The Era of Generals

Chapter 554 ??????

Chapter 554 - People's hearts

Although Chen Ze's military exploits were not many, he still didn't miss anything. As long as Gu Qingfeng and the others found something different, he would mark it.

As a result, there are already more than 30 small red dots on Chen Ze's map.

Although it is unlikely that these thirty people are all spies, the ratio is still shocking.

You know, even if Gu Qingfeng and the others are observant, the situation in the mansion is in chaos at the moment when millions of people are evacuating from the city lord's mansion.

This chaotic situation, coupled with dissatisfaction with the order itself, made the scene even more unbearable, and Gu Qingfeng and the others only had six people, so it was not realistic to completely monitor the hundreds of people in the mansion.

So, there will be something missing!

A scary amount.

If it wasn't for this evacuation operation, these people had not been exposed, whether openly or secretly, God knows why they entered the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, this also proves from the side that Hua Lao's current strength is no longer what it used to be.

If he was still the wise general of Qingyang who shocked the battlefield back then, how many people would dare to have unreasonable thoughts about him?

These people, or the forces behind these people, are probably not just one family!

From just one evacuation order, it can be seen that the city lord's mansion is currently mixed with fish and dragons, and Hua Laohui is extremely cautious at this time, probably because he has known this for a long time.

This evacuation has exposed some things that should or should not be exposed in broad daylight.

How many?

But it was precisely because of this that Hua Lao wanted to find out who sent the spies in this mansion even more.

Although there are a lot of people, it doesn't mean that all the forces have planted spies in his Bo'an city lord's mansion, right?

The so-called unity of vertical and horizontal, although Hua Lao's current power is weak, he has not yet reached a situation where he is surrounded by enemies. He can only do something about it after he has figured out the enemy.

Like... the enemy of the enemy.

In the matter of framing him back then, even though almost the three major national teachers and a great general had a share, Hua Lao can also say responsibly that he was far from being angry and resentful back then. to the point of hate.

The reason why people teamed up to make a wave was nothing more than profit, or in other words, it was to beat the dog in the water.

In the face of interests, any kind of loyalty and favor are all false. How many people are really not moved by the benefits that can be seen with their own eyes?

Then, if Mr. Hua also has enviable benefits in his hands, will these forces that come for benefits turn around and help him?

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, not to mention Hua Lao, who is famous in the mainland. Although he is weak now, he still has certain things that can be used in exchange for benefits, so as to get external support.

But the current situation is that he doesn't know who is the enemy, who is the friend, who is bent on killing him, and who is watching from a distance, ready to enter the field at any time.

Therefore, Mr. Hua knew that there were many spies in the mansion, but he didn't want to startle the enemy. He would rather swallow his anger and find a good way to determine the identity of the forces behind it.

Fortunately, a suggestion from Chen Ze directly exposed these people.

Moreover, although Chen Ze spent a lot of military exploits marking everyone who thought there was something strange, he also knew in his heart that it would be even more difficult to find the real culprit behind the scenes through these people.

First of all, after this big action, who doesn't know that there must be action in the city lord's mansion?

The grass was also struck, and the snake was also startled. How could the startled snake rashly contact his upline and expose himself to the city lord's mansion at such a time, when he was not sure whether he was safe? Under the nose?

If it was the five people before, Chen Ze gave a mark to prevent Gu Qingfeng and the others from following, maybe Tang Feng would not kill people to silence them, then maybe it was possible to use this as a breakthrough.

But not now.

Tang Feng had already made a move, and those five people fell outside the city lord's mansion. Many people knew about this matter. Not long ago, before the evacuation order was issued, the death of those five people was still the talk of everyone in the city lord's mansion.

How did these five people die?

Apart from Chen Ze who is investigating, how many other people are secretly inquiring?

In any case, the deaths of these five people will be a wake-up call.

Whether it was Lao Hua who killed them, or other forces secretly playing tricks, this all shows that the rest of them will not be safe.

That being the case, it is right to be cautious at this time.

If there is no evacuation action by the City Lord's Mansion, they will only hide themselves deeper, and they will never take the risk of showing themselves at this time.

So even if Chen Ze started to identify some people in secret, it would not be a matter of one day if he really wanted to conduct a detailed investigation on these people, and his manpower was not enough, at most he would use the map to monitor. The behavior was too abnormal, which made the Xuanjia elite guarding outside the city lord's mansion go to investigate.

And his main energy is still on Tang Feng who is very likely to go and return.

As for why Chen Ze was sure that Tang Feng would definitely come back again.

This is probably the self-confidence of being a master.

Or rather, show off!

Although after coming to this world, Chen Ze has never had the opportunity to practice his individual strength, but this does not mean that he does not have the heart of a strong man.

In this world, his strength is mainly reflected in his wisdom, but wisdom and force are also interlinked in a certain way.

So he can understand Tang Feng's mood at this time.

As an orphan who was abandoned since he was a child, how much Tang Feng has suffered in these years is really not for outsiders to understand, and his current achievements can already show how much he has paid in these years.

Such a person is naturally eager to be known, to be admired, and be feared.

Just from his method of killing five people at the same time, one can see what he was thinking.

In fact, is it necessary for Tang Feng to do this?

With his lurking skills, he can attack one by one after those people are far away. Of course not at the same time, but it can also achieve his goal.

But he chose an extremely risky way.

You know, how difficult is it to kill five people at the same time?

Whenever he made a slight mistake, or only killed four people, it would arouse Chen Ze's strong vigilance, and thus protect the only person.

Even the location where he shot, dared to do it in the city lord's mansion where there are so many masters, completely ignoring the existence of a top master in this mansion... Hua Lao!

No, there was another person that he wanted to show off to his face.

That is his father, Tang Tianxing!

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