The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 5 Chapter 14: This sword

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After a period of observation, Li Yan has found something useful.

The fighting style of the Shinto monks is particularly obvious. They were divided into two parts. One part was fighting in front of the enemy, approaching Zhou Xuan with the demon monk, and the other part was fighting behind. Like Yeluabaoji, they attacked the demon monk with various black magic methods.

Coordination of lengths and clear division of labor are the fighting methods of the Shinto monks.

Although they paid great attention to conceal this routine when fighting, the monks who attacked occasionally took the time to release the long-range spells, and the monks who attacked did not forget to move around. They made you look like a monk with you. Can't hide Li Yan's eyes.

In contrast, the monk monks' fighting style is not so clear-cut, and they can both attack far and close.

In fact, this is not only the monk monk, but also the monks in Datang.

The fighting styles of the two sides have obvious advantages and disadvantages, but it is undeniable that in the case of little difference in strength, or even when the theological monks dominate, the clear attack of the other side makes the monks miserable and seriously injured.

This is analogous to the advantages that the combined arms will inevitably exist when fighting against a single arm in the battlefield.

Li Yan said to the red child, "Follow me closely and let a team of elites go to the northwest to prepare for the response!"

Having said that, Li Yan aimed at his target, flickered in shape, and used the sword-like lotus-like sword style to spur his movement speed soared. He passed over two theologous melee monks who were entangled with himself, and reached a group of theologians. In front of the monk!

A divine monk in a fairyland was condensing a fireball similar to the fire technique, and suddenly felt like falling into a grotto, and was covered with cold, an unspeakable danger wrapping him all over. Before he decisively gave up guiding the fire technique, Li Yan had passed by him, and Lu Gujian cut off his head!

There are seven or eight monks who are far away from the gods. They are led by two heaven wonderland. After Li Zhi killed the famous fairyland, they all changed their faces.

However, these people were well-trained. As long-distance monks, they knew that their melee abilities were insufficient. They were approached by Li Xuan, who was dangerous and immediately dispersed.

A chill flashed in Li Yan's eyes, urging Long Qi to enter Lu Gujian and whispering, "Step by step!"

Before these groups of gods attacked the monks to distance themselves, Li Ye's figure blurred again in the night sky.

The cyan lines of light that quickly disappeared, flashed in front of these deities, quickly and sharply, full of explosive power.

These religious monks have long known that danger is coming, but when the lotus blooms in front of them, their aura is obscure, their muscles are stiff and the reaction is stagnant, and the eternity of the moment makes them unable to cope.

When the lotus withers, only blood is sprayed. Several people fell from midair like dumplings in fairyland and real life, and their bodies were inanimate. Only two Tianxianjing barely saved their lives, but were also seriously injured and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

They were keenly aware that as the sword energy invaded their body's aura, it was as wild as a buffalo ramming, and the overbearing was like a king coming to the world, stirring the aura in their body to wander freely.

When the two of them were struggling to suppress the aura in their bodies, a sense of weakness emerged flatly, and at this moment, their combat power was no different from that of Wonderland.

At this time, the red baby behind Li Yan waved a fire-pointed gun, rushed to attack, and seamlessly connected them, stabbing them one by one.

"Stop them! Surround them!" The nearby religious monks were also not easy to deal with, while yelling loudly, they swooped in on Li Yan.

When Li Xun just shot, they had an early warning. Although they could not prevent the killing of their companions, they could quickly help.

And after a period of fighting, the monks have discovered that the strongest of their opponents is Li Ying and Hong Baile. Now that the two have come together, they must of course surround them at any cost.

But at this moment, a group of seven or eight monk monks had been diagonally assassinated.

They are led by two heaven wonderland, plus six land wonderland, their strength cannot be underestimated. As soon as Wu joined the battlefield, he killed a passage and disturbed the siege of the deities.

Li Yan whispered to the red baby: "What are you waiting for, burn them!"

After the red child wanted to respond to Li Zhi, he followed him to break through the gap opened by the monk monk, but when he heard Li Zhi's words, he suddenly found that Li Zhi had no intention of transferring, which made him wonder why.

Fortunately, the red baby has been with Li Ye for a long time. She has long been used to obeying each other's arrangements, and her tacit understanding is not bad. Although he was puzzled at this moment, he did not hesitate. Facing a large number of religious monks who surrounded him on all sides, he arrogantly launched the fire of Samadhi.

Huoyun instantly covered the area of ​​more than a hundred feet, and wrapped up the theologian monk who rushed over. At this time, the effect of the group attack of Sanmai Zhenhuo came out.

When the red baby chased someone and burned, the other party might run away, but now the other party rushed forward and ran into the sea of ​​fire.

The monks were killed and wounded again and again, mourning one after another, and less than a dozen people were injured.

At this time, Li Zhi did not offend again, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Continuously launching a powerful sword style, there is not much reiki left in his qi sea. He is not a fairyland, and there is no fairy garden to supplement the qi, so the stamina is indeed insufficient.

At present, the aura stock in Qihai is only about one-third. If the next attack can not quickly reverse the situation, the Thunder win, only fear that he has no ability to withdraw.

But at this point, Li Huan was calm, even with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because of his strong offensive with the Red Baby, and the continuous support of the monks, there are more and more religious monks running over, and soon they will almost reach one-third of the existing combat power!

While keeping their distance, carefully avoiding the fire of Samadhi, they were ready to launch a joint attack.

In their opinion, Li Zhi was surrounded by the masses at the moment and could not escape. Although protected by the red child's fire cloud, the fire cloud could not always exist. So this is the perfect opportunity for them to gather high-level combat power and win the opponent in one fell swoop.

Because of this, the distance has been protected by layers of theological monks, and there are many masters to protect the Yeluabao machine, and finally the gap has been exposed, giving Li Zhi a chance.

Capturing thieves and kings, as long as Li Zhi can rush out of the encirclement in front of him, he is sure to cause damage to Yeluabaoji.

But now there are more and more **** monks in front of him. Even if he launches the sword, he cannot reach such a long distance. If he continuously launches the sword, his aura should not be enough.

What then?

Li Yan has a plan in mind.

The theocratic monk was originally brought in by him, and of course he planned to cope.

This response couldn't be easier.

"Launch the fire of Samadhi with all your strength and prepare to attack Yelu Abaoji!" Li Yan secretly transmitted a signal to the red baby, but he raised his sword in front of his eyebrows and killed his eyes, promptly urging the practice of purple gas to the east. Qi Jianchao! "

A huge purple beam of light suddenly rose from Lu Gujian, heading straight for Jiuxiao, and then sky-to-sky.

When the beam of light reached the sky, it suddenly exploded, and the aura spread like water waves. Circles of purple air scattered like fireworks, overflowing the sky, covering the stars like the sea, and the clouds became obsolete.

Under the moonlight, purple clouds are no different from black clouds, and under the black clouds, there are red children's red fire clouds, which complement each other and show great weather.

A huge sword-shaped gas mountain suddenly rises in the purple cloud, and the phase of law rises in the sky, with great majesty and extraordinary coercion.

"Fall!" Li Yan uttered a word.

The giant sword fell suddenly, passing through the purple clouds, it turned into thousands, forming countless small flying swords.

At this moment, sword qi is like rain, pouring like a note.

The religious monks who were inside and outside of Huoyun were blinded by Huoyun. They couldn't see Li Zhi's sword-like action. When they felt abnormal changes on their heads and looked up in surprise, they saw a sword rain that filled their vision. Under the tide.

By this time, they wanted to dodge again, it was too late.

The light of the sword flow fell into the group of deities, and the lasing was like a rain pear.

Sword gas and defensive techniques exploded together, the explosion cracked and blasted out a small amount of luck; the sword gas pierced the aura barrier, causing the gas explosion sounds like firecrackers to sound, endless in the ears; the sword gas stabbed the monk's body and brought out the wiped blood , Splashing like ink.

The blood and the spirit tide each other, the sword spirit and the monk stand side by side.

This scene stunned Yeluabaoji and froze the action of the cohesion method halfway.

Not only him, but the surrounding gods, monks and monks all saw this magnificent scene, and they all had moments of heart and soul.

A deity monk in a real world is seriously injured when hit by a sword air, but the fact is that almost everyone is penetrated by several or ten sword air. So none of the real world survived.

Facing such a mighty sword spirit, Dixianjing was also severely disabled.

Only Heaven Fairyland can protect the whole body, barely receive the sword rain, and has not been fatally hit, but basically also has many wounds on his body and is entangled in body style.

And how many days in Wonderland?

In the violent and chaotic battlefield where the sword gas radiated and the spirit exploded and overflowed, there was suddenly a black robe figure, like a light and shadow, shot straight through the cloud of fire, passed through the crowd, and went straight to Yeluabaoji.

Yelu Abaoji suddenly felt a cold heart, his hair was upside down, and the smile and excitement on his face disappeared at this moment!

He could hardly capture the trajectory of that figure, but he knew that it was Li Yan who was here.

At this time, there were only four people around him, and they were all in Wonderland.

Li Xuan rushed out from the tide of fire and sea, and did not look at the gods who were scattered like birds and yellow leaves falling. At this time, no one could stop him in time.

Under the splendid Milky Way Xinghai, Li Yong cut a sword to Yelu Abaoji, and the blue light reflected the edge of Chongshan and the Great Wall into a blue color.

Fearful monks, horrified and frightened, saw the sword gas cut off to Yeluabaoji, but had nothing to do except to watch it.

This sword is fast and overbearing, full of irresistible will.

Li Yan has no reservations. Almost all the aura in Qihai is poured into this sword.

Then the sound of dragons pierced the night.

Over the body of General Tang's army in Bianguan, the defensive spells of Yeluabao were raised in the sword slash.

The earth shook and the mountains shattered.

When the sword fell, the cultivators could not see anything else.

After the light of the sword, which is so bright that it makes people indistinguishable, disappears, everything seems to be calm.

The practitioners only saw that Li Zhi was standing on the Great Wall, lifting his sword obliquely, and his clothes falling.

The four gods in wonderland wondered where they went.

In front of him, the barracks in Bianguan had become a ruin, and a large deep pit appeared out of thin air.

Yelu Abaoji knelt in the middle of the deep pit, his hair shed, his clothes ragged, the blood spreading under him, and the red soil on the border of Datang.

This sword has been divided.

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