"Leader, someone is here... Yes, that's right, it's the Lone Wolf!" The secretary quickly interjected, breaking the originally quiet atmosphere.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became silent.

Not long ago, Su Yue's "disguise mask" just expired.

He restored his original "lone wolf" identity and once again showed his iconic handsomeness from the appearance of an ordinary passerby.

Today, in Star City, there are only a handful of people who don't know that Su Yue is a "lone wolf".

The person in front of him who is called "leader" is Li Tong.

Even though Li Tong looks like a ball now, he once came from a poor background, was down-to-earth, and once had lofty ideals and ambitions.

Since Li Tong took office, he has frequently visited high-end consumer entertainment venues and enjoyed the treatment of luxury cars and for-profit escorts.

However, during the National Day holiday, his inappropriate behavior was secretly photographed by enthusiastic netizens and posted online, causing serious negative social impact.

Perhaps it was a coincidence of fate that the apocalypse suddenly came, and Li Tong became the only survivor in the compound.

This convinced him that he was the chosen one who would survive the catastrophe and would be blessed later, and he became even crazier.

Therefore, when Li Tong saw Su Yue as a lone wolf, his mind began to become active.

If you can recruit a lone wolf under your command, it will undoubtedly be a great feat!

Ignoring Xing Gang's dissuasion, Li Tong gave a slight signal, and Secretary Ma immediately stepped forward to greet him, calling repeatedly: "Mr. Lone Wolf! Mr. Lone Wolf!"

However, Su Yue turned a deaf ear and walked directly towards Xing Gang.

Xing Gang frowned slightly, confused by Su Yue's mysterious performance on the battlefield.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to clarify things with Su Yue.

Surprisingly, before Su Yue and Xing Gang could speak, Secretary Ma had already stepped forward and stood between them, showing an awe-inspiring righteousness.

He is extremely eager to show his worth in front of his leaders.

"Mr. Lone Wolf, this is our leader Li Tong, the supreme commander of the Star City Dragon Group. We sincerely invite you to join the Dragon Group and take over the position of Commander Xing!"

At the same time, Li Tong also stepped forward, stretched out his big hand, and said in a loud and bold voice: "Mr. Lone Wolf, I am Li Tong. Nice to meet you! As long as you are willing to join the Dragon Group, I guarantee your future..."

"Are you a bunch of worms worthy of calling yourself the Dragon Group?" Su Yue's tone was full of disdain and contempt.

Without waiting for any reaction from the other party, Su Yue instantly shot two arrows, accurately piercing their bodies and instantly losing their vitality.

In fact, Su Yue's negative impression of the Dragon Group mainly comes from those leaders who hold high positions but do nothing.

They occupy an important position but forget their responsibilities.

They had imagined various responses that the lone wolf might make, and even to their death they had never imagined the current outcome.

In the previous life, the Dragon Group stabilized the situation in China after the first martial arts conference.

The two were sentenced to death by the Dragon Team for not fulfilling their duties, and they were made public as negative teaching materials to remind other Dragon Team members to take a warning.

In Su Yue's eyes, this was just an early farewell to two people who were about to die.

"Pay attention to protection!" Xing Gang's order fell like thunder.

Several loyal subordinates stood in front of Su Yue without fear, even if it meant facing the threat of death.

However, several other subordinates fled the scene crazily like beasts driven by fear.

Xing Gang quickly cast a healing spell in an attempt to wake up the two people who had fallen into a coma, but his efforts were in vain.

But he was surprised to find that the lone wolf was too cunning.

The lone wolf's arrows were like Death's scythe. The two arrows were shot from different angles, but they hit the same target, severely cutting off their spines.

Anger flashed in Xing Gang's eyes. He activated the punishment halo and ordered everyone to take a defensive posture.

He roared angrily: "Lone Wolf, what on earth do you mean?"

Regarding the death of the two people, Xing Gang had no emotions in his heart, but felt a sense of relief.

Despite his gentle nature, the past few days have left him deeply exhausted.

Su Yue's criticism hit the mark. These people dared to call themselves the Dragon Group. This was undoubtedly a serious blasphemy against the dignity of the Dragon Group.

However, Xing Gang knew that as a member of the Dragon Group, even if he was dissatisfied, he must hold back. .

The lone wolf's behavior seems to be realizing for Xing Gang those wishes that he longs for but dare not put into practice.

However, the lone wolf openly killed people in front of everyone. Is this a blatant provocation to the dragon group?

But from his words, Xing Gang seems to feel that he hates iron for not being able to become steel?

Lone Wolf, Lone Wolf, what are your intentions?

"Come to Hua Chuang Building early tomorrow morning! Don't forget my reward!" Su Yue didn't answer, just said lightly, then turned and left.

To others, Hua Chuang Building may be just an ordinary building.

But for Xing Gang, its meaning couldn't be clearer.

Huachuang Building is the secret base of the Star City black group.

Xing Gang's eyes widened. Are they planning to take action tonight?

Su Yue really wanted to put all the credit for destroying the black group on Xing Gang.

Such achievements are enough to ensure that Xing Gang's position is stable. No matter whether Li Tong, Li Gang or Li Tie come to power in the future, they will not be able to shake him.

Until Su Yue's figure disappeared from sight, Xing Gang still stood there, deep in thought.

He knew very well how powerful the lone wolf was, and if they really joined the black group, they would have no chance of survival.

At this moment, he remembered Su Yue's parting instructions, so he took out the list Su Yue had given him on the battlefield in the afternoon from his pocket.

The supplies and consumables listed on the list are irrelevant. They are nothing more than a joke.

However, the lower half of the list was densely filled with names, including those who had just escaped.

Those two dazzling words - "undercover" pierced his eyes like sharp blades.

If they are all undercover, then the number is really staggering.

However, these key information were all gained by Su Yue in his previous life.

The reason why he gave these precious materials to Xing Gang was precisely because he admired Xing Gang's unwavering integrity and fairness.

There seems to be no one more suitable to be the leader of Star City than him.

However, how high he can reach in this life, he still needs to work hard to open up the future path.

Su Yue waved slightly, interrupted Xing Gang's possible response, and left directly.

"Captain Xing, how... how should we deal with these?" the soldier asked, with a hint of trembling in his voice.

Captain Xing glanced around and knew that the deserters had seen something they shouldn't have seen, and it was impossible to hide it.

He took a deep breath and said with firm eyes: "Report the truth, no need to hide anything!"

"Let's go back to camp as soon as possible. Early tomorrow morning, we will attack with all our troops and target the Huachuang Building! Remember, this matter is of great importance and we cannot leak a word in advance!"

After deciding on the solution, Xing Gang felt much relieved.

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