The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 17 Removing Pests

Back in Lujia Village, just as Lu Dong entered the orchard, Hu Chunlan asked, "Have you had lunch?"

"Eat." Lu Dong thought about the situation in Quannan today, and said, "Mom, I sold the vinegar dish..."

Before the next words came out, Hu Chunlan said: "Keep the money for yourself, don't waste it, I will ask you for it if you need it." She asked with concern: "Didn't you go to inquire about leeches and cicada monkeys? How are you doing? "

"There are people in the market in the city who specialize in collecting them." Lu Dong roughly said.

Hu Chunlan sighed: "It's good to earn more money. Dongzi, don't go out and talk about it."

Lu Dong is not that saintly: "No."

Hu Chunlan didn't mean the same thing to him at all: "Amazing and changing these for money, those who didn't come are called a joke in the village. I'm old, it doesn't matter, it can't affect you, make you lose face, you should find a wife after school. "

Lu Dong automatically ignored the last sentence: "Mom, I have a thick skin, it's fine."

Then, he realized one thing, it seemed that the old lady had no intention of sending him to school again.

Thinking about it, even if my mother had been a scumbag for many years, even if she had hope, it would have been shattered long ago.

Hu Chunlan went back to the house and told Lu Dong, "I ran all morning, go to sleep."

After working hard in the morning, Lu Dong didn't say any more, and rode back to the old house on the 28th pole, and slept for half an hour.

In the afternoon, Lu Dong started to make money.

When things like this are being auctioned off, blind cats meet dead mice.

There must be a steady source of income, even seasonal leeches and cicada monkeys.

Lu Dong took out 1,000 yuan, put it in the Chinese dictionary in high school, and put it in the cardboard box containing the textbooks.

Knowing that monkeys are going to be at night, there are leeches in the river.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Dong thought of two ways to catch leeches, one is to catch leeches with a fishing net, and fish can be caught by the way; the other is to find them in water hyacinths.

I tried the former, and the efficiency was mediocre. Lu Dong planned to try the latter.

He found a long bamboo pole with a hook on it, which was used to pluck the young shoots of Chinese toon tree in spring.

Grabbing a black convenience bag, Lu Dong carried the bamboo pole and went to the market gate, intending to walk north along the river bank.

The flood water dissipated, and the water level of the Qingzhao River has returned to the normal value in previous summers. Because the water flow slowed down, large areas of water hyacinth were deposited on both sides of the river.

Lu Dong stood by the embankment, hooked the water hyacinth with a bamboo pole, and dragged it upwards vigorously.

The roots of this thing are connected together, and they are all piece by piece.

It took a lot of effort to drag one piece up.

Lu Dong pulled leaves and roots to find leeches.

There are a lot of things that I would go out on my own when I was not looking for them. I went to look for them, but I didn't expect much.

After looking around for a while, Lu Dong was somewhat disappointed. There were leeches in the water hyacinth, and there were a dozen or so in the piece he pulled up.

The problem is that they are too small, not to mention five centimeters, there are very few of them that exceed three centimeters.

Lu Dong only found two that were over five centimeters in length.

Throwing it into the convenience pocket, Lu Dong pushed the water hyacinth back into the river, and then went to pull a new water hyacinth. This time, there were few pulled up, and not a single big leech was found.

I dragged the water hyacinth ashore four or five times in a row, and caught a total of six.

This job is not easy, completely different from what I imagined, there are many leeches, but only a few big ones.

Any job that pays money is not easy.

Lu Dong was not discouraged. While using this stupid method, he wondered if there was a better way.

The clouds in the sky gradually dispersed. Although the northeast wind was still blowing, the blazing sun fell and the temperature rose sharply.

After dragging and searching for more than a hundred meters, Lu Dong harvested less than twenty, which is really too small for a big one.

There were jujube trees stretching in from the outside of the river bank, blocking out a piece of shade. Lu Dong took off his sweat-soaked shirt and stood in the shade to cool off.

When I put down the bamboo pole, I touched a jujube branch, and a worm fell from the tree.

Lu Dong subconsciously took a step, and the bug landed on the embankment.

The worm was two centimeters long, yellow-green, and covered with fine and dense bristles.

Lu Dong quickly walked away, this is itchy hot pepper, the prickly hair drills people's body itches and hurts, the taste is so refreshing that I have no friends.

This thing is everywhere in the countryside, from poplar trees, locust trees, to various fruit trees, to corn trees, it is everywhere.

The quills left between the leaves of a tree can make people feel ecstasy without even showing themselves.

It bears the shadow of countless people picking fruit from the tree.

Lu Dong hid away and looked again, and found that there were so many itchy hot peppers on this jujube tree, it was almost flooded.

No one cares about wild ones.

Thinking of the jujube and jujube trees in many places outside the river embankment, Lu Dong put on his clothes obediently and continued to drag the water hyacinths. When the sun was westward, he arrived near the Triangle Dam and harvested more than 40 in total.

It looks like a lot, but there is no continuity. In the area that has been rummaged, it is difficult to have big leeches in a short time.

On the triangular dam, the fishing nets were scattered, and Lu Jianren sat on the sandy soil, swallowing clouds and fog.

Lu Dong carried the bamboo pole and said, "Uncle Qi, when will you go to the construction site of the University City?"

"I'll go tomorrow." Lu Jianren exhaled a puff of smoke, frowning: "I can't bear to part with our river, this water, this fish..."

Lu Dong believed it before he was a ghost: "You don't want to be unrestrained."

In any case, Lu Jianren is an elder, and Lu Dong can only point it out.

Lu Jianren threw cigarette butts into the river and asked Lu Dong, "What are you doing?"

"Catch leeches." Lu Dong squatted down.

Lu Jianren took out his cigarette again and lit it: "Dongzi, okay, I want to eat this one! Your seventh uncle has experience, first boil it in boiling water, dry it, brush it with garlic sauce, and then dry it with fire, it will be crispy after a bite. .”

"Stop!" Lu Dong said less harshly, "I caught it and sold it."

In order to prevent Uncle Seven from making unreliable remarks, he hurriedly asked, "Uncle Seven, is there a way to catch a large number of leeches?"

Lu Jianren is good at dealing with those who run on the ground, those who fly in the sky, and those who swim in the water. After thinking about it carefully, he said: "The leech can't smell blood, and if there is blood, it will come out of the mud. If you have it, go The iron rooster stole a few chickens, bled them, tied them and threw them into the river..."

Lu Dong has decided to change his past: "Uncle Tie will find me desperately."

Lu Jianren said again: "The iron rooster often kills chickens, and sells white-striped chickens at the old, weak, sick and disabled markets. Go to him for some chicken blood, find something to smear on and throw into the river, and try to make a bait nest."

"It's a way."

Lu Dong continued to fish for water hyacinths to look for leeches. After sunset, on his way back to the orchard, he went to a chicken farm.

It was hot in July, and before I arrived at the chicken farm, I could smell the pungent smell of chicken manure.

Even rural people can't resist the rich and mellow taste of chicken manure.

After staying in this environment for a long time, the body will naturally smell, but I still can't smell it.

As soon as he entered the chicken farm, Lu Dong saw someone and said hello, "Auntie Tie."

"Dongzi, why are you here?"

Auntie Tie is highly recognizable, thick from shoulder to foot, and has the exact opposite personality of Uncle Tie, a generous and forthright person.

In one room, the curtain was lifted, revealing the face of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with curved eyebrows and a naturally smiling face.

She smiled and asked, "Brother Dong, are you still going fishing?"

"Lan Lan." Lu Dong beckoned, "You can find me on the triangle dam before dinner tomorrow."

Lu Lanlan was happy: "Okay!"

Aunt Tie said: "This girl is just greedy. Dongzi, don't listen to her, you just gave me a big silver carp."

Lu Dong smiled and said, "Auntie, I just came here to ask for something, so let's exchange it with fish."

"What do you want? What do you want?"

In the chicken shed with the door open, the iron rooster Lu Jianbin sprang out with a stride, holding a mixed-feathered chicken in one hand and a sharp knife in the other.

In the back, there was singing from the radio.

"Who am I, I am the one who holds the knife..."

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Aunt Tie was upset: "Look at you, what are you doing?"

Iron rooster Lu Jianbin quickly put away the knife: "Dongzi, you just cheated on your Uncle Tie's chicken cage, what do you want?"

Lu Dong said: "Uncle Tie, can the blood of the chicken be left when killing the chicken?"

Aunt Tie was curious: "Why do you want this thing? Didn't you eat it? Dongzi, let me tell you, you are young and strong, and you are always angry, and it is easy to make mistakes by eating chicken blood..."

Lu Dong hurriedly explained: "Uncle Seven taught me a new trick, I'll take bait from the river."

Aunt Tie waved her hand: "Okay, I'll keep it for you, it's still trash anyway."

Iron rooster Lu Jianbin wanted to talk, but when his wife agreed, he had to hold back.

"Leave me the blood from the chicken slaughter recently?" Seeing Aunt Tie coming down, Lu Dong said to the door, "Lan Lan, don't forget to get the fish tomorrow."

Even if Auntie Tie puts the garbage in her mouth, Lu Dong will not take it in vain.

The things that are thrown away as garbage can be exchanged for fish from Lu Dong. Iron rooster Lu Jianbin didn't object any more: "I'll kill two, do you want it?"

Lu Dong picked up the bamboo pole: "I'll go to the orchard to eat first, come over later?"

Aunt Tie said straightforwardly, "Come here anytime."

Lu Dong turned around and walked back, and heard the sound of the radio again.

"Who am I, I am a murderer..."

There was a burst of shade behind him, and he subconsciously turned his head. Fortunately, Uncle Tie didn't catch up.

Back in the orchard, Lu Dong found a broken clay pot, poured some water on it, and threw the leeches into it.

In a humid environment, this thing is comparable to Xiaoqiang.

While eating dinner, Lu Dong thought about how to bait the leeches.

There is blood, but also a carrier that can hold blood and allow leeches to attach.

Lu Dong turned his head to look at the east side of the columbarium, where there were bundles of straw stacks.

This thing floats on the river, isn't it also similar to water hyacinth?

Smeared with blood, more attractive!

Seeing that Lu Dong was in a daze, Hu Chunlan said, "I'll catch the cicada monkey when it gets dark."

Lu Dong put down his job: "I'll go to Uncle Tie's."

He first went to the back of the columbarium to find some construction lines, which were used and discarded at the uncle's construction site, and could be used as binding ropes for grain bags.

He took two more bundles of straw, and carried them away.

"What is this for?" Hu Chunlan wondered.

Lu Dong said, "Go and bait the leeches."

When she came to the chicken farm, Aunt Tie was very happy and gave her a convenience bag with chicken blood in it, because she had just killed it not long ago and hadn't coagulated yet.

When Lu Dong returned to the river bank, there were very few people fishing.

Most people in the village regard it as a hobby in their spare time. After all, they have their own livelihoods, and Lu Jianren is one of the very few.

Lu Dong smeared chicken blood on the straw, tied it to the waste construction line, found a secluded place and threw it into the river, and tied it with a broken stone.

Place the second one in a place with few substitutions and tie it to a tree outside the embankment.

As for the effect, wait until you have caught the cicada monkey at night and then look at it.

It was getting dark, and Lu Dong returned to the orchard. Hu Chunlan pointed to a bag hanging on a tree branch: "Your seventh uncle sent it. He also said, you can continue to use the fishing net water bag."

Lu Dong took off the bag, and there were a dozen or so big leeches inside, which were still put into the broken clay pot.

Hu Chunlan came over to take a look, and said: "Your seventh uncle knows a lot about catching fish. In your father's generation, your seventh uncle is the best at these things. Our village and Ma's family guard this river, and catch fish in the river. To make a living, in the early years, there were Eight Great Vajras, two Generals Hengha, and a mountain sculpture, and your seventh uncle is a mountain sculpture."

Lu Dong went to find the plastic bucket, ready to catch the cicada monkey: "Others say Uncle Qi is ingenious."

Leeches and cicada monkeys are both pests in the countryside. Get rid of them today!

"Even if you don't work in the right place, I don't blame your seventh aunt for beating him all day." Seeing that her son was willing to listen, Hu Chunlan opened up the chatterbox: "If you don't want to earn money to support your family, what's the use of good craftsmanship? His family, no Your Seventh Aunt does a small job to support her? When the nail is too big, how can she marry a daughter-in-law?"

Thanks to the leader of ┆Bailian┆ for the reward, thank you very much!

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