The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 149: A Transaction About to Shock the World

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"Mr. Wang Xiao, Apple has the most high-end users in the world. If your company's magic voice assistant can land in the Apple store, the increase in paying users will be calculated in the hundreds of millions, which is a huge and incomparable wealth..."

Cook touted the strengths of Apple's system, and the potential for great wealth in it.

Apple's mobile phone insists on taking the high-end route, and has become a must-have artifact for pretending to be aggressive. Most rich people are using it, and indeed it has the most paying users. Apple's profitability is unmatched by all other high-tech companies.

However, Wang Xiao really didn't care.

"Mr. Cook, do you think money has any meaning to us?"

Wang Xiao's rhetorical question left Cook speechless.

For Apple now, money has indeed lost its meaning, and their annual net income and profits are calculated in the hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to avoid taxes, Apple even stored hundreds of billions of dollars overseas and did not bring it back to the United States. The US government is very unhappy about this.

For top high-tech companies like Apple, money is just a number. What they pursue is technological innovation and monopoly, and what they pursue is to change the world and create an era.

As long as there is a technical monopoly, how much money you want to make is just an idea!

"Mr. Wang, let's discuss it again and contact you later. I still hope that you can choose Apple as your partner."

Cook said threateningly: "We Apple is now the largest high-tech company in the world, with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars. Board members are spread across all aspects of American society. We have the ability to influence the development of Magic Software in the American market."

"Hehe. Mr. Cook, let's wait and see!"

Wang Xiao also smiled, and replied without showing any weakness.

Then, the two hung up the phone.

When Wang Xiao put down the phone, his expression became serious.


Then we'll see.

Wang Xiao took a deep breath, frowned slightly, returned the phone to Zhang Xuewen, and asked, "How is the situation of the magic voice assistant now?"

Zhang Xuewen hurriedly replied: "There has been a large-scale uninstallation of domestic users, so the increase in the total number of users is not obvious. It is still hovering around 85 million, and tens of millions of users have uninstalled. However, the paying users are stable. The total number of paying users has reached 25 million, the largest increase in the country..."

"That said, the potential of the domestic market is still great."

Wang Xiao said affirmatively: "Next, our publicity will focus on the domestic market. There are more than one billion people in the country. We are still at the starting point."

Zhang Xuewen agreed: "Okay, I'll let the marketing department start planning the promotion."

Wang Xiao didn't go anywhere this day, and stayed in Magic Software for another day. Since Cook's call, he's had another call from Microsoft. Intel, IBM, Texas Instruments. Calls from senior executives of high-tech companies such as Qualcomm, Arm in the UK, and Fujitsu in Japan.

All of them have only one purpose - magic algorithm!

These people are like Sao Nian who has opened a magic box. After tasting the sweetness, they are eager to continue to enjoy better gifts.

Unfortunately, Wang Xiao refused all of them.

Except for Apple and Google, Wang Xiao is not interested in other high-tech companies, because they don't have what Wang Xiao wants now.

Maybe Microsoft and Intel have some effect on Wang Xiao. But it's just some effects, and that's something in the future, and it's still far away for the time being. Wang Xiao's next goal is the mobile phone market, which is the mobile phone system, so the most direct collaborators and competitors are Google and Apple.

The media all over the world are still speculating about the tricks between Wang Xiao and Google, but they don’t know that Wang Xiao has already negotiated with almost all the high-tech companies in the world in one day. Facing all the high-tech companies, he just The lion opened its mouth wide. Scared all tech companies away.

It's dusk in the afternoon!

The total number of users of Maneng Voice Assistant in the world has finally exceeded 100 million, and the increase is obvious in Europe and the United States. Some users still keep the software without paying.

The total number of paid users worldwide exceeds 30 million. The payment ratio has reached 30%, which makes many forecasting experts at home and abroad very speechless!

They all underestimated the stickiness of Maneng Voice Assistant to users. The payment ratio far exceeds their guess in advance.

In one daytime, Magic Voice Assistant added another 20 million paying users, plus that night, a total of 30 million paying users, and the cash income exceeded 8 billion yuan!

With an income of 8 billion a day, it also created an unprecedented wealth myth in China!

It proves once again that technology is the primary productive force, and the high-tech industry is the field that is best at creating wealth.

The major domestic media are frantically reporting the birth of a new IT giant. Compared with it, Xiaomi and Huawei, which have risen in recent years, seem bleak.

Even if the future income of the magic voice assistant cannot be compared with the first day, the annual income will definitely be more than 80 billion yuan, or even 100 billion yuan is not difficult!

Even the major Internet giants in China may not be able to compare with the current magic software in terms of profitability!

And this, as most people know, this is only the first product of Magic Software!

When Wang Xiao got the data, he saw the long string of money in the company's account, but he didn't feel the slightest thing in his heart, it was just a string of numbers.

He was still waiting, waiting for Page's call back in the United States.

At ten o'clock in the evening, when he was about to go back to the villa to rest, Page's call finally came.

"Mr. Wang Xiao, you have won."

This was the first sentence that Page spoke, but his tone was filled with excitement. Obviously, he also thought that he could earn more from the transaction.

This may be the so-called win-win situation. Both parties in the transaction think they have earned it.

Wang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. The development of the matter was still in his expectation, and he said calmly: "Mr. Page, we have a happy cooperation. I hope our transaction can proceed as soon as possible."

"Okay, tomorrow I will personally bring a special team to Donghai City to trade with you!"

Page also said impatiently.

A big deal that shocked the world was officially finalized during the conversation between the two.

I don't know what kind of shocks will be caused in the world's IT field, especially in the mobile smartphone market after the two people announce to the outside world.

I don't know, will Cook be able to fall asleep by then? (to be continued ~^~)

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