The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 183 The war begins, sweeping across the United States!

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Philip is a member of the American hacker army that invaded the magic software server this time, and he is also a very inconspicuous member.

But his technology is definitely at the elite level, ranking among the top 20 among hundreds of American hackers.

But in fact, he is not a hacker.

He was just instigated by some media and public opinion in the computer world to participate in this hacking operation against the magic software.

"****... Work harder, damn it, this company's defense system is really incomprehensible. I can calculate that they only have forty or fifty people blocking us at most, and it stands to reason that they can't stop us at all The attack of thousands of people. But the system of this server has been continuously updated, and it is constantly patching its own loopholes. We can find fewer and fewer loopholes. I suspect that if we keep attacking, this system will Evolve itself into the perfect defense system."

Philip sat in front of the computer, using a headset to talk nervously with a familiar industry friend, Carl, while typing on the keyboard.

Both are veterans in the computer field.

Philip is now working for Apple, and his friend Carl is working for Microsoft. Both of them have been working for more than ten years, and they are senior program engineers with an annual salary of more than 500,000 US dollars in their respective companies.

Carl's voice of admiration also came from his headset: "Indeed, there are rumors that the magic software has mastered the intelligent program. It seems that it may be true. I know why the boss will acquiesce in our attack on the magic software. The software company's The boss is incredible, it is said that he only recently developed this defense system that belongs to the mana software, but the defense ability is the best in the world."

"With so many of us attacking together, any place on the Internet in the world can now be torn apart by us, including the National Security Agency!"

"But. So many of us have been stalemate here for an hour now, and we haven't won it yet. I can't believe it!"

There was a lot of praise in Carl's voice, and there was admiration for Wang Xiao and Magic Software in his words. He really admired Wang Xiao before.

Philip reminded: "Carl, you have to know, this guy is a terrorist."

Suddenly, Carl said in amazement: "I know, in fact, this is the label of the Los Angeles Times...Huh? The Japanese have all run away. What happened? Are these guys really unreliable?"

Philip was also shocked. He hurriedly asked other hackers he knew on the Internet, and immediately got the information. He learned that the network in Japan was hacked. The servers of several high-tech companies such as Fujitsu and Sony were hacked, and the servers were paralyzed. , causing a lot of losses.

The Chinese started to fight back!

"Damn, these yellow-skinned monkeys, they still have time to fight back. They are bullying people. Carl. They invaded the servers of Fujitsu and Sony in Japan. Several major companies in Japan called their employees back to deal with the aftermath. Let's hurry up."

Philip reminded in a serious voice. Then follow a server loophole found by the black god to enter data, and start a new round of highland battle!

Carl was a little surprised when he heard this. He couldn't help but think of the mysterious hacker who invaded the FBI last time. That hacker is known as one of the most daring and powerful hackers in the world. One's Mayflower is more arrogant and domineering.

The US FBI doesn't care about it!

Many media have speculated that this mysterious hacker is the boss of Magic Software Company, Wang Xiao himself, and the analysis is well-founded. Credibility is high!

"The entrance has been opened, the black god has obtained super authority, hurry up!"

Philip shouted excitedly, as if he was about to win the final victory. He has already entered the server of the mana software, and the leading black god has obtained permission.

However, the next moment before they had time to do anything, all the dozen or so top hackers who invaded were all kicked out, including the black god who had obtained super authority!

Depressedly, Philip slammed the keyboard hard. Cursed: "Damn it, it was almost there. This defense system is just like a bug. How can this Chinese develop such a powerful defense system?"

Carl was also very depressed when he heard that.

at this time!

Philip's phone rang suddenly, and he looked at the number. I was slightly surprised in my heart, because this was his boss. The CTO of Apple Technologies is calling.

"Philip, today's vacation is cancelled, come to the headquarters quickly."

Apple's chief technology officer said in a hurried voice with a hint of trepidation.

Philip stood up immediately, and asked with a hint of shock: "Boss, what happened? Did someone hack into our company's server?"


Apple's chief technology officer did not hide this, and said hastily: "Almost all of our public servers have been hacked, and the last main server is left, and we are still at a stalemate. It was done by Chinese hackers, and the leader was the last The mysterious hacker who invaded the FBI is now certain that he is a Chinese, and his technology is so powerful that we can hardly resist. Damn it, I think he is that Wang Xiao, you come back to the company quickly."

Philip's thinking slowed down a beat. Just now he was scolding the Japanese for being unreliable, but in a blink of an eye his company was hacked?

He hurriedly agreed: "Okay, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, Carl asked anxiously in his headset: "Philip, what happened?"

"Damn it, Carl, that guy took action and led a large group of Chinese hackers to invade our company's server. Our company's public server is paralyzed, and I'm going to work overtime to restore the paralyzed server!"

After finishing speaking, Philip withdrew from the hacking operation, cleaned up all the information on the computer, and quickly went out towards Apple.

Carl on the other side was sitting at home in a daze when he heard Philip's words, and was suddenly woken up by a sudden ringing of the phone.

He was startled and had a bad premonition. He picked it up and saw that it was what he was most afraid of - the chief technology officer of Microsoft!

"Carl, go back to the company quickly. Something has happened. A large number of hackers from China have invaded the company's servers. Hurry up, we are almost overwhelmed here!"

The CEO of Microsoft hung up the phone after talking anxiously, obviously busy resisting!

Microsoft is in the field of computer systems, and obviously has a lot of background in defense systems, but it is also struggling at the moment, which shows that it is also facing huge troubles.

Carl also hurriedly put down the phone, and immediately withdrew from the hacking operation. Go back to work immediately.

There are more than 700 American hackers participating in the invasion of Magic Software this time, and most of them are technical elites in the computer field, which shows how profound the technical background of the United States is.

And at this moment, American hackers began to withdraw from the intrusion one after another. These were recalled by their own companies. After a while, hundreds of people were lost. Including most of the Japanese hackers who quit, the overall number of hackers More than two hundred people have been reduced.

The internal pressure of Maneng Software also suddenly decreased a lot.

Because, at this moment!

The war spread completely, with magic software as the core of the battlefield. Sweep to the Internet of the whole world!

Almost all high-tech companies in the United States have been attacked by a large number of Chinese hackers at this time.


Paige walked anxiously, came to the technical department with a gloomy face, and shouted: "Call everyone on vacation back to work. Cancel the vacation. How is the situation now?"

Sergey hurried up and replied: "We are on hold temporarily, the opponent's attack is very fierce, but not as fierce as imagined. Just now I heard that Microsoft was breached in less than five minutes, and the entire server was paralyzed , A large number of computers have had their hard drives formatted, and their processors and motherboards have been burned. If they hadn’t cut off the power supply decisively, several servers might have been burned.”

"However, they have caused most of their services to stop in this way. Now they are receiving a lot of user complaints."

"We temporarily prevented the opponent's attack."

When Page heard that Microsoft was so unlucky, he was relieved. It seems that Google's technology is still better than Microsoft's. Of course, he also knew that it should be the reason why the opponent's main force hadn't started attacking Google yet.

Immediately, he thought of Apple again, and asked, "How about Apple?"

Sergey raised his eyebrows, his eyes flashed, and he said lightly: "It is said that it is temporarily blocked. This hacker attack is obviously an act of revenge by Chinese hackers, in order to retaliate against a large number of hackers attacking magic software. Preliminary estimates, Chinese hackers More than four hundred people were mobilized."

After a pause, Sergey said again with a complicated expression: "Page, the magic software was attacked by more than 1,300 hackers. It persisted for an hour!"

When Page heard this, a hint of admiration appeared on his face. He said with emotion: "Wang Xiao may be too arrogant, but his computer technology is absolutely unparalleled. I now have some doubts whether our deal is worth it. We exchanged a system that occupies a market of one billion people. A technology. He must have more advanced technology than the magic algorithm in his hands, and the server defense system of the magic software has shown a computer technology that shocked us!"

"In the computer field, he is like a god!"

Even as a temporary enemy, Larry Page unabashedly expressed his admiration for Wang Xiao's skills.

Sergey said helplessly: "We can't control Wang Xiao and Magic Software now. We can only make ourselves better. After adding the Magic Algorithm to our new product, it performs very well. I want to have another one." It will be officially launched in a month."


Page regained his confidence again, and agreed loudly.

And at this moment.

A flickering pattern suddenly appeared on the big screen of their server, and strands of light flickered and bloomed on the big screen, as if the sun was continuously releasing light.

Then, all the employees who were busy resisting the hackers were stunned, because the same picture appeared on the computer screen in front of them.

Then, after flashing the light, all the lights in all the screens on the scene gathered together and became a sun!

Both Page and Sergey's complexion changed drastically at the same time, and their eyes widened.

They know that Google has fallen.

And this is not a simple fall, but a complete fall of the main server.

Google will face a huge test at this moment!

From this moment on, all their Google online services have been stopped, including Google search engine is no exception!

At this moment, Google search engines all over the world stopped their services. Users entered keywords in Google search, but they could not get any information. There was only a blank page, showing that they could not connect to the server.

Page blushed instantly and shouted: "What happened? Wasn't it still in a stalemate just now? Damn it, why did it suddenly collapse?"


The people in their Google security department were still in a stalemate with a large number of Chinese hackers just now, and they have launched a counterattack, and they will be able to repel those hackers immediately. Those Chinese hackers can't do anything to their Google security department.

But why did it suddenly collapse in the blink of an eye?

The technical director in charge of Google's network security department came forward to report in a panic: "Boss, we were indeed in a stalemate with more than forty Chinese hackers just now, but we suddenly joined a stream of information, and we couldn't stop it all at once. This is A super hacker we've never met, and you can tell who he is by looking at the logo."

Page and Sergey looked at the flashing sun symbol on a screen, and instantly thought of the mysterious hacker who ranked first on the fbi hacker most wanted list.

In the history of the Internet, the first hacker who dared to invade the FBI and hacked its official website.

Perhaps a little weaker than Kate, the first person in hacker history, to invade the North American Air Force Command, but it is definitely legendary.

After some contact with Wang Xiao, Page became more and more certain that the hacker might be Wang Xiao.

Otherwise, he can't think of anyone else in the world who has such superb technology in the computer field, who can come and go freely in almost any corner of the Internet, come and go as soon as he says!

Back then, Kate could be said to be in the wild period of the Internet, so the network defense system was not strong, almost undefended, and many people did not expect to be able to attack on the Internet.

But now is completely different from then.

The defense system of the Internet is now many times stronger than it was back then.

No one believed that there could be a super hacker who could see through all the defenses on the Internet.

And now, there is such a super hacker who shocked the world.

Microsoft fell, Apple fell, Google fell...

who is the next?

Intel, ibm, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm and other companies are all at risk!

Neither the US government nor the FBI can sit still.

They can tacitly allow American hackers to attack magic software together, and even release the black god who has been arrested, but they absolutely cannot tolerate Chinese hackers running amok in their own country!

Government computer experts have joined the battle group!

An Internet war has officially kicked off! (to be continued ~^~)

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