The Evil God of Hogwarts

Chapter 140 Horror Legend

Ace took him under the overpass not far away. Compared to the park, at least it could block the wind.

Xing Ze admired the graffiti on the bridge piers and pillars. He saw one of the bridge pillars that said "Death to wizards", and below it was the sentence "Stupid Muggles".

He also saw a strange graffiti, in which a group of elves were kneeling before a twisted black shadow.

"I didn't bring you here to appreciate the graffiti." Ace said.

Xing Ze didn't intend to look away, but simply replied: "Then go ahead, young man, tell me everything you know."

"Before this." The young man asked cautiously, "Are you really a wizard?"

"Are you serious?" Xing Ze turned to look at the boy, seeing a bit of fear in his eyes, but also a bit of determination.

"Okay." Xing Ze shook his head helplessly. He took out his magic wand and waved it. The graffiti on the wall jumped up. The two lines of words were put together to form a new text - "Fuck the world." ".

"Are you satisfied now?" Xing Ze asked.

Ace nodded quickly and said, "My father, he is the sheriff here. Ever since he entered that office building, something seemed wrong."

"Now I know who you inherited your powers of observation from." Xing Ze smiled, "That's why you didn't run away, right? You want to know what happened to your father?"

"Yes," the young man responded, "They don't let anyone get close to my father, not even my mother."

It's a miracle that an ordinary person who entered such a seriously polluted place didn't fall into madness.

"So, your mother and your brother are wizards?" Xing Ze asked again.

The boy nodded.

"Where was your father sent?" Xing Ze asked, "I don't think it's the hospital here?"

"That's what it was said to the outside world. But the mayor told us that he was sent to St. Mungo's. I remember it was a wizarding hospital? My mother told me not to worry."

"Then you should listen to your mother." Xing Ze replied, "The medical level there is far better than ordinary hospitals. Your father will be fine."

Ace said excitedly: "No, don't use these words to prevaricate me. If, if there is nothing wrong with my father, why was he sent there? Can't an ordinary hospital cure him?"

Sometimes being too sharp and smart is not a good thing. Xing Ze thought to himself, "So, you want me to take you to St. Mungo's?"

"Yes, you take me there. I'll tell you what I know."

"I'm afraid this won't work." Xing Ze refused. Personnel contaminated by dreams will be completely isolated and treated by special psychotherapists. No one is allowed to approach the patient unless given permission by the primary therapist.

"However, I can help find out what made your father become like this." Xing Ze said, "The premise is that you can give me the necessary information."

The young man kicked a can away from his feet. He remained silent and moved the corners of his mouth slightly, probably making a decision.

After a while, he raised his head and asked, "Do you promise?"

"I swear to Merlin." Xing Ze half-raised his wand hand, "Tell me your father's full name."

"Martin Skrtel. His name is Martin Skrtel."

Xing Ze took out his notes and wrote down, then turned his eyes to Ace, "Okay, let's talk." Tell me what do you know? "

"That place, that office building, is rumored to be haunted." Ace whispered.

"Haunted? Is this a recent rumor, or has it always been there?"

"The most recent, I should say last year." Ace shrank his neck, "A few homeless people living there disappeared, and then there were two murders. Then there were rumors. People in the town said they were elves. The evil spirit is causing trouble."

The ghost of an elf? Xing Ze remembered the graffiti he saw before.

Probably because he was afraid that Xing Ze wouldn't understand, Ace explained: "There has always been a scary legend in our area. Those house elves who died in the war are still wandering around in old Ravenska, and they will take away people's souls. ”

"It's interesting." Xing Ze laughed, "But I'm not here to listen to the old rumors in your town, young man."

Ace was a little unhappy, "I know, I know. Can you give me a cigarette?"

Xing Ze took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it over. The young man took the cigarette and took out a lighter from his pocket.

But he tried several times and failed to light the cigarette. In addition to the cold wind, his slightly trembling hands were also one of the reasons.

Xing Ze stepped forward, rubbed his index finger and thumb gently, and a small ball of flame suddenly burst out from between his fingers.

Ace was stunned for a moment, but he quickly came over and lit the cigarette. He took a long drag and continued: "We have always planned to go to that ghost building to test our courage. That night..."

"When did it happen?" Xing Ze interrupted.

"It should be, it should be last year, September 1st of last year."

Xing Ze frowned and confirmed, "Are you sure?"

"Of course." The young man confirmed, "It snowed heavily that day. I still remember that many wizards came to the town the next day, and later I learned that the train had an accident.

"Because, because it snowed too hard, I didn't go. But I know someone went, Colin, and a wizard named Luke."

Xing Ze had doubts on his face.

"I let them go, so Luke gave me a tough lesson the next day," Ace explained, anger in his voice.

"Damn wizard." The boy added immediately.

"Where can I find them?"

"I can take you there, but not Colin. He disappeared, last November."

Xing Ze suddenly understood something, and he suddenly said: "Very good, boy. That Colin, you are suspecting that his disappearance is related to the rumors, right?"

"I'll say it again, kid. I'm not here for some country gossip..."

"Before him, people disappeared every year in New Ravenska, men and women, without a trace." Ace argued.

"It's just a coincidence." Xing Ze said.

"No, my father has been investigating these disappearances. These cases are regular and happen every three years. But no one believes him. Most of the residents here, like you, think this is just a coincidence."

"But you don't think so."

"Colin, he told me that when they arrived at the office building that night, they saw something, a very strange thing. I, I don't know what to say?

"He said it looked like a giant spider or a centipede. In short, it was definitely not a creature from our side, but I know wizards raise a lot of weird things. Mr. Gray in the town raised quite a few. Strange animals."

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