The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 128 Loki fell from heaven to hell

Immediately, several vampire guards came over, helped Dracula and ran out. The other guards tried to entangle Hulk, but this was simply a mantis' arm as a cart. Hulk stomped his feet, and a large number of them died, which was of no use at all.

Dracula's recovery ability is very strong, and he has recovered a lot at this time. Behind him, Hulk is biting hard, killing anyone in front of him, and trampling to death anyone who dares to watch the fun.

"Li Kang! You bastard! I'm going to kill you sooner or later!!" Dracula ran out of the castle with all his strength. In fact, he didn't know that if he ran out, he would really die, because Hao Hao With a casual jump, Hulk can reach three or four kilometers away. He can reach the sky by jumping high. When he reaches an open place, even if Dracula runs ten minutes ahead of him, Hulk can still easily catch up.

Dracula's side was in dire straits, and Li Kang couldn't care less. He had spent all his efforts to get Hulk away. Now he had to solve the problem of the Settorak ruby. Li Kang looked around and saw that no one was watching. He saw that he was not far away. There was a cave, and Li Kang jumped into the earth to prevent satellites from tracking it. It is said that SHIELD's satellites have very high accuracy, and they must be watching at this time.

Li Kang arrived at the entrance of the cave. At this time, he was extremely exhausted physically and mentally. He accidentally took two more steps. In an instant, the image of the crimson universe master Settorak suddenly appeared in the minds of countless people. They were They were forced to succumb to the posture of this evil god and were brainwashed into fanatical believers in Settorak. For them, anyone who did not believe in Settorak was a despicable and shameless heretic. Even their biological sons could not be spared. They must Just two steps away from the purge, it caused a huge shock in the world.

The World Security Council mobilized urgently to deal with this crazy riot. Military and police from all over the country were dispatched. In some relatively cruel places, extermination methods were directly used to deal with fanatic believers.

Li Kang can't control so much anymore. The red color in his head is getting more and more. If this continues, he will become the second Hulk. Li Kang never wants to become a person who can only jump around and smash this. , the violent idiot who smashed it, he held on to the cave wall, feeling the coolness in the cave, which made his mind clearer. He randomly grabbed the ruby ​​​​in his left hand and tore it hard.

The Settorak ruby ​​is embedded in the palm of his left hand. This is the source of his current power. It is protected by layers of rubies. However, Li Kang can control the ruby ​​armor at will, but this ruby ​​seems to grow in the palm of his hand. Li Kang pulled with all his strength, and the ruby ​​was pulled out a little, but from the center of the ruby, there was something like a jellyfish tentacle, which just wrapped around Li Kang's left hand, preventing him from pulling it.

"Setolak Ruby, don't pretend to be stupid with me. If you are smart, let go of my hand before I change my mind. If you really make me angry, I will go out of my way to cut off one of your hands and use this hand as a Burial, I will banish you to the side of the Life Tribunal. Let me see if your authority can develop the Life Tribunal into a follower of the Crimson Sect. If you can, then I consider you awesome, and I will give you this hand. , I also admit it,

Do you think it will work? "Li Kang really won't cut off his hand. He is just scaring the Setorak Ruby. In fact, Li Kang knows the location of the Life Tribunal. At worst, he will find a way to teleport there and let the Life Tribunal think of a solution.

The Tribunal of Life, the only great god in the multiverse, is ordered by Marvel's Supreme Being to look after the Marvel Almighty Multiverse for him. Moreover, the earth is the core resource, so the earth is the top priority. In the entire Marvel multiverse, , very few people know about this, only a few people such as the Five Gods and Thanos know.

Li Kang happens to be one of them, so he has the confidence to force the Life Tribunal to submit and deal with the Settorak Ruby on his behalf, but the price is probably that Li Kang will have to be a flute player under the Life Tribunal. , this was something Li Kang couldn't bear, so he used intimidation to force Setorak Ruby to submit.

Sure enough, the Setolak Ruby also knew that it could not be offended by the Tribunal of Life. It obediently let go of Li Kang's left hand, fell gently to the ground, and turned into the ruby ​​that exuded a strange red light.

The drug-like redness in Li Kang's mind gradually faded away, and he breathed a long sigh of relief. This thing was really scary. Even if it couldn't directly control people's souls, it could still control people's souls by delivering the drug-like crimson cosmic energy. People turn into madmen. In ancient times, the warrior has been stubbornly fighting against the Cytorak ruby. Later, the ruby ​​was injured by Apocalypse. After all these years, the earth has not been included in the crimson universe. It is considered a big deal. out of luck.

But just as the ruby ​​fell to the ground, Dr. Destruction suddenly came roaring from outside the cave. As soon as he came in, he raised his hand and gave Li Kang a beam of destruction. Li Kang cast the spell like lightning, and the defensive circle was set up, but because it was a little late, He took a step forward, causing a small amount of the beam of destruction to pass through the defensive circle, and bounce around inside the defensive circle like a stray bullet. Li Kang was so frightened that he hurriedly squatted on the ground holding his head. Without the defensive circle, Li Kang had no physical fitness. He is just an ordinary person, and the beam of destruction can easily penetrate the steel plate. Li Kang does not dare to try this thing.

Doctor Doom restrained Li Kang with one move. He leaned over to grab the Setolak Ruby. Unexpectedly, a big foot suddenly stretched out from the air next to him and kicked Doctor Doom away. Doctor Doom grunted. His back hit the rock wall, and Loki strode out of the air. He stooped to pick up the ruby. At this time, Doctor Doom raised his hand and fired a beam of destruction, but the beam of destruction passed through Loki's body. It turned out to be Loki used illusions to make up an illusion, but the real Loki lay under the illusion and used his wand to hook the Settorak Ruby into his hand. He clutched the Settorak Ruby tightly, with a look of excitement on his face.

"Finally! Finally, the Cyttorak Ruby is mine, and you finally belong to me!" Loki almost cried with joy. He held the Cyttorak Ruby high and declared victory.

Loki is handsome and handsome, with a hint of melancholy in his elegance, and a bit of arrogance. He has the smartest mind among the Asgardian gods. Only Odin and the Mother of Life can compete with him. , with a distinguished status, he is the prince of the Immortal Palace and the current regent. However, he is not respected for his status. The only thing he lacks is strength.

However, unlike mortals, mortals can also rely on mutations or certain spells to enhance themselves. Otherwise, certain artifacts can have similar effects. However, this ability has an upper limit and is considered a transformation type. The problem is Loki himself is an Asgardian protoss of Frost Giant blood. The effect of this successful transformation is often not as strong as that of Loki before the transformation. In terms of physical skills, Loki before the transformation can still easily beat him. Captain America, as for Spider-Man, not to mention, so I want to find an artifact that can impress Loki, and the effect after use can overwhelm the superhuman strength of the Asgardian protoss. A strong physique is even rarer.

Even a powerful weapon like the Destroyer couldn't stop the Asgardian gods from attacking. That's why Loki came to seek the power of the Settorak Ruby. After all the hard work, he finally got the coveted artifact, among which Only he himself knew the sadness and pain, and now he finally succeeded.

Just when Loki lifted the Settorak Ruby into the air, the Settorak Ruby was also quite surprised. It did not expect that happiness would come so quickly, and that an Asgardian protoss would get it. Surprised by the unexpected, Cytorak Ruby did not dare to neglect, and immediately stretched out its jellyfish-like tentacles, tied up Loki's right hand, and never let go.

Loki's heaven lasted too short, and hell came too quickly. The Settorak ruby ​​accurately grasped Loki's soul and controlled it firmly in its hands. The level of the evil god Settorak was higher than Loki's. There are so many levels between them, such as the Heavenly Father level, the Celestial God Group, the Dimension Master, the Five Great Gods, and the Multidimensional One. Loki has no ability to resist at all in front of the Setorak Ruby.

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