The Era of Gods

Chapter 564 Underdark Region

The boss was very friendly to Lin Xiao. Not only did he not charge any fees, but he also specially arranged a truck for him and a maid to serve him.

Any businessman who has been in the business all year round will know how important a senior mage is when the caravan is attacked. He doesn't have to worry about anything in the caravan, just sleep and eat every day.

Lin Xiao was lying on the soft animal skin cushion of the carriage, with green Albori wine in the goblet in his hand, and several kinds of fruit platters on the side plate.

"It's been a long time since I relaxed and enjoyed life so much!"

It can be seen that the caravan owner named Marin knows life very well. The walls of the carriage are hung with thick animal skins to insulate the heat. At the same time, it maintains a spring-like temperature without feeling hot or cold no matter what the outside environment is.

There is even a small wine cabinet under the seat. The ice magic circle inside can keep the temperature in the small wine cabinet constant at around zero degrees. There are also fresh fruits and drinks refrigerated in it, which can be eaten even in the hottest time. to the freshest drinks and juices.

This is definitely not a big deal in modern times, but in this ancient and exotic era, it is definitely the life of luxurious nobles.

Along the way, Marin came to chat with him from time to time. Lin Xiao had nothing to do, and chatted with the caravan owner with great interest. Unknowingly, he got a lot of latest information about the Duchy of Burley and several nearby duchies or kingdoms. .

Even if he didn't inquire carefully, he leaked it unknowingly during the chat.

Marin didn't care about these details at all. After all, Lin Xiao's identity at this time was a senior mage with extraordinary strength, so he wouldn't be vigilant.

The caravan soon came to the entrance to the dark underground world. The lord of Ryder built a checkpoint here to set up a checkpoint. The caravan was allowed to enter the customs easily, and entered the entrance along a huge slope. Inside the underground passage.

It can be seen that the entrance of this underground passage has been repaired by a special person, and there are still traces of excavation on the edge. There is a long-lit street lamp on the edge at intervals.

The caravan slowly entered the passage along the slope, and the light gradually dimmed. Every few carriages or pack animals in the caravan began to hang a lamp, and the slightly dim light illuminated the surroundings.

The underground world is not much different from the underground world that Lin Xiao had seen in other worlds before. The curved passages and the rugged surface are lined with jagged rocks. It is easy for ordinary people to get lost in the underground world when they run into the underground world.

Marin's Flame Flower Caravan has drawn a detailed map of the race transactions in the underground and the dark area for many years, but even so, he dare not be careless.

You must know that there are seven continents in total in the underground world of the Underdark Region of this world. There are countless natural passages between each continent and the rotating stone ladders. New faults, lava, and calcareous pinnacles are constantly changing.

The most important thing is that the underground passages or rotating stone steps leading to different areas are broken and isolated from the original passages due to geological changes. These changes have prevented the senior chambers of commerce that have been moving and doing business between various layers and various races in the Underdark for thousands of years. Guaranteed whether the original trading race can be found next time.

Of course, these are the things that natives like Marin who do business should worry about. Lin Xiao doesn’t need to worry about this. He doesn’t have a specific goal now, he just goes with the flow and goes wherever he goes. Naturally, it is impossible to speculate on his location.

Through many exchanges with the caravan boss Ma Lin, whether it was intentional or unintentional, Lin Xiao has roughly grasped the general situation of the dark underground area at this time.

After thousands of years of exploration by countless adventurers, the first-level continent of the Underdark is the most familiar to everyone. Usually, the trading partners of the major chambers of commerce on the surface are mostly the major races distributed in the first level of the underground.

Cities of duergar, tribes of goblins, tribes of tauren, halflings attached to powerful tribes such as duergar or tauren.

Most of the monsters and poisonous insects in the gathering areas of the underground races are basically wiped out by the major races. The first continent of the Underdark is relatively safe, provided that you don't get lost.

The second layer of the Underdark is the most barren, with no mineral deposits, and is mainly dominated by cavemen.

Like troggs of all worlds, this puny race is the most industrious of the Underdark, constantly sowing subterranean crops.

But this race is born with weak physique, that is, it has no professional inheritance, and it does not have its own writing, let alone spells. Ever since the caveman god fell ten thousand years ago, there has been no god to take care of this weak and pitiful race.

Every six months when the underground crops matured, the dark elves living on the third floor would form a raiding team to rush to the second floor to burn, kill and plunder, taking away all the cavemen's hard work for half a year.

Occasionally, races such as goblins, gray dwarves and tauren living on the first floor will form a team to enter the second floor to plunder if they are currently short of food.

It's just that compared to the ferocity of the drow that even killed all the cavemen, the gray dwarves just robbed food.

Fortunately, the caveman race is extremely prolific. There are two or three children per child, and a caveman can reproduce as an adult three years after birth. There are more than one billion cavemen found in the second underground continent that is currently being explored. The huge number and strong reproductive ability enable them to survive tenaciously in the resource-poor second continent.

The third layer of the Underdark is the world of the drow, that is, the dark elves.

These drow are ferocious in nature like their relatives in many worlds, using their powerful force to plunder everywhere and capture other alien races as slaves.

This crystal wall universe related to the Toril multiverse also has drow elves and race gods, but it is not the famous spider queen Rose, but a dark elf, evil, dark, brutal, plundering, stalker , Assassination, Shadow Magic Net, eight priesthoods, and a middle-level divine power with a godhead level of eleven. The god's name is the Lord of Darkness.

This priesthood is even more luxurious than the famous spider queen Rose. It should have been a mighty and mighty divine power in the Toril multiverse long ago, but in this world it is only a medium divine power limited by the world level.

But even so, this Lord of Darkness is also the most powerful true god in the entire underground world, and even a powerful divine power can't help him in the underground world.

Normally speaking, with such a powerful ground snake, it is almost impossible for Lin Xiao to open up the situation in the underground world, but Xiao He can succeed or lose, the underground world is too big, you must know that the main material plane is a super giant plane.

What is the concept of super giant?

The large plane is equivalent to the area between the Pacific Ocean and the total area of ​​the Earth.

The super-large plane is equivalent to the total area of ​​several earths.

The giant plane probably has a total area of ​​ten earths.

The super-giant plane is at least as large as the three giant planes combined, and there is no upper limit, because all the above-giant planes are collectively called super-giant planes.

Therefore, the main material plane of this crystal wall universe is very, very huge. Such a huge underground world, the Lord of Darkness must not be able to grasp all of it. In fact, he only masters a part of the third layer of the Underdark Region, near the coercive radiation. Other levels, but did not form a complete grasp of the entire Underdark region.

At least the race gods of many races located in the first layer of the Underdark formed a loose pantheon to fight against the brutal Lord of Darkness, and with the secret support of the surface gods, they withstood the pressure of the Lord of Darkness. ,

If Lin Xiao finds a suitable place at that time, he will find a way to pretend to be the local aboriginal true god and join this loose pantheon to fight against the Lord of Darkness.

Locally, he can't beat the Lord of Darkness, even if all the subordinates of the giant god battle group swarm up, they are still delivering food, and their strength is too weak.

So Lin Xiao will definitely pretend to be himself when the time comes, and prepares to let the avatar become a god again in this world and integrate into this world.

It's not pretending, it's really a god.

This is a necessary step, otherwise once you establish your faith in this world, it will immediately attract the attention and blow of the will of the crystal wall universe.

The world is different from the world. This world is different from the world Lin Xiao experienced before. This world is full of indigenous true gods, even the pantheon that represents the will of the world. If he wants to spread faith on a large scale, he must integrate This world becomes the true god of this world.

In addition, this is also a necessary step for the true god-level son of God's Domain to plunder the origin and rules of the world.

Only when you become the true god of this world, you will be able to communicate with the source sea of ​​the foreign world at the moment of conferring the god, just like Lin Xiao communicated with the source sea of ​​Gaia’s main world when he was conferred as the god before, he will continuously draw the source power and contact the bottom of the world rule.

Become the true god of this world, and when you return in the future, you will bring all the harvested power and all the priesthood rules you have mastered back to the main world. It will be directly deprived from this world, and then supplemented to the human Gaia main world, and then Gaia's will will be obtained feedback of.

The more looting, the more feedback will naturally be.

This is the path that the true god-level son of God's Domain will take, plundering the origin and rules of the foreign world to strengthen the human main world, and then gain the feedback of Gaia's will to strengthen itself.

Of course, the underlying rules of the general world are far less powerful than the civilization of the human gods, the true gods of the weak world are definitely not as good as the true gods of the powerful crystal wall system, and the native true gods are definitely not as good as the sons of the true gods. It is different, and the feedback needs to simultaneously strengthen the Son of God's Domain and God's Domain, so the benefit of Gaia's will feedback does not mean that the avatar has as much strength as the feedback.

For example, the incarnation is promoted to a powerful divine power in one go. After returning, the feedback of Gaia's will may only allow him to be promoted to a medium divine power, or he may not be promoted. The greater the gap between the worlds, the stronger you are, the less feedback you have. This is inevitable.

Just like Lin Xiao, he has the priesthood of the ancient gods and the innate body of the ancient gods, and he has several super priesthoods. After feedback, they are all the essences that are completely suitable for his priesthood, but the amount is definitely not that large.

One thing is certain, the feedback must be the purest and most suitable power for you, Gaia's will will never let you lose money.

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