The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 65: Sword fight

In the two days after   , the interior of Xinghuo seemed extraordinarily calm. Although there was a company commander of the emperor’s son who was added to the ship ten thousand years ago, all the fighting brothers have already understood.

   But before Soshyang expressed his opinion, they could only hold their own thoughts in their hearts.

   is still daily training and prayer, but in this mechanically boring life, there are many more combat brothers who go to the archives to check information than in the past.

   Soshyang certainly knows why everyone suddenly became "reading".

   But he has no better way, he can only wait.

   During this time, Thor has stayed in his cabin, never went out, never let anyone in, not even the servant.

   Finally, when the timer jumped to zero o'clock on the third day of the standard Terra time, the door of Sol's cabin opened.

   He went straight to the archives, where Soshyan and Brother Said were already waiting for him.

   When he saw Sol Taviz reappearing after the door opened, Soshyan was a little surprised.

  The warrior who was a man on the hulk, now in his damaged armor, looks like a withered and shriveled corpse abandoned on the battlefield, dispirited and tranced.

   Those scrolls and books that were flipped through are in his arms.

   In front of the desk where the company Thor walked step by step, he put the files on it, and then turned to the fearlessness in front of the lecture table.

   "I never thought that the empire turned out to be like this."

   "No one expected it."

   "Perhaps as the commander of war once said, he will eventually leave us, but I did not expect that the fate of the empire will continue in such a cruel and tragic way..."

   "Fate is a cunning enemy."

   "Yes, fate is indeed a cunning enemy."

   Then there was another silence, and then Thor said to Soshyan:

   "Sorry, I concealed something from you. I already knew the ending of the Battle of Terra. The last moment in my memory is not M31.014, but M36.097."

   "Then how did you appear on that hulk."

   Thor was silent, obviously unwilling to answer.

   Soshyang looked at Brother Said, but the other party raised his arm and motioned him not to speak yet.

   "The empire you know is beyond recognition, Sol Taviz, are you determined, let us end this boring mystery."

   Brother Said took out the brass ball again.

   "That's it."

   Thor took the brass ball, and then gently squeezed the button above, and then accompanied by a beam of light, a light green three-dimensional image appeared above the copper yellow ball.

In the image of   , a beast-headed eagle body, two-winged and four-legged dark gold badges are slowly rotating, and rows of fine text appear below.

   Saul, who was originally a little slumped, saw the first line of text, and the copper ball almost fell off with a shake of his hand.

  As the text gets more and more, the expression on his face becomes more complicated, and his brows become more crowded.

   In the process, no one spoke, and the archives were surrounded by deathly silence. Only the slight buzzing of the servo skull as it drifted by proved that time was still flowing here.

   Until ten minutes later, Sol closed the brass ball.

"you guys……"

   He glanced at Soshyan and Brother Said, hesitated for a long time but didn't know what to say.

   "Presumably you have already got the answer."

   Brother Said retracted the brass ball, and the voice in the speaker became low.

   "You have come into contact with a secret that even the Primarchs have to forget, Captain Sol."

   "I also thought about what happened to the two groups that disappeared."

   Thor took a deep breath, calming down his tumbling mood.

   "But I would never expect that one day I will encounter the survivors and descendants of the Vanishing Legion. To be honest, I regret it a little, these memories are not a good thing."

   "You already know."

   The shriveled laughter of Brother Said echoed in the archives.

   "Can't look back."

   Thor shook his head.

"it's not true."


"I still cannot be sure of the authenticity of everything you say. Your plan is not so much a plan, but more like a conspiracy. The Death Eagle may no longer exist, but it does not mean that we give up fighting the Emperor’s enemy. , No matter what the situation."

   As he said, Saul glanced at Soshyan, his skeptical gaze hurt him deeply.

"Do not!"

   Soshyan tightened his hand armor, then untied Thor's sword from his waist and smashed it on the table.

   "If you doubt our loyalty, then use a sword to solve it! If you defeat me, then you can go anywhere you want."

"it is good."

   Thor decisively picked up the sword on the table.

   A duel broke out, and the soldiers who received the news quickly concentrated on the training ground. They did not know what had happened.

However, the duel between the two fighters will not end because of doubt. When everyone gathered, Soshyan and Thor were already standing on the metal arena, and both took off their power armor and put on training uniforms. .

   Sol faced Soshyan sideways, raised his sword in his right hand, and entered the battle in a very freehand posture.

   Soshyang held the sword in both hands, held it on his right shoulder, and slowly approached his opponent.

   The vault of the training ground suddenly appeared unusually quiet, and the two fighters surrounded each other, looking for flaws in the opponent's defense.

   There is nothing more to say, all this can only end in blood.

   Without warning, Soshyang rushed towards Thor, and the Saint Yan sword stabs forward, trying to take advantage of the length of the weapon to preemptively.

   But when he launched the attack, Thor had already anticipated his actions.

   The emperor's son flashed aside, the hilt of the sword swung down, and the Sacred Yan sword was shot away from the front.

   Then, Saul lowered his body, avoiding Soshyang's turning and swinging a sword at his head.

   The Sacred Yan sword only slashed into the air. In the next second, Thor slammed Soshyang's side with his elbow, staggering him back several steps.


   Soshyang stood firmly, anticipating that the opponent would immediately counterattack, and hurriedly distanced himself from his opponent, but Thor just smiled and circulated lightly beside him.

   When Soshyang judged the direction of the opponent's attack, the opponent suddenly took a step and rushed to The long sword pierced Soshyang's abdomen like a fluttering poisonous snake.

   Soshyang blocked the blow, turned his wrist so that his sword was pressed against Thor's blade, and swung towards his neck.

   But the veteran once again anticipated this move ten thousand years ago and quickly avoided his attack.

   Seeing that the sword skills of the two sides are too far apart, Soshyang can only drive the gray marrow in his body again.


   Feeling the chill rising from the depths of the soul, Saul narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he knew what was happening to Soshyang, and then adjusted his posture, with the tip of the sword facing downwards and the blade facing Soshyang diagonally.

   Taking a deep breath, feeling the cold rushing in the blood, Soshyang suddenly launched a counterattack.

   The Sacred Flame Sword then forced Thor to retreat step by step in a flash of steel vortex.

   "A warrior should not rely too much on power that is not his own."

   Thor shook his head, parried a stab at his lower abdomen, and then twisted his body to lay out a lightning-like counterattack towards his opponent.

   This blow was very tricky, and it was almost impossible to appear at an angle.

   Soshyang saw the blade pierce through the air and tried to avoid him, but he still felt the blade bite into his body in a burst of pain.

   The opponent grasped the strength just right, but pierced his training uniform and his skin.

   Soshyang retreated quickly, blood flowing along the hem of the training uniform, and then the chill in his blood helped him shield his pain.

   and his opponent pressed forward with a disappointed expression.

   "If this is your highest level, Soshyan, then you might as well give up now."

   "I was just about to say this to you, Sol."

   Soshyang gasped, and raised his sword again.

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