After turning over the nine peaks filled with immortal energy, the scene in front of them gradually changed from a place where spiritual energy was prosperous to desolate.

In front of him, a wobbly iron rope straddled in front of him.

On the opposite side of the Tongtian Bridge, it is the Lock Demon Pagoda.

From the entrance of this bridge, looking towards the opposite bank, you have to walk through the interval between several mountains on the way, and the end of the field of vision is surrounded by black mist, even the ancient gods can't see the end.

On the bridge, there are not even a few places to rest. The only iron plates that are tied also look like they are about to collapse. The only places that seem to be able to settle are the iron cables at both ends.

However, the power point of the iron cable is only one point. If you step on it, the bridge will inevitably tilt in the other direction, causing the entire iron cable to shake violently.

If ordinary people walk this iron rope, they are completely walking through a gate of hell!


There was a sudden resounding sound of ghosts and wolf howls from under the bridge, and a trace of grievances from the souls of the Yin Wind carrier slammed into their faces, making people feel more and more uneasy.

"Let's go."

The drinker's voice did not fluctuate in any way, ignoring all the surrounding scenes, as if crossing the sky-piercing iron cable, it was no problem for the two of them.

He stepped onto the iron chain bridge first, and his body landed firmly on the bridge. The whole iron chain only swayed slightly, and then calmed down.

"A test of body technique?"

Chu Feng's mind moved, and he followed suit.

At this time, his Eternal Divine Eye began to analyze rapidly.

Any details of the movements that the Taoist drinker went up first were captured by the ancient gods and then imitated.

Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the sea of ​​​​qi, Chu Feng entered the state of mindless distraction when he comprehended "The Great Way to Immortal".

Although Wangu Shenmu is not the sky pupil of the Xianxia world, but upgraded to the fifth rank, the learning ability is still very strong. Although it cannot achieve the effect of light-speed copying, after dissection, analysis, and imitation, the learning speed is comparable to that of a supercomputer. !

As soon as Chu Feng stepped in, the iron chain bridge shook violently.

However, Chu Feng's Eternal Divine Eye has powerful computing power, and he already knew what would happen when he stepped on the iron rope. I stabilized my mind.

The Taoist drinker looked at Chu Feng's movement and was stunned for a while, and then proceeded as if nothing had happened, as if he hadn't seen it.

Chapter 32: Drunk Asks the Foundation Establishment Realm

With the first success, of course Chu Feng will not be afraid of the next test.

According to this rhythm, move on.

The further forward, the more strange the surrounding atmosphere.

As it progressed for a while, the temperature started to get colder.

The wind sound of "woo woo" sounded again in my ears, and the frequency was getting faster and faster.

At the beginning, there were only one or two lines occasionally, but when I walked to the middle of the bridge, the overcast wind and strange noises never stopped and kept lingering in my ears.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if Shushan's inner disciple who completed the foundation building came over, he would be scared to death by the sound, panicked, and more likely to fall into this abyss.

The wine daoist looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and only cared about going all the way. If Chu Feng fell, the other party might really just watch from the sidelines.

"This is my test?"

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he understands this [a chance], and it seems that not everyone can bear it.

The further back, Chu Feng discovered that this test is not just as simple as his physical skills. The voices around him seem to have the ability to deceive people. Fall into this abyss.

Fortunately, after turning on the Eternal Divine Eye, a cool feeling continued to flow out of the left eye, allowing the brain to always concentrate and stay extremely awake.

Passed the iron rope without a hitch.

The scene ahead is not much better than the scenery along the way.

According to the wine master, he lives on this mountain, and he usually eats sloppy food. He even relies on spiritual energy for a living many times. Chu Feng needs to solve the problem of eating by himself.

And the place where the wine master lived was nothing but a log cabin, which could only accommodate one person.

Therefore, when Chu Feng came here, he needed to solve the problems of food, clothing, housing and transportation by himself. The environment was very limited, and the treatment was even worse than that of the test disciples.

In the distance, countless iron cables are connected to a high tower, where the demonic energy is soaring into the sky, and there are occasional sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling. Presumably the sound above the iron cables came from the demon lock tower.

Chu Feng was secretly startled. Although he had never heard of the legend of Shushan, it was not difficult for him to guess that the monks and demons in Shushan were mortal enemies through the introduction of the Zhutian Tower panel. , the cultivation base is extremely advanced, and even the head of Shushan may not have the means to kill them.

Compared with the cultivation of the right way, the sorcery will progress faster, but at the same time, it will also lose its humanity, turn into an ugly appearance, and eventually lose its mind and become a monster that kills life.

Some ancient demon kings have been cultivated to a very high level, and they cannot even be killed by ordinary means. They can use various evil techniques to resurrect them from the dead. Therefore, it is safer to seal them than to kill them with great effort.

However, after thousands of years of accumulation, the number of ancient demon kings detained in the lock demon tower is increasing.

When the seal of heaven is unlocked, it will bring devastating disasters to this world!


Just as Chu Feng was looking at the Demon Lock Tower in the distance, he was stunned when suddenly, the wine master got a wine pot from nowhere and handed it to him.

"This wine... can I drink it?"

Chu Feng scratched his head with some doubts. The role he is now playing should still be a minor, right?

Even in ancient times, underage drinking was discouraged.

"Drink, your practice method is quite special, this wine may be of some help to you."

When the drunkard said this, his expression seemed to be much gentler, and his eyes were a little erratic, as if he was recalling something from the past.

Chu Feng's heart moved. From the words of the wine master, he already knew that the other party saw through the exercises he cultivated, and it was "The Great Way to Immortals".

Even the head of Shushan didn't see the clue, but the wine master saw it!

Just based on this, it can be seen that the identity of the drinker is very unusual.

"Since the senior said so, then the junior has done this pot of wine!"

Chu Feng took the jug of wine politely from the hand of the wine master, and in the next second, he suffocated the whole jug of wine in one gulp!

The drinker looked stunned.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to drink so much. I originally planned to drink this wine with two people, but you ended up doing it all!"

Chu Feng smiled and didn't show any kindness to the other party.

In his previous life, he was a prodigal son who was always drunk. He lived alone in a big city. He would drink when he was tired. When he was drunk, he fell on the bed drunk, as if he had forgotten all his troubles!

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