Half a month passed in a hurry, and the canonization ceremony of the beasts of the kingdom of the kingdom gradually approached.

Invitations have also been sent out. Although time is short, many forces in Suzaku's face still promise to send someone to watch the ceremony.

Different from the last World Martial Arts Convention, this time the Suzaku Book Ceremony also attracted many great scholars. Shang Ye also received with high standard etiquette, and at the same time he was planning whether to take the opportunity to conquer a few, so as to supplement the misery of Pingzhou scribes.

Because the time was too tight, few of the princes were present in person, but most of them sent their henchmen to come.

Liu Bei sent Jian Yong, the most conspiring counselor, with Zang Ba as a guard. Cao Cao dispatched Cheng Yu, a top conspirator who had recently been subordinated, along with Xia Houyi.

Dong Zhuo's ambassador is Jia Yan, an old acquaintance. I don't know if I'm afraid. Hua Xiong, who was beaten by Shang Yang last time, didn't come. It came from Zhang Xiu, the North Gun King!

Han Xun dispatched Ju, and the same old acquaintance Geng Wu also came.

Yuan Shao sent Xun and Yan Liang. It should be noted that this Xun was a brother-in-law relationship. The only merit in history was that Hu You Han gave up Jizhou to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shu sent the only military general Ji Ling who could take it out, along with a historical conspirator named Yang Hong.

Sun Jian was interesting and sent out the 13-year-old Sun Ce. Of course, Sun Ce was assisted by a Han Dang.

Well, the future Xiaoba Wang is simply insightful. The real person is Han Dang.

Kong Rong sent Wu Anguo, and the representative of Ding Yuan was still public. Gongsun Sun sent a combination of Guan Jing and Yan Gang, which is considered very important from Gongsun Sun's point of view.

For some reason, Lu Zhi refused to attend the ceremony. Shang Yan speculated that it might be because Lu Zhi was completely disappointed in himself.

Originally, Lu Zhi attached great importance to Shang Yang and regarded it as his main ally against Dong Zhuo in the future. However, Shang Yang's warlords became more and more obvious, and Lu Zhi became more and more disappointed.

Speaking of which, Lu Zhi's situation is getting worse. Although he is powerful, he is still far behind Dong Zhuo. Moreover, the tendency of the princes to become independent is becoming more and more obvious. Even if Dong Zhuo Dahan is removed, it is almost over!

Seeing that the situation is getting worse, Lu Zhi has no way to stop it, which is torture for his true loyal minister.

According to the news from Qianxian, Luzhou, a native of Hezhou, was very old. Lu Zhi, who was just in his forties, was just in his forties. From the appearance, he looked like a 60-year-old man.

Shang Yang can only sigh for this. Speaking of conscience, Lu Zhi was very good to himself, but unfortunately he has embarked on another path.

Shang Ye is also very pessimistic about Lu Zhi's future.

Everyone is a betrayer who betrays the big man. Only you Lu Zhi is a good and loyal courtier. This distortion of feelings makes the vassals more and more alienated and indifferent to Lu Zhi.

If Lu Zhi now started to discuss Dong Yanwen, it would be hard to say how much the world's princes can respond.

Compared with Lu Zhi's unfriendly human being, Lu Bu, who is also a half-subordinate of Lu Zhi, is more face-faced. Immediately after receiving the invitation, Zhang Liao personally came to watch the ceremony.

Lu Bu was also the only influence leader who came personally.

In addition, there is a very special presence among the guests-Cai Yan!

Cai Yan is here on behalf of Liu!

This is very interesting. Everyone in the world knows that Liu Bian is the puppet in Dong Zhuo's hands, and Cai Qiao was the first group to join Dong Zhuo.

As a result, Cai Yan became the messenger of Liu Bian and entered Xiangping one after the other with Jia Yan. This had to make other ideas come to mind.

Of course, the above guests are just representatives of the famous princes, and many young princes who are unknown in history have also sent representatives.

There are more than 200 counties in the Han Dynasty, each county's county guard and even each county's county decree has the potential to become princes, and the addition of players has greatly strengthened this trend. The princes of all sizes are everywhere.

Even many princes were originally composed of a bunch of small princes. There is no fight now, just because these great princes such as Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao, Han Yan, Shang Yang and others are still trying to rectify the internal situation.

Once the accumulation is completed, it will definitely be a raging battle!

People with a bit of vision can see this trend, so many people are taking the opportunity to find a place to stay.

For example, the well-known Xichuan College also sent a representative. The person who came was Xiyou, a six-year-old nephew!

It is said that this ceremony will soon become an internal gathering of the Clan family, which also illustrates the clan strength of the Clan family from the side! .

Xiu You first attended the Ceremony of the Book of Divine Beasts and came to observe the ceremony. Secondly, it can be said that the real mission is to discuss the establishment of the Xichuan College in Pingzhou.

This place in Xichuan is good, and people of all sorts are born, and to a certain extent it can be said that Xichuan has always played the role of the manipulator behind the Empire.

However, it is not safe!

Qiuchuan is located in the middle of Huaxia District, surrounded by Ma Pingchuan. Before the Yellow Turban Uprising, Qichuan was one of the hardest hit areas.

According to the historical process, the later Qichuan was also disaster-prone, and the well-known Qichuan Academy was even destroyed in the flames of war.

Several large families in Xichuan began to search for a way forward. Looking around Huaxia District, they found that the highest safety factor was Pingzhou ruled by Shang Yang!

How can the Gongsundu family rely on Liaodong for so many years in history? Relying on the superior geographical environment of Liaodong! A large number of people spontaneously went to Liaodong to avoid war. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ provided a large number of talents for the construction of Liaodong. Although there are few real top talents, a lot of junior and intermediate talents are caught!

Now Shang Yang has finally enjoyed this kind of benefit.

According to Yan You, as long as Shang Yang nodded, the major families in Xichuan will set up a separate house in Pingzhou and send some ethnic groups to migrate to Pingzhou. Xichuan College will also set up a branch in Pingzhou to divert some of the students from the academy to Pingzhou.

According to Qiu You, he represents dozens of large and small families headed by the four major families: Xi, Chen, Han, and Zhong.

These four great families are incredible, and the Clan will not talk about it. The Chens have Chen Qun, the Zhongshi has Zhonglu, and they are all S-level top talents. The lowest-known Han family also has a Han Rong, who is a high-ranking official of the Jiuqing class who is a great dynasty in the dynasty!

Of the remaining families, large and small, although the energy is not as big as the four families of Qichuan, they add up to a powerful force that Dong Zhuo has to focus on!

If all these families moved to Pingzhou, Shang Yang's strength would immediately have an explosive increase. Even if only a few side lines come, it can greatly improve the overall strength of Pingzhou.

However, in the face of this temptation, Shang Ye did not dare to agree easily.

Family gate, this is a troublesome thing for the ruler!

In real history, to a certain extent, it can be said that the Eastern Han Dynasty died in the hands of the family gatekeepers.

To a large extent, Jin's weakness and corruption can also be attributed to the expansion of the family's gatekeepers.

You know, the endless poisonous Jiuzhengzhengzheng system was created by the Chen family and Chen Qun.

For a while, Shang Yang was in a tangled relationship!

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