The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 85 The Thief (Please recommend for collection)

At noon, after a hasty meal, Song Na left the dormitory with a big bag on her back and a pocket.

Don't worry about things, when you come back, everyone in the dormitory will deliver some next to each other, and it won't take up other people's space.

The nearby dormitories are full of acquaintances, so business is not easy to do. She climbed to the top floor in one breath, and used the time of noon to do sales from dormitory to dormitory.

When she came to the door of the first dormitory at the entrance of the corridor, Song Na was still a little nervous and apprehensive even though she had prepared herself mentally, and she had a little fear of facing the unknown.

She was not born to be self-improving, but was forced out by life since she was a child.

Song Na exhaled, bent her fingers and knocked lightly on the door, a girl inside opened the door, saw Song Na's unfamiliar face, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, classmate." Song Na smiled all over her face, "I'm a little..."

The girl immediately changed her face and said coldly: "No need!"

With a bang, the door closed.

Song Na froze for a moment, not discouraged, turned around and went to the opposite side, and knocked on the door again, before she could finish her sentence, the door closed again.

Then knocked on another dormitory door, still the same.

Song Na couldn't help wondering if she was too dark to be seen by others?

Dark skin also has human rights, okay? Adjusting her mood, Song Na didn't rush to knock on the door again, and came near the entrance of the corridor, thinking about possible problems.

For the first time, with no experience, she underestimated the difficulty of door-to-door sales.

You can't even get in the door, so how can you talk about selling things?

The sixth floor, the sixth floor, seems to be a sophomore girl who moved from the city. She has been to college for a year and has experienced door-to-door sales, so she is naturally disgusted.

Therefore, when you hear about a seller, you don’t even ask, and just close the door.

What should I do? Song Na thought hard.

It wasn't a whim that she asked Lu Dong to help with the purchase, but she did a lot of preliminary research, and many people urgently needed this item.

How about trying this?

Song Na had an idea, took out some bracelets and pendants from her backpack and hung them on her arms, and opened her pocket to get some hairpins and hair ties on her hands.

After looking at it, he simply put hairpins or something on his head, but it's a pity that he kept short hair.

The three girls came up from the downstairs, and just arrived at the entrance of the corridor. When they saw Song Na's hand and the one she was wearing on her head, someone immediately asked, "Student, are these things for sale?"

Song Na quickly said: "Sell! These are all for sale!" She put down her bag and opened it: "There are more here."

The three girls looked through it carefully and asked, "Why are you selling it?"

Song Na helped Lu Dong sell things before, and she has some experience in pricing. She smiled and said, "1 yuan for the card, 2 yuan for the bracelet, and 3 yuan for the necklace pendant..."

While speaking, I was a little nervous, feeling that not only my face was dark, but my heart was also dark.

A girl picked up a sign tied with a red string: "Is this from jade?"

With such a simple question, Song Na won't talk nonsense: "Glass, we are all classmates, and I'm not telling lies, you can't buy real jade for 3 yuan, right?"

The girl looked pretty and said, "Okay, I want it."

Before the three girls finished picking, two more came over, looking at Song Na's things curiously.

Glass, plastic, stone, artificial resin, etc., are not worth much, and the average purchase price is not even one yuan, but they can't stand the sparkle and look very beautiful.

After the five girls left, Song Na had an extra 17 yuan in her hand.

It's open! The sale of this small commodity has seen money!

Song Na was encouraged, her morale was boosted, and her dark face seemed to be shining.

Carrying her bag and pocket, with the most beautiful goods in her hands, Song Na went into the corridor again, knocked on a dormitory door, and used the things in her hand to clear the way and went in.

Putting the things on the table immediately attracted all the girls in the dormitory.

Beautiful little jewelry, not many girls don't like it, even if they don't buy it, they will look at it.

Some dormitories still refuse to enter, but there are also dormitories that allow Song Na to enter, but any dormitory that can enter will sell some goods.

After running to the sixth floor, she went to the fifth floor, then the fourth floor, the third floor, and the second floor.

After coming out of a dormitory, there were only a few things left in the two bags, and everything else was sold.

Song Na leaned on the railing for a rest, pursed her dry lips, and talked too much, feeling peeled.

He patted his forehead and laughed at himself: What a pig's brain, he doesn't even know how to bring water.

I can only go here at noon today, it's not early, and I have to go to class in the afternoon, so I can't delay the class.

Back in the dormitory, several roommates looked at Song Na in surprise, Song Na just smiled, found her water glass and poured most of the water in one go.

Huang Juan stuck her head out from the upper bunk, looked at Song Na who was cleaning her backpack and pockets, and always felt that she was completely different from other people in the dormitory.

One is that they are darker than the people in the dormitory. Besides, there is another inner difference.

Song Na frankly packed up her things and rested on the head of the bed, with one hand on the wallet at her waist, and the shriveled wallet bulged like a toad's belly.

After class in the afternoon, Song Na politely declined Huang Juan's invitation to go out for a stroll, put her bag on her back, lifted her pocket, and plunged into the girls' dormitory.

Before nine o'clock in the evening, she went around all the girls' dormitories next to each other.

Out of the five packs that filled the bottom of the bed, only one and a half packs remained.

At ten o'clock, the dormitory was about to turn off the lights, but Song Na was lying down but couldn't sleep, her right hand that counted money was still trembling.

Is this the pain of counting money?

It turns out that what Lu Dong said about the willingness and bitterness is true.


The day before the National Day, Lu Dong was fully dressed and ready to get busy, and sporadic people came to buy things.

On the opposite side, the big brown bear, Ivan, was eating stewed pork pancakes and squatting in front of Qiao Weiguo's stall to buy daily necessities.

This Russian has been in Taidong for many years. If you don't look at the appearance, the living habits are very close to those of the Chinese.

The number of people entering the market to hang out and buy things is gradually increasing. As the only market in the university town, it is attracting more and more people.

Not to mention the nearby schools and workers, even the School of Tourism and the School of Textiles on the edge of the university town have a large number of students coming here.

Just as Lu Dong knelt down to pack his things, a middle-aged woman led two teenagers into the market.

The big ones are thirteen and four, and the small ones are eleven or twelve.

A middle-aged woman went to buy chicken cakes, and the two children disappeared in a blink of an eye.

It was less than twelve o'clock, and there were few people leaving get out of class and work, and there were not many people on Lu Dong's side.

Song Na came from the north side of the market with a bag and a handbag on her back. Her things were a bit heavy, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

"No master?" She came to Lu Dong's booth.

Lu Dong had just greeted someone, and said, "It's not too busy yet." He looked at the one on Song Na's shoulder and the one in his hand, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Song Na put the thing in her hand on the ground temporarily: "Taking advantage of the free time at noon, go to the female dormitory of the provincial university to have a look."

Lu Dong understood the meaning of this, and asked, "How is your school doing?"

"It's good." Just like working in a gravel yard, Song Na didn't mention the hard work, but said: "Last noon, afternoon and evening, I ran around several girls' dormitory buildings in the college. I lost more than three bags, and I only have these left, I think the same group of people will not buy a second time in the short term, and I will go to other schools to see the situation.”

Lu Dong asked, "Is the account settled?"

"It's very profitable." Song Na smiled like a dahlia, and pointed to the wallet tied around her waist: "Everything is sold here."

It's not easy to earn money, it's different from stuff stuffed under the bed, people come and go in the dormitory, it's not safe to put money, she always carries it with her.

Lu Dong felt relieved, starting a business is difficult, and it will be difficult later on, but with a good start, you can find your way.

"Boss, stewed pork pancakes!" Someone came over and said, "Come here for a meat sandwich."

"Hold on."

Lu Dong first made sesame seed cakes. Before he finished this, four or five customers came one after another, and gradually there was a tendency to line up.

The market was busy. A 13-year-old child was holding a chicken cake. Seeing the most people at the entrance of the market, he walked over from the north.

A pair of big eyes looked around, and soon fell on Song Na.

Because Song Na has a wallet on her body.

The child is young, but has a lot of experience. This dark woman, with her wallet on the front, keeps touching it with one hand, which is difficult to handle.

"The wallet looks so tight, it's no wonder it's not black!" the child muttered: "Old black!"

He went to look at the five or six people in front of the stewed meat and sesame cake stall, and quickly fixed his eyes on a woman, who was about the same age as Lao Hei, but much whiter and stupider.

The woman took out her wallet to flip through the money. After taking out the money, she stuffed the wallet into the back pocket of her jeans.

This is because no one dares to steal because of the big butt? Or is it that no one dares to touch the ass of the tigress?

The child ate the chicken cakes, wandered around and left the market.

The market is full of people coming and going, a child of thirteen or fourteen, no one notices him at all.

Lu Dong made a stewed pork pancake and handed it to the girl opposite. The girl put it away and walked north, subconsciously touched the back of her buttocks, and it was empty!

She turned to look at the ground, there was nothing on the ground!

"Wallet!" The girl asked loudly, "My wallet!"

Everyone else looked this way, Song Na subconsciously touched the wallet on her waist, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I just bought braised pork biscuits from here, and Lu Dong quickly asked, "Did it fall on the floor? Please help find it."

The girl turned around anxiously: "No, not on the ground."

Someone said: "There will be no thieves, right?"

Another person answered: "There are so many pickpockets and thieves now."

Lu Dong looked around and found nothing unusual. If there were any thieves, they probably would have escaped.

The market has been very quiet since it opened. Is this because thieves are targeting it?

The girls were crying anxiously: "I don't have much money, my ID card and bank card are in it, what should I do if I lose it! What should I do!"

Ivan, who was shopping for daily necessities, came over at this time, took out a mobile phone, and asked, "Student, do you need to call the police?

The girl said, "Okay, thank you!"

Ivan pressed the phone to call the police.

Lu Dong reminded the customers in front of the booth: "Everyone, be careful and keep your things safe."

The discussion here was just a little quieter, and someone shouted again in the north, and they lost their wallets.

There was a moment of chaos in the market.

Lu Dong realized that there might be more than one thief.

"Heidan, keep an eye on your things." Lu Dong glanced at Song Na's wallet: "There are more people in the university town, and there are more people to watch."

This situation is unavoidable. College students who have certain financial autonomy but lack sufficient social experience have always been the favorites in the eyes of some people.

Ivan came over with a convenience bag and said, "I'm calling the police."

The female voice who threw something said in a crying voice, "Thank you."

Behind the stewed pork pancake stall, Song Na glanced at it and whispered to Lu Dong, "This foreigner is very enthusiastic."

Lu Dong said directly: "Ivan is different from other foreigners. can I put it, he is a good person."

Song Na glanced at Lu Dong's electronic watch: "I'm going to the provincial university."

Lu Dong asked: "You don't have much stock, how do you buy it next time?"

"I can go by myself." Song Na smiled and said, "Didn't you give me Tang Wei's contact information?"

Now that the way has been found and the price is known, she can't just bother Lu Dong, as Lu Dong also has business to do.

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