The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 349 American rescue operation, the first exchange of fire

War is the catalyst of history, which can make history move forward in great strides, but it can also destroy history at the same time, and may directly destroy the earth.

In the past hundred years, the development of science and technology on the earth has made several leaps and bounds. The big reason is that the two world wars and the Cold War have spurred European and American countries to concentrate on developing weapons and equipment and developing the most advanced technology. .

After the end of the Cold War, the research and development of weapons in Europe and the United States slowed down, and Russia almost stopped the research and development of weapons technology, and the updated equipment in the past ten or twenty years was also very limited.

Now, China's weapons development has almost caught up with the United States.

After Azam led the team members to receive a one-month training in China, everyone in the entire team underwent a radical change.

They have seen the most advanced military technology on earth, super conventional weapons that can change the situation of a battle with only one soldier, and individual weapons that can change the world pattern!

When they left China, they brought back a thousand rifles and an energy cannon. Unfortunately, they did not bring back a pure energy cannon, so that they would not be afraid of the threat of war from the United States at all!

However, they are satisfied with these for the time being.

They are confident that only by bringing these weapons back can the defense strength of the Arab League rise to a higher level, so that the upcoming so-called rescue operation by the United States will fail completely, and they will not be afraid of the threat of war from the United States.

Azam's plane had just stopped at a secret airport in the central part of the Arab League when a group of people from the Arab League came over.

Adil personally came to greet Azam's group of people, and when he shook hands with Azam, he said solemnly: "Colonel Azam, you are our Arab heroes. The news from the magic military industry said that you have behaved very well." Well, the most elite soldiers."

Azam shook hands with Adil a little excitedly, and said, "Mr. Adil, we just did what soldiers should do."

"Very good, I already knew that you are the best fighters, have you brought back all your weapons and equipment?"

Adil asked.

Pointing to a pair of boxes on the plane behind, Azam said: "It's already arrived, this is half, and there is a cargo plane behind to deliver the remaining half, and it will arrive in an hour." The general manager of Magic Military said After this batch of training equipment, the delivery time for the next batch of equipment will be one year later!"

Adil nodded. He already knew the news, so there was no surprise. He asked, "What about the equipment of the North African Alliance and India?"

Azam smiled and replied proudly: "We have received preferential treatment from the magic military industry, and their first batch of equipment will not be delivered until next month, and we have already equipped an army next month. "

Adil also looked very happy, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, okay. This is a good start. Have you met Professor Wang?"

Azam shook his head with regret on his face, and said, "No, I heard from a few Chinese soldiers that Professor Wang is doing research and may release new results in the future!"

Adil said longingly: "Professor Wang is really a god!"

Arabs have faith, and for some magical things, they will attribute it to God.

In fact, in the eyes of many people, Professor Wang Xiao does exist somewhat like a god, changing the development trajectory of the earth.

Azam said in a low voice: "Although we haven't seen Professor Wang, Professor Wang asked someone to send us a gift!"

Adil's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What gift?"

"There is only one thing, which can only be used in the war. I think we can use it in a short time..."

Azam said mysteriously.


Half a month has passed by in a flash!

The United States, which has been quiet for a while, finally took action.

The U.S. Fifth Fleet, which was staying near the Red Sea, finally took action and dispatched the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt to cooperate with the rescue operation formulated by the Ministry of Defense.

The Roosevelt aircraft carrier is a legendary nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. It is the largest and most viable aircraft carrier among the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The entire aircraft carrier is equivalent to a living community. The aircraft carrier has TV stations, supermarkets, and banks. , Dental hospital, etc. needed in daily life.

Moreover, this aircraft carrier is also the US aircraft carrier that has participated in the most wars in the past two decades. It participated in the Afghanistan War in 2001 and 2002, and the Gulf War in 2003. It has shown the most powerful combat effectiveness to the world!

This time the Ministry of National Defense decided to send this fleet to cooperate, and it was quite a discussion, because the commander of this warship and the lower-level soldiers are most familiar with this area, and also announced to the Arab League that the powerful American fleet is back!

"Did the Nighthawk team infiltrate successfully?"

The captain, General Green, frowned and asked while standing in the command room.

The adjutant replied in a low voice: "I haven't received a signal of success yet, but the Ministry of Defense spent two months planning this operation and used more than a dozen intelligence personnel who have been trained by the CIA for many years as internal responses. I think success is inevitable." .”

General Green nodded and said, "We need a victory to encourage us."

He still remembered the situation when the Fifth Fleet was expelled from the Arabian Sea a few months ago. If the Arab League hadn't controlled the lives of thousands of American soldiers, the Fifth Fleet would have bombed all the urban residential areas along the Arabian coast to the ground. up.

Once, the Fifth Fleet was the god of the entire Arabian Sea and the Red Sea.

Green couldn't tolerate the fact that he took the fleet to escape last time. Of course they announced that it was a strategic retreat, but in fact it was no different from escaping, and they were all driven out.

Another half hour passed.

General Green frowned slightly, and said, "Haven't you come yet?"

The adjutant also said with a little worry: "Not yet, I think there may be a problem, but we have to believe that our most elite soldiers can solve it!"

The Nighthawk team that infiltrated the Arab League this time was assembled by the United States after gathering the most elite soldiers among several major special forces teams, and then conducted two months of running-in training, so that they could be familiar with each other and perform tasks before they started to dispatch!

Seven days ago, they secretly landed on the land of the Arab League in a remote sea area with a small transport ship. According to the planned time, they should have entered the captive camp by now, released the American captives, and moved towards the sea together.

At that time, Green will receive the signal, and immediately move the fleet closer to the sea, using powerful long-range attack capabilities and aircraft combat capabilities to protect the retreat of the American soldiers.

Green even thought about it. Once the rescue is successful and the opponent has no leverage to threaten them, he will order the missile ship and carrier-based aircraft to attack everything they can see. Of course, that is to ensure When the task is executed perfectly.

Green is here for revenge.

According to the plan of the Ministry of National Defense, after the rescue is successful, Green's fleet will not leave here. More than 1,000 elite soldiers and tens of thousands of munitions carried by a landing ship in the fleet can equip these captives. At that time, a military base will be forcibly established on the coast of the Arabian Sea to prepare for the full-scale war against the Arab League by the United States in the future!

Beep beep!

Suddenly, a hasty signal sounded in the command room. It was a special communicator secretly developed by them. After receiving the specific signal inside them, an excited voice came out: "We have succeeded. We are 100 kilometers away from the coast. We are now Let’s set off, General Green, and you immediately follow the plan and start landing on the shore to set up a camp to meet us.”

All the fleet executives in the command room were very excited when they heard this voice, and Green immediately agreed solemnly: "Colonel Cole, we will act immediately!"

"Yes, General Green!"

Colonel Cole, the captain of the Nighthawk team opposite, replied calmly, and immediately led the team into action.

This time, it took him a few days to sneak in. Just now, he finally opened the gate of the prisoner camp through the sacrifice of several insiders, and rescued the 5,000 prisoners, most of them were American soldiers. Thousands of so-called peacekeeping troops from NATO countries!

Cole asked his subordinates to distribute the weapons prepared in advance, enough to equip a company of 500 people, which was enough to deal with the first wave of the Arab League's counterattack, and then coupled with the long-range support of the fleet in the nearby waters, he even planned to There is a possibility of a counterattack.

The United States has been suppressed too much during this period. The headquarters of the Pacific Fleet has been destroyed. The loss can be called the biggest since World War II. Therefore, they urgently need a victory to boost the confidence of the entire American people.

For this operation, General Dyson of the Pentagon's Ministry of Defense personally sits in charge, grasps information at any time, and can respond at any time!

Dyson said to Colonel Cole on the radio: "Colonel Cole, according to the news, the Arab League received a batch of advanced weapons from China's magic military industry half a month ago, which may pose a threat to you. You must careful!"

Colonel Cole replied seriously: "Don't worry, General Dyson, we will be careful. General Green's remote support can be reached in half an hour at most. I don't believe that the bumpkins of the Arab League can defeat us if they get Chinese weapons. They Without a bargaining chip to threaten us, they are just a group of lambs at our mercy!"

Colonel Cole's words made all the high-ranking Americans and soldiers involved in this operation very excited. This is the pride and favorite rhythm of their Americans.


Just then.

Colonel Cole's voice stopped abruptly.

Dyson and others in the Pentagon, as well as Green and others on the aircraft carrier fleet, felt tight and had a bad premonition.

Dyson hurriedly shouted: "Colonel Cole, what happened over there?"

After a burst of electrical noise, there was a panicked voice: "General Dyson, I am Colonel Jack. Colonel Cole was killed just now. Now I am taking command. We were ambushed, but we did not Knowing where the enemy is, we didn't hear the gunshots..."

There was a cold silence in the command room of the Pentagon!

Colonel Cole is dead?

Colonel Cole, who was speaking boldly and encouragingly just now, was shot dead in the blink of an eye?

The other party discovered Cole's identity and location, so he shot him dead? Or was it unintentional?

Dyson suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and hurriedly said: "Colonel Jack, now you take over the command of the Nighthawk team and lead everyone to retreat at an accelerated pace. I will order General Green to send a plane to respond immediately to help you disperse the enemy and ensure that you Evacuate safely..."

Colonel Jack replied seriously: "Yes, General Dyson!"



A muffled sound sounded again, and Jack's voice was cut off.

Everyone in Dyson and Green instinctively felt chills in their hearts.


Could it be that he died again?

The next second, another voice appeared on the intercom: "General Dyson, this is Lieutenant Colonel Mike. Colonel Jack was killed by a bullet just now. I am now taking over the command of the Nighthawk team..."

Dyson's hand holding the communicator was trembling, and he said seriously: "Retreat immediately, speed up, fast!"

Lieutenant Colonel Mike agreed loudly: "Yes, Dyson..."


The voice stopped abruptly again. It was obvious that the words had not been finished yet, so it must be more ominous than ominous!

Dyson's hand holding the microphone was covered with sweat, and his voice trembled slightly: "Lieutenant Colonel Mike?"

There is no answer!

Two seconds later, a voice replied: "General Dyson, I am Captain Morris. Lieutenant Colonel Mike was killed by a bullet just now. I..."

Before Captain Morris could finish speaking, his voice suddenly fell silent!

The command room of the Pentagon was icy cold, and everyone's heart was trembling. They all knew that this Captain Morris must also be dead!

A technical official hurriedly said to Dyson: "General Dyson, they must have high-tech equipment for positioning signals. Everyone who talks to us will be directly located by them and then killed. Let the members of the Nighthawk team not talk to you." We are on the phone, just accept our orders and act!"

Dyson hurriedly said: "Listen, all members of the Nighthawk Squad, stop using communication equipment and move towards the southern coastline as planned. General Green's fleet will pick you up..."

No one responded, everyone in the Nighthawk team is the most elite special forces, so no one made any mistakes, no one spoke, but directly carried out the order!


Under the darkness, one after another American soldiers with guns still fell on the road, but the Nighthawk team was well concealed and did not lose any more. All the losses were soldiers from the prisoner camp.

However, half an hour later, a plane flew over and fired at the Arab troops following on the road on both sides, causing all the prisoners to cheer!

"Our plane is coming, we are victorious!"

"God, the first time I like this plane so much!"

"We won, I want to go home..."


A bang suddenly appeared!

The next moment, the most advanced carrier-based aircraft in the United States exploded in the air just after firing for a while, turning into a ball of flames!

The senior management of the Roosevelt aircraft carrier fleet, the senior management of the Fifth Fleet, and the senior management of the Ministry of Defense were all shocked.

Look at the picture transmitted by the satellite.

All of them were trembling and cold.

Because, seeing this picture, they know that this is the energy weapon of the magic military industry.

For the first time, the American soldiers confronted the energy weapons of the magic military industry.

The high-ranking Americans who have been running rampant in the world before, now face the weapons of the magic military industry, and they don't have much confidence! (to be continued ~^~)

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