The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 8 Chapter 43: Fight over

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Because Warwick fled to Huairong Camp with a serious injury, Zhang Changan learned the news of the defeat of the abdomen in the first place, which made him tremble with excitement. After struggling to calm his breath, he quickly went to discuss it. The next action.

"When Warwick returned, he had two breaths left and said whether he could hold on. If he came back with him, there were several Qidan monks who practiced high spirits. They looked like they were going to die. This What does it say?

"The monks who did not have God to escape fled to birth. Warwick didn't even have the will to follow the soldiers, but imagine how thoroughly they were defeated!"

Zhang Changan used boxing palms, his eyes scalded out his speculations, "I know that the Shangguan general will win! With the help of our Chang'an Xiu Academy, the belly must be gone!"

"Excellent, wonderful!" Buchen is also very happy, "Our opportunity is here! The defeat of the abdominal heart will inevitably affect the heart of the Qidan Army in Luzhou. Under such circumstances, even if it is caused by the enemy, it will cause panic in the entire army. It is not impossible. The rations of the grassland tribe army have been completely lost, and we should immediately take action to make them fall apart! "

Although Zhang Chang'an was uncomfortable, his experience of **** battles calmed him down quickly.

He Shen said: "We must proceed carefully according to our previous plan, and we must not let Yerlezhnech find out, otherwise we humans cannot be guaranteed!"

Nodded cleanly: "This is nature."

Eye-broken Yerut-Renech couldn't believe his ears. After confirming again and again three times, he had to accept the fact that Yelu Hongguang was almost completely annihilated. This filled his eyes with horror, and even the rare warrior on the grassland couldn't help falling into the seat.

The abdominal heart was defeated, and the death and injuries were exhausted. At any time, it was unbelievable for the general of the abdominal heart of Yerlezhnech, which is a disaster that destroys the heavens and the earth. He has no sin!

His end is not only his own disgrace and intolerance, but also his relatives will be implicated!

In the context of the national war with the Tang Dynasty, the Qidan Army of Luzhou has lost the most elite combat power in the abdomen. The current deadlock in the war has been broken. It is conceivable that Tang Jun will never sit idly by.

What stunned Yeltsneze even more is that in the Tang Dynasty, there was still an extremely elite army that could defeat the belly! And that Tang army is actually less than 40,000! This is no longer the calamity of Yerecenjech, but the enemy of the entire Khitan!

"We paid the price of the Party and Shatuo for two full units, and then we killed the Langfang Army on horseback. Why did the Tang Dynasty still have such a terrible army? Shangguan Qingcheng has clearly lost, why is it just a short past? In a few months, she will be able to lead the army again on the steppe ?! "

Yerutnejei murmured in despair, he wanted to calm down immediately, but it was easier said than done. The situation is too severe and the disaster is too severe. Where is Gubo who is not surprised in his position?

His state is undoubtedly the most wanted by Zhang Changan and Fukchen, and it is also most conducive to their actions.

"It is not unusual for the Tang Dynasty to have such an army. After all, they are hundreds of years of great power. How long have we established the Khitan? The foundation of the revival of the Tang Dynasty is far from what we can compare. The inherent gap is due to the current situation, and I can't help it. "

The mastermind of Yerutzhnech sighed, his face sad.

Yeluyenie stared at each other, "Can we not defeat the Tang Dynasty in this war? What about the century-old nation and the tribe, the century-old nation that died in the Central Plains, and the century-old tribe that disappeared from the grasslands?

In the face of great changes, although he is now being hit hard and quite helpless for a while, the soldier's courage has not been lost, and he still has the will to fight a war. Of course, he cannot accept that the enemy and the enemy are stronger and weaker. Rival speech.

The master shook his head bitterly and said: "The Tang Dynasty should have perished. Even if there is an inside story, no one can inspire this background, master it, and let it burst into a powerful force. But Li Zhi was born out of nowhere. The help of the Fu Building fell, turning the tide into the downfall, and creating the Zhongxing era of the Tang Dynasty in one hand, which made the Tang Dynasty now as difficult as the early Tang Dynasty. "

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and said quickly: "General, what's happening here, please report to the king immediately. This is a major change that may endanger the whole war situation. You must not let the king respond early!"

As long as Yeluxianiechi thinks of Shangguan Qingcheng, he will have a headache, let alone Li Yan. It is not a level of existence with him. He is the only one who is eligible for headaches. When they talk about Li Yan here, they have the meaning of Xia Zongyubing and Jingjingyuhai, and they can only let Yeluabaoji think about countermeasures.

As Yereuznech was preparing to send a message to Yeluabaoji, there was a hustle and bustle outside the account, and it seemed to be in chaos.

"What's the matter ?!" Yerutnej asked with a cold face to the tent.

The confusion brought about by the defeat of the abdominal heart has gradually dissipated, and Yerlezhnech stabilized his mind.

In any case, the demise of the abdominal heart has become a fact. Even if he would be replaced, he would be convicted by Yeluabao, but the current situation made him want to cheer up and face up to the next crisis. .

Although the ventral heart is gone, his glory and mission as the general of the ventral heart have not been lost.

It was only a crisis that occurred earlier than Yerutriane expected.

"It's those tribal chiefs who are clamoring to meet the general." The guard came in and reported.

Yerutnej's face sank.

At this time, he used his knee to think and know what these people came for. The defeat of the abdominal heart, the low morale of the soldiers, the army and the Luzhou war situation are in crisis. In order to deal with the next situation, Yerlezhneki suppressed the pain of his heart, ignoring the misery of his future fate, thinking hard, and just trying to find a way to avoid defeat .

But these tribal chiefs only knew that the rations were gone, and they made noisy noises, and said that some soldiers did not have the dignity to win, and it would add chaos to him!

It is really not a proper son!

Now they dare to gather without permission and make noise outside the large accounts of the army. Are there any rules in these people's eyes? !!

In accordance with the temper of Yerlezhnech, he wanted to kill a few people. It also allows those tribal generals who are not worthy to know what military orders are. It's a big deal, and then they will give them some cattle and sheep from their army to ensure that they will not be hungry for a while.

The army has never been a place of reasoning, it is about military law and military orders.

"Anyway, the general will see them first. It's okay to talk and persuade them and temporarily stabilize them, even if you pay some cattle and sheep. The situation is now very unfavorable. It is the most important thing to stabilize the army and ensure the overall situation." Seeing that Yeluxianiechi looked uneasy, the master quickly said.

Yeltsinac reluctantly restrained the anger and asked the guards to bring the chiefs in.

Unsurprisingly, as soon as these people came in, they said that their tribes had no rations, and they asked Yeltipnech how to ensure the soldiers' cattle and sheep food. In the words, although the words of withdrawal were not explicitly stated, the meaning has been clearly expressed.

The prestigious chief saw Yerutianie's dark complexion, but did not answer everyone's questions, and said badly: "General, our warrior gave up the peaceful life of herding cattle and sheep on such a great day, and he became the king for thousands of miles Conquest is unfaithful and hard to pay.

"But now, our warriors are going to be hungry! How can there be hungry warriors on the prairie? How can there be weak warriors on the battlefield? If the general cannot solve the problem of rations, our ministry asks to find rations by ourselves!"

The so-called self-search for military rations is naturally a scene. As long as they leave the barracks, the ghost knows that they will return? Knowing that there was a Tang army in the grassland, this statement was plainly to tell Yeluxienechi that they were going back.

In the minds of these chiefs, there has never been such a concept of the state.

Although there are many lords on the grassland, which rule the entire grassland in name, there is no centrally-administered administrative agency and official management system, and there is no unified ideology agreed by the vast majority of people. That is weak meat and strong food-the tribe is the home of the shepherd and the reason for the warrior to fight.

The war of the prairie army against the Central Plains has always been predatory. For them, siege and siege were only for the purpose of robbing people and money, they never thought

The counties and counties breached by governance cannot be governed.

In this sense, they are a bandit.

Robbers come together to rob, of course, to get rich.

If the war is won, you can make a fortune and improve the lives of yourself and your tribe.

This is the fundamental reason for the steppe tribes to fight each other and to wage war to the south.

The current Khitan State is just a newly established country that has not yet become a "Liao". Yeluabaoji has a sense of state, but these shepherds have not yet.

After winning the war, grabbing enough money, and returning to the grassland, everyone returned to their homes and continued to graze; if they did not win the war, they still had to go back to the grassland, find their mothers and continue to graze.

This is the understanding of the prairie people, as well as those of the tribal chiefs.

Now the battle has been fought for a few months, and the soldiers have suffered a lot of injuries and injuries. Although some progress has been made, everyone has got nothing because of the Tang Dynasty ’s strong walls and clear fields. Now, seeing the hope of breaking into the Great Wall, the military rations are gone, why do you have no reason go back?

If you do n’t go back, you wo n’t have time to graze. There are not enough cattle and sheep. How can winter pass?

Yeluxienechi despise the grassland tribal army, saying that they are a group of black people, but in the grassland tribal army's view, all actions, including war, are for a better life.

The lack of grassland materials, the life of herders is not easy, the defeat of the tribe is devastating, and many people will be killed in the cold winter, far more than those who died in the war. This is the most terrible disaster.

The contradiction between positions and ideas eventually led to the conflict between the tribal chiefs and Yerutzhnech, and there was no room for peaceful settlement.

"Come, drag Tulugu, Momoye, and Urila Tea out and decapitate!" Yeluxianiechi could not bear it, and ordered with red eyes.

The entire army of the abdominal heart was annihilated, and he was already in grief. Now facing these deadly warriors of the abdominal heart, without the slightest reverence of the chief, he could not restrain the anger.

Of course, as the general commander, Yerutnezhach did this, the biggest reason was not to vent his anger, but to use this as an excuse to kill and stand up and deter the three armies.

Force has always been the best means to suppress turmoil and ensure order.

The three most popular tribal chiefs were dragged out by monks in the begging, yelling, and roaring of the chiefs, and cut off their heads without saying a word.

When the head was thrown into the tent, everyone was quiet.

Whether sad or angry.

Yerlezhnech looked at the chiefs like quail, and was very satisfied. He sneered and said, "You don't have cows and sheep, and you will be given one month's food. After one month, the king will naturally make arrangements. Remember, as long as Defeating Tang Jun and invading the Great Wall, you have everything! However, whoever dares to speak up and disturb the army will be forgiven! "

When he issued the military order, Yerutzhnech was sad.

In his army, there are not so many cattle and sheep. The military rations provided by the Khitan Headquarters are only sufficient for the Khitan Headquarters.

But the 100,000 soldiers on the belly were gone.

100,000 mouths are gone.

So he had a large portion of food that could be distributed to the grassland tribes.

The chiefs were killed, and the chiefs were angry, but they were more frightened. The iron **** wrists of Yerlezhnech made them jealous. In the army, power is always the most reasonable. Giving them cattle and sheep, and ensuring that they don't have to worry about being hungry for the time being, is a real benefit.

With the help of the enemies, the chiefs were quiet.

The wrists of Yerecenjech worked as he wanted.

If nothing unexpected happens, they will keep quiet and continue to listen to the military order of Yerezhnech. For Tang Jun, the expected internal chaos in the Khitan Army will not happen.

Yerlezhnech deserved the identity and duties of his general.

But now there are accidents.

Zhang Chang'an and Buchen in the camp, as well as the whole truth and the empty release of believers who listened to their orders.

"Tell the monks in the camp to keep an eye on these chiefs. If they dare to have ideas that they shouldn't have, let Ben know in time, Ben will let them know how powerful!"

Suddenly, Yerutianie was like a blessing to the soul, and issued such a military order.

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