The Emperor Reigns Them All

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Resign

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When Liu Dazheng led the headquarters of the elite and advanced fiercely in the battle, he wanted to defeat the current Hedong army generals and directly cut through the Hedong army formation. Li Ke with a gold helmet and armor appeared in front of him.

With the battle line behind him, Li Ke suddenly raised Sanzhang Baimang. This white awn was so dazzling that even the noon sun was blocked out. Below Baimang, it is as heavy as a mountain range, harder than a battleship of giant ships.

Liu Dazheng felt as if he had been smashed in the face by a heavy hammer, his face paled instantly.

During the entire battle, the momentum of the forward rush was halted, and was forced to stop.

A little blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and Liu Dazheng looked up at Li Keyong, who was calm and calm, and he was astonished. In the sudden confrontation, there was a clear difference in power between the two battle lines. It wasn't just Liu Dazheng who was injured. The soldiers behind him were also very uncomfortable.

The military battle, the general and the sergeant's breath are connected, all glory and glory and loss.

"It is worthy of being King of Longxi County. He actually cultivated the soldiers to such a state!" Liu Dazheng pulled up his face armor, wiped the blood off the corner of his mouth, and saw that Li Ke's eyes were full of fear, but there were not many surprises.

What Li Ke used to show is also the realm of the military general, but it has reached the late stage, and his combat strength is obviously different from that of a general who will be hard to enter after entering the medium-term realm.

No wonder Li Ke used the courage to let Li Cunxiao's Fu stay at home. It turned out that he was so dependent.

However, in the recent years of battles, Li Ke led a large army to attack, and the ones who really played their part in front of the battlefield were Thirteen Pacific Warlords. The scene that required Li Ke to use his deadly fighting has not been encountered for many years. So many people have ignored it consciously or unintentionally. In fact, this young fighter who has become famous all over the world has actually been evaluated as a famous general.

Although the talents of famous generals may not really be able to achieve them, they are still different from Li Cunxiao's destined famous generals, but even in the troubled world of the world, how many famous generals can there be in a moment?

The talent of a well-known general who can achieve the level of generals is enough to wipe out one side.

Gently glanced at Liu Dazheng's dreadful look, Li Ke sneered in disdain, "I really thought that he would become a soldier in the military. After winning a few battles, he would be able to run across the battlefield? This world is very big, the frog at the bottom How big a sky can you see? "

In other words, Li Ke pointed his fingers obliquely, and was full of energy, leading the battle front to rush to the face, like a wolf.

Li Ke used his condescending taunts to make Liu Dazheng's jealousy fade away and replaced it with a high warfare: "Also a soldier-general, the county king really treats this general as a chicken chicken?"

Two battle fronts rushed into one place.

Although Liu Dazheng fell into the downwind, he was not in a hurry. He dragged Li Keyong here, and there was no decent opponent in Shangguan. When she solved the two soldiers, she would be able to come and support him.

At that time, the two of them will join forces and will not be defeated by Li Ke.

Liu Dazheng's plan was correct, but Shangguan's plight was not as easy as he thought.

After her appearance, the two generals of the Hedong Army no longer led the battlefield to fight with the Pinglu army, but instead decisively merged to attack her.

Two soldiers are fighting against a soldier.

If it was normal, Shangguan's allure would still prevail.

But the situation is different now.

The two generals in front of her were Fu Cunshi and Kang Junli from the 13th CPIC.

There is nothing special about Kang Junli, especially Fu Cunshi.

Fu Cunshi, one of the 13 CPIC, also known as Li Cunshi.

In the late Tang Dynasty, Li Ke used to dominate the north, and his majesty's good generals were like clouds. In addition to Li Cunxiao's invincible battle but his early death, there were two people in the "post-Li Cunxiao era" called the double walls of Hedong. That is Li Cunshi and Zhou Dewei.

Fu Cun, a judge of Rongma, fought hundreds of battles in his life. He repeatedly broke through the army of the rear beam dynasty established by Zhu Wen. He still sat in Youzhou to resist the invasion of Khitan for many years and was pursued by King Qin after his death. Although he is not invincible, he has not failed.

In other words, the battle he presided over was at worst a tie with the opponent.

Not only that, there are nine people in Fu Cun, all of whom are good generals, and they can basically live in official residence. The fourth son, Fu Yanqing, became an official in the Northern Song Dynasty and was named King Wei.

The Hedong Army (later known as the Jin Army), based on the relatively barren land in the north, was able to defeat Zhu Wen and his descendants in the hands of Li Keyong and Li Cunzhen, and occupied the Tang Dynasty after the establishment of the Central Plains. There is no reason.

Right now, Fu Cunshen's practice is to reach the realm of admiral from the soldiers, only to be close to the door.

Based on this practice, Kang Junli will be cooperating with the soldiers to fight against Shangguan. Although there is still no hope of winning, they can at least hold their ground and will not be defeated soon.

In this way, Shangguan's allure was dragged by them, and it was impossible to quickly break the battle and then support Liu Dazheng's intention.

The battle between the two armies was temporarily stuck.

The Hedong Army and the Pinglu Army all played their cards and tried their best to fight. They won't distinguish between victory and defeat for a short while, and the situation on the battlefield was stalemate, forming a balanced situation.

At this time, if someone puts some weight on the other end of the balance, the balance may be broken immediately.

Outside the city of Taiyuan, is there such a weight?

Of course.

Dozens of people gathered in the watchtower of the Zhaoyi Army Camp, and they are closely watching the battle of the Pinglu Army and the Hedong Army. For the first three people, it was the Zhaoyi army Jiedushi Kang Chengqian, the Tianping army Jiedushi Xue Wei, and the Henghai Jiedushi Liu Jingsi.

The three people's expressions are not different, they are all a thoughtful and heavy color, there is a sense of helplessness and a sense of helplessness that they want to save the time.

"Pinglu Army and Hedong Army are both well-trained and have been on the battlefield. Pinglu Army has excellent armaments. Mo said that I can't wait. I also clearly outperform the Hedong Army, but the Shatuo soldiers in the Hedong Army, It has always been brave to die lightly ... It is hard to say who will kill this battle. "

Talking about Tian Wei's Jiedushi Xue Wei, he touched a beard that didn't exist on his chin and looked dignified.

After listening to these words, Kang Chengqian and others all nodded slightly in agreement.

Kang Chengqian said: "Hedong Army did have a lot of bravery and light death. Before, Pinglu Army stood in front of it. I didn't have much pressure before. Now I face up, I know that Hedong Army can be famous, not without reason. . "

When he said this, he kept looking at the Zhaoyi Army camp. There, Wan Yuhe Dong Army stopped in front of the camp, blocking the road where Zhaoyi Army wanted to help the Pinglu Army. They were fighting fiercely.

Not only the Zhaoyi Army camp, but the main routes of the Tianping and Henghai Army to support the Pinglu Army were also blocked by the Hedong Army.

Only the main route was blocked. It was the position where the three armies cooperated with the Pinglu army to attack Hedong Army from the flanks.

The smallest number of the three armies also has nearly 100,000 people, but now they are stopped by Wandong Hedong Army and cannot enter.

Liu Jingsi shook his head and sighed: "Li Ke used his hair fiercely, the generals of the Hedong Army are now desperately fighting, and their fighting power has risen by more than one level. Our generals have lost the commander of An Wang, their morale is low, and their fighting power has dropped to another level. Mr. Bi, to break through the defense line of the Hedong Army, it is necessary to attack several times a day and night. "

Xue Wei glanced at Taiyuan City and thoughtfully said, "Taiyuan City is high in ditch and tight in defense. Once such a strong city is defended by 100,000 soldiers and horses, it must be attacked by a million male divisions."

Kang Chengqian nodded and echoed.

The three armies sided with the Hedong Army and echoed the Pinglu Army. The line was blocked by the Hedong Army, and effective support could not be launched in a timely manner. Then, attacking Taiyuan City, making the Hedong Army difficult to care for, is the best way to cooperate with the Pinglu Army.

Such a simple general knowledge of the military, of course, all three Jiji can see.

But they did not launch an attack on Taiyuan City.

Just as their 100,000 troops cannot break through the obstruction of more than 10,000 people.

Kang Chengqian touched his chin, his face full of sorrow, and sighed: "An Wang is not there, Li Ke can suppress the battlefield with no one to suppress it, and Liu Dazheng can never be defeated. This situation will sooner or later collapse. "

If the war situation collapses, the next step is to retreat and escape. At that time, whoever maintains a more complete military and combat power will have more opportunities to retreat.

Kang Chengqian glanced at everyone and saw that they all agreed with him even though they didn't speak, and then continued: "In fact, the current situation, the three armies of our army do not act lightly, is the best support for the Ping Lu army. The situation is broad Balance, I can still support some time, and once some of us act rashly, suffer heavy losses, and lose first, that is, the embankment of thousands of miles collapsed in the anthill, and the whole battle will collapse. "

In order to quickly break through the blocking of the Hedong Army or directly attack the city, the soldiers of the three towns must use at least half of their combat power. No one can afford this combat power.

As far as the current situation is concerned, is it possible for them to suffer this loss? Is Ha Dong Army capable of causing this loss to them?

Very unlikely.

But it is not impossible.

The potential possibility is Li Cunxiao.

If Li Cunxiao was to go to war, he only needed to lead 5,000 elites, which would be enough to break through any one of the three armies and open up a victory for the Hedong army.

This risk, although small and pathetic, is unwilling to take the risk.

If Li Yan was there, they wouldn't think about it at all, and they would scramble to attack.

But now Li Li is not there, they have no confidence in victory. Instead, their anxiety about failure is magnified, and they will only choose to falter.

Kang Chengqian, Liu Jingsi, Xue Wei and others were worried.

Worrying is not fraud. They went to Hedong to be rewarded for following Li Zhiliong's achievements. The battle had been smooth before, so the soldiers and horses of the three towns have all come out. At this moment his life was in Taiyuan City, but Li Zhi didn't know when he would reappear.

The three did not say anything on their mouths, but their hearts had already retreated.

Evacuate from Taiyuan and Hedong.


The dome of the mystery is always gloomy. No half of the sunlight is transmitted through. There is mountains and water but no wind. The atmosphere is depressed and uncomfortable.

At the west end of a stone bridge across the Baizhang River, five or six Buddhist monks are on their way. A few hours ago, they collected copper blocks after fierce fighting in a ruin, defeated their opponents, and are now rushing to the central area.

The headed monk had a dark complexion, and he glanced behind him with a jealous look. The purple-blue grid is only a few hundred steps away from them. They must pull away as soon as possible, otherwise they will run into ruins and have no time to fight.

The river was turbulent and rushed to the stone bridge. The sound of the water became clearer. The black monk glanced at both sides. This is a dangerous beach with a large river drop, and the terrain on both sides is quite steep, with strange rocks and lush forests.

For some reason, the dark monk suddenly shivered, and he felt faint. However, he did not stop, but instead scolded himself. How could a monk with a higher heart than Jin Jian be disturbed by the environment?

However, the next moment, they were close to the east end of the stone bridge, and someone fell on their back.

It fell because it was hit by a crossbow.

The crossbow fired from the strange rock pile and woods at the bridgehead.

Suddenly, the monks have been killed and injured.

Before the black monk roared, there were strong silhouettes, and after the crossbow, the swallows generally swept out.

To be seen clearly, the dark monk's limbs were cold, his movements were stiff, and his eyes were scared.

The other is a monk monk!

There are fifteen or six people!

The headed one, dressed in a black robe, hides a sharp murderous spirit in his calm eyebrows, who is not Li Zhi, the enemy of the Buddha domain?

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