The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 58: Demon Ship (4)

"this is……"

   Soshyang felt a little bit, and turned his head and found that at the end of the fork on the right, there was a closed air gate. The gate was full of claw marks and nicks, and there were many indescribable words and images.

   Intuitively told Soshyang that the life signal was probably sent from behind the door.

   What's more terrible is that tide-like monsters appeared before and after them, only the direction of the door is safe.

"This way!"

   There is no more choice, Soshyang can only lead the team straight to the airlock.

   After arriving, he discovered that the door was actually locked from the outside. Seeing the chaotic creation surging from behind, Soshyang immediately ordered his soldiers to twist the heavy wheel.

With the painful creak of metal and the harsh friction, the thick metal door that has been sealed in dust for an unknown number of years slowly opened a gap. Soshyang looked inside, but there was only a thick darkness. The visual instrument cannot penetrate either.

   "Go in!"

   After waved his hand to let the soldiers get in one by one, Soshyang smashed the three monsters that came up with a sword, then slid into it sideways and pushed the door forcefully.

   It's strange to say that after the creatures closed the door, there was no movement.

   Dead silence enveloped the entire squad. Everyone wielded weapons and used tactical flashlights to dispel the endless darkness.

This space seemed to have been a prison. Everyone walked on a spacious avenue, with separate rooms on both sides. Most of them were composed of metal fences as thick as arms. Some of them were damaged and broken metal pipes were scattered. Ground.

   There was a large amount of dust suspended in the air motionless, but when everyone passed by, a turbulent air flow was set off, which seemed to restore the flow of the originally stagnant time.


   Almin’s voice sounded in the channel, and everyone looked in the direction of his tactical flashlight and found a wreck.

   A wreck of Astarte.

   Soshyang stepped forward and cautiously provoked the corpse with his sword. The gray veins on his face had disappeared. Now he no longer possesses the powerful anti-Asian space force, so he must pay special attention.

   After confirming that there is no danger, he squatted down and checked it carefully.

   This is actually a power armor that is almost empty. There are only some rotten bones in the armor. Obviously, the time in this place is not completely stagnant.

   Judging from the scarlet color of the power armor and the faintly visible badge on the shoulder armor, this corpse should be a word bearer. The cause of his death came from a penetrating injury on the face of the helmet.

   Soshyang speculated that based on the width and thickness of the wound on the opponent's helmet, it was a sword, a sharp broad-bladed sword, that killed him.

   And the attacker started very cleanly, very quickly, a sword pierced without any unnecessary movements, the entire wound was completely attached to the blade, without any cracks around it.

   A terrible killer.

   Soshyang stood up, with some doubts in his heart, this was on the battleship of the word bearer, and then they were killed.

   The prisoners in this prison rioted?

   Still encountered a jump-to-gang battle?

   Keeping these questions in mind, Soshyang knows that now is not the time to explore the secrets, and the blasting time set by the hot melt bomb will soon come.

   Just thinking of this, Soshyang felt a trembling from the soles of his boots.

   The melting bomb has been activated.


   Not only Soshyang, all the interstellar warriors felt this tremor, and the tremor became more and more severe, as if the entire battleship was beginning to crack.


   Seeing that the goal was achieved, Soshyang didn't do what he wanted, and immediately led the team to look for other exits.

   They went all the way, past the cage area, and unexpectedly found a door at the other end of the cabin.

   But the star soldiers raised their guns.

   Because they all noticed that there was a shadow curled up in the corner about thirty meters to the right of the gate.

   When everyone turned their target, including the tactical flashlight, to the shadow, it moved.

   With incredible speed, that thing came straight to Soshyang's team with a heavy step.


   No need for more words, the muzzle of the star warriors' explosive guns flickered with flames, but their bullets were all left behind that thing without exception, it was too fast.

   In the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of hundreds of meters and reached Soshyang.

   Soshyang raised his hand, and the Sacred Yan sword pierced the thing like a thunder, but then he hurriedly heard a huge force in his hand.

   His sword was missed.

   Sparks flickered in the dark cabin for half a second, and then Soshyang felt something coming straight to his door.

   The death state of that speaker immediately jumped into his mind.

   In order to prevent himself from becoming the second corpse that fell to the ground, he twisted his wrist, and the Sacred Yan sword drew a semicircle in front of him, trying to open the weapon.

   But he miscalculated.

   The threat in front of him suddenly disappeared, but something pressed against his chest.


The six interstellar warriors next to Soshyang immediately pointed their guns at the thing opposite their captain. Under the strong light of the tactical flashlight, a crack appeared in the burqa on Soshyang’s power armor and then fell to the ground. Exposed the shiny eagle emblem on the chest.

   A broad-bladed sword that was as bright as new, the sharp point of the sword stopped in front of the eagle emblem.

   At this time everyone saw that the attacker was an interstellar warrior!

   Or it looks like an interstellar warrior.

   This man has the body shape of a star warrior, with long, long, gray hair that is unkempt as weeds, extending to the elbows and even covering his entire face.

   He is still wearing a set of damaged power armor, but it is hard to see the original Even the power backpack is full of metal pieces, only vaguely recognizing that the power armor seems to be purple.

"who are you?"

   After a moment of silence, Soshyan and the mysterious star warrior spoke at the same time.

   Then there was another silence.

   "This is Soshyan Arikshe, the commander of the Astral Knights."

   In the end, it was Soshyang who reported himself first.

   But after the person listened, there was no response, and the sword did not let go.

   Soshyang can feel it, as long as the other party is willing, this sword can immediately pierce his heart.

"lay down your weapon!"

   Almin couldn't help it anymore, and pointed his gun at the head of the mysterious star warrior, and yelled at him.

"you guys……"

   Then, from the hidden face, a ghostly hoarse voice floated.

   "...... Which legion does it belong to."

   Everyone, look at me, I look at you, for a while, I don’t know how to answer, but in the end Soshyan said:

   "We are the sons of Don."

   "Dorn...The Fist of the Empire."

   The man let out a long sigh, and it was difficult for Soshyang to understand the complex emotions contained in it.

   Then, he retracted the sword.

   "So, Tyra, are you holding it."

   "Who are you?"

   Facing the strange words, Soshyang had a guess in his heart, but he was not sure, after all, it sounded incredible.

   And that person finally confirmed his guess.

   Directly the opponent plunged the sword into the ground, and pulled the hair on his face with both hands, revealing a face that was full of dirt but still handsome.

   "Third Army, Tenth Company Commander, Sol Taviz."

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