"In addition, these are only the property collected in the Xianbei Mansion. Because the cleaning time for Dragon City is too short, and the cleaning has not achieved obvious results for the time being, the property obtained from the cleaning has not been counted. If the cleaning can be successfully completed, Expect more than four billion gold for our trip! "

As if the shock was not enough, Chen Guan threw a bomb again!

"This is unreasonable! Xianbei people are so rich, and even their brains are flooded, and they are still going to plunder?" I heard that it is expected that there will be a harvest of four billion gold. Blurted out.

At the time, Shangyou Lubu said that the total assets of Xianbei people were conservatively estimated to be more than 10 billion yuan. This point was not a lie, but a reasonable estimate.

However, this is three parts from the left, the middle, and the right. The whole is Xianbei, the entire property of hundreds of millions of people. Although a dragon city is the capital of Xianbei, it cannot be so rich!

You should know that the money plundered by He in the Han dynasty was less than 400 million yuan, so he was about to let Helian go crazy. If He Lian really sits on more than two billion yuan, can he plunder south? Han people are not really bullying!

"Oh, let me explain this!"

However, I saw Liu Yi stand up with a light cough, "Sir, my robes, this time our army's harvest far exceeded expectations. The first point is the hero's wise, and the second is Tianzhu!"

Shang Ye also recovered this time, and waved with a smile: "Wait a while, I can understand God help, where am I wise?"

"The protagonist successfully recruited the deputy commander of the Xianbei Shaman Patriotic Army Cowardly. It is because of cowardice that we can find the Shaman's vault!"

"Treasury? You mean that the money was Shamanism? That's not right. Shamanism can't have that much money!" The influence of Shamanism in Xianbei is indeed strong, and it can be traced back to the Donghu period before the Huns.

But as a religion, shamanism is still attached to the secular government in essence. Once a true Xianbei Alliance adult is born, Shamanism can only lower its head and make a small way.

It can even be said that the comprehensive strength of either of Bibineng and Budugen is stronger than Shamanism. If the Shamanism can give out more than two billion gold, then he would have lifted the table and set up a country!

"This money is not taught by Shamanism. It can be said that we picked up a huge deal!" Then Liu Yi stopped selling the tricks and came to the bottom of the matter.

In the period when Xianbei was not unified, the struggle for rights within the Xianbei tribes was very cruel, and often ended with a complete failure of one side. Not only did the leader of the losing party fail to survive, but even his followers were dead.

This fierce struggle for rights naturally consumes Xianbei's ultimate strength, and Tan Shikui began to reform after the unification of the grasslands.

However, the Xianbei tradition is too deeply rooted, and even Tan Shikui cannot completely stop it. However, in order to reduce the internal friction, Tan Shikui and the tribal chiefs and leaders agreed to stipulate that in internal struggles, as long as one party acknowledges defeat, the winning party must not rush to kill it. The losing party must be allowed to leave with its close relatives and a small amount of property.

This is good for any Xianbei aristocracy. After all, no one can guarantee that he must be the winner of that struggle, so it can be successfully implemented.

This method effectively reduced the internal consumption of Xianbei, and also promoted the development of Xianbei's financial industry in disguise.

No one can guarantee that he has always been the winner, so everyone will store their main property while they are in power for emergency.

And who is the best place to save money? Of course, it is the Shamanism that has always maintained a neutral stance and has a profound influence and good strength throughout Xianbei!

Therefore, Shamanism also plays the role of "Swiss Bank" in Xianbei. Of the 2.8 billion gold, only about 200 million are Shamanism's own property, and the rest are collective deposits of all the nobles in Xianbei.

Shang Yang's attack on Dragon City was too sudden, and it took less than a day from the beginning of the battle to the end of the war. The Shamanism hurriedly retreated without having time to transfer property. Therefore, this unprecedented amount of deposit was completely exhausted by the Pingzhou Army!

The treasury where the shamanism had saved money was also a secret. Only a few people knew about shamanism. However, unfortunately Qin was one of those people, and even more unfortunately he was captured and forced to surrender!

"That is to say, this time we provoke all the real and humble nobles?"

"It's not all about 90%, and there are still a few Xianbei aristocrats who haven't saved money in Shamanism because of various reasons." Liu Yi shrugged and said quite joyously.

"Oh, it doesn't look too bad."

Shang Ye can already imagine the crazy scene after the Xianbei nobles knew that their half-life savings had been burned by him. In order to regain their property, or to spend a total of 2.8 billion yuan of funds, the entire prairie is staring at greedy eyes, trying to divide themselves!

The Sirius Convocation Order is estimated to be the most convened in history and the most active!

But in response to that sentence, man-made fortune, birds for food, and fat that has reached his mouth cannot be spit out. In the end, who is the prey and who is the hunter?

"Everyone, you have heard the specifics. We have two paths to take next. First, we will immediately abandon Longcheng and return to the school quickly with the currently harvested property; Withdraw your troops again, everybody has any opinions! "

Everyone heard the words and became silent immediately. In this case, it was obviously more cost-effective to walk away from the city. After all, a huge total of 2.8 billion gold assets, as long as it can successfully return to Pingzhou, this battle is worth losing!

However, choosing the first route has a feeling of running away, which is inconsistent with the usual combat style of the Pingzhou Army.

In addition, Chen Guan just said that if the entire Longcheng can be cleaned up, the total harvest is expected to exceed 4 billion gold, and at the same time, the heart of the city of Wangcheng level, massive building materials, and drawings.

In the face of these temptations, no one can easily say a word.

Greed is the original sin!

"General, can you say a few words?" After being silent for a while, the first to speak was Guo Jia who had not spoken in the past.

"Please tell Fengxiao!"

"Generals, gentlemen." Guo Jia stood up and arched his hands to the people present, and continued: "In my humble opinion, in this battle, we should and must adhere to Dragon City until Dragon City is completely destroyed!"

As soon as Guo Jia spoke, she attracted everyone's mind. Although no one had spoken before, most people tended to retreat immediately when they saw good, so as to avoid the result of stealing chicken without losing rice.

"I choose to stick to it. I can understand it, but why do you have to stick to it? Is it still harmful to our army to give up Dragon City now?"

"General, and listen to the children one by one for the generals!" Although Jia Jia was just fifteen, she has already begun to have the appearance of a ghost. In the face of skepticism, instead of panicking, she talked.

"Dare to ask General, what is the strategic goal of our army in this battle?"

"Destroy Xianbei, relieve the northern borders, and plunder to enrich yourself." Without any hesitation, Shang Ye said the strategic goals of the trip.

"In the opinion of the general, if we evacuate Longcheng now, can we achieve this strategic goal?"

Without waiting for Shang Ye to answer, Guo Jia continued to take care of himself: "As far as the boy knows, the general was at the northern expedition of Xianbei at this time, taking advantage of the Xianbei civil unrest, and also hitting all the broken ideas. Is it wrong? "


Shang Yan frowned, and said intently. He had roughly guessed what Guo Jia was going to say.

"Now returning to the school, I have not only missed the perfect opportunity to eliminate Xianbei, but also have more serious consequences waiting for us. Please forgive me, Xianbei has a vast territory and no less than ten million armored string control personnel. Xianbei's civil strife is cheap. I am afraid that the generals may not be able to fight Xianbei. As far as comprehensive strength is concerned, Xianbei is still above Pingzhou. "

Although everyone was dissatisfied when they heard that, they also had to admit that Guo Jia was justified, and that Pingzhou is really better than Xianbei when it comes to ultimate strength.

Guo Jia ignored the look of all the people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ continued: "This time the battle of Xianbei in the Northern Expedition went smoothly, for two reasons. One was the Xianbei internal fighting, which gave us the opportunity. The two are General Lu. , General Gongsun, Ding Shishi and other allies helped.

If the general returns with huge sums at this time, how will he get along with several allies? Several generals are asking for loot. Will the general give or not? How much do you give? These can live forever.

In addition, after the death of Helian, Xianbei was in a state of fragmentation. Now that the generals are carrying huge sums of money, under the temptation of huge funds, the Xianbei people will temporarily suspend their internal struggles and go after the generals to seize their property. It can be said that to a certain extent, the general helped the Xianbei complete the temporary reunification.

With 2.8 billion yuan, such an astronomical figure, I am afraid that Xianbei will not give up even if it catches up with Pingzhou. Can the General sincerely use the power of Pingzhou to compete against the tens of thousands of eager red-eyed troops? With the current situation of Han Dynasty, the court rescue should not be thought about. Even then there will be no fewer robbers in the fire. Ding Yuan, Gongsun Yun, and others can transform from allies to enemies in an instant, and Han Yun and Yuan Shao will certainly not mind biting a piece of meat from the general!

Oh, by the way, I heard that the general and the exotic kingdom Lee's Korean regent Xu Yangjun (Park Yin) also had a puppet? It is estimated that this Xu Yangjun will not give up this good opportunity for revenge. When the time comes to attack, will the general be able to carry it? "

"No, no ... as for?"

Guo Jia sweated the head of the crowd with a few words, and Su Shi said a little babble.

Guo Jia turned around and smiled, showing a row of white teeth to Su Shi, bowed and said, "Where did General Su think the boy was wrong? Please correct me!"

"This ... this ..." Su Shi was speechless for a moment, stuttering, speechless, think carefully, the scenario described by Guo Jia is very likely to happen!

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