The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 157 Eighty billion dollars!

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Xiaomi, Huawei, Meizu and other domestic mobile phone manufacturers have followed Wang Xiao.

Facing the crucial issue of right and wrong, these domestic mobile phone manufacturers are all on Wang Xiao's side for the time being.

Wang Xiao took a look at Yang Yuanqing and the others, walked to his office, and said, "Everyone, you know that I am going to build my own system, so why do I keep Android? Do I really need to operate Android? I don't. , I don't want to be so troublesome. What I need is the underlying copyright of Android and the right to enjoy the app platform ecosystem!"

"In this way, when the time comes, my mobile phone system will be able to eat up the current Android mobile phone system ecosystem, and the Android system will be under my system, and there will be no need for it to exist. Instead of being eliminated by then, I am not as good as I am now." It’s worth getting some cash!”

Wang Xiao's words were extremely firm, as if he had seen what was about to happen, and his confidence almost broke through the sky.

It is no secret in the world that Maneng Software wants to build its own mobile phone system, so Wang Xiao is not afraid to tell these things.

After all, no one is a fool and can think of Wang Xiao's plan.

But the question is, who will choose to believe.

Obviously, the interest alliance headed by Samsung, Sony, LG and other companies does not believe that the new system of Magic Software has the possibility of success.

To create a new system platform is completely different from the application software in the platform such as Maneng Voice Assistant, and the difficulty is unimaginable.

With the background and family business of Samsung and Sony, they dare not really break away from the Android Alliance to develop their own systems.

Ren Zhenfei frowned and said, "With all due respect, Mr. Wang, I really find it hard to believe that there is another mobile phone system that will be successful."

Lei Jun said: "Does Mr. Wang already have a sample? Can you show us?"

Several people stared at Wang Xiao.

Wang Xiao smiled and said confidently: "I don't have any samples yet, and the system has just entered the development stage. But what my system looks like. I already know it in my heart. As I told you earlier, this is a An epoch-making product."

Lei Jun and the others looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while. They still remembered what Wang Xiao said before, to build a new system, a new chip, and a new basic language...

To be honest, they are normal people. So until now, I still don't believe Wang Xiao's words.

That's so difficult, it's simply impossible.

Wang Xiao continued: "In the current market, why is it difficult for a new system to succeed? It is because the ecosystems of the two major platforms of Android and Apple have already taken shape, and users have become accustomed to them, so a new ecosystem cannot be established. However, my new system directly borrows The mature Android platform ecosystem solves the biggest problem of survival. As long as my new system is better and easier to use than Android, and also enjoys the Android ecosystem. Why don’t users choose more advanced and better What system do you use? Are you going to use the Android system that often freezes?"

Lei Jun and others couldn't answer this question. Because none of them had seen the samples, they couldn't believe how epoch-making Wang Xiao's so-called new system was.

Moreover, many times in the past have proved that advanced things do not necessarily succeed. In the field of technology, it often happens that bad money drives out good money.

So very uncertain!

As the president of Lenovo, Yang Yuanqing has absolutely good vision and courage.

Moreover, the current market share of Lenovo's mobile phone products is not high. Seeing Wang Xiao's confidence, he really wanted to gamble once.

Reminiscent of Wang Xiao's various deeds since he became famous, and thinking about it carefully, Wang Xiao has never failed once.

As the smartest person in the new century, Yang Yuanqing believes that Wang Xiao is trustworthy. In the field of technology, Wang Xiao is well-deserved number one in the world, and no one can refute it.

so. Yang Yuanqing immediately said: "I can express my opinion first, as long as the new system of Mana Software supports the ecosystem of the Android platform, then Lenovo will support the Mana system."

Wang Xiao and Yang Yuan shook hands lightly, and said, "Thank you Mr. Yang for your support. I think this will be the wisest decision for you Lenovo."

Yang Yuan chuckled and said, "This is just my personal opinion. When I go back to the company, I will convince the board of directors and try to get their approval."

"Okay. I'll wait!"

Wang Xiao agreed that it would be a good thing to have one more ally.

He also didn't want to be alone against the whole world at any time, that would be a bit boring and exhausting.

Afterwards, neither Lei Jun nor Ren Zhenfei made a clear statement, nor did they join the new alliance formed by companies such as Samsung and Sony. A major event that affects future development.

However, at this time in the big meeting room of Mana Software, the quarrel has become a mess.

Wang Xiao's tough attitude when he left made Samsung's Li Jianxi and Sony's Shangshan Shishi very upset. They thought they should be able to buy the Android system from Wang Xiao at the lowest price.

After all, weren't all Chinese businessmen in the past so stupid? Sell ​​them all the good things cheaply? Even say thank you to them?

Now Chinese businessmen are not so honest...

Li Jianxi sat down heavily, looked at Page, and asked, "Mr. Page, since Google can sell Android, why doesn't Google just sell Android to us?"

Page shook his head, stood up and was about to leave, and said, "Because you don't have what we want at Google. You can discuss it here yourself. I hope we will have opportunities to cooperate in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Page left the conference room to participate in the deal negotiation with Magic Software.

Watching Page leave, Shangshan passed away and whispered: "These Americans are not good things, but the asking price of that Chinese is too high, 80 billion US dollars, does he think it is 80 billion yuan?"

"I think the most important thing is that he wants part of the copyright of Android and the right to share the app platform. I heard that Maneng Software is developing a new system by itself. If they can share the Android app platform, their system will also be available in the market. competitive!"

LG's representative said seriously.

Li Jianxi shook his head and said, "As long as we master Android, we will have ten thousand ways to sanction them for software updates."

This is true.

No one can prevent technical restrictions, as long as they have a legitimate reason, but everything is in their hands, and the reason is not just a matter of saying a word?

Therefore, in Li Jianxi's view, as long as he has mastered Android, he is not afraid of Wang Xiao's new system at all. What's more, he didn't believe that Magic Software could produce any decent new system.

Shangshan Shishi also agreed: "I don't believe they can do a good job in the new system. Although Wang Xiao is very good at technology, the current patent barrier is not so easy to break. Various patents on system software have prevented The rise of any new thing, when we find him to file a patent lawsuit, we will be able to drag him to death."

Litigation is a double-edged sword, it can drag magic software, but it can also drag them!

Li Jianxi didn't talk about the lawsuit, but asked in a deep voice, "What do we say about the price?"

The dozens of Android phone manufacturers present fell silent.

When it comes to paying money, no one wants to get ahead.

Eighty billion dollars, is it so easy to take out?

Now the Android system is valued at more than 50 billion U.S. dollars. If the potential is counted, the asking price of 80 billion U.S. dollars is actually not that high. After all, it is a supermarket with one billion users and more than two billion installed capacity.

Li Jianxi saw that everyone was silent. As the chairman of Samsung, he still has the power to make some decisions. He said immediately: "Our Samsung can give at least 15 billion US dollars. If I go back and fight for it, it is possible to get it." More than $20 billion in funding.”

That's about a fifth!

Ueyama passed away and immediately said: "Our Sony can also spend more than 20 billion US dollars."

Seeing that Sony and Samsung accounted for almost half of the investment, other talents began to activate...

Although 80 billion US dollars may seem like a lot, for these mobile phone manufacturers that occupy the entire Android market, it is just a matter of scraping together.

In particular, there are already two big households who have paid half of their money, and the rest of the dozens of people will be enough to take out some money. If it is not possible, the mortgage loan is also a very simple matter. enterprise.

In the midst of a lively quarrel, 80 billion US dollars was collected by the Android mobile phone manufacturers from all over the world... (to be continued~^~)

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