The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 23 Beelzebub’s lies

"Wait, are you bragging? Do you mean you caught Li Kang?! That bastard who treated Mephisto like a monkey, dared to slap Dormammu wildly, and defeated the incarnation of Cytorak? I didn't No disrespect intended, but you must be bragging, and a very poor bastard, as a Hell Executioner... Excuse me, a former Hell Executioner, I was once under the direct orders of Mephisto , has carried out many missions to secretly assassinate Li Kang, but each time the outcome was very tragic. This guy knows more than just black magic. He actually knows some magic in every department. For the research on magic arrays, I am afraid that Even Mephisto, the most powerful person in the universe, has privately admitted that he has no way to break Li Kang's defensive formation. Even the reincarnation of the Supreme Master Ancient One is not as good as Li Kang's in many aspects. Kang Qiang, at least Master Gu Yi, is a face-saving person. In order to achieve his goal, I guess Li Kang would even betray his own parents." Ms. Pain said hastily.

In fact, she doesn't hate Li Kang. She is very dissatisfied with Mephisto now, not only because Mephisto took revenge and exiled the sisters, but also because Mephisto clearly violated the laws of hell, but yet... Relying on their power, not only did they not accept punishment, but they punished the sisters who wanted to do things justly. Is this justified?

"Furthermore, Li Kang is famous for being cautious. You may not need to remind me how many batches of assassins our hell has sent. However, as the executioners of hell, we know many examples, some of which are small. The devil tried to take back Li Kang's soul without overestimating his capabilities. What was the result? Hum... Li Kang was not only alive and kicking, but also became the savior. Isn't this a great irony? What else could it be? If other forces in the universe know about it, we may lose face and call ourselves demons." Ms. Happy said jokingly, "There are so many examples, you made us believe you, and suddenly you were so wise and powerful that this troubled hell was I’m afraid I can’t believe that years of trouble have been solved.”

"Facts speak louder than words. My lady, if it were me, I wouldn't believe it, but there's a saying? When good luck comes, you can't stop it even if you want, hehehe... ...Who would have thought that Li Kang would actually dine at my Marseille Palace restaurant with his friends. What’s even worse is that they also brought a very scary little girl with them. This little girl was simply a little goblin and took my The chaos in the restaurant has been turned upside down, and this matter has been uploaded on social networks. If you don't believe me, you can check it out." Beelzebub motioned to Ms. Happy to check it herself to see if he was lying.

In Beelzebub's eyes, there is a very powerful bond between Lady Pain and Lady Joy. This power is so powerful that even a devil like him would not dare to take action rashly. Both parties are A high-level demon lord, if he were in hell, Beelzebub would definitely not take these sisters seriously, but in the human world, there is no doubt that these sisters are more powerful.

Ms. Happy took out her mobile phone, opened the social software, and specifically searched the Marseille Palace restaurant. Among the top few were some new dishes launched by the chef of Marseille Palace.

"Oh~! It's so cute. These lovely dishes are made of human flesh.

It was researched. "Ms. Joy said with a charming smile.

"I really know the goods. I researched this using boy's breast meat from Bofania. However, when I actually sold it, I unfortunately had to replace it with swan breast meat. To be honest, the taste is not even the slightest bit worse." , but it’s okay to eat. If you sisters are interested, I welcome you to come to my manor, and I will personally cook and prepare the most sumptuous dinner for you.”

"That's so thoughtful, let me see the evidence first." Ms. Happy said with dirty eyes.

She continued to search and easily found a video of Laura causing a scene in the most luxurious restaurant in New York. In the video, although the protagonists were Laura and Colson, Li Kang not far away was still clearly visible.

"It seems that this thing is true, so I'm interested, how did you defeat Li Kang?" Ms. Pain said suddenly while watching the video.

"This matter is very simple. He was very worried by the little girl at the time. But in fact, I put poison in the little girl's food. I did not use any curses or magic, because I am afraid there is no way to hide it from Li Kang. Those eyes that were more venomous than those of poisonous snakes, haha... In fact, at that time, the little girl was already under my control. The little girl was a cousin of Li Kang, and Li Kang had great trust in her, so I Manipulate the little girl and make her say that she is tired, hoping that Li Kang will carry her on his back. You all know that Li Kang actually attaches great importance to family ties, but his family is almost dead. Even if he attaches more importance to it, It's useless, and although he values ​​​​it, if we use his relatives to blackmail him, this bastard is not the kind of saint who is willing to sacrifice his life for his relatives. However, if it is just his cousin who spreads a Jiao, he still couldn't refuse. When he was carrying the little girl behind his back, I suddenly appeared and attacked him. His attention was suddenly attracted by me, so the little girl was on the back of his head, ruthlessly One knock, hey hey hey... The guy who brought shame to the whole hell was so easily dealt with." Beelzebub said with a lot of nonsense.

His rhetoric was made up on the fly, and it seemed very absurd. No demon would have believed it entirely, but the sisters, Ms. Pain and Ms. Joy, believed it. Why? Because although these two sisters are demons, they have some inexplicable innocence. Think about it, in order to carry out a fair trial in hell, even Mephisto, the king of hell, wants to punish him. This must be abnormal. of.

As representatives of the Hell Code, no one dares to stand up to them in Hell. This has been the case since the Code was established. This also causes their thoughts and ideas, like that ancient Code, to change from the inside out. Everything looks out of place.

As some of the more upright demons in hell, they felt that if it were them, they would be deceived. Although Li Kang was cunning, he was just a mortal. In the past, they only targeted those who violated the code of hell. Demons don't have much contact with mortals, but now that they have been exiled to the human world, the humans they come into contact with are so stupid that they can be manipulated with just a few touches, even the so-called The human elite, a city councilor, is nothing more than a little salted fish in front of them, which makes them extremely confident.

"Great, so where is Li Kang? We want to see him!" Ms. Huanxi said happily.

This pair of sisters is very special. The elder sister, Ms. Pain, is always very angry, with a bitter and hateful expression, her voice is cold and cold, and she has a noble and cool look, while the younger sister, Ms. Joy, is always very happy and seems to be ready at any time. Electricity is being discharged everywhere....

Beelzebub knew that the first level had been passed, and the next step was to see if Li Kang could attract their attention so that he could catch them with Setorak's crimson chain.

Following Beelzebub's order, Colson and others walked in carrying the invisible crystal coffin. Beelzebub gently opened his hands, and the fog covering the crystal coffin gradually dissipated, revealing the old figure. Li Kang is locked up inside.

"Hi... Where is this place? I am a good citizen. You must have made a mistake. My name is James. I am an agent of SHIELD. I am not the Li Kang you are talking about. ...." Li Kang pretended to be confused. He looked very embarrassed and had blood stains on his body.

"Hahaha... Li Kang, I didn't expect this to be the famous Li Kang. I can't believe that Li Kang, who has always been a thorn in hell's side and a thorn in his flesh, would be caught by such a little trick. There are really surprises everywhere in this world, sister!" Ms. Happy's eyes shone with excitement, and she stood up gently.

"That's right, my sister, this is the real Li Kang. He was really caught by Beelzebub. Beelzebub, I want to know what your purpose is in bringing him to us. ?" Ms. Pain's mind was still a little more active. After so long, she finally asked this crucial question.

"You are finally willing to listen," Beelzebub wiped his forehead and said, "What I want is for you to form an alliance with me. Mephisto has been encroaching on my territory, and he has also joined forces with other demon kings to attack my territory. .”

"..." Ms. Pain frowned. She didn't understand that in the whole hell, only Beelzebub and his group of flies and cockroaches would regard their territory as a It is a golden treasure land, but in fact, no one is willing to occupy their territory. With them here, the environment of hell can be slightly better. In fact, the demon king of Columbia has always avoided the Golden Mountains, the core residential area of ​​Beelzebub. , let alone occupy it.

"Uh... Excuse me, what do you want?" Ms. Happy asked.

"I want to strike first. I organized an army to defeat Mephisto's army. You two are very powerful demons, so I need your help!" Beelzebub said.

"Well, with all due respect, I'm afraid you don't have the prestige to organize a powerful army." Ms. Pain said.

"But...we have Li Kang. As long as we have him, everything is possible!" Beelzebub smiled cunningly.

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