The Era of Generals

Chapter 388 ?????? Decision

Chapter 388 - Decision

"Your Excellency encountered danger in attacking Xilong City?"

Ma Hui said this with a dry throat.

To be honest, even though the words came out of his mouth, he still had an expression of disbelief.

What danger?

So much so that it is necessary to send someone back to rescue the soldiers?

You know, Mr. Zheng took away an army of two million!

This number should be able to move sideways in the current Nantes province. Who will be the opponent?

Even if the remaining small towns in Nantes province want to do something to Mr. Zheng, what can they really do with their current strength?

Attacking Xilong City was a sure thing. No matter whether it was Zheng Yuanyun or the generals who stayed outside Ketan City, no one had any doubts about it.

But what about the soldier?

The injury on his body was real, and it was such a serious injury. If it hadn't been for the military doctor Mo to rescue him in time, I am afraid that he would never wake up from this sleep.

The more serious the injury, the more critical the situation at that time was. Ma Hui could not ignore this request for help sent to Ketan City at the risk of his life.


Ma Hui rubbed his aching head, looked around, "Tell me, what do you think?"

After all, he was just a school lieutenant, if Yang Mingzhong hadn't fallen out of favor with Zheng Yuanyun, the command of the half a million troops would never have fallen to him.

It was originally an opportunity, if he commanded well this time, there would be no need for any earth-shattering moves, as long as he surrounded Ketan City and prevented Chen Ze from leading his troops to run out, that would be a great achievement.

Can he still do this little thing?

Before Zheng Yuanyun left, Ma Hui slapped his chest loudly. He had solemnly promised Zheng Yuanyun that if Ketan City was handed over to him, there would be no problem!

So now comes the problem.

What is he going to do now?

If he confirmed the authenticity of this document, it means that Mr. Zheng is in danger right now, and he really hopes to get help from the reinforcements. It will be of great help in future official careers.

But on the other hand, Ketan City could no longer be sealed off. Once he led the troops away, it would be strange if Chen Ze, who had already torn his face, didn't take the opportunity to leave.

As long as he left, Chen Ze would leave, it was inevitable.

So here comes the problem.

What if he leads the troops and finds that Zheng Yuanyun's place is all right?

Mr. Zheng, he... is afraid that he will peel off his skin!

But if you don't go, in case the request for help is true, Mr. Zheng is really in danger, the soldiers desperately sent the document, but Ma Hui didn't move here...

It was a good thing that Mr. Zheng died in the battle. In the subsequent military court, he could still explain that he did not send troops immediately because he followed the other party's instructions to stick to Ketan City.

But if Mr. Zheng survived and came back from the siege, Ma Hui would have a lot of fun.

For the rest of his life, he would never even think about leading a single soldier. If he managed to achieve today's achievements, he would be completely in vain.

The decision was not so easy to make.

When Ma Hui was struggling, he really hoped that someone could give him advice, but in his heart, he still hoped that someone would speak up at this moment, so that if there was a problem in the future, he could find someone to take the blame...

However, who is present here like a fool?

Those who have made it this far are all human beings. As soon as Ma Hui opened his mouth, how could they not know what he was thinking, even if there might be some thoughts in his heart, they all closed tightly mouth.

Some generals who were already dissatisfied with Ma Hui's taking over the military power even pretended to be sincere at this time: "Brother Ma, Mr. Zheng handed over the military power to you before he left, so you can give the order, and we brothers will listen to Ma." brother!"

It sounded like he was flattering him, but everyone knew that such a thing would be said at such a time. How could it be flattering?

This is obviously just watching his joke, and at the same time, he doesn't want to take the blame from Ma Hui!

Ma Hui secretly hated it, but he was helpless. Who would have thought that what was thought to be a good thing turned out to be ruined by a bloody man who didn't know where it came from? Right now, Ma Hui felt that he had been framed. Roasting on the fire, he was sizzling with oil all over his body.

what to do...

Ma Hui didn't care to share his knowledge with the generals who wanted to see his jokes. His plan to throw the blame failed, so he could only come up with a perfect plan on his own.


No... no!


Ma Hui, who was thinking hard, subconsciously glanced across the bloody document, and suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

What's the use of thinking so much?

He suddenly laughed.

In any case, there is no question about the authenticity of this document!

This is indeed Mr. Zheng's personal letter, isn't it?

The seal on the document is also Mr. Zheng's official seal, isn't it?

That being the case, what is there to hesitate about?

Even if Chen Ze was let go, that was not his responsibility, he was just faithfully carrying out a new order from Master Zheng.

Even if the order is fake, the document is real!

Speaking of responsibility, to put it bluntly, Mr. Zheng should also be responsible. Otherwise, what is going on with this document?

He has the documents in his hand, even if Mr. Zheng blames him afterwards, it is considered justified, and he will not do anything to him, after all, he led the troops in the past and was loyal no matter what.

And it's just the worst possible outcome.

Judging from this document and the injuries of the soldiers, it is very likely that this matter is true.

No one can guarantee whether Ouyang Lixing of Fengqi Province is really going to the border line with all his heart, what if he is just suspicious and turns back to support Xilong City?

If it was his army, it is very possible that Mr. Zheng is in danger now.

Although I let Chen Ze go, I saved Master Zheng's life. Compared with Master Zheng's life, a small co-leader is nothing to worry about. The only troublesome thing may be that Luo General soldier.

But there is always a solution, isn't there?

As the saying goes, if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of no firewood. This is a universal truth. Mr. Zheng will not punish himself because he ran to save him, right?

Once he figured this out, Ma Hui heaved a sigh of relief, feeling his whole body relax.

It's ridiculous that those rats still want to take the opportunity to see their own jokes, hum!

He glanced coldly at the generals who kept their mouths tightly shut, and said sharply: "Pass my order, the whole army is ready to break camp, let's go support Lord Zheng!"

Now that he had made a decision, he no longer hesitated, and took one last look at Gu Qingfeng who was still in a coma, waved his hand, turned and left the camp.

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