The Era of Gods

Chapter 579 Gods Melee

The most important thing is that the mastery of one's own priesthood is increasing rapidly, and the level of godhead has been rising during this period, and has quickly surpassed the stage of weak divine power that most of the true gods in this crystal wall universe are in, and has entered the weak stage of godhead level five and above in one fell swoop. Divine power stage.

And the understanding of priesthood and corresponding rules continues to grow.

But the level of godhood did not continue to increase, because his current income from divine power was not enough to support him to go further.

But this is only temporary, and it won't take long for the growth to continue.

Lin Xiao estimated that after refining the Lord of Darkness's godhead, his own godhead level could grow up to level nine, which is a bit difficult for tenth-level godheads, which are equivalent to medium divine power. After all, he only inherited two godheads from the Lord of Darkness. He didn't want the priesthood, the drow priesthood with the largest proportion, so naturally it couldn't support his promotion to medium divine power.

But he is not in a hurry. The priesthood potential of the caveman race he has now has caught up with the drow elves. After decades of development, when the caveman develops to a certain level, he will naturally be able to cross that level without even a bottleneck.

This is the advantage of racial priesthood.

Although the racial priesthood will not increase any combat power, and there is no bonus, but as long as the race you master is strong enough, there will be no bottlenecks along the way to promotion, and even powerful divine power can easily overcome it.

The premise is that this race can support a powerful divine power.

The current crypt man may be able to choke, but when the fifth generation of crypt man comes out, it will probably be fine.

The promotion of the weak divine power can separate out the incarnations of gods related to the number of priesthoods. Lin Xiao has three priesthoods besides the priesthood of the ancient gods and the priesthood of the crypt man, which means that he can separate out three incarnations of gods.

Racial priesthood and regional priesthood, as well as some special priesthoods such as supreme, cannot be separated from the incarnation of gods.

In addition, he also obtained several general-purpose extraordinary godhead abilities, namely divine power shield and teleportation.

And the exclusive extraordinary godhead abilities related to the newly added priesthood, which are shadow magic mastery and group divine power shield.

The shield formed by divine power is different from the shield formed naturally by divine power. The shield formed by divine power is purely used to offset damage by divine power, while the divine power shield is an absolute defense. Although it can only resist one damage, it can withstand damage far beyond its own strength. Powerful attack.

Teleportation is as its name suggests, as long as a thought can appear anywhere within the line of sight, it can pass through any barriers and enchantments.

The mastery of shadow magic comes from the shadow magic net, which covers the entire Underdark region and the shadow plane, etc. where the genuine magic net cannot cover. It is inferior to the genuine magic net mastered by the God of Magic, but it is still quite powerful.

With the magic net of shadows, his caveman disciples and priests can have the ability to cast spells, and they can cast many shadow spells within the scope of the dark area, and their strength will be further improved.

At this moment, Lin Xiao wanted to find an opponent to try his own strength, but at this moment, the gods of the Underdark were attacking each other for the drow believers. The entire Underdark was extremely chaotic, and the drows were busy with civil wars. There is no time to manage the cavemen, and now that the cavemen are rising, the looting that lasted for tens of thousands of years has now disappeared.

After years of contention, many drow cities have been divided among the gods.

Especially as Lin Xiao gave up the priesthood of the drow, the gods of the Underdark region began to gather the priesthood of the drow after gaining a large number of followers of the drow. Now the gods of the fastest races have gathered the priesthood of the drow .

Clergy conflicts have always been the biggest reason for fighting among the gods, and they are no exception. No, after most of the drow were divided up, several gods who gathered the drow's priesthood officially declared a holy war to seize the priesthood in order to enjoy this priesthood exclusively. .

In the second year of the holy war, the god of gray dwarves attacked the incarnation of the god of ogres but failed.

In the fifth year of the Jihad, the God of Mind Flayers took advantage of the God of Ogres and the God of Duergar to attack the Tauren and the God of Assassination to raid the hideout of the God of Duergar.

After a melee that Lin Xiao could sense even if he stayed on the second floor of the Underdark, the God of Gray Dwarves fell out of the game.

The God of Ogre and the God of the Tauren immediately ceased fighting, but on the way back the incarnation of the God of Ogre was besieged by several incarnations of the real god on the surface and collapsed. But its belief is fundamental. The underground ogre kingdom located somewhere on the first floor of the Underdark was attacked by the coalition forces of drow and gray dwarves, and retreated steadily.

In the sixth year of the Jihad, the fourth generation of cavemen fully replaced the third generation of cavemen, and the scope of belief expanded to the depths of the remote dark region. Lin Xiao's followers of cavemen exceeded one billion.

In the seventh year of the holy war, the God of Ogre and the God of the Tauren and the God of the Goblins and the God of the Wilderness and the Ooze joined forces to fight against the God of the Mind Flayer who had been promoted to a weaker power, the Warlord of the Ogre Kingdom and the Minotaur The King of the Goblins and the Great Artisan of the Goblin joined forces with the Drows under the command of the Three Gods to conquer the kingdom of the Mind Flayer on the fourth floor of the Underdark.

In the decisive battle, the God of the Tauren and the God of the Ooze suddenly turned against each other, the incarnations of the Ogre God escaped, the incarnations of the Goblin God and the God of the Wilderness collapsed, and then the real body of the Goblin God was found, and the mind flayer came true. He ventured out of his hideout and slew the goblin god at the cost of the fall of two avatars.

Killing two true gods in a row, and having the god of the tauren and the god of the ooze monster, the strength of the god of the mind flayer increased again.

Even the true gods of the Underdark region, who were fighting in another battlefield, the God of Shadow and the God of Spiders, stopped their war and were full of vigilance against the God of Mind Flayers.

But at this moment, Lin Xiao's godhead level slowly increased to level nine, only one step away from medium divine power, and the power of faith he gained every day was barely enough to support the godhead plus divine kingdom that maintained medium divine power.

One billion four generations of cave dwellers each provide about 20 points of power of faith per day, one billion is 20 billion power of faith, and 20,000 if converted into divine power. The national maintenance fee is just about 20,000 yuan.

The reason why he was not promoted immediately was not only that the mastery of the rules of the priesthood was not enough to promote to the middle level of divine power, but also that the existing divine power was too reluctant.

Once promoted, there is no extra divine power immediately, and once there is a little fluctuation, it will be quite passive.

You must know that once you are promoted to a medium-level divine power, you will immediately become one of the most powerful true gods in this crystal wall universe except for one of the three powerful divine powers. Moderate divine hostility.

The powerful divine power that this crystal wall universe can carry is limited, three have already been born, and there are two places left, and there are more than forty medium divine powers, and the competition is quite fierce.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao has the priesthood of the ancient god, which can help him cover up his true strength. Unless other true gods see his real body with their own eyes, they will not be able to see through his reality.

At the outpost, Lin Xiao glanced over a dozen orbs of light constantly changing in front of him.

This is the bloodline of more than a dozen powerful species he collected, including super-powerful supermodel races like giant dragons, and special powerful species like hydras, not to mention celestial creatures like angels, and abyssal demons. Horrible races and more.

But he hesitated for a long time, and finally chose one of the species that was not too strong but not too weak - the giant species, the earth giant.

This giant species can only be considered medium in size and strength among the giant family, but it is particularly suitable for cavemen.

However, Lin Xiao did not directly fuse the blood genes of the two races, but extracted the genes of the giants of the earth and embedded them in the blood of the caveman, making his blood hidden in the blood of the caveman.

The reason for this is that the fifth generation caveman has reached the limit after completely releasing the mind flayer's spiritual talent on the basis of the fourth generation, and further strengthening will greatly affect the caveman's ability to reproduce.

If the blood of the earth giant is fused again, the caveman will directly become a super-powerful race similar to the earth giant, which loses the meaning of his spending so much effort to slowly prepare it from generation to generation. Wouldn't a stronger storm giant bloodline be better?

At the same time, he also solved a problem that has always troubled him by doing so, that is, the power system of the caveman.

Why can races such as tauren, gray dwarves, and drow be less than cavemen in terms of combined population, yet they can easily give birth to true gods?

That's because these races have a large number of strong professionals. As we all know, the power of faith provided by the strong in the same race is much more than that of ordinary people, more than a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times.

They are also human beings, can the power of faith provided by a devout ordinary mortal compare with that of a devout legendary powerhouse?

That's why these races can give birth to true gods when the population is far less than that of cavemen.

Now Lin Xiao needs to solve this problem and provide a power system for the cavemen.

The blood of the earth giant is hidden in the blood of the fifth-generation caveman. It is usually not visible, so it will not affect its reproduction speed, but as long as certain conditions are met, the blood can be activated and transformed into a new cave giant. Yes, he awakens the caveman The giants are named cave giants.

In this way, it will not affect the reproduction speed of the cavemen, and it will also enable this race to have high-end power, so that it can compete with other races for living space.

In this way, he can rest assured that he will be promoted to medium divine power, and this is also the capital for his future promotion of powerful divine power.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

And this gust of east wind came much slower than he imagined.

After the god of mind flayers killed the god of gray dwarves and goblins, the god of tauren and the god of ooze became subordinate gods, and his strength expanded rapidly. A few years later, he subdued the god of shadow and the god of the underground There are four gods in total, and their strength is rapidly expanding. They have gained the upper hand many times in battles with the new alliance headed by the ogre, and they have been defeated steadily. The drow cities occupied by the third layer of the dark area are constantly being taken away. The strength is getting weaker and weaker.

In this situation, Lin Xiao, who had always been repulsed and had to be neutral, was finally remembered by the gods. Before he was about to be promoted to a middle-level divine power, an incarnation of the God of the Wilderness came to visit him.

PS: Make a patch, about the godhead maintenance fee, and the divine power consumption of the condensed avatar have been revised a bit, chapter 557 seems to be the same. .

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