The Era of Gods

Chapter 757 Shocked: The True Identity of the Lord of the Tidal Crystal Wall System

All the children of God's Domain will have their first special saint, it's just fast and slow, but not everyone is lucky enough to keep the first saint alive, most of the first special saints of the children of God's Domain can't It's a pity that he died early at the end.

And once the first saint can grow up with the son of the gods, such as Lin Xiao, who has grown to a strong divine power, his strength can almost reach the level of the son of the gods, and the family created by himself like Lin Xiaozhi is even stronger. .

After Slardar appeared, the terrifying majesty exuded changed the face of the Zerg King, and the swarms of bugs pouring out from the passage between the two worlds were suffocated, and there was a short pause, just like the Zerg King's mood.

The result is to continue to attack, and there is no turning back when you open the bow.

It's just that the Zerg King's confidence is not as strong as before. Lin Xiao obviously felt several hidden wills of the Zerg King flying out from the passage between the two worlds, sneaking in all directions. He probably didn't have as much confidence as before, trying to figure out Lin Xiao The specific strength of God's Domain.

Lin Xiao laughed, stretched out his finger, and the vast power of God's Domain descended and solidified the surrounding void, forcibly intercepting his separate will in this area.

Although he doesn't care about being discovered, it is also good to let more of the enemy's subordinates die in his own domain.

However, this situation did not last long. It is not a fool who can become a king. He immediately determined that there was a problem with this block. As soon as he came out, he rushed out, but stayed near the passage between the two worlds to maintain a defensive posture.

"Did you find it!"

In the Kingdom of God, Lin Xiao, who is high on the core seat of the shrine, said to the next Slardar:


"The Lord's will is my will!"

As Slardar's figure gradually solidified, it was a huge figure that covered the sky and covered the sun. The moment he appeared, the passage between the two worlds shook abruptly, and a huge circle of distortion exploded, located near the entrance of the passage between the two worlds The swarms began to retreat.

Soon the remaining insect swarms were wiped out, the first scarred golem puppets rushed into the passage between the two worlds, and many mage towers flew down from the sky, followed by them, one by one in the state of a hundred-meter giant god The Titan Naga mixed in the small Naga group and stepped into the passage between the two worlds.

They don't need to be consumed with cannon fodder like the Zerg, just go straight to A.

Although it is certain that a large number of God's Domain family members will be killed after this battle, once the opponent is defeated and the opponent's God's Domain is plundered, it will be enough to make up for all losses.

Temporary losses are nothing, anyway, now it is rare to meet opponents who need to fight in God's Domain, and I don't know how long it will take to rest after this battle.

Lin Xiao didn't take any action himself, but let Slardar be the commander-in-chief, and commanded several other strong men in the God's Domain to lead the family army into the Zerg King's God's Domain.

In terms of the strength and size of the God's Domain, his God's Domain, which combines the remains of four or five ancestors, is definitely stronger than that of the Zerg King. He also has the upper hand in terms of the strength of the God's Domain's family members, and he also has the upper hand in terms of high-end force. Even sending Slardar is enough to resist The Lord of God's Domain on the opposite side, although the other heroes of God's Domain are not as good as Slardar, they are also of medium divine power.

It’s not a big deal in a foreign world, but for the sons of the God’s Domain, the middle-level divine power family members are quite powerful. Lin Xiao’s God’s Domain has eight middle-level divine powers besides Slardar, and his opponent has only four in the God’s Domain. The gap was bigger than Lin Xiao expected.

But think about it normally. Although this Zerg king can be regarded as a super elite, which is equivalent to the son of Gaia in the human world, he is not as capable of hacking as he is after all. A subordinate with medium divine power is already very powerful.

Since the counterattack entered the opposing God's Domain, the battle situation has been one-sided. Even if the Zerg King spends a lot of energy to bless his family with a series of BUFFs, the absolute combat power gap between the two sides cannot be narrowed.

It's as if a level-1 player buffs a series of BUFFs to become two or three levels, it can't beat a level-10 player.

Nearly one billion small naga, millions of adult titan naga and protoss gathered to attack the Zerg God's Domain, all the way to the depths of God's Domain, how many insects were killed.

The densely packed velociraptors had already been killed in disorder, the flying dragons in the sky were wiped out by layers of lightning storms, and the huge and powerful thunder beasts were overturned by the Titan Naga. The number of key thunder beasts was less than that of the Titan Naga a large amount.

The total number is less than 100,000, and the strength is not comparable to the number, and the only option is to wait for death.

Slardar has always given people the impression of being steady, and this time was no exception. Even if his strength had an absolute advantage, he was not careless and did not give his opponent a chance. Finally, they encircled and suppressed the center of the gods of the Zerg kings.

At this time, only two out of ten challenges were decided.

Two years later, Lin Xiao's real body crossed the passage between the two realms, and what he saw was Slardar, who had transformed into a heaven-penetrating real body, standing in front of a super brood in the center of the Zerg King's God's Domain that stretched thousands of kilometers straight to the top of the God's Domain , raised his arms to hold the brood, and a stream of substantive twisted waves poured out of him, competing with the circles of twisted waves emanating from the super brood.

Zergs continued to emerge from the brood, but they were quickly crushed by the terrifying forces of both sides.

He saw at a glance that Slardar was wrestling with the Zerg King on his own.

His strength alone certainly cannot compete with the Zerg King who has the support of a huge God's Domain, but as Lin Xiao's number one saint, Slardar has inherited all of Lin Xiao's priesthood except the essence of black holes and the origin of time.

The energy and war priesthood he possesses are inherited from Lin Xiao's truth and creation, life and death, balance and reincarnation.

Using the priesthood of truth to understand all the rules in the entire Zerg king's domain, the law of balance is weakened, and the law of reincarnation keeps his power flowing, creating this miracle of forcibly suppressing a Zerg king who is as powerful as a god.

And it's still within the opponent's domain.

Lin Xiao was very pleased, as if the cub who had worked so hard to raise had finally grown up.

At this point, he was basically relieved that the Zerg king would surely die, it was just a matter of time.

However, he has already hit here, and he has no intention of continuing to consume it. He stepped forward to the central brood of God's Domain and pointed out.

However, the moment he appeared, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the brood, and in the next second, Lin Xiao's body disappeared and was erased in an indescribable instant.


An extremely angry roar resounded in the void, and everyone felt their heads jerk and lost their minds. Lan Wanqing felt himself lost for a moment, and then saw the sky suddenly light up, like a sun rising out of thin air, Unimaginable pressure came, like a sun exploding, the extremely dazzling white light exploded, and everything in the world became gray.

Cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be touched, everything is turned into nothingness.

In this state, Lan Wanqing instantly felt like he had returned to the feeling he had when he saw a true god when he was just a child of God's Domain.

But after all, it is a powerful divine power with a godhead level of up to eighteen. After the sudden start, he gradually adapted to it and gradually mastered the laws around him, but he couldn't see farther away clearly, and he didn't dare to look, because he was very It is clear that this is a battle between a great divine power and a Zerg master.

I don't know what happened, the Lord of Glory angrily shot at the Zerg Lord. At this time, there was no earth-shattering explosion or loud noise except that he couldn't see or feel anything outside, but Lei Wanqing knew very well how terrifying it was outside. Not daring to move.

The confrontation between the great divine powers has entered another level that they can't understand. They can't understand it at all, and they can't participate, and rashly participating will only lead to a dead end.

From the perspective of the distant void, two rounds of blazing hot suns appeared around the tidal crystal wall system quietly suspended in the chaotic void sea, constantly emitting terrifying fluctuations that even distorted the chaotic space.

Under these two rounds of sun brilliance, two fleets were shrouded in endless brilliance.

The huge tidal crystal wall began to melt gradually under the impact of waves of great divine power, and a huge hole was melted in the world crystal wall, and the fiery light shone in through the gap.

In the main world of tides, Lin Xiao's incarnation is hiding in his temple and tremblingly feeling the overwhelming light of the sky.

This avatar has been preparing for many years in this world, and with the help of other human true gods who have established themselves in this world, he is now a demigod and is already preparing for the godhood.

But there is still a long way to go before conferring the gods, because when it was his turn to confer the gods, he suddenly discovered that this world is very strange, not only the number of true gods that can be accommodated is limited, but also the number of each kind of priesthood is limited, which makes him very Surprised and speechless, because the priesthood he had prepared before was already full, he had to either kill a true god with the same priesthood, or change to a priesthood without conflict.

It is very troublesome to change the priesthood, because he has already established a basic belief system when condensing the priesthood. The believers believe in it because of the priesthood he has mastered. If they change to a new priesthood, it will have a great impact on the believers.

But it doesn’t work if you don’t change it. It’s not ordinary difficult for him to kill a true god as a demigod. You must know that there are not many true gods in this world. If you can successfully confer a god, you basically have your own kingdom of God.

It is not difficult to kill a true god without a kingdom of God with his ability, but if it is a true god with a kingdom of God, it is absolutely impossible.

He has been entangled until now, and not long ago he had made up his mind to try to kill God, but as the overwhelming light sprinkled into the main material plane, a new vacancy suddenly appeared in the war priesthood that was already full in his perception, and he could seal it. God.

That is to say, just now, for some unknown reason, one. No, it should be that several indigenous true gods with the priesthood of war fell.

Lin Xiao didn't know what happened just now, and he didn't want to care about it. How could he not seize such a good opportunity now that there was a vacant seat? He decisively decided to become a god.

Having had more than one experience of conferring gods, he didn't need much preparation to directly communicate with the source of the world and start to ignite the divine fire.

However, the moment he successfully communicated with the source of the world, a super-familiar feeling enveloped his will, and endless information was directly poured into his mind for a moment, and Lin Xiao instantly knew everything he wanted to know.

"So it is!"

Fengshen has no surprises and no dangers, and successfully becomes a God of War.

But he didn't care about this at all, but thought carefully about the information he got in his mind, muttering to himself:

"If so, this great existence has the same origin as me."

He looked at the sky, and the light that filled the sky was much less. That was because there was a stalwart figure blocking the gap in the crystal wall of the world, mobilizing the power of the world to repair the gap.

Looking at that stalwart figure, he had never seen it before, but he could feel extremely familiar and close.

Mingming has never felt very close in the past, the reason is very simple, their souls are of the same origin.

At the moment when he communicated with the source sea of ​​the world at the moment of conferring the gods, he saw a core in the world source sea of ​​the tidal crystal wall system exuding the same source core as the original core of the crystal wall system fused in his soul.

To be more specific, the world source sea of ​​the tidal crystal wall system has been completely integrated by the treasure that the upper echelons of the war zone said, and this treasure is actually a core of the crystal wall system, but it is different from the one he bought from Major General Kerry. When it was obtained, it was just a shell of wreckage. At this time, this piece is intact. It contains the origin of a crystal wall system that is far more powerful than the tidal crystal wall system. This is why the tidal crystal wall system can be successfully upgraded to support great divine power. The upper crystal wall universe that exists.

To be more specific, the master of the tidal crystal wall system is actually an outsider, who comes from the same crystal wall universe as the original core shell of the crystal wall system in Lin Xiao's soul.

In his hand is the shell of the original core of the crystal wall system, and the core in the tidal crystal wall system is a part of the core of the original crystal wall system.

Or to put it another way, the shell in his hand and the core in the tidal crystal wall system are both part of the original core of the powerful crystal wall universe. The original core of the crystal wall system was shattered when it was about to be taken away by the enemy. That piece is just a fragment.

The reason why he can feel the resonance from the soul essence from afar is because they have the same origin.

And the master of the tidal world who is in charge of the origin of the crystal wall system is one of the great divine powers that survived the crystal wall system, and took another fragment with him when he left this world.

Yes, the king of the gods of the tidal crystal wall system was actually a great divine power a long time ago, but he was seriously injured in the first battle and fell to the realm. The source repaired the broken core of the source, and it was only now that the plundered source was finally enough to support him to restore his divine power.

Yes, now that He has recovered his great essence, as soon as the tidal crystal wall system is successfully upgraded, he will immediately become the great divine power and the master of the crystal wall system.

With the advantage of the home field, at least two great beings can defeat him in the tidal crystal wall system together.

The name of this great being is Zutar!

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