The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 64 Dr. Gilbrough is fascinated by Thanos

"Then Magneto, what do you think? After all, this is about liberating your tribe, and I want to hear your opinion. Δ┡E『Δ『NovelWwㄟW.1XAOSHUO.CO" Li Kang asked.

"Hmph, this is too simple. With the five of us together, I'm afraid no one in this world has as much power as us. In this case, we will attack Lanco Island head-on and turn the island over from beginning to end. ." Magneto snorted coldly. He always likes to challenge people head-on and use crooked methods. He is unwilling to use them unless absolutely necessary.

Li Kang thought about it, and it was right. His own team was the most powerful force in the world, and now Magneto is joining him. If he still acts as sneaky as Loki, even if he is not embarrassed, he still feels sorry for himself. This aspect of strength is powerful. Besides, Magneto said so, he obviously wanted to attack as the main attack. Li Kang could just hide behind, so what's wrong with confronting him head-on?

"Okay, I also agree with Magneto. Our strength is definitely more than enough to deal with such a small fortress. There is no need to hesitate. Let's go. Magneto, you take the lead and we will follow!" Li Kang Without hesitation, he pushed Magneto forward.

Magneto also looked at Li Kang with disdain. Although Li Kang's words were very heroic, in the end he wanted to hide behind Magneto and wanted to pick up what was already available. Li Kang's approach was not as good as Loki's. Well, it's hard for Magneto to say anything. After all, the purpose of destroying the X weapon program research center was to rescue the captured mutants. This is Magneto's cause, and Li Kang and others are just here to help.

So although Magneto was angry, he was still the first to take the lead. He flew into the air, controlled four empty metal cabins, and turned the metal cabins into four metal balls. The huge metal balls surrounded his body.

Behind Magneto are the evil god Loki and the King of Latvinia, Dr. Destruction, and Li Kang is last because he wants to take Deadpool with him.

Dr. Gilbrough, as an unknown person, had several world-renowned figures deal with him. Even if he died, it was worth it.

Lanko Island is not only equipped with electromagnetic radars, but also a large number of short-range old-fashioned radars. This kind of radar cannot be absorbed by Magneto, so everyone on Lanco Island quickly appeared.

On Lanco Island, in the main building of the A mercenary, Mexican, known as a powerful killer as famous as Deadpool, known as the Angel of Death in Mexico. The Angel of Death itself has the ability to teleport short distances, and at the same time, it can emit blazing laser light in its eyes, although its power is far less than that of the laser in X-Men. It has the ability to change the terrain at a glance, but it also has laser energy that is second to none.

The Death Angel is different from other captured mutants.

He is Dr. Gilbrough's trump card. In order to obtain more powerful power, Death Angel voluntarily accepted a large number of experiments. Dr. Gilbrough injected self-healing factors and Wolverine genes into Death Angel's body, and in Death Angel's body Adamant metal was injected into his body, and some mutant genes that could enhance his physical strength were added to him, so the Death Angel was special and different.

Although the Death Angel is like a hodgepodge of mutants, each ability is no stronger than the original, but when combined together, it becomes a rare weapon.

But the Angel of Death may never have dreamed that just when he was dreaming that he had obtained the most powerful power in the world, Dr. Gilbrough was secretly planning that today's experiment was not to add more power to the Angel of Death. , on the contrary, Dr. Gilbrough knows that once the Death Angel gets what he wants, he will immediately betray him, just like Wolverine back then, and kill the X Weapon Program Research Center. This Death Angel is probably more powerful than Wolverine back then. Much more powerful.

By then, greater damage will definitely be caused. Dr. Gilbrough raised his left hand and looked at it. It was a mechanical arm. Back then, Wolverine went berserk and killed everyone, and also cut off Dr. Gilbrough's left hand. Every time Dr. Gilbrew sees his left hand, he still feels a dull pain. He regrets why he didn't make up his mind to erase Wolverine's memory earlier and make him a real weapon.

Today, Dr. Gilbrough is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. He will clear the memory of the Death Angel, and then implant a control chip so that the Death Angel loses himself and completely becomes his Dr. Gilbrough's personal weapon. In this way, not only can he Go to the vacancy created by the death of Ajax, and also get a powerful slave who will never betray.

Thinking of Ajax, Dr. Gilbrew's heart twitched. Ajax is the best proof of human beings' evil nature. No matter how like-minded people are, they will betray you secretly. Dr. Gilbrough came from the pile of dead in the war in the Middle East. He picked up Ajax, he cultivated him, transformed him, and trained Ajax into a powerful warrior. He gave Ajax huge rights. Within the entire X Weapon Program Research Center, except for him Gil Doctor Blue is the most powerful person in Ajax.

Dr. Gilbrew treated Ajax as his own son. He knew that the clean life on the island made Ajax a little tired, so Dr. Gilbrough handed over the field work to Ajax. A huge amount of money was allocated from the scientific research budget to allow Ajax to hire the Blackwater River Company's Cobra unit.

But what makes Dr. Gilbrew particularly gratified is that Ajax did live up to its expectations. In just one year, Ajax not only caught more mutants, but also deceived more people suffering from cancer. Experimental products, and more importantly, Ajax also pioneered a marketing plan for mutant genetic weapons. He sold those failed X-weapon experiments that were difficult to handle to war-torn countries in the Middle East and Africa in exchange for large sums of money. It allows Dr. Gilbrough's X-weapon program research center to operate more smoothly, and turns waste into treasure, allowing these garbage to play its role, and at the same time, a large amount of experimental data can be collected.

This makes Dr. Gilbrew very proud. Because of this, Ajax and that mutant female bitch, the Dust Angel, were mixed together. Dr. Gilbrough also turned a blind eye and just thought I don’t know, Ajax embezzled a large amount of money from the business, and Dr. Gilbrew also pretended not to know. After all, the money came from Ajax. He has merit and hard work, so even if he is greedy, he should be a little bit greedy. of.

After all, not everyone has such ideals as Dr. Gilbrough. Dr. Gilbrough’s dream is to create the most powerful weapon of his own. He wants to create a perfect creature, and then use his The brain is transplanted into the body of this perfect creature. When the time comes, Dr. Gilbrough, the artificial god created by human technology, will lead mankind into a new era.

This new era is not the chaotic and uncontrollable new era of mutants, but a utopia where only the elite and the strong deserve to have perfect bodies.

However, what Dr. Gilbrew never dreamed of was that his protégé Ajax would betray him. Ajax not only stole the remote control used by Dr. Gilbrough to control the Sentinel robot, but also After betraying himself, Dr. Gilbrough saw from the black box of the Sentinel robot that Ajax had exposed his location as the research center of the X weapons program.

The cunning Dr. Gilbrough has already guessed that it won't be long before someone knocks on the door, so Dr. Gilbrough seizes every moment and continues to adjust the Angel of Death. Today is the last step to cleanse the memory.

Dr. Gilbrough doesn't want to die yet, nor can he die, because he has found his goal. From the black box of the Sentinel robot, he saw the perfect body of his dream, the extremely powerful purple giant, who calls himself Thanos. Dr. Gilbrough was fascinated by the powerful individual.

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