Wolverine Logan first came into the public eye a few years ago because of the Hulk. At that time, the SHIELD Secret Service was tracking the Hulk. Canada's secret forces had no idea what was going on. What happened is that huge traces of destruction were found in the border area, so the Canadian government sent the mercenary Wolverine to track it. In the primeval forest on the border, two equally fiery men, Hulk and Wolverine Logan, met and broke out Fierce sparks.

Although Logan is brave, Hulk is invincible. Logan was punched by Hulk and sent several kilometers away. By chance, General Cuisk of the Weapon X Research Center learned that Logan was in Canada, and he hired a Among the mercenaries, there is Red Omega, a Russian mutant who can control two carbonara alloy tentacles, is extremely powerful, and has certain self-healing abilities.

Lady Death Yuriko is not the goddess of death. She is a biochemically modified person. 90% of her body has been transformed into a biochemical organism. The metal used to make her body has metal memory. Even if it is destroyed, it can recover itself, somewhat similar to "The Terminator" The villain in "2" can also change the shape of the body, but the extent of the change is limited. He usually turns his limbs into weapons and does not have the ability to project energy.

There is another character who is the highlight. According to legend, Sabre-toothed Tiger has an unclear relationship with Logan. Sabre-toothed Tiger is said to be Logan's brother, but neither party has ever acknowledged it verbally, but because of their similar abilities, Judging from the fact that they both get into fights when they don't agree with each other, and that they settle old scores when they meet, and will definitely show mercy to each other at the last moment, this is almost true.

General Trask also borrowed the powerful woman Sand Angel from Dr. Gilbrough. Apart from Sand Angel, these people all had a bitter feud with Wolverine Logan. For example, Sabertooth Tiger vowed to kill Logan with his own hands. Root, and Ms. Death had been a lover with Logan. Logan was indeed a man known as a humanoid self-propelled cannon. No matter where he went, he would never let his lower body idle. Later, when he arrived at the Hell and Heaven nightclub, he also He also got into bed with the female devil Ms. Pleasure. With this magical ability to have sex, even the playboy Tony Stark had to be defeated.

At that time, Hulk was in his own league. After being stabbed by Logan, he was full of anger and was about to vent his anger. He was an absolute crushing type who would crush anyone who dared to show up.

Logan fought with the Hulk for a while, and he could still hold on at first, but he couldn't stand it. The Hulk was spinning the tree with one hand and holding the boulder with the other and smashing it around. He was being chased crazily by the Hulk behind his butt. He belongs to my butt. There is a fire behind me, and I will stab anyone who dares to stop me.

The unlucky ones were Trisik and others who thought they were the stumbling blocks. The group was beaten up by the Hulk attracted by Logan. Red Omega was seriously injured. Lady Death almost died. The saber-toothed tiger was punched and sent more than ten kilometers away. After comatose for a day and a night, when I woke up, the day lily was cold. Sand Angel and Hulk punched each other, and his arm was broken. He had to pretend to be dead to escape the disaster. General Cuisic lay on the ground shivering, but Hulk didn't. Pay attention to him.

That is, from that time on,

General Trask has lost all interest in Weapon X. He knows that Hulk was created by his old enemy General Ross. Even if he continues to work on Weapon A terrifying weapon, so he gave up Weapon X and turned to research on sentry robots.

However, their information was recorded by the secretly observing SHIELD agency. They were able to fight the Hulk and escape unscathed. The SHIELD agency was very impressed by Wolverine Logan's combat prowess and had sent people to contact him. , but all were unsuccessful.

Coulson happened to be the agent who was originally sent to track Hulk. He had witnessed the battle with his own eyes and knew that Logan was not easy to mess with. With so many people and guns on his side, there was not enough to stop Logan. Gap between teeth.

"Li Kang! Please help!" Coulson saw that Logan was unstoppable, and he quickly turned back to call for support.

"Waste! You guys from SHIELD are all waste! Can't you even delay it for twenty minutes?" Li Kang said through gritted teeth. He was now using the Holy Spirit to descend on the magic circle to force the two to be tied together. Pushing Bu into the entrance to hell is like forcing a powerful monster into the mouth of a sewer.

Although Beelzebub is just a temporary clone, the closer he gets to hell, the more powerful the energy in his body becomes. He puts more and more pressure on Li Kang. Li Kang uses the energy absorbed by the Yin Spirit Moon to It consumes a lot of energy and requires him to use up some more energy to support Coulson. He has more than enough energy but not enough energy. This is an impossible task.

Damn it, why is Logan here? Li Kang can't blame Coulson. He has fought side by side with Logan and knows how powerful Logan is. If Coulson can really stop him, that's the real hell, Coulson. Erson is a good agent, very witty and brave, and has outstanding abilities, but he is just a mortal and does not have the ability to defy the heavens. He has maximized the abilities of an ordinary person.

But playing to the maximum is not enough. If everyone wants to get out alive today, everyone must perform beyond their normal capabilities.

"But, he is simply immortal. The Adamantium metal in his body is indestructible. We can't stop him! We have tried our best!" Coulson and others concentrated on shooting Logan, and the flesh and blood on Logan's body was burned by the high temperature. The laser scorches the body, revealing the shining metal skeleton inside, and the wounds on the body heal at an astonishing speed.

"Do you think it's easy for me here? I'm dealing with two hell lords at the same time. Didn't I try my best? What's the use of trying my best? Think of a way! Laura, you don't have to protect me anymore. Seeing that one looks like a wolf Is there a man? Hold him down for me, be careful, he is very powerful, if you can't beat him, don't resist, understand?" Li Kang understood that it was useless to force Colson, so he had no choice but to send out the final As a card, Laura has similar abilities to Logan, and is at least more useful than Coulson and others.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task." Laura had long been stimulated by Logan's murderous aura, and the killing desire in her body was also expanding infinitely.

Li Kang gave an order, and Laura, who was dressed like a little princess, tore off the obstructive skirt of her lower body, revealing a pair of girl's smooth and round thighs. She showed her weapon and slowly faced Logan.

Logan was stunned. He felt an aura similar to his own on this little girl's body. Who exactly was this little girl?

"Who are you?" Logan stopped charging and asked doubtfully.

"I am Laura Wolverine, codename X-23!" Laura tilted her head and said calmly.

"X-23? Are you a product of the Weapon X Research Center? Is it Weapon X created based on my genes?" Logan was shocked.

"The Weapon X Research Center has been destroyed. I am not Weapon X now. I am Laura!" Laura leaned down and prepared to face the enemy.

"Wow! I won't fight you." Logan said.

"It's not up to you." Laura said coldly. She suddenly exerted her strength, jumped high and jumped onto Logan's shoulders. The claws of her feet dug into Logan's shoulders. At the same time, the claws of her hands dug straight into Logan's shoulders. Root eyes.

Logan resisted the severe pain and raised one claw to protect his eyes. Edman's metal claws collided together, and the sharp blade rubbed sparks. Logan's other hand did not reach out the claw, but grabbed it with one hand. Lived Laura and threw Laura out.

Blood flowed down Logan's shoulder, but the bone-deep wound healed in the blink of an eye. As the original version, even with the inhibitory effect of Adamantium, his recovery ability was higher than Laura's.

"Why show mercy to her? Killer Wolf! You are my lover, don't be fooled by her, she is actually a monster, kill her, come and save me!" Ms. Joy shouted, she reached out Shooting an illusion magic with one hand, Ms. Joy's ability to control people's hearts is one of the most powerful in hell. It is completely different from Professor Magic will make the other party willingly serve you.

Logan was hit by the illusion, his body trembled violently, and in his eyes, Laura's image also changed, turning into a demon similar to a small succubus.

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