The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 68: Sijingping (4)

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Liangzhou City is fighting fiercely, and the Uighur soldiers who attacked the city slap on the wall like sea water, wave after wave, as if endless. If it was only about momentum, Mo would not say a city, even Xiongshan would be overthrown.

However, Liangzhou City has always stood on the ground. Although it is not a mountain, it is stronger than the ordinary high mountains. Despite the wind and waves, there is no sign of collapse, it is like a giant, copper-bonded and iron-bone, regardless of hurricane and lightning.

The improved version of the instrument bed crossbow on the city head, each time an avalanche-like roar sounded, dozens of blue-colored ghosts rushed into the ocean of Uighur soldiers rushing towards the city, forming a wave like a sail, straight Out of blood scarcity.

Facing the strong bow and crossbow clouds covering the sky and covering the sun, the Uyghur monks who rushed to the city head often stood unsteadily and would be chopped to the ground by the city's ready-made monk Tang Jun. As for ordinary Uighur fighters, they will keep falling from the city like dumplings, densely like rain.

The scene was extraordinarily spectacular and brutal.

Such fighting has been going on in Liangzhou City for a long time, so that Nangong No. 1 is numb.

When the Uighur army attacked the city, it was surrounded by three and one. Not far from the wall without the Uighur army formation, there was a lone mountain. The first palace of Nangong is now on the top of the lone mountain, standing with a sword.

He is in a bad mood.

Because in front of him stood a Uyghur monk who was dressed up to the extreme and was dressed in pearl jewels.

In Nangong's first glance, whether it is the other person's tan curly hair, the full-faced beard, or the other person's deep outlines, he feels the chill and aversion from his heart.

This is a real alien, and the alien can be seen at a glance.

As the former chief of the Great Tang Qin Astronomical Superintendent, Nangong, who led the Central Plains Dao Tong, although nominally, existed, and was extremely disgusted with such aliens.

Especially when the other party does not show their respect and submission to themselves.

"Give up, Nangong first! You are destined to be invincible to me. On the land where the glory of the **** of light shines, the followers of the Ming religion are invincible! The enemies of the **** of light have only two choices, either surrender and be our Brothers, brothers and feet, either die. "

The monk Hui Hui waved his open arms, and the range of motion was exaggerated. "And you, Nangong No. 1, the wise Tang, I hope you choose the former. You are so handsome and powerful, me, the God of Light is the strongest Believers, Medicine Grosita, don't want you to be a bunch of meaningless bones ... "

Nangong's first complexion changed from red to purple, and finally he couldn't help it, and spit on the other side.

His sword, let alone hit the opponent, let alone drool.

Since the Liangzhou war entered a stalemate, although the generals of the two armies fought day and night, both Li Xian and Uighur Khan knew that it would be difficult for the two sides to separate the victory and defeat in a short time. At such times, finding other ways to obtain fighters and seek victory has become a matter for both sides to consider.

In the end, the two sides chose inconsistently-fighting generals.

In the traditional sense of fighting, the two armies set off their battles, and each of them played a single fight before the battle, until one of them was killed, and no bravery dare to come forward.

The winning or losing of the generals has a direct bearing on the morale of the generals of the two armies, which greatly affects the outcome of a war. Although the fighting in reality is different from that in the romance, it only appears in some specific cases, but it does exist.

For example, the battle of Liangzhou.

The difference is that now the two sides are fighting not the generals, but the strongest monks.

The first Nangong played on behalf of Liangzhou, and the medicine Grosita was the most powerful Uyghur monk.


The strength of the monk has the ability to influence the outcome of the war. Such a single fight is not without reason.

However, the strength of the two is almost the same. A fierce battle is played every day for dozens of days.

For Nangong First, who has been pursuing the invincible realm of heaven and earth, this is undoubtedly unacceptable. Not to mention that the other party is still an alien, one that doesn't differ much from the wild in his eyes.

"Oh, my dear friend, your move is really a way of losing strength, disappointing the drug Grosita. Do you already know that Tang Jun has no hope of victory in this war, so you can only become so angry that Meaningful rudeness? "

Medicine Grosita said, dancing with a flamboyant and proud smile.

Nangong first turned his head and spit again, his expression gloomy: "You know how to be a barbarian, it's really annoying like a fly, let me die!"

The words did not fall, he had stabbed out with a sword.

"Enlighten yourself, Nangong first, you have no chance to beat me, surrender is your only option!" Medicine Grosita waved his machete to meet without fear.

Seeing that they were going to start a fierce battle all day, at the same time, they found that an extraordinary strong man suddenly appeared behind each other. This made both of them shrink their pupils, closed their killing moves and stared at each other alertly.

Appearing behind Nangong Li was Li Xian.

Standing next to the medicine Grosita, it was the Uro Khan medicine Grolu.

"Dear Khan, why are you here?" The smile on Yaogrosita's face disappeared. "Are you doubting the strength of Yaogrosita? Do you think I can't beat Nangong first?"

Yaoluo Luolu did not directly answer the question of the strongest monk in Mingjiao, but looked at Li Xian with a smile. "This general, presumably you have also heard the shocking news, so you are in a hurry to inform the chief of Nangong. Want him to withdraw from Liangzhou City? "

Li Xian stood with his hands up, his eyebrows indifferent, Xiao Suo's figure as usual, a faint whisper, and no answer.

Nangong turned his head and asked strangely, "What's the news?"

Before Li Xian opened his mouth, Yaoluo Luoxi laughed proudly, "Nangong Chief, you are truly extraordinary. It is commendable to fight against the first believer of the God of Light in the world. It is commendable, but there are What is it for? There are many factors that determine the outcome of a war, and the strength of high-end monks is just one of them.

"Now, there are more than one hundred thousand returning Jingjing riders, who have already reached the back of Liangzhou and launched an operation that will determine the outcome of the war! You, you will soon be defeated!"

Hearing this, Nangong couldn't help but hesitated, and then he sneered again, disdaining: "Brave bragging also has to say something. Our defense line is as strong as a barrier. Even if you have cavalry who can penetrate in small groups, at most it is Thousands of people. More than 100,000 fine rides? You really are not afraid to bite your tongue! "

The medicine Luoluo Lu looked more proud.

Immediately impatient with Nangong, he smiled grimly: "Your army, you should have received the news that the food road was attacked, and you have dispatched the best to solve the problem. But the latest news I received shows that Your cavalry with only 3,000 people has fallen into the siege of 30,000 people!

"The cavalry of the Guiyi Army will never have a chance to survive! And Lingzhou City, which has already exhausted its main force to support Liangzhou City, should have been conquered, that is to say, your backyard has caught fire and your aid has been exhausted! You said, can you be undefeated? "

Nangong first looked at medicine Luoluo as a fool.

He wanted Li Xian to taunt each other.

But Li Xian didn't.

He waited for a while and looked back puzzledly, but saw that Li Xian was somber.

This made him nervous.

"It seems my task is completed." Yao Grosita had a smile on her face again, and looking at Nangong's first look was like looking at a playful ant.

This made Nangong's first face flushed. "Non-sense!"

Yaoluo Luolu glanced at Li Xian and said, "This general, why don't you tell Nangong the chief facts?"

In Nangong's first and tense eyes, Li Xian said lightly: "One thing, you are wrong."

"Oh? What's wrong with us?" Asked Gero Lulu, who thought he was in possession.

Li Xian said: "The victory and defeat of Liangzhou is not with us, nor with you."

Yaoluo Luolu laughed: "Where else?"

"The decision to win the battle against Tang in the world is the situation of Youyun's front line. To put it simpler, it is King Tang An-Li Zhi!" Li Xian said this loudly.

"Li Zhi?" Yaoluo Luolu laughed, "He is a young boy who hasn't reached the age yet, and you're expecting him?"

Speaking of which, he stared, "Don't think that I don't know who you are, Li Xian! You are also a generation, you should know that young people are always unstable, rigorous, and prone to impulse. You think that The outcome of the war will be determined by Li Yan!

"Compared to Ben Khan, he is just a hairy kid! In the battle of Liangzhou, Ben Khan has a winning ticket, and you will be defeated by the army immediately! By this time, you, Li Xian, still have no idea ? "

Li Xian did not argue with him, but looked at Yaolu Luolu with sarcasm and compassion.

This kind of gaze made medicine Luoluo Luo angry.

But before he said anything, the two monks rushed to Gushan from different directions in the east, and came to the front of Yaoluoluyu and Lixian respectively.

When the monk Huiyi saw the first presence of Nangong, his eyes changed, and he whispered a few words with medicine Luoluo.

The monk of Datang directly exclaimed: "The chief of Nangong, the Changning army rushed from Youyun to Liangzhou, and it was only thirty miles away from Liangzhou city! Yu Linjun defeated Lingbai in Lingzhou, And rescued General Zhang Zhixing in Wolf Valley, and he is coming at full speed now! "

When Nangong first heard this, he was very surprised, "Li Li won in Youyun?"

"Great victory! Yeluabaoji surrendered and arbitrated, the Khitan kingdom was destroyed!"

Nangong couldn't hold it anymore, looked up and laughed.

Comparatively speaking, Li Xian is more calm. He looks blankly at the drastically changed medicine Geluoluo and Medicine Grosita. "Now, you should believe what I say? Although Li Ye is young, he is not ordinary. Young man, he is heavier than our bad old men, and he has ten times more drive than us. "

Yaoluo Luolu pointed at Li Xian, his eyes widened, his body trembling, and he tried to refute, but could not speak.

Facts speak louder than words.

Medicine Grosita is also a mournful look. He only now understands that he has been fighting with Nangong First for so long. To this day, it is not that the task has been completed, but everything has been done in vain, which is an unobjectionable joke.

He was the ant who should be mocked.

And all this is because of Li Zhi's victory in Youyun!

"The future always belongs to young people."

Li Xianliang stepped out of his sword and looked at Yaolu Luolu, suddenly his face became as tough as iron. "The future of the Western Regions belongs to Tang. As for you, the world has no place for you, so you can only go to hell! "

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