The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 151 Android changes hands, shocking the world

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After the release of the manuscript of the interview with Page by the Los Angeles Science and Technology News, the shock caused in the whole world was no less than a magnitude 12 earthquake...

Is Android going to change hands?

People who saw the news felt very dazed, and they didn't believe it at first.

Almost everyone thinks that the value of the Android system is immeasurable, although it has many problems, it freezes, the more you use it, the slower it gets...

But this does not prevent it from becoming the mobile phone system software with the largest number of users in the world.

A piece of software with more than one billion users in the world is almost only comparable in the number of users of the Microsoft computer system in the IT world. With so many users, why can't it make money?

Only a fool would sell!

Google is now such a fool.

"Android changed hands!"

The Los Angeles Tech News couldn't wait to report this news, which successfully attracted the attention of the whole world.

A newspaper that is almost considered a minority, sold millions of copies in one afternoon, and almost all major newsstands in the United States were snapping up this newspaper. The newspaper had to reprint it more than a dozen times to meet the needs of the American people. .

At the same time, this news has been reposted countless times on the Internet media. As long as there is an Internet, there will be this eye-catching news.

More than 70% of smartphone users in the world use Android phones. How can they not be attracted by news like Android changing hands?

The American people commented wildly.

"After Page took office, he has made almost no achievements. Are you going to give Android away to gain attention now?"

"What is Google doing? Android cannot be traded."

"Page is eager to let Google get rid of the name of an advertising company, and has already gone to the doctor for the disease. How does he know whether the Chinese technology can make Google a big success?"

"The stupidest deal of the new century!"

"If you change the mobile phone system with the most users to the same technology, Page will be considered as developing a new product. Isn't it just to attract more users? What is his purpose in doing this?"

"Incomprehensible stupid transaction!"

On the Internet in the United States, Americans are full of ignorance of Google. They don't understand why Page has any reason to exchange Android for a technology that he doesn't know how to use!

What kind of technology can be worth tens of billions of dollars?

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is indeed the case. Isn't the purpose of high-tech companies developing products to occupy the market? So since the Android system has occupied most of the market, why use such a huge market in exchange for a technology to develop new products, and then use the new products to regain market share?

Isn't that superfluous?

However, in the hearts of many high-tech giants and knowledgeable IT experts. While everyone was shocked by Page's transaction, they still had some admiration.

Everyone admired Page's courage.

It is undeniable that all of them want to obtain the core technology of the magic energy algorithm, but who is willing to pay too much?

Whether it's Cook, Nadella, or Fujitsu, or IBM, in fact, everyone negotiates with Wang Xiao with the mentality of picking up the loopholes. They want to take advantage of it, rather than pay something equivalent to trade!

in value. The magic energy algorithm is indeed incompatible with the Android system, but a monopoly of high-tech technology is priceless.

Didn't Google only spend 50 million US dollars to buy the copyright of the Android system? And the Android system at that time was not such an advanced product!

Who can be sure, after Google has thoroughly understood the core technology of the magic algorithm. Is it possible to develop an epoch-making new product?

If the new product fails, wouldn't it be equivalent to giving Magic Software a mobile phone system with one billion users?

The most important thing is that all the major high-tech giants have a little understanding of Google's situation. After all, everyone has been enemies for many years.

Google seems to have lost a lot of money without Android, but in fact, people in the know know that the loss of Android will not have much impact on Google's revenue.

so. The deal looks so good, Google is not at a disadvantage.

Cook sat in the office, looking at what Page said in the newspaper, with a serious and dignified expression.

Page said: Whether the transaction is worthwhile depends not on the present, but on the future. Perhaps in the eyes of many people, we have suffered a disadvantage, but who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe after a period of time, everyone will feel that we have made money.

Although many people saw this passage and expressed disdain.

But Cook knew that Page was usually a very low-key person. Focus on technology research and development, not a professional manager. However, it is because Page understands technology that he will not be aimless. He knows what Google needs better.

what can be confirmed is. Google is eager to get this technology, so Google must need this technology on a key research and development project. Come make a decisive breakthrough!

Cook can be sure that something big will happen in the near future.

He really can't sleep these days, he has to think about how to ensure Apple's leading position in the high-tech field under the impact of Google in the future!

Page is also busy at the moment. He received calls from the world's major mobile phone manufacturers, that is, the mobile phone manufacturers of the Android Alliance!

"Don't worry, I will guarantee you enough interests in the new contract to ensure that our previous contract will not change!"

Page assured the chairman of the Samsung Group.

Xiaomi, Huawei, Meizu and other mobile phone manufacturers called, and he assured him: "You and Wang Xiao are both Chinese. I think your cooperation with Mr. Wang Xiao will be more pleasant than our cooperation."

However, none of these people seem to be familiar with, and they won't be fooled by a few words. Under the current mature system of the smartphone market, among these mobile phone manufacturers, who can leave the Android system?

What if Manneng Software refuses to authorize other mobile phone manufacturers after obtaining the Android system, and starts to develop mobile phones by itself like Apple, making a closed-source system and playing by itself? Does every mobile phone manufacturer develop a new system by itself?

The biggest possibility is that they will repeat the mistakes of Nokia back then.

In desperation, Page agreed to the request of all mobile phone manufacturers in the Android Alliance, and asked each of their companies to join this negotiation, allowing them to fight for their own interests.


When Page arrived in Donghai City with Google's negotiating team in the early morning of China time, Android phone manufacturers from all over the world also arrived in Donghai City, China one after another.

Donghai City may be the first time that so many smartphone giants have gathered.

At this moment, the media and people in China were also stunned by the news!

Android, the largest mobile phone system, will become a domestic system in a blink of an eye?

Many people still can't believe it, but everyone is in a happy mood, and they can truly announce to the world that we Chinese have our own high-tech companies, our own core technologies, and our own mobile phone system ...

If you have your own computer system, it will be perfect...

At this moment, Zhang Xuewen has personally driven to the airport to meet Page and others.

Wang Xiao sat in the meeting room and waited for them. Many mobile phone manufacturers in China knew his phone number, so when they got the news last night, they couldn't wait to contact him.

So far, he has not responded definitively to any party, and everything is on the negotiating table. (to be continued ~^~)

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