The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 345 The era of great development shakes the world

The Northwest Energy Base is a huge project that has attracted worldwide attention.

All energy stocks in the world have been hit hard by this project. In a sense, the establishment of the Arab League was triggered by the Northwest Energy Base. Many people believe that once this project is completed, it will change the world. Development trajectory, completely eliminate traditional energy sources.

This can almost be said to be the project in China that has had the greatest impact on the world in the past ten years, and it is also the project that makes European and American countries feel the most crisis, because energy is the foundation of their development. Once European and American countries lose control of energy , they will be reduced to fish!

And this project can also be said to have driven the development of all aspects in China.

number of people.

Since the establishment of the Northwest Energy Base more than three months ago, the number of workers recruited has exceeded 200,000. The floating population around the entire Northwest Desert is almost all attracted by the Energy Base. The edges of the desert are all close to each other. Temporary living camps, These more than 200,000 people all planted energy trees for the energy base.

The 200,000 workers have led to the migration of at least one million people. After all, most people have families, which has caused the population of Kushi and other surrounding areas to skyrocket in a very short period of time. Wait for further improvement!

In terms of industrial impact, new energy projects directly lead to the upgrading of China's energy system.

The domestic petroleum energy industry has been gradually eliminated, and its production capacity has been declining again and again. Only the material industry around petroleum still exists. After all, in the oil refining industry chain, the energy industry is only one part of it, and more are extracted from petroleum. It is a kind of chemical material, which is also an indispensable daily necessities in society.

Therefore, the oil refining industry still exists, but the petroleum energy industry will be phased out. The specific time depends on when the Northwest Energy Base will be formed. At that time, oil may lose its energy utility and can only be extracted to use some materials. !

In terms of the influence of capital, it is even greater.

According to the fact that some financial media have recently exposed information, the Northwest Energy Base has triggered a wave of investment in new energy. Almost all people with capital in the country have entered this brand new market and started to develop new products around new energy. Change people's lives in an all-round way!

The scale of this investment boom has reached the trillion level, and it has surpassed the IT industry revolution brought about by the magic energy system!


Magic New Energy Company is the foundation of China's development in the past ten years or even longer. Only when this huge project is successful can China truly take off, surpass the development standards of all other countries, and become the most developed country on earth.

As the deputy general manager of the new energy company, Ma Feng also holds a lot of real power. It was almost the voice of Professor Wang Xiaowang.

And Ma Feng also knows how to be a low-key person, so since he took office for so long, he has not been arrogant and domineering in the company, but has been working hard for the company. Check the area to ensure that the planting of the energy tree will not be any different from Professor Wang's plan, which further enhances his prestige in the company.

Beep beep!

Ma Feng was traveling in the desert on an off-road vehicle, heading to the next planting area to inspect, when the phone rang. He took it out to have a look, and found that it was Professor Wang calling. He immediately asked the driver to park the car on the side of the road, connected the phone, and said respectfully, "Professor Wang..."

"Well, Manager Ma, how is the construction progress of the energy base?"

Wang Xiao asked in a seemingly calm voice.

But Ma Feng didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and hurriedly replied: "Now we have hired 270,000 workers for comprehensive planting, and we are still expanding slowly, from the surrounding areas to the center of the desert. We plan to The planting of the entire desert is over. So far, we have planted 270 million energy trees, and the survival rate is 100%. I have checked every tree, and none of them died."

In fact, there is no possibility of death in the planting of this kind of energy tree. As long as there is light and energy, it can survive unless someone intentionally kills it.

Wang Xiao was very satisfied, it was much faster than his original plan, and asked: "Well, it's not bad. Is the planting plan fully implemented?"

Ma Feng replied hastily: "Professor Wang's plan has been fully implemented. I and other executives will supervise the planting area every day to ensure that there are no mistakes in the planting plan."

"That's good, thanks to you. I will soon develop Diaolong Island and South China Sea islands and build two sea cities. This project needs the support of new energy, so I hope you can speed up the progress. Start now, all All the energy blocks produced are stored, and I will be useful when the time comes!"

Wang Xiao exhorted in a very serious voice.

"Okay, don't worry, Professor Wang, I'll remember it. From today onwards, I will gather all the energy blocks I have collected and deliver them to the East China Sea headquarters for you!"

Ma Feng also agreed solemnly.

"Well, that's it."

"Goodbye, Professor Wang!"

Wang Xiao hung up the phone, left the company, and went home to take a good rest. He hadn't slept for nearly half a month. If it wasn't for his strong mental support, he would have been unable to hold on long ago.

However, this is also good for him. After the extreme consumption, he will practice again and practice hard, and his mental power will definitely be greatly improved.

when he went to rest.

The shock caused by the project of the two islands was set off all over the world.

There must be universal celebration in China.

The People's Daily commented directly: "Magic Technology Group is the most powerful high-tech company since the founding of New China. Cutting-edge technology, leading all peer companies in the world. **** reached a cooperation agreement with Maneng Technology to jointly develop the two island areas, which is definitely a win-win cooperation. With the support of national policies, Maneng Technology Group We will give full play to our technological advantages and will definitely develop these two areas into the most distinctive maritime cities in the world!"

South China Metropolis Daily: "The development of these two island areas is extremely difficult. If any other company wants to develop, we will definitely be skeptical. We don't believe that they can develop successfully. Just reclamation will cost dozens of dollars. However, now that Professor Wang wants to develop it, we will have no reason to believe that Professor Wang can really do it. We are looking forward to what step Professor Wang can achieve and what kind of construction these two island areas can be. dream existence!"

The media is full of support, and the public is also expressing their opinions and support on the Internet.

This time, the country is united as one, and the people of the whole country support Professor Wang together. No one can say no, and no one doubts whether Professor Wang can succeed!

"I am a fan of Professor Wang, and I support Professor Wang."

"I'm Professor Wang's student, and I unconditionally support Professor Wang's fight against Japan and the United States!"

"Down with Little Japan, down with Yankees, and support Professor Wang!"

"Seeing that Professor Wang wanted to develop two island areas, I thought of the floating auditorium in Donghai University of Science and Technology. Could it be that Professor Wang wants to build two floating cities?"

"It is possible, with Professor Wang's technology, there is a basis for building a floating city."

"Think about it and be a little excited!"

"As soon as Professor Wang builds it, I will buy a house."


India, the Arab League, and the North African League all clearly support China and Professor Wang.

The United States, Japan, and European countries are naturally unanimous in their opposition.

Russia, on the other hand, has an ambiguous attitude and is very neutral. It did not speak for any of the countries on both sides, as if it did not exist. It just sent Russia's Pacific Fleet an aircraft carrier formation to cruise south near the Japanese sea, adding to both Japan and the United States. Enormous pressure.

At the same time, several Chinese fleets were also dispatched, cruising in the Diaolong Island area and the South China Sea island area respectively, so that the Japanese and American fleets that had just been scared away did not dare to approach, fearing the mysterious Chinese black warship. Facing this There is no good solution for a battleship.

No matter how the United States, Japan and other countries object, this project will continue!

On the same day, China's major shipping companies, ocean companies, etc., all received emails from Magic Energy Technology Group, inviting them to participate in the construction projects of the two major islands.

There are only two requirements for companies that want to operate under the sea. One is that they can operate under the sea, and the other is that the quality is guaranteed. As long as these two requirements are met, no matter whether it is a state-owned enterprise, a private enterprise, or a foreign enterprise, they can participate in this large-scale competition. underwater construction project!

The requirements of the shipping company are even simpler. As long as the transportation volume and speed can meet the standards, they can join the transportation fleet and transport various construction materials from the land to the two major islands.

for a while.

All major domestic ocean companies and shipping companies were excited, and responded that they would participate in this project!

Even some ocean companies from South America, Africa, and Russia have publicly expressed their willingness to participate, including South Korean shipping companies.

This made both the United States and Japan very dissatisfied with South Korea, but they were helpless and could not do anything to South Korea.

After all, South Korea has been through a miserable life recently. Both the automobile industry and the electronics industry have been hit hard by magic energy technology, and they are still licking their wounds. The collapse of the two pillar industries has caused a depression in South Korea, and many people can no longer eat. , Now that the shipping company has the opportunity to make money, naturally it will not let it go.

What makes China most satisfied is that many shipping companies and subsea operation companies in Baodao have participated, and this is also an opportunity for them. Baodao has also been squeezed by the rapid development of the mainland recently, and its living space has been squeezed. The economic development has stagnated, and a large number of unemployed people are wandering in the society, which has put tremendous pressure on the Baodao government.

Now, with the opportunity of marine development, the people of Baodao cannot let it go.

No matter how some Baodao-biased media report on the mainland, there is a conspiracy, and the people of Baodao will not pay attention to it. They just want to live and work safely. Politics has little to do with ordinary people. Ordinary people only care about themselves. The temperature of the days is unstable, and the wallet is bulging.

This brings the relationship between Baodao and the mainland closer, and distances it from the United States!

When Wang Xiao appeared in Magic Energy Technology Group the next day, Qin Feng and Chen Jinxin handed over hundreds of bidding information to him. company.

Among them, more than 30 marine companies of various types participated in the project in mainland China, 15 companies in Baodao, and more than a dozen shipping companies in Hong Kong Island and Macao Island.

Among the remaining dozens of companies, there are several Korean companies, and some are from South America, India, the Arab League, the North African Union, and Russia.

The United States, Japan, and European countries did not have ocean companies and shipping companies from any country to participate. It was not that those companies did not want to make money, but were ordered by the government not to participate, which made those capitalists very dissatisfied!

This time, Magic Technology Group's public bidding caused an uproar and shock in the whole world again.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States commented early in the morning: "The joint construction of the Chinese government and Magic Energy Technology Group will definitely greatly promote domestic economic development, just like the construction of railways in the United States drove economic and industrial development. It is a pity that the United States As the country with the largest number of large marine companies, none of them participated, which will be a huge blow to the US marine industry!"

The British Sun: "The government forcibly ordered its own ocean and shipping companies not to participate in China's ocean city project. This is extremely unfair. This is political interference with the freedom of economic development. The British government should give the general public an explanation."

Agence France-Presse also expressed dissatisfaction with the government: "Economic development requires freedom, and the profit-seeking nature of businessmen cannot be forcibly suppressed by the government, which will turn economic development into stagnant water. China's development is already unstoppable, and we cannot Because we have a hostile relationship with them, we completely disregard the relationship, but don't think about how to cooperate with China, win-win together, and seek some development opportunities for the French people! Many of our people have expressed their disappointment with the current French government!"

Many European media are dissatisfied with the government.

And many people on Taiwan Island are very satisfied with the mainland government, and many people have even begun to ask the government of Taiwan Island to return completely, taking advantage of the current opportunity of the mainland's leapfrog development, to return early to seek some development opportunities for everyone, don't be fooled If you leave too much behind, you won't be returning, but being returned. The active relationship will be different, and the treatment will be different!

While looking at the information of major companies in his hand, Wang Xiao looked at the media information of various countries in the world on the Internet, feeling very satisfied.

This is the effect he wants!

Opening the era of great development, but not behind closed doors, he wants to make the whole world revolve around him. (to be continued ~^~)

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