The Era of Magic Technology

Chapter 122: The Father of Mana

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In an apartment in the bustling area of ​​central New York, USA.

A thin body, fair-skinned man with a bushy beard sat in front of the computer and kept typing on the keyboard with an extremely focused expression. There were five or six computers next to him. He would operate several computers together from time to time. A stream of data is constantly flashing on the screen.


The man suddenly screamed excitedly, and an operation interface appeared on the computer screen in front of him.

After an afternoon of hard work, he was the first to successfully enter the target server and obtained permission!

Therefore, he can get a prize of five million dollars!

His name is Jimmy, and he's a professional hacker.

In the hacker world, Jimmy is a legendary figure. He has become the world's top hacker since he appeared five years ago. He claims that there is no place in the online world that he cannot enter.

This afternoon, when Jimmy was chatting with a few hackers on a private forum, he suddenly saw a restricted mission posted by the moderator.

The task can only be seen by first-level hackers. The task requirement is to hack into a server address in the shortest possible time and obtain the information in it. Whoever enters first can get a bonus of five million dollars, the second one can only get a one million dollar bonus, and whoever enters later can get a hundred thousand dollars in pocket money.

For these top hackers, $100,000 is really just pocket money.

However, the final task is that whoever obtains the information will be able to exchange for a prize of 10 million US dollars!

Jimmy took over the task immediately and found that the server address was a company server located in Donghai City, China. He launched a fierce attack without any hesitation, without any mercy or hesitation.

because. Jimmy has no fear of the Chinese Internet community at all. It's not that he looks down on those top Internet experts in China, but that he thinks that Chinese laws can't do anything to him.

If it is a server of a high-tech company in the United States or Europe, he would not dare to attack it recklessly. If the address is tracked down by the other party's masters and reported to the fbi, he will go to jail.

But the other party is a Chinese company, so he has much less scruples.

Seeing that this server was only built in the last two months, he didn't have any worries, and started a fierce attack directly.

A total of forty-three first-level hacker masters took over the hacking task at the same time as him and launched the attack. Almost all the top experts in this largest hacker forum, each of which is a top program expert second to none in each area.

After nearly an hour of attacking, Jimmy finally entered the server address, and saw that a hacker from Israel, code-named Black God, also came in right behind him.

"Black God, you finally lost to me, you were a second slower than me, I won..."

Jimmy liked winning more than grabbing the five million dollar reward.

He and Black God are both top ten hackers in the world's hacker field, but the two have never competed with each other. They have always been dissatisfied with each other.

This time, he finally proved that he is stronger than the black god.

Jimmy started to enter the server excitedly, regardless of the three seven twenty one. After a minute of operation, he obtained administrator privileges, and immediately began to download all the information in the server. After obtaining the information, he can exchange for a reward of 10 million U.S. dollars.

For this operation, he will be able to get a reward of 15 million US dollars, which is enough for him to live in style for a few years.

Drip, drop, drop...

A computer sound rang.

The line-by-line data began to enter the download mode, but they were not downloaded to his own computer, but stored separately in hundreds of broilers. When delivering the goods, he would take them all out and send them out in a special way.

Jimmy's curiosity flared up. I began to carefully check why the information on this server was so valuable, it was worth tens of millions of dollars.

You know, in the field of hackers, the reward of tens of millions of dollars is almost the top. Even if you find a common vulnerability in the latest Microsoft system, it is worth several million dollars at most.

Therefore, he knew that there must be a huge secret in it.

His eyes swept over, but he didn't check the Chinese characters. Instead, he directly checked the background source code, and his pupils gradually gathered together, and his expression was unprecedentedly dignified, as if he had discovered something incredible.

"Damn... what did I find?"

Jimmy's eyes were wide open, looking at the line-by-line program directories and complex data codes in the background. Shocked, he muttered to himself: "Are you sure this is just an Internet company that has just been established for two months? Is it not the National Academy of Sciences of China? Artificial intelligence, super algorithms... God. This is the magic algorithm... Oh my god... I know where this is, it's Magic Software Company...God, I just found out that this is Magic Software Company..."

"No wonder I used the magic energy algorithm invented by the Chinese to weave the data flow to attack and the effect was very good. It turns out that this is the magic energy software company..."

Jimmy stood up from his chair in shock.

After he got the magic energy algorithm paper from the Chinese more than half a month ago, he was astonished. He devoted himself to research for half a month, and thought that his strength had greatly increased. It is one of the proofs that he was able to break into the server of Magic Software Company so easily this time. If it was half a month ago, he certainly would not have been able to break in so easily.

Even if he doesn't understand the magic energy algorithm, he most likely won't be able to get in.

Jimmy stood in front of the computer, his mind quickly calmed down, thinking about his own choice, and murmured in a low voice: "This is Magic Software Company, so here is the master who invented the magic algorithm, should I continue? His He should not be in the company now, so we took advantage of it, otherwise with that guy's strength, we would definitely not be able to get in if we put it all together."

"Since he's not here, I'll go ahead and finish this order. I'll fly away and hide for a few years before reappearing. What can he do to me?"

Jimmy had planned in his heart, and he had the confidence to act.

After all, he didn't have the courage to face it directly. The absolute master of programming who invented the magic algorithm, no one knows how incredible the magic algorithm is than top hackers like them.

In the hands of top hackers like them, the magic energy algorithm has become a sharp weapon to overcome all server firewalls in the world. Some time ago, there was really no network area that they could not enter!

Therefore, all the top high-tech companies in the world, as well as government agencies, have been forced to upgrade their defense systems based on the magic algorithm in a short period of time to make up for the loopholes in the defense system in the magic algorithm.

Therefore, although Wang Xiao, who invented the magic energy algorithm, has not shown his face in the world, he has influenced the development of the Internet world in the whole world. Known as the father of magic.

But now, after hearing Zhang Xuewen's report, the father of the magic algorithm looked very serious, but he was not too ugly, nor angry, only calm.

"Steady first, let them come in, I'll finish this."

Wang Xiao's eyes did not leave the computer screen in front of him, and his hands were constantly typing on the keyboard, still performing the most critical programming of the smart program.

Zhang Xuewen asked with some confusion: "Mr. Wang, how long will it take? The technical department seems to be unable to stop it."

"Ten minutes, ten minutes is enough for them to delay. They will definitely download the data when they come in, and they will never finish downloading in ten minutes. If our people give them some obstacles, it is absolutely no problem to delay for ten minutes. Then I will let They all know the price of invading our magic software server..."

Wang Xiao looked up at Zhang Xuewen, and said in a cold voice.

Zhang Xuewen's body trembled, and he didn't dare to look at Wang Xiao's eyes, as if his consciousness and body were going to be frozen by those eyes. With a nod in agreement, he hurriedly turned around to give orders. (to be continued ~^~)

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