The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 333 American Plan, Asian Raiders

The United States once again launched a war on its own initiative, and still opened fire on the target country without going through the UN meeting or the consent of the other four rogue countries!

Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia and other countries belonging to the North African Union Organization have been attacked on a large scale, with more than a thousand casualties!

Moreover, while the United States launched the attack, the Pentagon directly stated: "The North African Alliance is an illegal organization. In order to prevent the organization from developing into a terrorist organization and to maintain world peace, the United States will take the initiative to carry out armed attacks on this illegal organization until the organization until disbanded!"

The U.S. Fifth Fleet sailed directly to the Gulf of the Red Sea.

As soon as this happened, the eyes of the whole world turned to the North African Union.

The North African Union is an alliance of most countries in northern Africa. Its combined area is much larger than that of the United States, and its total population is at least 400 million, which is much larger than that of the United States.

This is tantamount to a war between two huge government organizations!

However, although the North African Union has a large territory and a large population, its development level is very backward, its economy is not good, its industrial technology is approaching zero, and its military strength can be said to be the weakest military group in the world. The military level at the end of World War II was nearly a hundred years behind the current United States. It can be said that it is the most backward area on the earth. Many people in most of the central countries are still living in the era of tribal settlements, and private melees have never stopped.

Several media outlets of the North African Union condemned the United States wildly in the world.

"The United States is a typical hegemony. The lives of our African people do not need Americans to dictate! The United States is forcing us to declare war on them, and the African people will not succumb to their fists."

"America wants war, we'll give them war!"

"The people of the North African Union will not be afraid of war!"

The Arab League also stood up and said: "This move by the United States is very dangerous. If we feel threatened, we will help the North African Alliance to fight against the United States. The United States will be our common enemy!"

As a matter of fact, the establishment of the North African Union was originally connected secretly by the Arab League. When those people were secretly preparing to establish the Arab League, they were preparing to unite the North African countries. It took several months to conceive the North African Union. The event that the alliance was formed.

Therefore, the North African League was attacked by the United States, so the Arab League must not be silent, otherwise who would dare to be friends with the Arab League in the future?

On the same day, the Arab League released photos of the American captives on the Internet, and dragged thousands of American soldiers to mine... Moreover, it also wanted to mobilize troops in Africa, apparently to help the North African Alliance fight against the United States attitude.

The American people became angry when they saw this. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in front of the Pentagon and the White House. Large-scale anti-war protest marches and marches once again appeared on the streets of cities in various parts of the United States!

"against war!"

"Don't let our soldiers make unnecessary sacrifices!"

"Let's not cry anymore..."

"America needs no tears..."

"We want peace..."

Striking slogans appeared in front of the White House and the Pentagon.

Dyson and Ao Hei Niu are both in the White House at the moment, and they are very helpless to see the situation outside.

They know that the war thing cannot be done, otherwise they will step down immediately.

"Our people don't want to get hurt anymore."

Ao Hei Niu said helplessly, speaking high-sounding words.

Dyson also said in a low voice: "But the North African Alliance is the most suitable opponent. We can quickly defeat this enemy, disintegrate the North African Alliance, establish the majesty of our United States in a short period of time, and directly control the entire North Africa. At that time, we can have Land-based attacks on the Arab region. If this opportunity is missed, the North African League and the Arab League will cooperate in depth in the future, and the weapons they purchased from China's magical military industry will be in place, and it will be difficult for us to fight down!"

Pointing to the dense crowd outside and the anti-war slogans everywhere, Ao Hei Niu asked: "Then tell me, how should we deal with our compatriots? Do you know how many people in the United States are opposing us on the streets now?" 30 million people... there are 30 million people... except for people who have jobs and remote areas who don't care about politics, and children, all other adults have come out."

"That is to say, the whole of the United States does not want us to fight, and no one supports us. There are emotions in the military, and you should learn more about the situation! Pearl Harbor has hit us too hard. We should stabilize and develop Let’s talk about wars in a while, so what if the North African League and the Arab League buy Chinese weapons?”

Ao Hei Niu said confidently: "We, America, cannot be overthrown by the Chinese."

Dyson would love to be as confident as he is.

However, the blow to the United States during this period has been too severe. The Pentagon has changed three leaders in just half a year. This has never happened in the history of the United States.

And Pearl Harbor disappeared in an instant with more than 20,000 American soldiers, two fleets, dozens of aircraft, and enough weapons for 100,000 people. This was the biggest loss suffered by the United States after World War II.

Now that Pearl Harbor is gone, the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet has to be rebuilt, which will take a long time!

Therefore, Dyson knows that the United States does need time now, and it will take a long time.

However, both he and Ao Hei Niu know more clearly that China also needs time to develop now!

Moreover, more importantly, the United States is obviously not as good as the two sides in terms of development. The United States is now at a bottleneck in technological development.

Now in the electronics industry, the energy industry has lagged behind China in an all-round way, and even the military industry has fallen behind!

In a few years, when China's energy base in Northwest China is completed, it will be the time when China will completely surpass the United States...

Therefore, both Dyson and Ao Hei Niu actually hope to launch a war to hinder China's development.

However, none of them dare to directly declare war on China. The consequence of that is that everyone will throw mushrooms together and die together!

The two high-level officials in the United States were silent here for a while.

In the end, it was Ao Hei Niu who directly issued the command: "Let the Fifth Fleet stop attacking and continue to stay in the Arabian Sea, posing a direct threat to the Arab League and the North African League! At the same time, we must prepare for a full-scale war and let the army enter State of war, increase troops to the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean..."

After a pause, Ao Hei Niu asked seriously: "Also, has the decommissioned aircraft carrier we sold to Japan been delivered?"

Ao Hei Niu has obviously been paying attention to this matter.

When high-level Japanese military officials came to the United States in person and proposed to purchase the retired aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, the White House and Congress naturally opposed it, and many people were even very angry.

Although in recent decades, Japan has been like a dog in the United States, the top leaders of the United States will not forget that this dog bit them back then. During World War II, Japan caused the greatest damage to the United States. The United States did not suffer much loss when it entered the European battlefield, except that the Normandy landing suffered a little obstacle, and then it was pushed all the way to the German capital.

Therefore, the United States has been controlling the development of Japan's military field over the years, just because it is afraid that Japan will bite them again.

The aircraft carrier is a naval weapon that Japan clearly cannot have!

However, in the end, Ou Hei Niu personally agreed to the warship sale bill, allowing Japan to obtain the retired USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier from the United States.

The strength of Japan's navy has skyrocketed, and it can compete with China in Asia. With advanced weapons, it even surpasses the Chinese navy.

Dyson also said seriously: "It is already being delivered, and people from the Japanese navy have come to prepare to receive it. They also proposed to buy carrier-based aircraft from us..."

Ao Hei Niu immediately said: "Sell them!"

Dyson was taken aback: "Sell them the carrier-based aircraft too?"

"Sell it, why not sell it? We sell whatever they want. The Japanese are rich now."

Ao Hei Niu looked at the dark anti-war crowd outside, and said in a deep voice: "Now all countries in Europe and the United States are anti-war. No one wants war, so it is impossible for us to start the war ourselves. Then, we can let Japan fight against the war in Asia. Create trouble for China. Dyson, you know, we have a common enemy with Japan now. Japan and China are also naturally hostile...we not only want to sell to Japan's carrier-based aircraft, I will also propose to wait for the USS Ford aircraft carrier When it was launched into service, the first Nimitz aircraft carrier was decommissioned and sold to Japan. At that time, Japan had the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and the Nimitz aircraft carrier, which could effectively suppress China!"

Dyson quickly thought about the plan in his head, and finally determined that it was feasible.

As O Hei Niu said, due to historical reasons, Japan and China are naturally hostile.

And China is developing too fast now, so it is indeed a good way to support Japan to confront China.

"Mr. President, what about the unlimited military development that Japan demands?"

Dyson asked again.

Last time, Japan proposed to fully develop the field of weapons. Except for the United States, all other countries opposed it.

Because this is a comprehensive violation of the treaty signed by the defeated countries in World War II!

Moreover, everyone in the world knows that Japan is a crazy country, and it is possible to do crazy things at critical moments, such as dying together!

The craziness shown by Japan in World War II has made the top leaders of the United States feel sympathetic to this day.

Therefore, this is also one of the reasons why the United States has comprehensively restricted the development of Japan's weapons for so many years, and is determined not to allow Japan to possess nuclear weapons.

Japan's nuclear technology is actually capable of manufacturing nuclear weapons. If it were not for the restrictions of the United States, Japan would have manufactured them long ago.

As long as the United States now releases restrictions on Japan's weapons development, it is conceivable that Japan will develop nuclear and weapons within one to two years at most!

At that time, can the United States control Japan at will?

This is also what Dyson and Ao Hei Niu are worried about, fearing that Japan will be out of control by then.


In the immediate term, it is clear that China is the greater threat.

If China's development cannot be restricted, China will be invincible for at most ten years, and the United States will still find it hard to live at that time.

Immediately, a flash of determination flashed in Ao Hei Niu's eyes, and he said in a deep voice: "Let go, we will no longer control Japan's weapon development. However, there is a price..."

Dyson nodded, expressing his understanding!

The sale of the Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier expresses the determination of the United States to support Japan.

Now it is going to sell the Nimitz aircraft carrier that is about to be decommissioned. This is a second-generation nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and there are less than 20 aircraft carriers in the world.

Once Japan has the Nimitz aircraft carrier, its naval strength will rise to the forefront of the world and completely suppress the Chinese fleet!

Both Ao Hei Niu and Dyson knew that this was an extremely risky move.

Moreover, from then on, Japan may be out of their control.


The Pentagon of the United States announced that it would agree to the request of the American people and cancel the military action against the North African Alliance, which won the support of the American people.

For the first time, the support data of the Austrian Black Bull government rose for the first time.

In the last Pearl Harbor incident, there were a lot of voices calling for the resignation of Ao Hei Niu.

As soon as the Pentagon announced this, it received support from countries all over the world, including China and Russia.

After all, no country really wants to go to war, not even the United States.

When all countries in the world are calling for peace, there is a fierce confrontation in a sea area on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean!

A Japanese naval fleet and a Chinese fleet are only less than five kilometers away from each other across the sea. It only takes one acceleration, and the warships of both sides can collide!

The chief of a Chinese warship stood in the command room, looked at the Japanese warship with the flags of aunt, mother, and scarf hanging not far away with a telescope, and said in a low voice: "These little Japanese are really too arrogant."

An adjutant next to him said: "The Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier they purchased from the United States is about to be brought back, so they have been very arrogant recently. I heard that they also purchased active carrier-based aircraft from the United States, and once again set up a project to independently develop a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. On an equal footing with the USS Ford aircraft carrier..."

"Japan's technology is unquestionable, but it was restricted in the past and could not develop weapons! Now they disregard the restrictions of the World War II treaty and develop weapons and equipment in an all-round way, which is more confident than us!"

Another officer agreed.

However, the chief said confidently: "That's all in the past, and it doesn't matter whose technology is more trap in the future, let Little Japan be arrogant for a few days!"

The eyes of several people in the command room lit up, and they all looked at the chief.

"Sir, do you have any inside information? It is said that the magic military industry will not start developing warships for two years..."

A middle-aged colonel approached the chief and asked excitedly.

The chief pushed the guy away and said with a proud smile: "Hey, this is a secret, don't lie to me, you will know the result in a month at most!"


At this time.

A shell suddenly landed on the sea less than 500 meters away from the battleship, and a high jet of water splashed directly on the nearby battleship.

The Japanese battleship even fired!

The atmosphere on both sides instantly became tense.

All the muzzles began to aim at each other. (to be continued ~^~)

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