The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 352 The aircraft carrier fleet is destroyed, and the United States counterattacks viciously

Azzam was so excited that he couldn't control himself. He was afraid that he would make a mistake, so when operating the energy cannon, he read the operation sequence twice before actually firing the cannon.

The energy imager in front of him clearly displayed all the warships of the aircraft carrier fleet on the sea!

Azam gently moved the muzzle of the energy cannon, aimed at the largest and most central aircraft carrier battleship, and then pressed the launch button in his hand!

The entire energy cannon flashed a layer of red light, and then the light flashed away, all concentrated in the barrel, and burst out together!


A red light shot out from the muzzle of the energy cannon, shooting out that cannonball.

Azam gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and stared at the image on the energy detector without blinking. The instrument clearly captured the flight trajectory of the energy shell, and it was close to the USS Roosevelt in the blink of an eye. !

At this moment, the siren suddenly sounded on the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier!

The defense radar of the aircraft carrier detected an object hitting at high speed!

General Green and the others quickly came to the radar, and they could see that the object detected by the radar had arrived just as soon as they came to the radar screen!

"God, what is this?"

That was all General Green said.

The senior executives of the other fleets stared wide-eyed and looked out into the sky from the command room, only to see a red light flying straight towards the land, and it came to them in the blink of an eye. I can feel the breath of death...


A high-level fleet yelled.

next moment.

The flashing red object rushed into the side of the USS Roosevelt in an instant, and the armor was pierced like paper.

Then, the soldiers on other warships of the entire fleet, as well as the senior officials of the US Department of Defense such as General Dyson of the Pentagon, and all the senior national officials of the world who used military satellites to view this area, all saw an unforgettable scene...


The United States, the most powerful Nimitz-class aircraft carrier in the world, was torn directly from the middle.

The entire 330-meter-long steel battleship became two pieces on the sea surface, and after breaking into two pieces, red flames burst out from both sides, enveloping the two pieces of the aircraft carrier.

The steel battleship with a displacement of nearly 100,000 tons turned into two fireballs on the sea surface, and slowly sank into the water. Under the night sky that was about to dawn, it looked so hot!

The sea water could not extinguish these two flames, and the size of the two steel battleships burned by the raging flames became smaller and smaller, as if all the steel materials on them were burned!

The officers and soldiers on more than a dozen battleships around stood blankly on the deck looking at the flames, and the heads of every commander and soldier of the US aircraft carrier fleet were blank.

Including the fleet executives who saw this scene in the base of the Fifth Fleet, as well as Dyson of the Pentagon Department of Defense and other executives, they all looked dull at the moment, and their minds went blank!

"God, what happened? Are you abandoning America?"

Looking at the satellite images, a high-level Ministry of National Defense couldn't help but muttered in a low voice, and began to ask God for help.

"General Dyson, the USS Roosevelt was sunk. General Green and more than 5,000 crew members were all killed. I now accept the accusation from the fleet commander and ask General Dyson to issue a new order!"

The voice of the captain of a battleship in the Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet was hurried and panicked from the communicator.

The senior officials of the US Department of Defense in the Pentagon were all awakened.

Dyson frantically grabbed the microphone and shouted with a flushed face, "Now retreat immediately, retreat immediately, hurry up, don't worry about the people on the land, retreat immediately by yourself, all warships don't stay in formation, retreat separately, Don't be hit by them. They must have mastered the advanced energy artillery of the Mana Military Industry, and the range can cover half of the earth..."

Now the Defense Department generals would be idiots if they didn't know what was going on.

They still clearly remember the energy cannon that Wang Xiao showed at the new product launch conference of Mana Military Industry. It is a super powerful cannon that can hit the moon with one shot. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a super weapon. !

Recently, their staff department and research department have been analyzing and researching the changes of the weapons of the magic military industry after they are in service, as well as the power of appearing on the battlefield every day!

Now, they have personally experienced the power of the magic rifle and the magic cannon.

Their most powerful aircraft carrier fleet in the United States can't fight against it, and they have almost no ability to resist, and they are defeated one by one like a living target!

General Dyson now only wants to retreat all the Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet, as much as it can run out. This operation has completely failed. The only gain is to test the power of magic military weapons, and the Arab army is equipped with magic military weapons. After the battle!

But the information they got made them powerless, and many of them were wondering whether to cancel the war plan against the Arab League at the moment.

After all, it seemed that he couldn't fight at all now, unless he threw mushrooms, but that would cause a strong backlash, and the opponent might do whatever he could.

General Dyson took a deep breath. In this short period of ten seconds, he thought of many, many things, and watched as the USS Roosevelt turned into two balls of flames in the Arabian Sea, followed by violent explosions again and again. explode.

After all, this aircraft carrier carries many weapons, bombs, missiles, grenades, bullets, and most importantly - nuclear reactors...

All the weapons and equipment exploded one by one, and finally the nuclear reactor was dispatched...


Two violent explosions rose in the flames, and a small mushroom cloud appeared straight into the sky!

General Dyson knew that the nuclear reactor had exploded, and a bad premonition suddenly appeared in his heart. He hurriedly looked at the other dozen warships, and his whole body was extremely cold, and then he felt dizzy and almost fell down. Holding on to the table, I stood still, staring blankly at the satellite image!

A dozen warships around the Roosevelt aircraft carrier were retreating, but at this time two nuclear reactors exploded, which was equivalent to a small-yield nuclear bomb. The hot shock wave after the explosion turned everyone on the dozen warships into ashes on the spot. , all the warships also began to deform and shatter, and then the monstrous waves swept out, involving more than a dozen warships into the sea!

At the same time, big waves also rushed to the land of Arabia, and the shock wave of the nuclear explosion hit the coast, killing hundreds of Arab soldiers who were ambushing here on the spot.

The entire Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet was wiped out!

More than a dozen warships, including the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, all sank to the bottom of the sea and turned into seabed garbage!

Dozens of senior officials of the Ministry of National Defense in the command room of the Pentagon fell into an icy silence at the moment. No one dared to speak, and no one dared to break this eerie calm.

Both eyes looked at General Dyson.

Because, this action plan was originally proposed by General Dyson. The purpose is to rescue the prisoners and remove obstacles for the United States to fight against Arabs in the future. At that time, it can use troops against the Arab League without any scruples.

But now it seems that this plan is not just a complete failure, but the heaviest failure, almost the most significant failure of the United States since World War II!

An entire aircraft carrier fleet was wiped out!

This kind of loss is simply unbearable for the United States.

More than a dozen powerful warships, several submarines, tens of thousands of soldiers, and dozens of advanced carrier-based aircraft, the loss in money alone is at least at the level of hundreds of billions of dollars!

General Dyson shouted into the intercom: "Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet, is there anyone else?"

There is silence in the intercom!

No voice answered!

Moreover, even if someone is within the range of the nuclear explosion, there is no signal at this moment.

The high-level officials of all the countries in the world who saw this scene were shocked. The high-level officials of every country knew that an earth-shattering event was about to happen next.

Whether the United States continues to fight back or accepts the reality in silence, it will be earth-shattering.

If the United States wants to fight back, there will definitely be a large-scale war.

And if the United States accepts the reality in silence, it means that the United States is about to give up its position as the world leader, recognizes the strength of China's weapons, and recognizes the legitimacy of the Arab League and the North African League!

No matter which of these two points happens, it will be a big event that affects the world structure!

The earth is about to change!

After all, General Dyson is a high-level military officer with a strong psychological quality. He quickly accepted the reality and accepted the loss of the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet.

President Ao Heiniu came to the meeting overnight, his eyes were red, and he obviously hadn't slept all night. He was very shocked, knowing that this moment is the turning point of the future of the United States!

At dawn, the most important meeting in the United States was held!

"This operation was initiated by General Dyson and I. None of us thought that the weapons of the magic military industry would form combat power so quickly after entering the Arab League, so we made a mistake in our judgment."

President Ao Heiniu first took part of the responsibility. He still trusts Dyson, so he doesn't want to change people at this time.

It is a taboo for military strategists to change generals.

However, it is impossible that no one will come forward to take responsibility for such a big thing, unless the responsibility is pushed to the Arab League.

This is the biggest loss of the United States after World War II, and the degree of loss exceeds the extent of the destruction of the Pacific Fleet headquarters last time. A Nimitz aircraft carrier was destroyed, and the entire aircraft carrier fleet was wiped out!

The number of casualties was as high as 20,000 people.

No one dared to tell the American people about such a serious loss, whether it was Dyson of the Ministry of Defense or O'Hei Niu of the White House, otherwise they would be drowned in saliva.

General Dyson hurriedly stood up and took responsibility: "No, Mr. President, it was my plan that went wrong."

Ao Hei Niu hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Okay, General Dyson, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. We have to think about how to save the situation! We failed in the first confrontation with the Arab League, and we lost one The entire aircraft carrier fleet lost more than a dozen warships and more than 20,000 soldiers, while the other party only lost a few hundred soldiers. Everyone here, what should we do now?"

Ao Hei Niu looked at every senior member of the Ministry of Defense and the White House present, wanting to get an answer!

It can almost be said that the U.S. Navy is at a moment of life and death.

A naval general stood up and said solemnly: "Mr. President, General Dyson, I don't think we can just let it go!"

President Ao Heiniu said affirmatively: "It's natural, we can't just leave in such a despondent way. We are not going to train them to death!"

"Then we will launch a counterattack. I suggest declaring war on the Arab League and the North African League now. According to our information, the Arab League has just taken over the equipment of hundreds of thousands of people from the magic military industry, and it is impossible to fight on a large scale. The North African Alliance has not obtained the magic military equipment, now is the best time for us to fight, if they are equipped with new weapons on a large scale, it will be very difficult for us to fight!"

The Admiral of the Navy said in a serious voice, obviously he had already thought of a countermeasure!

General Dyson frowned and asked: "But our thousands of captives are still in the hands of the Arabs. They have not been rescued in this operation. They can still threaten us with these people!"

There was silence in the meeting room.

A trace of cruelty flashed in Ao Hei Niu's eyes, but he didn't speak. Then he glanced at an official of the Ministry of National Defense. The official stood up and said, "everyone, I think I should correct one thing. That is, This time our military operation against the Arab League was hit by a nuclear strike by the Arab League, and in order to force us to compromise, they brutally killed all our captured soldiers. Now, they have no living prisoners to threaten us... "

General Dyson and others were all shocked, and they all looked at President Ao Heiniu in shock.

They knew that this meant abandoning the thousands of captives.

And the high-level Ministry of National Defense hadn't finished speaking, and continued with a serious look: "In response to the Arab League's nuclear attack on our aircraft carrier fleet, I suggest launching a nuclear counterattack immediately, and the target of the attack is here!"

He pointed to a continental area near the Arabian Sea with his finger!

There, it was the place where the battle took place last night, and there were still thousands of their captives, as well as the most elite soldiers of the Arab League!

This is going to kill people!

After a moment of silence in the meeting room, General Dyson knew that he had to stand up and show his loyalty to the president. He said immediately: "I think it's feasible. We can't sit still. We want to fight back. We have two nuclear submarines in the Red Sea, carrying Twenty missiles..."

Hoo hoo...

Every senior member of the Ministry of Defense and the White House is breathing rapidly at this moment, feeling that there is a huge thing pressing on them, and they can only breathe to keep breathing!

They know that once the United States takes this initiative, the consequences will be unpredictable!

However, if they do not use mushroom weapons, how can they suppress the development momentum of the Arab League? How to start a war against the Arab League?

President O'Hei Niu slapped the table with his palm, looked at Dyson and said, "Okay, I agree with General Dyson's plan and implement it immediately. After the implementation, we will declare war on the Arab League immediately, and start to concentrate our forces now!"

Dyson was taken aback, how did it become my plan?

He looked at Ao Hei Niu, and didn't question it, but could only agree: "Okay, execute it immediately!" (to be continued~^~)

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