The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 315 The decision of the United States, the number that shocked the world

On the portal websites of news media such as Sohu and Painxun, a large number of photos of the current situation of Pearl Harbor suddenly appeared. The clarity is very high. It can be seen that the high-definition photos taken by satellites can clearly see all the current situations on Pearl Harbor. .

Because, everything there is very simple, now it is pitch black, and there is water vapor all over the sky, and everything else does not exist.

The military ports and warships that could be seen everywhere in the past have disappeared, and all the buildings on the island have also disappeared. They have been razed to the ground. Compared with the previous topographic pictures of Pearl Harbor, all the stones on the ground are gone. The hills were burnt and reduced in half...

The entire island is one-third smaller in size!

The power of this weapon shocked the world. If it were thrown in a city, what would be the result? It is estimated that it will be even more terrifying than the current Pearl Harbor.

The domestic people were shocked when they saw the news, and then they were overjoyed.

Bad luck for America?

Then I'm happy!

This is the thinking of almost all ordinary people in China.

Although Japan is hateful, everyone knows that Japan is just a dog of the United States. Whoever the master tells it to bite, it will bite.

Pain news media reported: "Pearl Harbor, the headquarters of the US Pacific Fleet, was burned by a mysterious fire. Everything in the entire port disappeared, and the area of ​​​​the island was reduced by one-third. Some military experts speculated that this may be developed by the United States. A brand new weapon, which caused a fire due to improper operation, finally brewed this tragedy!"

Sohu Media: "Pearl Harbor was attacked 70 years later. It turned out to be an internal mistake in the fleet. It can be said that it caused a disaster. Our navy should take warning!"

A so-called expert on a military channel said to the audience: "This may be the latest incendiary bomb in the United States. It can burn metals and almost all substances. The temperature is super high, comparable to nuclear explosions. There have been news It is said that the USS Ford's new aircraft carrier will serve in the Pacific Fleet. This kind of incendiary missile may be equipped on the USS Ford aircraft carrier, and there may be an accident during the transportation. Eighty percent of them may be caused by the Americans' own operational errors A tragedy, after all, this is one of the most heavily defended places in the world, there is no possibility of being attacked by external enemies!"

In fact, in the history of the U.S. Navy, there has been a history of blood and tears brewed by repeated mistakes. The most serious one almost sank a Nimitz aircraft carrier, losing more than a dozen aircraft and hundreds of soldiers.

Speaking of which, the accident was very dramatic, and perhaps many people would not believe it. The most serious accident was a mistake when the plane mounted the missile, which then caused the missile to explode, detonating nearby planes one after another, and the explosion caused the machine guns on the plane to fire automatically. The missile blasted through the aircraft carrier deck, and the machine guns fired Causing soldiers to fall one by one...

Of course, the last Nimitz carrier survived and was repaired.

At this moment, many domestic people on the Internet are discussing with great excitement!

"Professor Wang's two satellites were destroyed by the United States, and Pearl Harbor in the United States disappeared in a blink of an eye. Do you think it was done by Professor Wang?"

"Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing, the United States hasn't said anything yet."

"It's really possible that it was an accident. This kind of thing has happened in the history of the US Navy. Americans are notorious for their carelessness."

"This kind of weapon is really terrible, and it directly made the entire Pearl Harbor disappear!"


"The Americans suffered a great loss this time. The permanent garrison at Pearl Harbor was at least 10,000, and all of them were burned down. Let's see how the Yankees end up!"

"Tens of thousands of losses? Then the United States is absolutely bloody angry, the biggest loss since World War II. Back then, the United States lost tens of thousands of dollars after fighting Vietnam for several years!"

"Definitely more than 10,000 people, at least 15,000 people..."

In China, there is a discussion of universal celebration, almost all in a tone of gloating, while in the United States, there are all kinds of anger.

The New York Times: "This is a massacre of Chiguoguo, and the United States must pay the price in blood."

Los Angeles Times: "Who will be responsible for the loss of at least 15,000 people? How does the United States respond to this crisis? War is a Pandora's box, and no one knows what is inside. Once opened, no one knows What is the consequence? It may be good, or it may be a nightmare. This time the United States launched a war against the Gulf is an unwise act. If there is no initial declaration of war and provocation against China, there will be nothing that happened later. New The era needs peaceful development, not war."

Driven by the major media, millions of people across the United States vented their anger on the Pentagon and the White House.

More than 100,000 Americans gathered at the gates of the White House and the Pentagon. Groups of people sat quietly at the gates, holding up various eye-catching blood-red banners.

"against war!"

"Stop the war, we want peace!"

"Punish the murderer severely."

"A family of 15,000 needs an explanation."

"Ao Hei Niu step down!"

"Dyson step down!"

The banners were extremely eye-catching, and there were rows of soldiers and security guards standing around, everyone looked like an enemy.

There are also groups of people walking together in various streets and shouting: "We want peace, we don't want war, we want to survive, we don't want to die..."

Crowds of people shouted and expressed their voices on the streets of major cities across the United States.

All police officers across the United States are on high alert, and they are patrolling the streets in groups to maintain order and prevent larger-scale riots from happening!

at the same time.

Several major naval fleets in the United States have also entered a state of high-level readiness. The main battleships appeared in their respective lanes and cruised, looking menacing!

The Seventh Fleet stationed at Yokosuka Naval Port in Japan left the port directly and headed towards the waters of nearby South Korea!

It seems that the world war has a sense of tension that is on the verge of breaking out. The nerves of all countries are tense. Several major countries are also on alert and ready for war. As long as one of them fights first, there will be a chain reaction. !

At this moment.

High-level executives such as Ao Hei Niu and Dyson are still holding a secret meeting at the White House to discuss this matter.

Because they still don't know how to tell the public about this, is it to tell the truth?

To be honest, if they told the truth, it is estimated that most people would not believe it, and it would also lead to unpredictable consequences.

But what should be said?

As the Chinese expert said, blame it on the accident and take the responsibility yourself?

Ao Hei Niu sat on the chair in the middle, with no expression on his black face, only a stern and serious look, his eyes swept over the people present, and he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, we are facing the most severe test now, tell me Your opinion."

Dyson stood up and said, "Let me take charge of this matter, let me hold a press conference!"

The vice president said indifferently: "What do you want to say?"

Dyson was silent for a while, and then said: "It depends on what we are going to do next. If we declare war, we must tell the truth. If we do not declare war, we can only conceal the truth!"

All of you here are smart people who know that there are only two choices at the moment.

President Ao Heiniu took a deep breath and thought deeply again.

declare war?

Basically impossible.

Now that the United States has lost the Gulf Arab League, and India has declared war on the United States, if it creates another strongest enemy in Asia...

Once these three parties join forces, the entire Eurasian continent will be within its deterrent range, and the United States can only guard the American continent!

Then it's safe to say that this is the War of the Worlds!

With Ao Hei Niu's arrogance, he didn't dare to really start the nightmare of a world war. No one can afford the consequences. If you don't pay attention, everyone will finish playing together!

"Everyone, let's vote with a show of hands, I support concealing the truth!"

Ao Hei Niu thought about it, and still adopted a democratic decision-making method.

Because in this way, no matter what happens in the future, no one will be blamed. If it is pursued, it can be said that everyone made the decision together.

As he spoke, Ao Heiu raised his hand to express his position.

Dyson thought for a while and raised his hand. He didn't want to really fight a world war.

All hands are raised!

Except for a few people who abstained, several other high-ranking voters raised their hands in favor.

In the new century, in the new era, no one really wants to bring the whole world into war. Therefore, facing the risk of a world war, the US government has also compromised, and they dare not.

They will forcibly swallow the consequences of the loss of more than 20,000 soldiers.

Dyson still volunteered: "I'll announce it to the public."

Ao Hei Niu nodded and said: "Yes, but there will be no changes in the position. Now the United States needs stability and development!"

Dyson also nodded to Ao Hei Niu, knowing that he would still sit in the position of the Ministry of National Defense.

He gave a military salute to everyone present, then turned around and walked out resolutely, announcing to the public that a press conference would be held publicly!

At this moment, two hours have passed since Pearl Harbor disappeared, and this news has spread to every corner of the world where information can be transmitted!

All the media from all over the world rushed over when they got the news that the U.S. Department of Defense was going to hold a press conference. No media wanted to miss this grand event!

How will the top leaders of the United States face the biggest loss in the United States since World War II?

Military experts in many countries have speculated that the United States may declare war and bring the whole world into the vortex of war.

Some experts also speculate that the United States may reap the consequences of itself!

After all, everyone in the know knows that the Americans are to blame for all of this!

Half an hour later, Dyson appeared at the press conference.

Thousands of media reporters from all over the world frantically pulled the shutters, and each camera was set up long ago, and the satellite live broadcast vehicles of the TV station outside were parked on an entire street.

Under the gathering of flashing lights, Dyson slowly came to the high platform in the middle, looked at the densely packed media reporters below, and said with a heavy face: "Brothers in the United States, I am sorry that this meeting is late. Pearl Harbor disappeared Yes, yes, everything happened by accident. We have produced a new type of high-energy incendiary weapon through experiments. We originally wanted to transport it to the Pacific Fleet for storage, but we did not expect an accident when loading and unloading the transport vehicle from the battleship! "

"Because of a soldier's operating error, this weapon was suddenly activated, and then this explosion occurred, causing huge losses!"

Thousands of media reporters at the venue were silent, the sound of the shutter disappeared, and everyone looked at Dyson.

Billions of viewers around the world were silent when they saw Dyson's speech.

Everyone is surprised!

Everyone was surprised that this incident was really an accident?

Was Pearl Harbor really an accident?

The high-level leaders of several big countries certainly knew that this was not an accident.

However, they knew that when Dyson said it was an accident, it meant that the US government was afraid and compromised!

Dyson continued: "Maybe everyone doesn't believe it, but I must admit that this was an accident and a mistake in our work. No country in the world can suddenly destroy the headquarters of our Pacific Fleet without warning, so It was an accident!"

As he said that, he bent down towards all the cameras, bowed and saluted, and said loudly: "I apologize to all the compatriots who died, may you rest in peace in heaven, and I also apologize to the relatives of the victims, we will treat you Make proper arrangements..."

The entire United States was silent, and all the people shed tears at this moment!

All the families whose family members served in the Pacific Fleet felt a little panic at this moment. They still couldn't accept that their relatives just went away?


Here comes the problem!

How big is the loss?

Many people across the United States were immersed in grief, or in shock, without thinking too much for a while.

However, the hundreds of thousands of media reporters at the scene were all sober, most of them didn't care about any sadness, they just wanted to know the truth, and they wanted to report big news that shocked the world!

So, in the next moment, hundreds of hands were raised in the audience. Every reporter wanted to ask questions, and none of them was polite to Dyson.

Dyson's heart was heavy, knowing that it was time to face the test, he casually pointed to a European reporter. He dare not face American reporters, and he also dare not face Asian reporters, so choose a more neutral European reporter.

However, at this time, it doesn't matter which reporter he chooses, because what everyone wants to know is the same, that is, the specific data.

The French reporter stood up and asked loudly: "General Dyson, may I ask how much the loss of the disappearance of Pearl Harbor is? According to the information we have received, the permanent garrison at Pearl Harbor is more than 15,000 people, including a large number of naval forces." The Marine Corps, the Air Force base, and the escort fleet. And this time, it is said that the aircraft carrier formation of the Third Fleet docked at Pearl Harbor, and it also disappeared along with the fire, right?"

As soon as the French reporter asked a question.

The audience was silent.

The whole world is also quiet.

Whether it was the media reporters at the scene, the audience in front of the TV, or the audience in front of the computer, they all held their breath and looked at Dyson's icy face!

Dyson's face flushed slightly, and his heart trembled when he thought of the lost data.

Looking at everyone at the scene, he said solemnly: "This time has caused us a huge loss. According to statistics, we lost more than 20,000 soldiers on Pearl Harbor. We will bury all of them in the tomb of the martyrs." Garden, they are innocent!"


The media reporters on the scene exploded in an instant, and almost everyone let out an exclamation. Obviously, no one expected this huge number.

All the viewers around the world watching the live broadcast were also dumbfounded in shock.

Especially the people in the United States couldn't accept this result. Many people frantically threw the things in their hands at the TV or computer!

Because those families who have relatives serving in the Pacific Fleet know that their relatives will never come back!

The loss of more than 20,000 people!

The whole world was shocked!

In other words, the US Pacific Fleet, which has a total strength of about 150,000 troops, lost one-seventh of its personnel and 15% loss in this accident!

A loss of this proportion, even in a state of war, is an extremely high loss.

What's more, this kind of thing is happening in a peaceful age.

Almost no one in the world can accept this result.

More than 20,000 people, too many!

And the happiest thing is that the Arab League and India, the two countries that declared war on the United States, and those backward countries in Africa that have been bullied by the United States are also extremely excited. (to be continued ~^~)

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