The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 311 Anti-war climax, American action

(It’s still one update today, sorry! I will resume two updates as soon as possible. Please forgive me, I’m discussing marriage recently!)

The change of these two satellites was of course operated by Wang Xiao.

After he finished talking with the old chief, the sense of urgency in his heart became even stronger.

It's still the same feeling - the earth is too dangerous!

Therefore, he wants to develop as soon as possible, and now he operates the satellite to rise a certain distance, so that he can be closer to the sun's rays, closer to the space, can absorb stronger energy rays, and naturally can accumulate more energy !

There is only one month left, Wang Xiao wants to make this satellite absorb more energy!

"Time is so tight!"

Wang Xiao operated the computer, and said helplessly, "It would be great if there were another two years."

His original plan was to start to get involved in the military industry two years later. At that time, his strength would be enough, and the energy base in the northwest could be fully formed, and it could continuously supply energy blocks.

At that time, he can develop energy-based weapon systems without any scruples!

But now, he can't do that.

The energy supply chain is not yet fully formed.

The most important thing is that the world situation is changing too fast, and the United States can't stand the blow at all. Now there is a danger of a world war breaking out at any time.

After thinking about it, Wang Xiao decided to start laying the foundation, and immediately began to design on the blueprints. Since he was going to get involved in the military industry, he naturally had to do it seriously, even more seriously than creating a magic energy technology company!

In the afternoon of Beijing time, the Chinese government and the Russian government jointly announced that the two countries have established a nuclear limitation alliance. Unlike the Nuclear Proliferation Limitation Organization, the two countries are only temporarily united, and the target is the upcoming outbreak war!

The spokespersons of China and Russia announced the decision of the two major countries together: "The Arab League and India are about to go to war with the United States. The United States will join forces with NATO's 100,000 coalition forces and will go to the Middle East battlefield in the near future. This is a very dangerous battle." All three parties have a certain amount of nuclear weapons reserves. We adhere to the main theme of peaceful development and advise both sides to be calm. If anyone uses nuclear weapons first, our two countries will join the other side, regardless of the home of the earth and the earth. The party that has used nuclear weapons to save billions of lives will carry out a joint attack, and strive to eliminate this dangerous force as soon as possible!"

"This decision will take effect from today!"

The announcement made by the two countries together appeared on the headlines of the world media, instantly causing an uproar all over the world...

Many countries were worried before that if the United States, the Arab League, and India went to war together, a little carelessness would lead to a nuclear war, and the consequences would be very unpredictable.

Once you can't hold it back, it's the rhythm of everyone playing together!

But the countries participating in the war are the three parties, and everyone else is innocent, so why should everyone follow along to the end?

Therefore, there were various boycotts against this war every day before.

This time China and Russia stood up to maintain world peace and limit nuclear weapons, which immediately aroused the support of almost all countries in the world, including the people of India, the Arab League, and the three participating countries of the United States. I don't want to be kidnapped for no reason and die together.

But the New York Times said: "China and Russia have finally assumed the responsibilities that major countries should bear, but this is also a move by the two major countries to participate in international affairs. We advise these two countries not to be too radical, and it is best to manage your own affairs. important."

The New York Times is warning China and Russia not to meddle in U.S. affairs, but take care of yourselves.

However, this time the Chinese media responded strongly: "The United States is in danger of destroying the world, so it is no longer the affairs of the United States alone, but a major issue related to the security of all mankind. Any country has the right and obligation to stand Come out and restrict the three major warring countries."

This time, the U.S. government and media did not get the support of any allies, including the traditional allies Britain and France, the loyal lackey Japan, and the American people.

There have been large-scale anti-war demonstrations in the United States, and demonstrations against nuclear weapons!

Therefore, the next day, the White House and the Department of Defense of the United States had no choice but to publicly issue a decision: "Our war against the Arab League is just a just battle for us to maintain our own dignity and protect the property of our country's citizens. As long as the Arab League now Release all European and American peacekeepers, and then return the oil fields belonging to European and American businessmen, and the Arab League will be disbanded immediately, and the US military facilities in the Arabian Sea will be restored, and we will not declare war, and the world will still be peaceful."

Of course, everyone knows that this is impossible. The establishment of the Arab League is to fight against the exploitation of the United States. It is impossible for the United States to continue to build military bases on Arab lands, and it is even more impossible to disband it!

Therefore, the Pentagon said: "We can guarantee that after the war, as long as the other party does not actively use nuclear weapons, we will not use them. This is our guarantee. We can ensure that the Arab League can be easily defeated without nuclear weapons at all! We have no intention Go to war against India, that incident in India was just an accident, we are sorry for the death of those 2 million people. If India insists on joining the camp of the Arab League and going to war against us, the United States of America. Then, we can only list India as Our enemy!"

General Dyson reaffirmed to the whole world: "We once again affirmatively guarantee that as long as the opponent does not launch a nuclear attack on us, we will not use any nuclear weapons facilities. The United States has always maintained world peace and protected the safety of the earth. responsibilities and obligations.”

Dyson's words spread all over the world through TV signals, and the United States once again entered the world's field of vision. In the end, he did not forget to pretend to be aggressive, putting himself and the United States in the position of the world's police, and portraying himself as a man of justice.

Many Americans support Dyson, saying that Dyson is a messenger of peace, and the initiator of the war is said to be a messenger of peace, which is very ironic!

It's as ridiculous as if *** was able to win the Nobel Prize, and then **** sent the US army to bomb the medical organization of the Peace Fund...

After Dyson announced that the United States would not take the initiative to use nuclear weapons, it was affirmed by the world, and the European and American people also supported it.

In this way, the pressure instantly came to the side of the Arab League and India!

Under pressure, the spokesperson of the Arab League also stood up and said: "We Arab people are peace-loving, and everyone hopes to live a peaceful and happy life. It's just that we have been oppressed by the United States for too long, so we must stand up and resist .However, we can also guarantee that we are only asking for our due power, so we also promise not to actively use nuclear weapons.”

The image of the Arab League has improved a lot recently. Since the establishment of the coalition regime, the internal regime and military power have begun to unify, and a major internal cleanup has been carried out to wipe out many terrorist organizations. Some of the remaining ones either fled to Africa. Either it was disbanded directly, and the number of terrorist incidents worldwide dropped to a new low in the past ten years. This is definitely a major contribution to world peace.

Under the leadership of the new government, the Arab League started what China did 20 years ago - reform and opening up, introducing technological development, and listing China as a major partner!

However, these phenomena have been deliberately ignored by the European and American media, so most people in Europe and the United States do not know what changes have taken place in the Arab League. source!

Therefore, a considerable number of European and American people support NATO's war against the Arab League, believing that this is a just war and an eradication of evil.

Under such circumstances, after the Arab League issued a statement, it did not receive much support. Only India, China, Russia and other countries publicly expressed their support for the decision of the Arab League, and the people of other countries watched indifferently.

Subsequently, the Indian Prime Minister also held a press conference and said: "The Indian people need a stable and fair living environment, rather than being reduced to a weapon testing site for some hegemonic countries. Two million innocent souls are still crying, and they need justice. If the United States does not recognize this incident and take responsibility for this incident, and compensate each innocent life with 500,000 US dollars, then our soldiers can only pick up rifles to protect our homeland and seek justice."

Two million people, each with 500,000 US dollars, that is 1 trillion US dollars. If the United States is killed, it will never pay so much money to compensate India, so there must be a battle between the two sides!

After saying these words similar to declaring war, the Indian Prime Minister said: "However, we, India, are also a peace-loving country. We also promise that we will never use nuclear weapons first. However, if the innocent massacre of innocent people in a city like last time happens again , then we will retaliate against the murderer by any means!"

The Indian prime minister is a typical nationalist. When this guy was in power in India, ethnic conflicts broke out in his jurisdiction. Instead of appeasement, he encouraged the majority of Hindu ethnic groups to suppress and massacre the local ethnic minorities, resulting in the death of thousands of ethnic minorities, which shocked the world.

But the result was unexpected, and nothing terrible happened.

Since then, the ethnic minorities in that area have been very peaceful and never dared to make trouble again. Instead, they have promoted the development of the local area. This is also a typical achievement of this prime minister!

For such a radical to become the Prime Minister of India, it is absolutely impossible to speculate based on common sense.

This is also one of the reasons why the United States is very afraid and does not want to declare war with India easily.

No matter how strong the party is, it will be afraid of people who don't care about the consequences.

Two days passed.

After China and Russia announced the alliance to limit nuclear weapons, the United States, the Arab League, and India also issued a commitment not to use nuclear weapons first!

Afterwards, countries around the world also stood up one by one to show their sense of existence, saying that whoever uses nuclear weapons first is a sinner of mankind, a public enemy of the world, etc., expressing that they firmly resist war and maintain world peace...

This indeed put enormous pressure on the three major warring countries, and made the three parties keep a low profile, but secretly stepped up their preparations again, because everyone could see that this stop was inevitable!

The cloud of war hangs over the world. In addition to China, in other countries such as Europe, America and Japan, some people parade on the streets every day, holding high the banner of opposing war, asking the government to stop the war, calling for peace, etc...

But these things can't affect the lives of most ordinary people, and most of the world is still in the realm of singing and dancing.

Ordinary people from all over the world are still living quietly, enjoying their lives, and playing some new things to find excitement for themselves.

For example, the Rubik's Cube mobile phone, or Lenovo, Huawei, and Mi tc mobile phones are selling well all over the world these days!

After a few days, the worldwide sales data of the mobile phone brands under the four major Mana Technology finally broke through the 200 million mark, reaching a total sales volume of 210 million!

The resulting chain effect is that the number of users of the magic energy system has also increased greatly, and the income of many apps in the magic energy system has also continued to increase!

Doudou Communication of Magic Bean Software has become the communication system with the widest coverage in the world. Although there are only 150 million users so far, which is worse than the old communication software such as Tongxun, but these users are all over the world. , and are high-consumption class, can contribute a stable income.

And other software companies are also developing steadily, and the number of users is rising steadily. The highest among them is Zhang Xuewen's Mowen software, which already has more than 90 million game users, and its daily income is hundreds of millions. Billion turnover.

Secondly, the number of game users of Zhao Jianhuadongke software has exceeded 80 million, and the daily operating income is also more than 100 million!

Other companies have also grown enormously.

In this way, the business of the software market of the Magic Energy System has reached a new high. The total daily turnover is about 10 billion, and the average consumption of each user is five yuan!

At the same time, more than 100 developer software companies newly established in Donghai City have also officially established projects in the past few days, and started the research and development of new projects. It is expected that they will be listed in the magic energy system one after another and pushed to system users!

Apple, Samsung, LG and other foreign mobile phone companies are at risk of going bankrupt under another impact. The high-end mobile phone business has almost shrunk, and is monopolized by the mobile phones under Magic Technology!

Under such circumstances, Apple, Samsung, LG, Sony and other companies suddenly jointly sued Magic Technology in the US court, suing Magic Technology for monopoly!

This caused an uproar all over the world!

However, another thing that happened shocked Wang Xiao and the general staff even more, so they didn't worry about the monopoly lawsuits of the four major companies such as Apple.

Because, the US missile base in Guam suddenly launched a missile again, directly into space!

The goal is to point directly at the two satellites belonging to Wang Xiao in space!

Neither Wang Xiao nor the general staff expected that the United States would act as it said it would, and the general staff did not get the news in advance. It can be seen that the Pentagon's plan this time is absolutely extremely confidential and strives for success!

Beep beep!

Wang Xiao immediately received a call from the old head of the general staff. (to be continued ~^~)

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