God didn't hear it, Nioh didn't know, but he probably did, and now Nioh thinks in his heart.

As Ryu expected, doubles two, and their opponents were two third-year seniors.

The name doesn't matter—

Ryu silently looked at Nioh.

Nioh: "... What do you think I'm doing?" he didn't understand what his little friend meant.

"I'll give you another chance!" said Liu, solemnly.

Nioh was a little confused, "What kind of opportunity?" "Why didn't he know he needed a chance?" "

I've heard Maori seniors talk about this, your hobby, naming people whose names they don't know!"

Ryu pulled out his notebook and read it in front of Nioh. This is the exclusive information he got from his Maori predecessors, and no one gave it.

Nioh couldn't laugh or cry, Maori senior, what did you tell Yanagi about?

Well, well, he does have a habit of naming names....

However, this matter must be explained, "The name is purely because I can't remember it, so... It's not a unique hobby at all!"

Although your eyes are sincere and your

words are very contagious, I'm sorry, I don't believe it!"

"Let's quickly choose a name for the other person, and besides, I would like to hear your opinion..."

It was the reason for this match between Ryu and Nioh, and he wanted to observe Nioh's mentality and every move on the court up close.

Nioh has already inquired about this matter, not that he is smart, but that he guessed it, after all, Ryu, a data maniac, yesterday he hung his appetite so much.

So... All this is retribution, as soon as he finished hanging people's appetites with his front foot, the people on his back foot stared directly at him on the field.

After thinking about the pros and cons for a long time, Nioh sighed, Okay, since you want to know, then tell him, there are teammates on the left and right, and everyone has to grow up with each other.


looked up and carefully observed the situation of the two contestants opposite, the one with black hair on the left, the position of the name of the third grade. However, for the sake of black hair, let's call it a little black senior.

First of all, the calf muscles are very developed, and the visual inspection of running left and right is very powerful, however, the muscle distribution is uneven, and there may be an uncoordinated situation in the upper and lower body...

The stamina should be able to reach three, but it will fluctuate by about 0.5 due to incoordination.

The senior of Ah Lu next to him looks quite fierce, but he is tall and has an advantage in height, and he likes to send jumping balls and the like.

The rest....

"For the rest, you can see for yourself, you can't ask me to see everything!" And, most importantly, most of the time, the information is not very accurate.

Ryu didn't speak, and Nioh didn't say much. There is also very little information received. Ryu also knew in his heart that the information he had visually examined was sometimes inaccurate, but what Nioh had just said was basically what he could finalize, and what he wasn't sure

about was nothing! Sure enough, this guy has his own unique three-dimensional construction system.

It's just that this system should only be used in the course of the game, which means that he needs to play two goals in a real way to feel the fluctuating state of the opponent.

"You attack... I observe the data. "Yanagi.

Nioh was very pleased to hear this, and he waited for Ryu to say this. To partner with other seniors, or even with teammates in the simulated arena, this is all as a wise man, or even on the side of data tennis.

Now can he finally feel the same victory as lying down?

This is really wonderful!

Nioh, who is in a very good mood, does not hesitate to attack his range, his attacks are very sharp, his calf muscles have been trained, and the speed of running left and right is very fast, and with his agility and swiftness, he has already turned the two opponents around. In addition, he provided very accurate data in the process of playing, but in just 20 minutes, the Ice Emperor's doubles second has already shown a defeat.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that failure is already an inevitable end.

This result made the trace department very unhappy, and he asked the ninja next to him, "What is the origin of these two people in Lihaida's doubles?"

Didn't I tell you

, Lihai Da, four-pointed star!" The trace department doesn't want to talk to Shinozu, of course the four-pointed star knows, but he doesn't know the specifics! I don't know

who is behind it, the tennis monthly magazine published the news that the four-pointed star in the first year of Lihai University had succeeded in the revolution and became the head of the tennis department and was elected...

But the miraculous thing is that the news only spreads in Kanagawa, and some people in the schools in Tokyo don't even know what happened to Tachikai University?

I don't know who hid these things!

Uncle Kibe was very angry, what the people of the Tennis Monthly were doing and eating, and this kind of thing could not be spread, and this kind of thing could not be spread, and this was not just guiding other schools with wrong thinking. Unlike now, they... Or maybe he just suffered the loss of not going to school in the country, but he just knew the four-pointed star, but he didn't know the specific appearance of the four-pointed star.

For this matter, Ba Wei hides his merits and fame.

[Ba Wei: ... How can the mystery of the people be passed on to everyone?Stinky boy, now the strength is not at all, the spread is too ruthless, what should I do if I accidentally go out and be slaughtered?]

"Liu Lianji, Nioh Masaharu, you two, Uncle Ben remembers you!"

The trace department remembered the names of these two people fiercely.


on the field.

As soon as the game ended, Nioh, who was about to return, sneezed, and Ryu also felt that his nose was a little itchy.

The two of them looked at each other in unison, and the thoughts in their hearts reached the same tone at this moment, "Are we cursed?"

"What, do you want to provoke after winning the game?" Nioh's gaze, which was like a fox ready to bite, made Xiao Hei senior a little cowardly. At the same time, I was a little unhappy in my heart, you all won, do you still want to bite us

? Ah Lu's predecessors also think that this logic is a bit excessive, and you can't lose your character if you lose the game? Are the four-pointed stars of the new generation of Lihai University all such people?

Nioh was stunned for a moment, this attitude

, it seems that it is not them! Looking at Liu, Liu calmly concluded, "It seems that the murderer is someone else!" I

just don't know which person it is from the Ice Emperor.

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