However, according to my informant's observation, the abilities of these three people are greater than those of the four mercenary teams from last time combined. To be scary, noble sir, I think this matter should be reported to the Mandarin immediately. I hope the Mandarin can let the four noble warriors attack again to nip the threat in the bud. Moreover, Sir, you can also go out and get some fresh air. Just being a jailer here is too much for you." Muhahan suggested cautiously, not daring to show the contempt in his heart.

"...You're right. I've been feeling depressed for a long time. There's nothing here, not even wine. What the hell is this place!" The Earth Warrior said displeased, "What the hell are you doing? What the hell is this? You are not allowed to eat meat, you are not allowed to drink alcohol, and you are not allowed to live. You people, you even kill people, but you live like a monk, it is really confusing. "

In the eyes of the local warriors, the monks had the hardest life, followed by people like Muhahan who asked for trouble.

The veins on Muhahan's forehead popped out, and he gritted his teeth for a long time before squeezing out a sentence between his teeth.

"Sir, please contact Lord Manchu immediately. I will make a report right away." Muhahan secretly swore in his heart that sooner or later, he would dismantle this earth warrior piece by piece.

Insulting Muhan Khan can be tolerated, but insulting Lao Hu must die!

The earth warriors acted as if they had not seen Muhahan's anger. People like Muhahan, in the Mandarin organization, are like worker bees in a hive. They are just tools that can be replaced at any time. Who cares whether the tools are productive or not? angry.

The Earth Warrior turned on the projector on the chest of the battle suit and contacted the Mandarin.

"Warrior Earth, why are you contacting me at this time? Don't you know that at this time every day, I have to watch orchids?" The Mandarin, wearing casual clothes, said very unhappy.

The ground warrior knelt down quickly. Muhahan hesitated and knelt down as well.

The image of the Mandarin looks like those long-haired villains in the martial arts movies of Shaw Brothers Pictures in the 1970s and 1980s. They are obviously doing evil things, but they still have to be elegant. The Mandarin has long hair. Fa, today he is not wearing that ridiculous green dragon robe, but a white silk robe. He is in his forties, has a neat beard, and has a slender body. He looks like a very ordinary rich man.

However, the most eye-catching thing is that on his ten fingers, there are ten rings of different shapes. The Ten Rings of the Mandarin are exactly the origin of the name of the Mandarin's gang - the Ten Rings Gang.

The Ten Commandments appear in this world, and the heaven and earth are shaken!

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