The Exorcism Inspector in Marvel World

Chapter 464 Crazy Puzzle (5)

Jigsaw circled the scrapyard owner twice, and said to one of his subordinates like he was summoning a puppy, "Wake this guy up. I'm going to give him a trial. Whether he can pass it depends on whether he is The chosen one.”

The so-called trial is actually very simple. Jigsaw will put his face in front of the owner of the scrapyard, and then wake him up. If after waking up and seeing his face, the owner of the scrapyard will scream, Then if you pass the trial, not only will you be fine, but you will also get a large bounty.

It would be embarrassing if you screamed. The punishment for failing the trial is death!

So far, the only person who can pass this ridiculous test is the Punisher.

But the Punisher is the person Jigsaw must kill, which makes this trial particularly ironic.

The Jigsaw Gang took out a bottle of mineral water and poured it on the scrapyard owner's face.

The owner of the scrapyard got an idea. He had been drinking alcohol for many years and had some symptoms of epilepsy. Now he drank a lot of wine, was greatly frightened, and then was so stimulated by cold water that his teeth refused to control him and he bit hard. He held his tongue, so when he opened his eyes, he was almost scared to death by Jigsaw's face, but after being frightened, he bit his tongue harder and refused to let go.


"Hahaha... That's right. I didn't expect you to be a bit brave. I thought you were a coward. You are indeed the one who dared to shoot me. You really have a way. Although your appearance is a bit sloppy and disgusting. , but to be fair, my image is not very good either? We brothers are evenly matched, hahahaha..."

Jigsaw said in a good mood.

The scrapyard owner nodded tremblingly, took out a small wine bottle from his pocket, opened his mouth and drank some. Strangely enough, just now he felt like he was in an icy hell. After one bottle of wine, he immediately felt A warmth filled his heart, and even Jigsaw's terrifying face no longer looked scary.

The owner of the scrapyard often sees homeless people who wash their clothes. These people are disfigured beyond recognition by inferior products, and each of them has rotten teeth.

Because they don’t know what infectious disease they are infected with, some people’s bodies are covered with pustules, their bellies are very big, and their limbs are extremely thin. This is a sign of ascites. Generally, such people can live for up to a year and a half, even if they are severely injured. When the dogs saw them, they all left in disgust.

Compared with them, Jigsaw at least had complete facial features, and his smell was still human. Although his clothes were a little fancy, they were still very neat.

You must say what is hell on earth like? Just go to the places frequented by D dealers, it's hell on earth.

Because the scrapyard is located on the edge of the city, the security here is not as good as Hell's Kitchen. It is a real no-care zone, so some D dealers often come here to do business.

However, the owner of the scrapyard is not a fuel-efficient person. He has a gang background and is affiliated with the Kingpin Gang. Of course, it is relatively peripheral, but he also has a group of brothers, some of whom have guns, and have good relations with the nearby police station. relationship, so dealer D must pay enough protection fees when doing business here.

But today, when he saw the puzzle, he thought he was dead.

Is there anyone living in New York who doesn't know that Jigsaw is a lunatic? There shouldn't be too many scary legends about him.

Although the Kingpin Gang is powerful, it is impossible for them to start a war with the Jigsaw Gang over the boss of a small scrap car yard in the periphery.

So the scrapyard owner thought he was dead.

This is what he originally thought when he saw Jigsaw's face.

However, after discovering that Jigsaw didn't seem to want to kill him, and after drinking some yellow soup, his tongue no longer hurt, and his brain seemed to be relieved. His hands and feet, which were originally cold, now felt relieved.

In fact, it was a problem of alcohol syndrome. The owner of the scrapyard said hello politely, "Hey, isn't this Jigsaw Boss? Why are you free to come to my place today? You didn't come in advance... Hier." ..Say,

As long as you say a word and nothing else, at least I will order dozens of pizzas. I can't let my brothers work hungry in such a dark night. You are here to see... Doctor Octopus. ? "

Because Doctor Octopus had given him a small amount of money and asked him to go out and hide, he naturally connected Doctor Octopus and Jigsaw.

Seeing that this guy was really not afraid of him, Jigsaw was in a good mood. He hugged the owner of the scrapyard hard and said, "Of course not. I have no friendship with that old squid. That's right. I heard that Spider-Man is hiding in Here, this guy almost ruined my good deeds several times. I had to teach him a lesson. In fact, I just wanted to chop off his head and mail it to the Punisher, but I encountered a little problem. Here it is to you, buddy. It also caused some damage, so that’s okay.”

Although the owner of the scrapyard had drunk the yellow soup, he was still not confused. He burped and said with a smile, "Of course... Burp, it doesn't matter. Who of us brothers is following the other? Just tell me if you have anything." , Brother, I will definitely do it for you."

"Presumptuous!" A member of the Jigsaw Gang rushed over and put a gun to the head of the scrapyard owner. "You dare to call our boss a brother? Who do you think you are? Do you believe I can shoot you?"

Jigsaw picked up a brick on the ground, went over and slapped the man on the back, "Don't think that I won't kill you if you are one of my people! This man has passed my trial. He is qualified to call me a brother. There is no one here." You're just talking, get out of here!"

There was blood on the man's head, and after apologizing repeatedly, he ran away in despair.

The owner of the scrapyard was a little confused, and he was half awake from the drink. He thought to himself that everyone in the world said that Jigsaw was a madman, and it seemed that it was true. How could he be so cruel to his own people?

"Then...what, I still have a date, and a beautiful little sister is waiting for me. I'll leave first." The owner of the scrapyard suddenly became enlightened and decided to leave this place of right and wrong first.

Jigsaw went over to stop him and said, "Why are you in a hurry? Don't you want to see a good show? ...That's right, it's actually just looking for someone and killing people. There is indeed nothing interesting to watch, but since the beautiful lady has an appointment, why do you want to come back? "

The owner of the scrapyard had sobered up a lot, and his smart IQ had taken over the high ground again. He said, "Didn't I come back to change my clothes? Boss, didn't you also see that my clothes are ugly and smelly?" the taste of."

This explanation was reasonable. Jigsaw nodded, waved his hand, and let the scrapyard owner go about his business.

The owner of the scrapyard breathed a sigh of relief, turned back to the house, put on his most beautiful clothes, turned around and walked out of the door. He was dumbfounded again, it turned out that the puzzle was blocked at the door again.

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