The Era of Generals

Chapter 854 ??????

Chapter 854 - Sudden

Chen Ming adjusted his position so that he could better observe the approaching unknown in the dark.

Not long after, his expression was slightly trembling, and he said to himself, here we come!

At this moment, Chen Ming was no longer lying in the grass, but flew up to the top of a big tree with an extremely thick crown, and looked down into the distance through the dense branches and leaves. As far as he could see, he could already see three Riding a fast horse is approaching rapidly.

Chen Ming's eyesight was not weak, but in an instant, his gaze fell on the person on the far left among the three riders.

My heart sank immediately.

Even though five years have passed, how could he forget the face of his former brother?

With just one glance, he could tell that that person was... Feng Lei!

This guy……

Chen Ming sighed inwardly, as expected he still came.

What the young master said was right, that guy Feng Lei was blinded by hatred, so he ran to inform him, and even went to see Huang Ren in person!

Although he had never met the other two, he couldn't tell each other's identities from the ordinary clothes of Fengqi province civilians on each other.

But do we still need to ask for proof?

Just one Feng Lei is enough to explain the problem.

From Tianhong City to here, a little further back is where Huang Ren is at the moment.

If they can go so far, where will their destination be?

In any case, this way does not work!

Thinking of this, Chen Ming called Chen Ze softly in his heart.

And at the next moment, he suddenly felt a warm current flowing through his body, and a surging sense of power surged through his body instantly.

Chen Ze didn't say anything else, he directly possessed Chen Ming as a general.

Chen Ming has been in charge of scouting since he followed Chen Ze, and he does not have the talent for martial arts like Gu Qingfeng and others, so he has not received more training from Chen Ze except for stealth.

Of course there's nothing wrong with that.

Chen Ming also knew that it wasn't that Chen Ze didn't trust him, but that each of them performed their duties.

Gu Qingfeng and the others were in charge of beheading and assassinating, but he was in charge of scouting for information. Once a strong enemy appeared, Chen Ming could also instantly achieve extremely strong combat power by possessing the star.

Just like now.

When something happened to Chen Ming, he just called out to Chen Ze lightly, and Jiang Xing was already possessed in a short while.

It wasn't that Chen Ze was nervous because he was afraid of something wrong with Chen Ming, but...he didn't know how to comfort Chen Ming.

Feng Lei and him are old acquaintances, and it can be heard from Chen Ming's tone that the relationship between the two should be good before.

But now that the two are their masters, a fight is inevitable.

One can imagine how bad Chen Ming's mood is now.

But at this moment, anyone can persuade Chen Ming, only Chen Ze can't.

his position...

How can I persuade you?

Advise him to let Feng Lei go?

The question is, is Feng Lei willing to let him go?

Feng Lei had already met Gu Qingfeng and others in Tianhong City.

If he still missed the brotherhood in his heart, he would not appear here at this moment.

Chen Ze understood this matter, and Chen Ming naturally understood it, so Chen Ming showed his murderous aura before, and he already had murderous intentions towards Feng Lei.

Brothers kill each other.

How to persuade?

From Chen Ze's standpoint, should he persuade Chen Ming to let Feng Lei go, or strictly order him to kill this person?

No matter how much you try to persuade, it doesn't taste like that.

It's better to let Chen Ming make his own decision. With his full loyalty of 100 points, Chen Ze doesn't believe that Chen Ming will make a decision that disappoints him.

That's why he didn't say a word, and directly possessed the strongest combat power on Chen Ming's body. What he will do next will be entirely up to Chen Ming himself to decide.

Anyway, now Chen Ming has all the possibilities here.


Moving his body a little bit, feeling the bulging power in his body, Chen Ming's eyes were a little cold.

Among the three fast horses on the opposite side, his eyes were only fixed on the man on the far right.

At this moment, the three of them were about to force Chen Ming's hiding place, so he could see more clearly, but the face of that old friend was also stern.

Does he... have no regrets at all?

Chen Ming shook his head slightly, Feng Lei's performance made him a little disappointed.

As long as the other party shows a trace of remorse and struggle at this moment, he is afraid that he will soften his heart.

Unfortunately, no.

And what Chen Ming could see from Feng Lei's face was still that kind of deep-seated hatred.

You guy... Did you find the wrong target for revenge?

Chen Ming smiled wryly, he knew that if he didn't move anymore, then it was Tang Tian's time to act.

Since Feng Lei will die left and right, it might as well...

Why not die by your own hands!

Thinking of this, his eyes flashed fiercely, and at the same time, he jumped off the tree!

When hiding in the tree, Chen Mingzao broke a rather thin branch to use as a weapon, and what he possessed at the moment was the legendary general star Zhao Yun. What he is holding is just a branch, and it is also extremely powerful in his hands.

At this moment, Chen Ming's figure almost turned into a shooting star. While jumping down, his head, feet, and branches in his hands were filled with a sharp aura. In just a flash, he passed through the middle of the unsuspecting three people. Pass.


When they were suddenly attacked, the first to respond were the three of them dismounting from their horses.

Just as Chen Ming's body turned into a flash of light and shuttled past, the three war horses were suddenly frightened, and they hissed in unison, one after another stood up.

Just at this moment, a blood arrow soared into the air.


Among the three, the one in the middle couldn't hold the reins, and fell directly from the horse's back to the ground, kicking up a cloud of smoke and dust.

The other two were a little better, after all, they were very good at equestrianism, even when they got off their horses and were suddenly startled, they managed to stabilize their bodies quickly, and they were not as embarrassed as the man in the middle.

"Brother Xu!"

After finally stabilizing his figure, the expressions of the other people except Feng Lei changed drastically, and they hurriedly looked at the fallen person, and at the same time got off their horses, and rushed to the other person a few steps ahead.

They didn't realize that the streamer that frightened the war horse just now was done by someone, it can be seen that Chen Ming's leap just now was powerful and fast!

But Feng Lei didn't rush forward, but sat on the horse and frowned at each other.

He also didn't realize that it was Chen Ming's surprise attack, but he had no reason to run to care for a soldier of the Bailie Empire, so he could only wait there with an impatient and disdainful face.

"Brother Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Unexpectedly, the scout who ran to check was even more shocked.

He was originally wondering that Brother Xu's equestrian skills were still superior to his own, but just now that an unknown wind blew past, the horse was certainly frightened, but he would not believe that Brother Xu would fall from his horse because of this.

So, after checking, he was surprised to find...

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