The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 126 A gift to Dracula

But no matter how difficult the enemy is to deal with, you still have to find a way to deal with it. Ordinary magic has limited effect on Hulk. Li Kang is considering whether to resort to soul harvesting to harvest Hulk's soul, but these days he just turns around. After a while, he had no choice but to give up, because there are actually two souls in Hulk's body, one is Banner, and the other is only half a soul, that is Hulk.

Hulk is an extremely furious beast. With Dr. Banner here, this beast has a valve, otherwise this guy will not stop until he smashes the earth into briquettes. The Hulk has infinite anger in his body, which means that He has unlimited power. In fact, after Hulk's power reaches its peak, it will be able to destroy the earth, but this is already strong enough.

After all, Li Kang did not dare to use soul harvesting to deal with Hulk, because he could not bring out whose soul would be drawn out with this scythe. What he wanted was to eat, drink and have fun in this colorful world, not to create a crazy big monster. Tall, smash the world to pieces.

However, the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. Li Kang has clearly felt that his head is surrounded by a red mist, making it increasingly difficult to see. In contrast, his power is getting stronger and stronger. Gradually suppressing Hulk, now Hulk punches him, and he will slide back a certain distance, but Li Kang backhand punches Hulk, and Hulk has to fly far away.

"No, it's getting harder and harder to control the body. We must find a way to deal with Hulk immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Li Kang thought anxiously. Now that his strength has reached reality, This also means that he has the possibility to modify reality. Li Kang's heart suddenly moved.

Just when Hulk rushed over again, Li Kang reached out and lifted Hulk into the air. Although this process was extremely difficult, Li Kang still relied on the strong willpower brought by strict training to steadily control Hulk. , but the resistance coming from this furious beast is so strong that Li Kang will lose control of it at any time, but he must be steady now. For himself and the world, Li Kang can only succeed and cannot fail. !

Red haloes flew out from Li Kang's hands. This was similar to the crimson chain, except that it was not a spell, but a way of using energy driven by the heart. Countless haloes wrapped Hulk in them, like a huge red Li Kang reached for the sphere again, and the sand and gravel on the ground flew up one after another. After material reorganization, it turned into a huge box. Li Kang very vulgarly transformed the box into something similar to a Christmas gift. The box is colorful and looks very happy.

"Hmph... Who should I give this fatal gift to? Let me think about it, who has the qualifications... Forget about the SHIELD Agents, I still want to use them to deal with it. The Hydra organization cannot hurt them too deeply, and the Doomfortress is not good either. Although Dr. Doom has a grudge against me, the passionate and beautiful girls of Latvinia are still good. We cannot let beasts like Hulk ravage them. , then... Hey! Now, wouldn’t it be enough to give the Hulk to the undead? Those vampire elders don’t always say that they are immortal, they always say that they are much more advanced than humans,

After so many years, no one can verify it. I think I will let Hulk verify it to see if they are as powerful as they say. "Li Kang thought for a moment and thought of a good place.

Romania - the hometown of Dracula III, the true ancestor of the vampire. Since Dracula defeated the true ancestor of the previous generation, drained the blood of the true ancestor, defeated the Turkish army, and carried out a shocking impalement incident, killing tens of thousands of people. After all the Turkish prisoners were impaled, Romania became the kingdom of vampires. Dracula's Castle was the holy land of vampires. It was in this castle that Dracula III successfully counterattacked and became the true ancestor.

During World War II, Dracula cooperated with the Nazis. The Nazis promised Dracula that vampires could suck the blood of lower races at will. So Dracula sent an army to help the Nazis fight, but most of his machinations were eliminated. The supernatural agent team destroyed it. Although World War II has ended long ago, for the vampire family whose time is measured in centuries, this hatred is far from over.

Li Kang has cooperated with the supernatural agent team several times, and betrayed the supernatural agent team several times to sneak into Dracula's castle. Each time, he planned a sneak attack and lit Dracula like a match.

But Dracula will be resurrected every time, but the relationship between them goes without saying. Dracula promised a ton of gold, thirty women of blood nobles, and a bounty on Li Kang's head. Not enough. Dracula has always had a bad reputation. , famously likes to take advantage of others, Dracula is very proud to call this kind of brain-dead behavior a conspiracy, but others are not fools. Once you take advantage of others, you take advantage of others twice, and you take advantage of others three times... It doesn't matter if you take advantage of others, but you plan to take advantage of others every time. Damn it, only idiots will cooperate with you again, so no one has actually assassinated Li Kang for him.

Li Kang once changed his identity and used a skull to make a fake head of himself in order to defraud the reward. As expected, Dracula was really evil. Not only did he not have the golden beauty, he also wanted to kill Li Kang. Li Kang revealed on the spot identity, mocked Dracula, and teleported back to New York from Dracula's castle, but Li Kang wrote this down in his notebook. I, Li Kang, can lie to you, but you, Dracula, take advantage of it. Black can't believe this.

"Hehehehe... Damn Dracula, accept this gift!" Li Kang laughed evilly, and he wrote a line on the box with Hulk: For my dear Mr. Dracula, I wish you a good mood every day - Li Kang.

Then Li Kang used a teleportation spell to teleport the box to Dracula's castle.

In Dracula's castle, Dracula is sitting high on the throne with a blood-drinking sword. Recently, there is news that one of his fanatical followers, Marshall, was raided by a group of magicians for unknown reasons. , the whole family was screwed, Dracula was in a bad mood, Marshall was a very talented sycophant, and his pleasing singing of praises would never be heard again.

On both sides of Dracula are his nobles, all of whom are the oldest blood clan. Any one of them is the overlord of the party and can call the wind and rain. Every ten years, they gather in Dracula's castle to fight with them. The true ancestors had dinner together.

Time seems to have frozen in Dracula's Castle. Although it is already a modern society outside, the vampires here still wear the clothes of the old nobles and show the etiquette of the old nobles. The dishes in front of them are all fresh. flesh.

Every ten years, the vampire elders will feast on Dracula's castle for ten days. The vampires collect pure virgins from all over the world and use their flesh and blood to worship the vampire elders. However, as the world changes, the collection of The virgin's task becomes increasingly difficult.

Dracula doesn't have much appetite today. He doesn't actually have to suck blood. The true ancestor of the vampire family can survive on human food. In fact, he can still survive even if he doesn't eat anything. However, sucking blood occasionally can be regarded as a sign of respect. It’s traditional.

Dracula, who was not satisfied with today, was restless and always felt that something big was about to happen. Dracula looked at these elders who were eating so much with contempt. These old antiques just refused to accept new things, while Dracula Different, he has the courage to try all high-tech, and the power of the blood clan penetrates all walks of life, especially the arms industry.

For example, Adamantium metal is found here in Dracula. The armor made of vibranium is also found on Dracula. The other electromagnetic pulse cannons and so on are all weapons that Dracula likes. As an outstanding person, Dracula has The military leaders of China will never lag behind the world in terms of military industry.

Today, above the castle, there was an Adamant metal mesh in preparation. He always felt that something was going to happen, and in this regard, his intuition was always very accurate.

Suddenly, a huge box appeared out of thin air and hit the ground in the center of the castle hall, smashing more than a dozen floor tiles.

Dracula frowned. This huge box looked like a gift, but who on earth would give himself a gift in this way? Dracula couldn't think of anything for a while.

The guards around him jumped over and stared at the box warily. No one dared to move forward without Dracula speaking.

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